"Really? Rats. Sorry, Willy. I was going for a 'spacey' look."
"'Spacey'? Two big red asterisks on a blue background?"
"Uh, they're supposed to be stars. You know, for Star Wars? See, the mom brought in this Darth Vader plate for reference."
[looking from plate to cake] "Well, we can't give them this - it looks more like a Spider Man or Superman cake."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. So what should I do? The airbrushing seeped into most of the icing, so I can't scrape it off."
"Hmmmm. Lemme see that plate again...and fetch me the scissors, will ya?"

"Oooh, that's MUCH better. Thanks, Willy."
"No problem, Wally. You see, with a little ingenuity, you really can save almost anything."
"You think they'll be Ok with the candles?"
"Of course! They add up to 13, right?"
"Well, yeeesss..."
"Then quit whining! Unless YOU want to go buy more '3's."
Monique R., clearly you already know the powers of the Wrecky side. Good work.
71 comments | Post a Comment
Perhaps 481 is his 501st Legion TKID?
Usually you seem to show cakes that are actually pretty decent, they're simply of an un-cakey theme. But this is one of the truly heinous cake WRECKS.
First thought: how old is this person?!?! It's too early for me to think of adding the candles together. And note the crumbling edging around the Darth cutout. This cake's got nothing on the Darth Vader baby cake. (I still love that one!)
Darth Vader always liked to get tarted up in frilly white lace before destroying planets....right?
Very odd uses of frosting...I don't know what to say.
oh my, i am speechless! That white frosting around the Darth Vader is absolutely horrendous!! .... but yeah, that is an ingenious use of the numbers. Why buy a new set every year, just reuse the ones you got!
That's probably the most random cake I've ever seen.
The only candles we had for my husband's birthday were 1 & 6, from my daughter's 16th. She just switched them to 61 because she said that's what he was closer to being.
that is so funny. You have to wonder what in the world made them think of adding those numbers?
I freaked out when I saw this cake. Why?
A. My name is Randy.
B. I totally did the exact same thing with the candles on my birthday. Check it out. http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/5631/378.jpg
Not a fan of Star Wars though.
well the lettering is pretty good ...
hey i like to look for the good in things!
I don't know whether I'm more confused, or frightened by this cake. I mean, part of me goes, good lord, what the HELL?
And then another large part of me realizes that somebody thought this cake was something that should leave the bakery in its current state - perhaps that they even thought this was a GOOD idea.
Oh, I weep for humanity after posts like this one.
One word: Yuck!
Two Words: Throw up!
Final thought: Is that how old Darth Vader really is?!
(Can you tell I'm not really a Star Wars fan?)
Random assortments of innappropriate number candles with vague justifications are practically a family tradition for us.
O M G ... that takes SOME cahounas (sp??) to present THIS to a paying customer ... i mean, it's one thing to be a bad icing artist (i know, it's not easy!) but if ya can't do it, then ... well, be a librarian or something!
GREAT cake wreck!
Okay extra points for creativity though, right? right???? Sheeeeesh!
Wow. Nice.
481!!! hee hee hee
If only I could live to be 481 years old! Maybe I could get a cake as special as this one! I can only hope... *sigh!*
Maybe they converted from the age to dog years incorrectly?
Interesting Daily Gif Blog, 3 or 4 posts daily!
I hope I'm lucky enough get an cardboard Vader cake for MY 481st birthday!
Oh my god please tell me that wasn't mean for a 13 year old's birthday.
Oh dear.
You crazy kids! This website just inspires me to go out and find cakewrecks!! (Consider it blog security)
I think you're missing the subtle pun here. Obviously, this is one cake, that's going to be at a party with just four people. Therefore, four ate one cake.
That is so very sad. It's 13 of course.
Ugh... the idea of the soggy cardboard plate bleeding into the frosting is not so appetizing.
I love the bewildering candles, though. I may have to steal Willy/Wally (and Randy/9:58's! how uncanny) idea and start using candles that add up to an age.
Wow! Such pretty writing on such a heinous cake...
"When four hundred and eighty one years you reach, look this good you will not."
I just couldn't help myself.
*Hangs head in nerdy shame*
Is this a 2-party wreck? The decorator had a ball with the airbrush, but isn't it usually the buyer of the cake who puts the candles on it at home? Props to Randy for turning 481 years old. I hope I can live even 25% as long has he has.
The candles! The candles!
481? Is the birthday boy a vampire?
Hey, at least the writing is decent and not misspelled. This is a milder wreck, if still hideous. lol
That is... something else
Maybe if I stare a while longer, I'll figure out what..
I've seen uglier cakes, both on Cake Wrecks and elsewhere, but somehow this one is just strikes me as being the wreckiest one yet.
I know if I lived to be 481, I'd expect a better looking cake. ;)
Or that Methusela was affectionately referred to as "Randy" ;)
In defense of the candles, I must say that on my 14th birthday, we did something similar. My dad's birthday is close to mine, and he turned 46 that year, so we just got one cake for the both of us, with the candles "146" on it.
I thought it was ingenious :-)
The very sad thing about all these cakes, esp anything Star Wars or Spiderman..... my 4 1/2 year old son sees them and thinks they are the coolest cakes ever and wants me to get one for him. How bout NOT!
That's got to be one of the biggest wrecks ever. Poor Darth Vader, white lace was never the thing for him and now he's been forced to wear it!
wv: deckha - "If that git thinks this cake is brilliant, I'm gonna deckha right in front of the manager!"
I have just discover your blog!!! Its great!!! Congratulations
Ok, let's step outside of what looks like Darth Vader's feather boa and the lunatic candle assortment for a sec. They added the horrible airbrushing BEFORE they did the border piping. Who does that?
Oops, screwed up that last comment. I meant they airbrushed it AFTER the piping, not before. Wow, maybe I could be a wreckerator.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Brain hurt!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Darth Vader in lacy white boa!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could almost cope with the candles -- IF the 8 hadn't been used already. At least it looks like it in the picture.
I think the cake wreck recipient is responsible for the whole candle debacle but they just don't to admit it. Cuz the 4 and the 8 are pre-burned but the 1 is not. A bakery would not put pre-burned candles on a cake would they?
At least the candles weren't 420!
@lauren ashley...
Willy and Wally would never make it as librarians -- too many of us read Cake Wrecks, and would recognize their handiwork from a mile away.
wv: walkse = Willy and Wally should go walkse out of the bakery before they inflict more damage.
OMG that is freaking HILARIOUS!!!
I needed that laugh :D
Randy's parents spoil him by giving him a cake every week. He's just turned 481 weeks old, which is about nine years and three months.
(OK, I really have no idea. But that's the least bad idea I can think of.)
Maybe it's for Yoda's birthday. Yoda could be 481, right?
My family could have loaned Randy's a 3. My mom went through phases of going for the number candles (particularly as we got older - you know, the whole avoiding the fire hazard thing). Not sure why, but we always had a plethora of 3s but had to go out and buy 1s, which was strange with two teenagers and two 40-somethings in the house.
it's almost as if darth vader is trying to will himself OFF the cake!
Darn it!
I just ordered an intentional wreck for my husband's 40th birthday. But this would be so much more appropriate than what I ordered!
From Wikipedia: "Yoda dies in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, when he is 900 years old."
Yoda was old when Vader turned to the dark side. So, this could very well have been Vaders birthday cake. Maybe his real friends call him "Randy". And maybe he is "randy". Who's to know? I'm sure Vader would have needed a tray.
wv..dersigu: I will dersigu to the utube site to watch pasta skits.
Your lack of sense is disturbing.
(Said to the wrecktators, of course, not to anyone here.)
Hey, is 481 an area code? Maybe DV was saying, "Call me!"
And Darth Vader with a white feather boa would make a heck of a Halloween costume.
It's waaaay early in the morning and I only have one eye open, but it doesn't look too bad.
Not too good either... but I DID like the candle idea.
It gives me ideas for using a couple of zeros for my birthday cake this year... perhaps they could represent my boobs or something?? At least they would be standing up again.
Too much of everything on this cake: Candles , airbrushig and strange icing . The unholy cake trifecta
My birthday cakes always have add up candles on them...I have the whole run of them for the kids...and I just pick and choose at random on my own. However, it IS a teachable moment then! :)
Maybe this cake is for three siblings who are turning 4, 8 and 1 respectively?
I wish I knew where to find the "darth vader baby cake".
But the candles cracked me up! That's a first for this site.
LOVE IT!!!!! Way to age the poor kid!
hm..... MacGyver arts and craft time?
I laughed the hardest at what I thought was your joke about adding the candles. I'm very surprised to learn that people really do that.
Wow that is soo sad.
Just thought I'd let you know that Cake Wrecks was mentioned in the New Zealand Herald recently! It's good to see the press finally catch up!
Holy crap! Not only did the decorator airbrush it after they applied the border (dumb) it also looks like the side got damaged and they tried to fix it..the border looks like its falling off at the front.
I do think the wreck purchaser put those candles on it themselves. Most bakeries don't sell used candles..LOL
Continuing to LOVE this blog! :-)
i actually didn't think the cake or the plastic "star wars" addition was that bad. i did, however, pause at the 4-8-1 candles.
you HAVE to be kidding me with this thing.
They probably did the numbers like that because "13" is an unlucky number, but it would have been even worse to simply SKIP it like they do on high rises (you know, go straight from 12 to 14). And you can't just put in "Happy Euclid" as if you were on (what should be) 13th St in Santa Monica, CA. 4, 8, and 1 are nice, non-unlucky numbers. Good job!
481?? Well, I guess it was a long, long time ago ...
My daughter told me that Randy must have been a member of the 481st Storm Trooper Brigade; an ancient and honorable(well, maybe not) organization with Darth Vader at its head. She knows lots of guys that role play as Storm Troopers and would love to have the DV cake.
I just couldn't stop laughing! =D
Anna Broadhead
Your site is hilarious!! I love your comments you are a pure comedienne. I am actually crying after looking at this cake. I am now going to make a cake for my 8 year old son just like this my husband will probably divorce me for ruining star wars but hey its ingenius.
My daughter just called me in a fit of laughter over this cake. Not only because it is terrible and hilarious, but because this is a cake I had made for my husband's birthday in Feb. 2007. I had been meaning to send in pics of it, but someone beat me too it. It was made at a bakery in Marianna, Fl. They had made my son and daughter in laws wedding cake and it was fine. I had also seen other cakes from this bakery at different events. Surely they could make a simple Star Wars themed birthday cake, right? So, I was supposed to pick up the cake at 1:00. I didn't get there until 3:00. The cake was just coming out of the oven. I was told to come back later. When I went back this is what I was presented with. And this is not the best of it. Just wait until you see what we found under that paper plate. I was so shocked I actually paid for the cake and left all the while intermittently laughing hysterically and saying WTF? And for all of those who guessed that those numbers add up to 13. You are wrong. He was 49. 48+1
Okay, I've been starting at the beginning and going back through all the posts and even though its months late I HAD to comment on this... my mom totally does this. When I turned 20 my candles were 277 because 7-7 is 0. If she doesn't have the candle, she'll figure out how to make our ages come out with what she has. Thanks for a good, relateable laugh. :)
ahaha please tell me that wasn't meant to represent 13. Cheap Class!
Oh dear. xx