ATTENTION CELEBRITY SINGERS: never hire a cake decorator to paint your portrait.
And for the rest of you: can you guess who's who on these cakes? I already gave you a hint. (Answers at bottom.)

Say, do you suppose this Wreckerator realized that "B'day" sounds exactly like "bidet"? That just seems like a bad play, eh? (Hey, these rhymes are unintentional, Ok?)
Did you guess them all? No cheating, now!
Ok, here are your answers:
Tori looks through the looking glass.
Or, you know, the make-you-ugly fun-house glass.Second:

Ohhh - the album is named "B'day". My bad. Or, M'bad.
And last but not least:
Yikes. I guess she does kind of have crazy eyes - I never noticed before. Huh.Right, now go grab all your co-workers and see how they do. Chop chop!
Rachael G., Sarah W., & Anony M., don't stop the rock.
313 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»At first I thought they were all Madonna, but I actually did get the scary Hannah Montana one! She just looks so haunting *shiver*
I was thinking it was Madonna, Charo & Britney Spears. whoops
Oh my God. I thought the second one was Charo.
I don't know. That Hannah Montana cake looks pretty right on to me...
Yikes! I never would have gotten Beyonce from that second cake. I was pretty sure it was supposed to be a Charo cake, which I guess could come in handy if you were having a Hollywood Squares themed birthday.
Hannah Montana is the best one!! This has made my day as usual.
I swore that the second one was Charro. Good times.
Miley's teef scare me more than the eyes
These were my guesses:
1. Madonna, maybe?
2. Charo-I knew I had that one right!
3. Britney Spears-She's kind of a mess anyways so it seemed to fit.
I would have sworn to you that the second one was Charo.
I swore that second cake was Ginger from Gilligan's Isle. Beyonce would probably have been the LAST person to come to mind.
As for the Hannah Montana one I digress with a LOLCat crossover: In Soviet Russia, cake eats YOU!
the miley cake actually looks eerily like miley......b/c she really is THAT creepy looking in real life.
I didn't get the first two - but I did guess Hannah Montana.
I thought your chop-chop remark was funny and that I should get a knife and chop-chop those terrible cakes!
Ok, how much do my responses make me feel dated?! I thought they were (in order of appearance) Madonna, Raquel Welch, and Debbie Gibson! *groan* I'm going to go apply some more anti-wrinkle cream and go back to bed!
dang, i was 0 for 3, i really thought i had the last one too, anyone can see it's suzanne summers
I was totally off. My guesses were: Madonna, a black Dolly Parton, and Britany Spears (during her tragic meltdown).
while Ms. Cyrus' teeth are indeed prominent, the teeth on that Hannah Montana cake are downright terrifying.
also, the tori cake! but i also knew exactly what it was, so maybe it's not as terrible as i thought.
thought the second one was Charo, until i read the CD stack.
WOW! I was totally wrong on all three counts... I was thinking Madonna, Raquel Welsch, and Britney Spears...
For some reason I wanted to guess Dolly Parton for all of them, except for the fact that her, ahem, most notable assets were not on display (although the Beyonce one was close). I actually didn't realize these were supposed to be three different singers until the end of the post.
Word verification: ingsh, n.: The botched versions of English that appears on some of our favorite Cake Wrecks, such as "It a Gril!"
I thought the second cake was Charro and the first might be Madonna... I guess I was waaaaaaay off.
Wow. I said, Madonna, Shakira, Madonna. My second guess was Madonna, Madonna, Madonna.
Did anyone else think that second cake was Charo? No? Just me? Okay then.
The Hanna Montana is striking. Snark!
Absolutely did not get Beyonce.
I thought the Beyonce cake was Charo. A stretch for the celebrity category, I know.
Okay, I guessed Tori and Hannah correctly, but I swear that 2nd one was Charo or Sophia Loren from back in the day.
I guessed Tori right but I swore the second one was Charro!
Oh, dang. I guessed
Bette Midler
Charo and
Am I the only one who thought the second cake was Charo?
Have none of these decorators heard of Photo cakes?
Hannah needs some floss. ASAP!
NOOOOO! This is HILARIOUS! I was WAY off...couldn't even take a stab at #2. (Last I checked, Beyonce is black, right?) I thought #1 was Madonna (albeit done poorly) and #3 I was thinking Hilary Duff.
I don't even think my ego could handle what a cake decorator might do with MY face...
Oh my! Those are some scary teeth on the Hannah Montana cake! I would have never guessed Tori or Beyonce though!
I could have sworn the second one was Hilary Duff. Didn't she have an album?
And if it was HD, that would have been a decent (not good, but passable) cake.
But it was Beyonce? Srsly, WTF?
I was SO sure that second one was Charo. bummer.
Poor, poor Hannah! Note to self, make your own Hannah Montanna cake!
These are hillarious. I wonder if anyone got them right. My guesses were Madonna, Charro and the blonde girl from the Manson family.
... The Hannah Montana one is pretty accurate. I actually guessed it correctly from the mouth.
I think I'm mildly terrified that I took one look at the first one and went "That's Tori Amos".
I thought the first one was Madonna, though I wasn't clear on the swollen belly/insect connection. I had no idea on the second, but I knew the third was Miley Cyrus right away - it was the mouth. Which is as creepy as the eyes, in my opinion.
And here's a question - if we can at least identify them, does that automatically make them a little less wreckish?
Ha ! I thought that Beyonce cake was supposed to be Charro !!!
I was SO sure the second cake was Charo.
Also: Back in high school my friends and I hated abbreviations, yet a ton of people would abbreviate "birthday" as "b-day." We would read it as "bidet" and wish people a "Happy Bidet." I even made a card of a smiling bidet for such occasions.
I got one... but only b'cause of the album titles on the, and I use this word loosely, cake. Um... these are just weird. I really don't want to eat anyone. These just help my case.
wow. those are bad. i thought they were madonna, charo and a blow up doll.
I thought the second one was Charo.
I could have sworn the "happy b'day" cake was Charo. Really. I would have put money on it.
I honestly thought the second one was supposed to be Charo!
haha, I thought that second one was Reba McEntire.
I could have sworn the top one was Celine Dion...
I thought the second one was Reba McIntyre. Um. Oops.
Hannah kinda look like Janice from the Muppet Show, but with the crazy-eyes. *does the I'm watchin' you two finger pointy thing*.
Why is Miley Cyrus's tongue SO BIG!?
btw, i didn't get any of them
Those are very disturbing but the most disturbing was Hannah's teeth - all the black inbetween every tooth. Yikes. Brush your teeth girl!
Doh!! I knew about the Beyonce 'BDay' thing and STILL guessed Pam Anderson!
I got Hannah Montana but thought the 1st one was Madonna.
Oh my god, I thought the second one was CHARO-gootchie, gootchie.
Terrible-just terrible.
I thought the first one was Courtney Love :s
Ha, I thought the second cake was Charo and the third was Debbie Gibson (back when she was Debbie).
I got Tori Amos, though. Aside from barfly-saggy boobs, that one wasn't so far off.
I was 0 for 0, but I had the Disney Channel area right when I guessed Hannah Montana.
That was supposed to be Beyonce? I thought it was Charo.
I was completely off on the Beyonce cake. I thought it was Charo.
I think the Hannah one isn't too bad!
Chiclet teeth: CHECK
Crazy eyes: Check
Too big mouth: Check
Fame hungry daddy behind : MIssing
Sorry...going to my corner now!
LOL! I thought it was Stevie Nicks, Raquel Welch, and Courtney Love! Disturbing.
At least the decorator got Hannah Montanas teeth right
I guessed Madonna, Charro, and Kathy Griffin. Either way these were some awful wrecks.
The second one looked like Susan Lucci to me..and I couldn`t figure out why someone would want that on a cake.
I thought they were all Miley/Hannah. Hrm.
The last one's eyes are creepy, but the teeth is really what scared the bejeebers out of me!
WV: ashess - These wrecks would be better off as burnt ashess.
The second one looks way more like Charo than Beyonce.
I totally thought Hannah Montana was Suzanne Sommers.
I got Tori Amos. But I really thought the 2nd one was Charo and the third Suzanne Somers.
That second one looks like lonnie anderson
Whoa, I had my money on Charo for the second cake.
Note to anybody: never, ever draw all the teeth unless you want a ghoulish grimace a la monstrosity number three.
I actually guessed Charo for #2.
Tilda Swinton
Kathy Griffin
[peeks at answers]
Ooh, so close!
I really thought that second one was Charo. Amazing!
My guesses were Joni Mitchell, Charo, and a very scary Chirstina Aguilera. Not even close!
Seriously I thought that Second one was that Charo lady that goes kitchy kitchy koo.
I thought the second one was Charo.
I thought the second one was Zsa Zsa Gabor, LOL!
Ewwwwwwww. Hannah Montana's teeth are HUGE! Looks nothing...absolutely nothing like her. And I thought the 2nd one was a country singer. The first was just wrong.
You're wrong about #2 and #3. They're clearly Charo and Courney Love.
I guessed: 1) Madonna or Stevie Nicks 2) Carmen Electra 3) Suzanne Somers.
I thought sure the middle one was Charro. And I was certain the last one was Suzanne Somers until I noticed that it was for a 6-year-old. Not a whole whole lot of 6-year-old Three's Company fans, I'm guessing.
I want a Charro cake now.
Wow, I seriously thought that Beyonce cake was Charo.
Wow, super scary. I had no idea on the first one, the second one I thought was Charo, and I guessed the third one right. So I was one for three!
Wow, I totally thought Madonna (old school), Lindsay Lohan, and Kathy Griffin. Way off.
Beyonce?! I thought it was Charro!
OK, I got the first cake and last cake, but the first name that popped into my head for cake #2 was Charo! Cuchi-cuchi!! :P
On the first one, brown poo icing does not frame it well, in my opinion. And at first, I thought she was holding a cigarette that got erased to have her hand out like that. Did anyone else think that, too?
I totally thought the second one was Cha-Cha. Is that her name?
SOOOO funny.
I thought the third one was Courtney Love. That's frightening.
Eek! Yeah, now I notice the crazy eyes, but honestly, at first all I could see was that gaping mouth-- and those *teeth*!
I refuse to believe that #2 isn't Charo.
I was WAY off on the first 2, but nailed the Hannah Montana cake, though she does resemble Debbie Gibson when she's in cake form.
How sad that I got them all right.
I guess studying Picasso, Dali and Munch in college art did me some good after all!
I would have guessed Madonna, Charo for the first 2. I had no idea on the 3rd!
Miley does have a lot of jumbled up teeth in her mouth.
I thought the second one looked like Charo. Coochie Coochie!
Julie Carr
Oh...Beyonce! I totally thought that was supposed to be Charo.
The first one I was going for Madonna.
The Beyonce one I thought was Sophia Loren.
The Hannah Montana one - I totally thought was Crissy from Three's Company.
Looks like I sucked on all of them - however I like my guesses better!!
I thought the Beyonce wreck was CHARRO!
Whoops, I was sure the second one was Charro.
Wow. I guessed none of those correctly. And what is up (or down with cake #2's left boob? She looks like she may topple from the sheer weight of the thing!
I just wanted to say that yous is the first site I check on a daily basis. Since I've had to switch to a low-carb diet (health reasons), your site is the sweet shot I need to get me moving in the morning! Thanks!
Oh god. That Tori Amos cake. I die.
I totally thought #2 was supposed to be Charro!
When will these people learn at the very basic, cakes should not have teeth. I think that Hannah Montana cake was goint to try and eat ME.
I...actually got that first one. She does have distinctive cheekbones, doesn't she?
I didn't even know what the 2nd two were supposed to look like, so I was at a disadvantage there ;) But I don't think I could have gotten them anyway...
My guesses were Madonna, Charo, and no idea. Too bad, a Charo cake would have been awesome.
The second one is dead on!! Wait, it's not Charo?
/coochie coochie!!!
I actually guessed at the Hannah Montana one but the others were completely out in left field (for me) :D
the beyonce' one looks like Charro! I wold have SWORN that was supposed to be Charro!!!! LOL
Aye aye aye!!
Aw, man... My guesses were Madonna, Charo, and Natasha Beddingfield (or however that's spelled).
What, was someone too cheap to spring for photo cakes to avoid all this confusion?
Holy shoot those cakes are scary. O.O
I only actually guessed the Hannah Montana one. I've never heard of the Tori person, and the cake isn't helping. I've heard of Beyonce (who hasn't?), buut, the resemblence is not exactly striking. xD
I thought that second cake was supposed to be Reba McEntire.
I got Tori Amos right. I thought the other two were Charro and Kathy Griffin w/blonde hair : )
I did manage to guess the Hannah Montana cake correctly, but I'm afraid it would scare off any 6 year old.
The others, I'd have never guessed. I thought the top one might've been Barbara Streisand. (shrug)
~Amy B
I didn't get the first two, but I knew Hannah Montana because of the tic tac teeth! Freaky on a whole other level.
Happy Wreckerating!
I'm about to start taking Wilton cake classes, and now am thusly scared out of my skin to see one of my cakes here! ;)
Oh, dear God. What does it mean that I guessed Hannah Montana correctly? Do I need counseling? The other two I thought were Cybil Sheppard and Charro. Not singers, but brilliant likenesses all the same!
I only guessed the last one correctly. The first one I thought was Madonna, and then I guessed Paula Abdul for the 2nd. Yes, I am apparently stuck in the 80s.
I thought the first one was supposed to be Madonna!! And why does H. M. have distgusting rotten teeth on the last cake??
I never would have guessed that Beyonce is old enough to have released a whole stack of 8-track tapes.
Hahaha, I thought the second one was Reba McIntyre!
What's really funny is that i totally did get the first one as being Tori. no one else has butterflies and red hair, maybe?
Mia Farrow, Raquel Welch, Hannah Montana....dang, 1 out of 3...
I'm with Anon. I thought the second one was Charo...I thought the first one was a really bad Madonna and the last one was a really bad Britney
I thought the first one was Madonna.
I had no idea on the second one.
The third one I guessed correct (6th birthday clue helped alot)I didn't even notice the eyes...
BUT, all the decay in Miley's teeth is too much to handle this early in the morning. Gack!! Somebody get that girl a toothbrush and floss!
Oh man, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the second cake was Charo. (This is probably the most mentioning she has had on the internet!) I thought the first one was Madonna and the third Brittney.
The Hannah Montana one is seriously scary!
No. way. That 2nd cake is NOT Beyonce. The cake doesn't even begin to match the cover! I'm with just about everyone else...that's Charro. I also thought the first cake was a very poorly rendered Madonna.
I got the third one right though. Actually, whoever did that cake did a pretty good job on it, considering the subject matter and what they have to work with.
*is vastly relieved the David Hasselhoff cake I sold a few weeks back did not make it on here*
I am LOL because I was sure that I was the only nut that saw Charro on that second cake. Then I started to read the comments and realized that I was definitely not alone. I guess we all know where to go if we ever find ourselves in need of a Charro cake!
I had no clue on the first. I also thought the second was Charo, and I got Hannah right.
Ok, I was thinking Madonna, and then either J-Lo or Whose that singer that had the albumn Butterfly, she always wears short dresses and stiletto's...she has the really long hair that is straight, she is young...ugghh...I am so bad with names...Oh OH Oh Mariah Carey...that's it... and then Madonna again...
My guesses:
1. Madonna
2. Tawny Kitaen (I know, I know...Tawny who?)
3. Hillary Duff
Also, I hadn't thought of Charo, but that's a really good guess. Never would have guessed Beyonce...
Ha, I love Miley's cake teeth. She's such a good girl she's even warning kids about cavities. "Don't eat too much cake, or your teeth will look like this!"
they all kinda look like charo.
wv - ralld. cakes with faces on them gets me ralld up.
I too thought the first one was Madonna and I had no clue on the others. The Hannah Montana cake looks like its gonna eat me instead of the other way around!
I got the Tori Amos one, but had no clue on the others. Its ironic because she's the least marketable of the 3.
I thought #1 was Madonna, #2 Jessica Simpson and #3 the woman who plays Allison DuBois on "medium", which I did think was an odd choice for a six year old....
Hmm, verification word "cones"- kind of goes with the Madonna thing :-)
I couldn't guess the first one, but I thought for sure the second one was Paula Abdul! I got the Hannah Montana cake, though. :)
I thought the first one was Joni Mitchell, the second one was Charo (so glad I'm not alone on that one), and I got the third one right. I don't know HOW I thought that was supposed to be Hannah Montana, but I did. Scary!
I though Hannah Montana was a dead ringer. OK maybe not, but the teeth are about right.
1. Bette Midler
2. Dolly Parton
3. Miley Cyrus
Am I right? Oh... huh... Reading through the comments I see my error now, #2 is TOTALLY Charo.
whoa, the Tori cake was made for me to go with the 90's themed bachelorette party that my friends threw back in October!! i was obsessed with Tori for many years and it was perfect...and delicious!
check it out here!
love your blog...never thought i'd be on it!
I thought the middle one was Charro & wondered why anyone would ask for that. Now I know it's Beyonce and I still wonder.
Whoa -- I totally guessed Tori Amos for the first one! They did a good job on the face, cause I definitely recognized her.
Wow, somehow Charo didn't occur to me, but I'm obviously in the minority. I was clueless on #1, and agree with someone else that #2 could be Reba (though I also thought one of the Judds).
#3 looks scary like Courtney Love to me. I only guessed Hannah Montana because it's for a six-year-old. If a six-year-old is into Courtney Love, there is something very, very wrong.
I didn't really know who the first one could be, the second one I thought for sure was a young Raquel Welch (and I'm not the only one! yay!), and the third looked just like Patricia Arquitte to me, though she's not a singer. I'm just not up on kids and their crazy stars though.
I only got Hannah Montana correct. These cakes really aren't that good, but with that medium, it's certainly a valiant effort. There should be a Sunday Sweets with amazing people replicas to contrast!
I guessed Madonna and Paula Abdul for the first 2. I got the Hannah Montana one because that's what she actually looks like to me *shudders*
So I got Hannah Montana......the other two, though, I failed miserably! LOL Those are HORRIBLE depictions!
Beyonce? I thought that second one was Charo...
This reminds me of a notable scene from the 80s, involving my Mom. She wanted to buy the new Willie Nelson album ( old am I?), but when she got to the store, she forgot his name. She came home with the Lionel Richie album. The one with his picture on the cover. Ummm...Mom? Willie and Lionel don't really look alike TO ME...
(And, I thought the third cake today was Courtney Love!)
I guessed Bette Midler, Charo, and SUZANNE SUMMERS! C'mon, that's her on the last one!!
Uhm. Now that I've dated myself *rolls eyes* ...
Am I really the only one who thought that 3rd cake was Mick Jagger? (Looks just like him - but I'll admit, the fact that it was for a 6 year old made me a bit confused!)
Ha! I believe I told our bakery to go nuts with Tori Amos and that the weirder it got, the funnier it would be, so I think she did pretty well!
I thought that the first one was Madonna and the second one was Paula Abdul. I couldn't stop staring at the TEETH in the third one long enough to even hazard a guess. Those teeth will haunt my nightmares for years to come...
I looked at the second one and thought, "Someone had a Sophia Loren themed birthday? No clue on the first one, but I got #3. That was practically Miley's drivers license photo (albeit in a blond wig).
hahaha. The last 2 look pretty scary, but we LOVE the Tori cake. it was made for my sister's bachelorette party. it was a huge hit! so fun!
love the blog.
I'm super-pleased that everyone else ALSO thought the second cake was Charo.
YES the CHARO cake! I loved it...though would Beyonce.
Poor Tori.
wow. I was WAYYYY off....I thought it was "1.micky ourke, 2.lisa rinna and 3.britney and/or steven kojo."
For a second, I was worried that my David Bowie cake was going to appear here (even though it's not a professional decorating job). But at least you can tell who it is on my cake!
I think Beyonce should be known as Charo II from now on ...
It probably doesn't say much about Miley Cirus that I was able to guess the Hannah Montana cake. I could've sworn the first one was Madonna!
I said #1-Madonna and #2-Charo and #3-Miley Cyrus.
So I got one out of three. What's my prize?
I thought the first one was Stevie Nicks and was completely stumped on the second one (still am, even though I know the answer). I got the Hannah Montana cake, but only because it was for a six-year-old girl.
I thought Jasmine was the youngest member of the Three's Company fan club.
That's not Miley, it's Susan Summers!
I thought the second one looked like Charro and the third one looked like Suzanne Somers :)
Are you sure that second cake isn't Charro? I swear, it looks just like her.
Looking at the comments I can see that I am not the only one who saw Charro, lol.
Yikes on the hanna montana one..
That second cake is so Charo!
I thought they were:
1. Madonna
2. Mariah Carey (fake tatas n' all)
3. Britany Spears
Whole lotta wreckage goin' on there!
Charo's birth name was....
MarÃa Rosario Pilar MartÃnez Molina Moquiere de les Esperades Santa Ana Romanguera y de la Najosa Rasten
Ay carumba!
HAHA I KNEW THAT WAS TORI! i want a tori cake! and of course i knew miley but i was stumped on the 2nd one.
Mmmm... Tori Amos on a poo cake...
Now there's music to me ears ;)
NEVER would have guessed Tori Amos- I thought it was Mariah Carey!
I thought the middle one was Charro, too.
Nailed Miley Cyrus, though! Not literally, or anything. Just the cake. I didn't nail the cake, either. I just... oh, nevermind.
I got Miley Cyrus.
Scary, that girl is.
I thought the first one was Madonna and the second was Sophia Loren, but I think I was getting influenced by the Oscars. Oh wait, that doesn't work because Beyonce was at the Oscars too and in a more prominent role. Damn.
That second one was definitely Charo. I thought, how great that someone has such a love for Charo that they requested a cake of her. I thought maybe the first one was a 70's Stevie Nicks, but I think that's just because she looked strung out and all hippy. I guessed the Miley one right away. It's the teeth, those frighteningly prominent and eerily straight and protruding teeth!
I thought the second one was Charo too...they are all WRECKS for sure !!! Hideous and strange...
I knew it was supposed to be a woman, but that first cake TOTALLY looked like Marilyn Manson with breast implants.
I guessed #3 but only because I saw the age of the cake-ee.
My guesses were:
#1 - Bette Midler
#2 - Wynonna Judd (after losing a substantial amount of weight)
#3 - Suzanne Somers (hopefully not hawking the Thighmaster)
So seeing the real answers came as quite a shock!
As bad as it looks, I did guess Tori Amos for #1. And yeah, though B-day should've been a hint for Beyonce, I only came up with Charo.
Oh dear. I never noticed Hannah Montana's crazy eyes, either. And now they will haunt me.
I love how everyone thought the second one was Charo. But I guess it makes some sense. The "cake" drawing looks like it has a tiny waist and really big boobs. You're not left with many options....because Dolly Parton is blonde. :D
I had no clue on the first one; thought the second was Kylie Minogue, and when I saw the lips on Cake #3, immediately guessed Mick Jagger.
I got the Hannah Montana one, and that's it. The huge mouth gave it away.
what?! fAT tUESDAY with no King Cake post?! The shame....
I thought it was Madonna, Charo and Britney. Hahaha. I'm sure Tori, Beyonce and Miley wouldn't appreciate that...
1- Some new singer I'm unfamiliar with
2 - Mariah Carey
3 - Britney Spears.
I'm actually rather glad I was wrong on all of them. And I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought #2 was MC! You think mayeb if someone requested her on a cake, the decorator would end up making her look like Beyonce?
WV: quite - I was quite stumped on all three of today's wrecks.
Awww, I got Tori and Hannah Montana, but I really thought the second one was supposed to be Dolly Parton :( I would never have guessed Beyonce in a million years, ha!
Tori's looking glass looks as though it's encased in poo.
My first reaction to cake #1 was Joni Mitchell (yeah, I'm old), but I rethought it and came up with Madonna. Clueless about cake two. The teeth on cake three are terrifying!
I thought the second one looked like Charo LOL
Oooops, thought the first one was Madonna. I'm terrible at guessing who's on cakes. Never knew that about myself.
wv: soughth - the things in your head. Use it in a sentence - Pleathe write all your soughths down in thith here journal and we will dithcuth them later.
The 3rd one looks alot like Susanne Summers to me.
Everyone thought the second cake was first thought was Paula Abdul!
I guessed Madonna, Beyonce (only because of the CD titles below the pic) and Courtney Love! Eek. what does that say about me??
As a Toriphile, I am truely upset that such a cake could ever exist. The fact that I knew it was her upsets me even more, I think.
Would've guessed Barbra Streisand, Charo, and Kathy Griffin
i mistook tori for madonna, but i'm glad to know i wasn't the only one. my guesses: madonna, beyonce and hanana montana. turns out 2 out of 3 isn't too bad.
sorry tori amos.
OK, so my guesses were Madonna, Britney Spears and Courtney Love. I have no clue who Tori Amos is, but I do know that looks NOTHING like the pic on the magazine except for the butterfly. Wow, sure hope if anyone ever plans on putting my face on a cake, they at least do the rice paper photo thing. I can only imagine what I'd end up looking like in frosting.