Well, two people with those fond memories grew up, found each other, and decided to get married. Then they commissioned this wedding cake:

Gorgeous, no? But the real beauty is in the details; check this out:

Look how adorable:

And just crazy detailing:

This masterpiece was created by Beth over at Let Them Eat Cake, and the photos were originally uploaded here.
Interestingly enough, the other Mario-themed wedding cake I was going to feature anyway is the one this couple reference as their own inspiration cake - small world! Here it is:

107 comments | Post a Comment
I'm going to have that theme song in my head all day now...
Those cakes are crazy awesome! But again, I ask, who could bear to cut into such a beautiful piece of work and eat it??
A piece of art!
Who would have the hart to cut in this cake :o)
Wow, I love them!
Yay geekiness in cake form!
Wow. So great! I cannot believe how much I am looking forward to Sundays for these wonderful cakes!!!
Beautiful cakes like this make me appreciate the wrectasticness you feature all the more!
They are great, I still play Super Mario because I have never up graded the console... I love it!! (& I am the parent, not the kid)
And how right about that music, drives me crazy sometimes, particularly the ghost level lol
EEE! I loved the Mario Brothers as a kid! And these cakes are adorable!
Hmm... I wonder if I can comission a Star-Wars themed or Transformers-themed wedding cake from these people...
Those are GORGEOUS. It takes me back!!!
Wow. Those details on the first one are incredible!
Also they're both adorable. I enjoy them.
Those are AMAZING!
Wow. This is pretty damn epic. I'm thoroughly, thoroughly impressed. I'm so jealous of these people with such imagination and detail and the hands to do it!
....this is why I bake pies and other homey baked goods at a bakery instead of these epic cakes. I don't think I could handle the stress of wedding cakes, or cakes in general anyway z.z
Super Maro Bros is the best!! Old school style or the newest 3D versions... it doesn't matter. Either one takes the cake. ;)
Wow, the detail is amazing! I don't think I would be able to eat that!
i wish i had a cake like that.......
too bad i could never eat it, i'd probably just sit around staring at it the entire time. ><
Those are two of the most fabulous cakes I have ever seen ... I love the LEVELS of the first one ... what a master piece! Love it! I hope they had a sheet cake on the side to cut and eat becuase that bears finding a way to keep it forever!
That's AMAZING. I don't think I could have eaten it because it's such a work of art!
How many billions of hours did this take? So amazing.
My neice, as a matter of fact, just emailed me this picture (2nd one) as an inspiration for their wedding cake (marrying in June 09'). I thought it was a joke.
Guess not...
That's awesome!
And I thought *my* wedding was geeky because we played Final Fantasy music while we walked down the aisle...
Both those cakes are amazing, but particularly that first one. What a work of art. I'd be curious how much a cake like that would set ya back.
wowza. Those are just amazing!
I found those when I was searching for grooms cakes my husband would like for our wedding, that one almost won but we got a wii cake instead since I gave him a Wii the year we got engaged. I do still love the mario cakes though!
The cakes are awesome, but Mario is more than just nostalgia fodder. He's Nintendo's corporate mascot, and his franchise is alive and well. Heck, Super Mario Kart Wii is currently the #2 best-selling title for that platform (and Mario also shows up in #1, Super Smash Brothers).
The game that came bundled with my Nintendo DS portable - which has since been co-opted by my 4-year-old son - is New Super Mario Brothers, and said 4-year-old loves it. While his enthusiasm for all things Mario is no doubt aided and abetted by parental nostalgia, that wouldn't be enough to sustain it. We even have a Luigi action figure (the Mario ones sold out too quickly for us to get one).
So it's not necessarily nostalgia. The bride and groom could just be present-day geek...er, video game enthusiasts. :)
(Oh, and yes, my 4-year-old is allowed to play video games. But we're talking Mario, not Grand Theft Auto! That wreck still makes me cringe!)
OH WOW! I had to get my husband over to see that cake! I like Mario but not that much! We bought a Wii and have the new Super Mario Galaxy game. Yeah no kids just us :D
What amazes me more is this is the Bride's cake and not the grooms!
This is great, I'm a big time fan of Mario from back in the days. I shudder to think of how much it costs to commission such a cake. Thanks for posting some of these true works of art (as much as I like to look at your wrecks, sometimes they depress me, so this is a good balance).
Wow that is some serious detail there.What an awesome piece of cake art!
Despite my obsession with Mario-themed (and Nintendo-themed) cakes, I had never seen the first one. What a work of art!
Much as I love Mario, I think I'd have to go with a Zelda-themed cake for my wedding. :) I'm definitely a Zeldaholic.
Thanks for the great post! :)
When I saw the title in my RSS aggregator I thought "Oh, this is gonna be awesome" - but I had no idea. When the first cake loaded it made me say "Woooowwww!" out loud, over and over again. That is incredible.
I think I need to divorce my husband so I can remarry him and have that cake for our new wedding! You know, just like hitting the "restart" button, only in real life.
Awesome beyond words.
That is w/o a doubt a work of art! Such detailing & coloring. Wow! Bet the couple hated to cut into it!!!
Wow. The detail on that is mindblowing. The chain chomps! The piranha plants@ The bouncy trees! The green shells and question boxes and bananas! Yoshi and Toad and Luigi (oh my)!
I hope that it's sitting in a temperature-controlled display box somewhere because I can't think of anyone wanting to slice it up.
Such a cute looking wedding cake. :D I wouldn't want to eat it it's so nice looking hopefully it tastes as good as it's looks.
wow! those are amazing -- the featured one is a little more playful than the inspiration (and that hard sugar rainbow bridge is incredible!), but nonetheless both are beautiful.
and just think how many other old-school games could be done -- pac man, space invaders, tetris... just need the occasion, a talented baker, and a whole lot of quarters!
Holy crap that is AMAZING!! Did anybody go look at that guy's website (the first cake). He has even more amazing stuff out there. I sometimes watch those cake shows and I think he is waaaaayy better than that Duff guy!!
Just absolutely beautiful!!!
I never tire of seeing Mario wedding cakes. My husband and I and even our children still play the Original Nintendo at least once a week!
Those cakes are amazing! Like the other commentators I'm not sure I could eat it without feeling guilty for ruining it!
That first one is my new dream wedding cake.
Wow! Amazing and Impressive! Very nice un-Wrecktacular Cakes!
This would have been totally sweet at our wedding!
Most awesome cake EVER!! Totally makes me want to play Mario Brothers 3 on my Wii! (I kick it old school! ;)
Oh wow. LOL, being a huge fan of Nintendo myself, this cake serisouly made my day.
Wow! I thought Naomi Henderson's Super Mario cupcakes were awesome, but this is unbelievable!
Well I certainly know a couple of chaps would would welcome such a centre piece, wedding or not.
Best wishes
Wow. Those cakes are just amazing.
But I'm not sure I could eat any of the former cake. It's too detailed!
Like imagine eating Yoshi. I couldn't.
Fantastic pieces of art!!
That is amazing! I recently made a Zelda and Link wedding cake topper out of clay (complete with triforce...everywhere) but this cake just makes my heart happy!
The cake on top is amazing! Totally breathtaking!!
The two people must have had a great sense of humor :)
OMG Those are way to cute!!! As someone who was a teenager when that game came out that song is permanetly ingained into my brain, LOL. Love it
I remembered the Mario games... i used to dismantle the cartridges and the console. God, I was such a little goblin.
It is an amazing cake which is 100% edible. I wonder the ingredients for doll. It is only said made of black chocolate cake filled with bittersweet chocolate ganache, chocolate buttercream and chocolate mousse not specific. Nice cake and of course delicious..
Truly an amazing work of art. I just couldn't allow myself to cut into that! How long did it take them to make that, with such amazing detail?
That is the coolest wedding cake I have ever seen. Love it!
that is fricking sweet. i wouldn't have the heart to cut it up though.
Nerd husbands everywhere are being beckoned to the computer & are suddenly interested in Cake Wrecks!
I just found your blog ( linked from CakeJournal) and I find the of "cake wrecks" awesome!
Keep up the good work!
By the way Mario&Co cake is adorable!
Wow, that first one especially just totally grabs my eyes and won't let go! I love how you're using Sundays to celebrate incredibly good work.
Wow, these are gorgeous! I love Mario!! I wouldn't have the heart to eat them, though.
First time commenter on your blog! I discovered it not too long ago and have read every post you made, which were all hilarious, by the way.
I work at Dairy Queen, so I've seen my fair share of cakes! We had to write something funny on one the other night, and I took a picture on my cell phone for this blog ;) Just going to upload it to my computer someday soon and I'll definitely send it in to you, because I found it hilarious!!
Wow. I'd almost marry again to if this cake was part of the deal. And it was poisoned so I didn't actually have to go through with married life afterwards.
Gorgeous cakes. I saw a guy today with his entire arm tattooed with Super Mario Brothers. What a weird, weird coincidence.
These have tottaly made my day! Thank you for posting them!
Ahh brings back fond memories! The detail is awesome but I would never think of it as a wedding cake! I may have to send you the pictures of my wedding cake. It was put in the back of pickup truck to be delivered to our wedding and they got lost for 2 hours in the 115 degree Phoenix heat! You couldn't tell what it was supposed to look like.
This cake is Super.. Super Awesome! & now that you mentioned it, the songs in my head, haha.
A Super Mario Wedding Cake.
That is officially awesome.
Yay! Love love love them! I couldn't bear to cut it up either!
i totally agree with what marcos and others said. mario isn't all old-school. mario is 100% relevant to adults and children today, especially with the success of the wii and the nintendo DS.
the first cake definitely channels MODERN mario. the sphere in the middle makes me think of super mario galaxy (wii.) the second one (which i've seen on the internet before) harkens to a more retro mario.
Oh wow. What gorgeous cakes! Jealousy ensues.
At my wedding in February, hubs and I had the same Princess Peach figurine as the first cake and a diff. Mario figurine as our cake toppers. We wanted to be able to EAT the cake though, mostly because the baker was known for their delicious cakes, so it wasn't Mario themed beyond that.
Wow. This is pretty damn epic. I'm thoroughly, thoroughly impressed. I'm so jealous of these people with such imagination and detail and the hands to do it!
Goji Berries | GoChi
This cake is awesome :D
Keep up the Sunday Sweets, my mum was amazed by the Wall-E cake!
Yes, I have to agree - why would you ever cut this cake? Even though it does look pretty tasty...
LOVE them both! Did you see the Nightmare Before Christmas cake at Let Them Eat Cake??? Gorgeous as well! That's serious artistry - I so would not want to eat it, though, and ruin it!!!
We did that, too! Ours was a masterpiece in buttercream! Here's a link:
These two are the most awesome cakes I've ever seen. As much as I hate Rainbow Road in the Mario Kart games... :)
Oh. My. Goodness. Best cake ever. I'll surely be ordering one when we get married :D
Those are amazing!!
*checking website* I remember these guys! I saw them on a Food Network competition making a totally awesome and gravity defying Santa Claus cake.
The thumb blisters are all too real for me. Now I've moved on to hand cramps from guitar hero, but still have annoying songs in my head from it constantly. That's some serious talent though! Your blog totally makes me laugh though. Thank you!
Very good friends of mine got married this May and also had a Mario themed cake - it was STUNNING. In fact, I think their cake may have been made by one of the designers currently posted. I have pictures I'm sending along to the cakewrecks e-mail. Here's hoping you can add them! :)
wow! I came across your site yesterday, and it had me rolling all day! Thank you!!
This cake is amazing! I may have a new wedding cake plan... :)
Can't we just shellac them and save this cake????
I absolutely love this cake!!
Too bad when it comes to my wedding and I had this cake, I would not be able to eat this!! I wouldn't even let anyone come close to it!
Whomever did this! You rock and I want you to make my Wedding Cake!!!
Hi, I admire your blog.
Always enjoy finding hidious cakes.
But I am sooo happy you showed me this awesome cake!
I made a blog entry about this mario cake and your blog today.
Its japanese and I dont think you can read but I thought I should mension you.
I swear, these WILL be my brother's wedding cake whenever he gets married.
Absolutely love it!
Ok, don't get me wrong. I'm an absolute Mario freak! I love Super Mario.... but on a wedding cake!?!?!?
That's just too much. Birthday cake... hmmm, yeah. Wedding cake... hmmm, nope.
I do have to say though, hats off to the cake makers... that's a LOT of nice detail. lol
Love it and love the details!
Hi all! I'm Lizzie (:
I just love the fact the cake maker payed attention to the fact Mario is short and had him stand on a box so Peach could kiss him!
So cute :D I wouldn't have had the heart to eat it! I would probably take a slice and keep it forever lol. Then again, it would probably get mouldy after a while, and seeing Mario's face drop off in a lump of mould isn't a pleasant thought.
I don't know if this will work, but I came across another Mario cake that isn't a wreck, but it's certainly not up to the par of the top one. [IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a199/hrslvr_paints/mariocake.jpg[/IMG]
If that didn't work, here's the original link.
Those are too cute to eat.
This might make me a huge nerd, but I don't think the first cake is a Super Mario Bros-themed cake, but a Mario Kart cake. (I told you, very nerdy). All of the characters are driving cars and there are other Mario Kart items (the bananas, red and green shells, the blocks with question marks, and bombs with faces and teeth).
My friend would love this cake!
nice article
Oh, wow...those are *seriously* cool!
Wow! I'm only 12 and I love the latest Super Mario games!
That is so cool with the MarioKart Rainbow Rd track spiraling down the cake!
Just like these chocolate ornaments my family have bought, I bet that I would have never been able to take one bite because of how cute and awesome it looks!
Holy poo. Those Super Mario cakes really are very detailed. What a whimsical delight!
Thank you for posting these cakes. Those two bakeries deserve gold stars. Those bakeries sound familiar, too. I wonder where I learned of them at...?
Oh, how cute! I'll pretend they played the Mario Kart Love Song on the wedding. ;)
Nice one. I found another. And the damn thing moves!
It's a good thing they didn't put "The Princess is in another castle" at the top. . .
My fiance and I looked and looked for cakes. I am not a girly girl but when he first suggested it I was like no I don't think that will work but as life went on and I didn't find anything we finally decided to have a cake like the second one but we are adding 3 more layers a sand, ice and water layer. We are excited and out baker is also she has been wanting to do this cake forever but never had a reason to now she does and she is freaked.
Superb work. My mum cooks and decorates amazing cakes, I've sent her this one for inspiration. I bet the lucky recipient loved it.
These cake designs are absolutely amazing. I was looking at your newest super mario post and then continued here. Absolutely astounding.
I would have never thought to do a cake like this for a wedding, but my oh my does that make my mind run on wedding cake options.
Can't wait to see more of these in the future.
Wow, I cant believe how insanely detailed this cake is!!! Holy crap, I have seen some amazing work in my days but this is by far the best. Love the little bananas! :)
Nice cake. A true piece of art! Best wishes.
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Stunning! You wouldn't want to cut them to eat them they are such a work of art :-)
These are all so beautiful. Thanks for sharing :-)