Eizelle G., you will be doing great work!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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83 comments | Post a Comment
Looks like it was written in marker.
at least the apostrophe is in the right place, and the roses are.. sorta centered
Perfect. Make it a t-shirt!
Word verification:Hoadami
I guess she's moving up?
Looks like past perfect to me.
I'll laughed at this one :)
Really? Don't people know how to speak? What about giving some thought to what they are going to write BEFORE they write? Seriously.
Maybe it was supposed to say "We'll mist you" It's just a misspelling.
We multiplied by LL = missed you.
Too bad they don't have grammar check for cake decorators....hehe
The Wrecker MUST have been traveling through time. Look at the way the writing is just taking off!
i've seen worse (MUCH worse, thanks to this blog). but still...i would think that a decorator ought to have a firm grasp on the English language.
also, what's up with the slant?
I'll wanted to rotate the flowers and writing 5 degrees clockwise. Otherwise I'll gotten a crick in my neck.
I think someone is a Douglas Adams fan. 'Restaurant at the End of the Universe' anyone?
Oh, and the roses in that misshapen arc. So unfortunate.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Nice roses, though!
It's funny how one thing can make or wreck a cake. Those are the most beautiful roses I've ever seen. Totally ruined by the crappy and incorrect writing.
Maybe there should be cake teams.
One to do the roses and one to do the lettering and in some cases about 5 or 6 more for other elements like color selection and spacing and appropriate use of plastic toys, etc
Or maybe the person who ordered it was giving a warning to Sylvia-"We'll mist you." But the ESL decorator heard, "We'll missed you."
gotta give at least some credit for those roses...
I agree Trillian. Either Adams fan or getting WAY to into the LOST plot line.
This whole blog cracks me up! What joy you bring to my little world!
I'm with Jenni. This is obviously a cake for their prize rose and this customer's wreckerator just misspelled mist. Now this poor person's rose probably thinks it's an ominous death warning.
I'll had trouble even reading that. Outloud didn't helped, either.
Actually, there shouldn't be an apostrophe, it's actually "Well missed you." A congratulations on avoiding a terrible accident involving an oil well derrick.
"Bill's" time traveling escapades? Do I spy a Bill and Ted reference? *glee*
There needs to be a mandatory English and grammar class for all cake decorators. >.>
Sylvia is a fern.
I continue to be amazed by the horrible handwriting on these cakes. Do they really not include that in Walmart bakery cake decorator training?
I'm with Jenni...perhaps they had little spray bottles and were going to mist her.
Or perhaps we're back to Doctor Who and the need for constant moisturizing.
At least it doesn't say "You will be mist." Vaporization is a bit more foreboding.
looks like the roses lean a little to the left as well...
just sad
@ Jenni - Of course, a simple typo.
Sylvia was at a spray tan place getting over her bronzer phobia and the staff (sweet dears, awful spellers, though) made her a cake to cheer her on!
Zhoen - I laughed out loud. Thanks.
Who is Sylvia?
What is she,
That all her swains commend her?
Holy, fair, and wise is she;
The heaven such grace did lend her
Is that Will or Bill Shakespeare?
(singing PDQ Bach?)
Or...maybe the apostrophe shouldn't be there at all...and it's just a half hearted..."Well, missed ya" sort of like "Well, bye".
Poor Sylvia, don't worry girl...they're just jealous that you're moving up in the world.
I agree with the Chihuahua, that's the first thing I though
"Did they use a Sharpie?"
@Zhoen - that has got to be one of the funniest posts EVER, which is saying alot on this site. I was doubled over in my chair at work trying to hold in my laugh ....
Ahhh, I love this blog!
I imagine the decorator just forgot the "a" - we ALL missed you. But this is just my better nature, taking a peek out at the world before returning to the dark cave in which I keep it.
seems logical.
"we want it to say, "we've missed you and will continue to miss you."
decorator:"...hm... how about the same meaning with fewer words? save a few dollars?"
At first I thought, 'Be fair, it's a pretty cake, shame about the typo.' And then....well my brain must have been doing some serious matrixing and turning this wreck into something passable.
I mean, the funky scoopy-looking border, wonky lettering, badly formed arc of roses (which *are* at least nicely done)....all of it adds up to - Refund!
I just tell myself the same thing I say about a lot of these unfortunate creations: ten minutes after the picture was taken, it was cut, eaten and no longer an assualt on the senses.
I want that cake, I don't care if it says miss or misses.
They are so broken-hearted, they can't even put their feelings into grammatically correct sentences...rofl
Actually, I think it was supposed to be. "Good Luck Sylvia, Will missed you."
Will being a proper noun and a person who missed her while she was gone the first time...
The roses are lovely, if creatively placed, but well made.
As a fan of Futurama, Douglas Adams AND Lost, I can safely say this cake made me smile. In fact, this whole post did.
Maybe they're a hard-core Doctor Who fan. Or maybe they really like Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.
Maybe they're British?
Leslie, the vaporization comment made me laugh out loud.
I initially read "Sylvia" as "Saliva". I'm not sure I want to know what that says about me.
I would adore sinking my teeth into those beautiful frosting roses.
Even if the arch is crooked.
And as for Sylvia, I could come up with a dozen scenarios, most of them rather Freudian.
Word verification: ovitskin. Not touching that one.
What, Jen? No commentary on the spacing and pipemanship?
As for the grammar, it's no excuse, but isn't this a mistake that a foreigner would typically make? Maybe the wreckerator just didn't check with anyone. The manager should be blamed for poor supervision, perhaps.
An English-as-second-language wreckerator is my first guess over a native speaker who skipped all of primary school.
Maybe they have a rose maker and a writer at this shop. I can't imagine someone who can whip up such nice flowers screwing up the lettering. Or maybe they didn't get to that lesson at cake decorating class.
The roses are prettier and centered if you turn your head to the left a little....LOL
Poor Sylvia.
No one has mentioned/figured out that the writing is done with an airbrush (Jenn's fave!), just extremely close up.
Jenni, it's not what it was supposed to be, it's what it was spost to be!
I think I seended that somewheres before
Maybe it was supposed to say "Well missed you will be," like Yoda-speak. But they ran out of room due to poor planning so they made "Well" into "We'll" and hoped nobody would notice.
Yes, Douglas Adams summed it up best: "The major problem is simply one of grammar, and the main work to consult in this matter is Dr. Dan Streetmentioner's Time Traveler's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations. It will tell you, for instance, how to describe something that was about to happen to you in the past before you avoided it by time-jumping forward two days in order to avoid it. The event will be descibed differently according to whether you are talking about it from the standpoint of your own natural time, from a time in the further future, or a time in the further past and is futher complicated by the possibility of conducting conversations while you are actually traveling from one time to another with the intention of becoming your own mother or father."
Ack!! Ack!! Nothing I hate worse than bad grammar. Add bad grammar to cake? Yeah, it's a recipe for nuttiness!
I was thought this cake will be missing the needle to the "Roseometer" to judged Sylvia's future/past performance at work.
I just will hoped this place will not have been a print shop.
I think the Wreckerator used one of those edible ink markers to write that misspelled greeting. You know, it seems the more foolproof stuff that comes out for cake decorating, the more wrecks we get!
Plus, I'll have one of those off-centered roses. They do look yummy!
That were so sad that they makes the cake this way.
If only someone will proofreading before they decorated the cake.
I will always wondering what amazed pictures I found on your site, and today's would take the cake!
[Some people thinking that tenses didn't matter, but they was wrong. It make a huge difference in the way things came across when we will be reading.]
(Jenni---HAHAHAHAHA! Comment of the Day)
Maybe it's more along the lines of "How can we miss you if you won't go away?"
*shaking head in hands*
wow! you almost don't even notice the very crooked roses!
I needed to see this today. So awesome.
Okay, I thin your blog in hilarious! (somewhat of a blog stalker...) love the cakes too funny!
Aww..they were late. They missed her. LOL
~Amy B
I just found this blog and I have to say I have never laughed so hard in my life! I had tears coming down my cheeks reading your post and looking and the most horrible looking cakes ever and by the pros too! Oh my! Thanks for your posts. Keep it up!
You can not tell me that the same person who made those perfectly adequate roses & that acceptable border (not an award winner, but hey, it looks like a grocery store so whaddya expect) did that inscribing. Keep the custodian away from the icing and no one will get hurt!!!
Horrible grammar AND the writing is crooked! When did first graders start decorating cakes?
I work with native Spanish speakers. The use of past tense instead of present tense in their writing is something I see (and correct) quite often. I don't notice it in their spoken English, but it frequently comes out in written English.
I been thinks that this cake was a worstest grammar error. You doesn't agree?
How anyone could messing up such a simple sentence as "Well-missed ewe" (which is quite obviously what it was meant to be) was beyond me. I literally laughing out loud. You is laughing also, yes?
WV: blanicen--What I do when I sees this cake.
Wow, lovely grammar! And I love how the pretty roses at the end are detatched from the rest.
Oh El Comodoro, I just realizing you beated me to the punch!
I guess I can saying "great minds thought alike"!
What's up with this? nice curls, nice roses (even if one is kind of off) and then writing that looks like a little kid did it. I don't think the same person did both. I'd be really upset if I iced a cake nicely and then someone scribbled crookedly on it with bad grammar. Also, what IS up with all the crooked writing nowadays? It's not that hard to write fairly straight.
Do bakeries need to hire copy editors now? I'm a copy editor.
Oh gosh---
And jengersnap too!
hlj3079 are also funny...
and Leslie too!
Oh my goodness, just when you thinking you had the best comment idea ever, other people is fastest, and taking your great little idea and does it even better.
If the cake said Sophia instead of Sylvia it would be adorable. The other is just a minor grammatical error.
In case you don't get it.......
-Sophie N.
After all is said and done...that inscription says it all wrong and it is done damn stupidly.
I can't WAIT for Anticlimactic, The Movie.
people canned be so dumbed...
Um...maybe it's supposed to say "Will missed you", as in a guy named Will was coming by to see her but came too late and missed her?
well, in the space-time continuum "we will missed you" means nothing, but I sure as @#*# wish they could write straight
lord. I think there should be a reality show where real Wilton certified cake decorators come around and show people who professionally decorate cakes that with maybe two ounces of caring and two cakes worth of practice and a grammar lesson, they could do great things.
i would watch that.
or else, a gordon ramsay spinoff where he goes and yells at the decorators would be good, too.
So sad.
The submitter's first name makes me think she wants to carry the time travelling thought to extremes - 'Eizelle' is the german word for ovum.
Check out the poor box (underneath the 'cake') that used to house this 'cake'-it looks like it became so frustrated with said 'cake' that it combusted! You think we, as viewers, have it bad?!
Time travel always comes in handy when there's a sniper at your birthday party.