Saturday, September 27, 2008

Adding Insult to Injury

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Poor Roxy. Not only did she have a sprained wrist on her birthday, but the cookie cake her friend Sarah purchased to cheer her up looked like...well, this:

Apparently this cookie place has a strict one-do-over-per-cookie policy, so "happy" was scraped off and redone, but "birtday" was left as is. That yellow powdery pile in a vaguely star-like shape is a nice addition, though.

Roxy, I'm not sure if you're giving this Wreck the thumbs up or if your injury prevents you from giving it the finger, but either way I hope a little cakey fame will help heal the hurts. Plus, I suppose it could've been worse: you might have received a Wreck while in the hospital.
sharalyns said...

Ok, I'm sorry, but the grease marks left by the icing are just grossing me out! I don't think I could eat this thing!

Anonymous said...

What's a cookie cake? Exactly what it sounds like? :S

Sarah+2girls said...

There's smearing by her name too...I sure hope that wasn't caused by someone letting long sleeves hang into the frosting!

Anonymous said...

No matter how bad it looks..I love giant cookies :)

Deborah Godin said...

I don't know about that yellow powder, shouldn't we call somebody...?

Unknown said...

First of all, cheaping out on a cake with just a cookie, is crap!
Secondly, THAT cookie is crap!
Don't get me started on the yellow (what is that, curry powder)?

Love those perky little rosebuds all around the edge too. What were they all thinking?


ElizabethC said...

ROFL! Now I am craving cookies *nomnomnom*.
But seriously....from the rate we see misspellings, I am beginning to wonder if bakers should have a spelling test before they hire somebody, and the person's spelling grades pulled from kindergarten as a reference :P
It does look yummy though...I just might need to make cupcakes with powdered sugar frosting today...mmmm.

Ulrike said...

Cookie cake = giant cookie with frosting.

I have to ask, how badly did they misspell "happy" that *that* is the word they chose to fix?

Anonymous said...

That seriously looked like a home job! They should not have pawned it off on a customer...

maq said...

Yeah, anonymous, a cookie cake is exactly like it sounds.

A GINORMOUS chocolate chip (normally) cookie topped with icing.

Hyla said...

Maybe that powedery yellow stuff is her meds??

Is that a "Q" or an "o" that is underlined.........?

I love cookie cakes to but this one.....................hmmmm not so much.


Anonymous said...


It's always good to know that it's the thought that counts.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:41, yes, a cookie cake is just as it sounds: it is a giant chocolate chip cookie that is iced like a cake. They are yummy, but this one makes me lose my appetite. :P I have had a LOT of cookie cakes in my day, but I have never seen anything powdery on one. Ugg.

Evelyn said...

They originally wrote it in chocolate, then wiped it off or wrote over it with the white. It's not grease stains. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I love cookies. I love frosting on cookies... but to mess this up and refuse to respell "birthday" properly?!?!? What kind of cheap crappy cake seller is that? I mean, just get another cookie and redo it, dang it.

k-bro said...

I agree with Ulrike; that was my first thought too.

When I enlarged the picture, the star doesn't look powdery. It looks to me like frosting smooshed through a stencil or something.

Anonymous said...

Is that a cedilla under the O in Roxy? Are O's even allowed to have cedillas?

Penny Perkins said...

Shouldn't cookie "cakes" belong in the same category as cupcake "cakes"?! They are both wreck-fugly, and I'm shocked (shocked and outraged) that our Cake Wrecks Guru doesn't make the wrecktastic connection!!

(BTW, love the blog.)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is hilarious. I can't frost cakes either. I've got photo evidence of it somewhere. ;)

Miranda said...

I agree about the messed up spelling -- lame. But cookie cakes are yummy. I don't think they really qualify as cakes (which doesn't mean wrecked ones don't belong on Cake Wrecks!), but they are totally yummy. I used to work at The Cookie Factory (when I was a teenager), which made the best cookie cakes. Mmmm.

Anonymous said...

Cakewrecks... making me wish spelling was a mandatory subject

Anonymous said...

I would disown anyone who thought they could pass off a chocolate chip cookie in place of my BIRTDAY cake. I'm not opposed to cookies in any way, but serve them in addition to the cake, not in place, cheapskates.

This is right up there with ice cream cake. I said I wanted cake and ice cream. Don't think those crunchies in the middle even remotely replace cake.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what is that yellow stuff?
It looks like they dumped out a few Pixie Stix in a "star" formation.
Sorry, Roxy.

Tiona said...

You'd think that most bakeries would have a policy that if it's not what you ordered, they fix it. I know I definately wouldn't have given that one a thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

If CCCs are not acceptable, then this is SO way not acceptable! It's not even cake, it's a freakin' frosted cookie. I love me some chocolate chip cookies but I don't see how frosting glopped on improves them in any way.

Poor RoXy. I hope her birtday was happy anyway.

Anonymous said...

penny perkins:

I think that cookie cakes generally aren't considered as bad as cupcake cakes because they don't require an assload of frosted to look even (hell, they're usually not even completely frosted) and can be made into regular geometric shapes without looking really crappy. That's the theory, anyway.

j. said...

That's terrible... Even if they hadn't redone "birtday," the fact that the chocolate stained that badly should've made the baker *embarrassed* to sell that cookiecake.

P.S.- Congratulations on making it onto the Straight Dope! :D


Anonymous said...

I dunno, anonymous 4:22, I find ice cream cakes to be pretty awesome (the Dairy Queen ones, anyway). Personally, I can't stand ice cream and cake together; the textures are way too different to go together well.

Now, as for those heathens that make ice cream cakes with both ice cream and cake, well, that's just another story.

Anonymous said...

Uh uh. Why would someone pay for this? I would have refused it and gone somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry - but the star on the brown makes it look just like a "chocolate starfish". - kk

Betty said...

Cookie cakes are NOT cakes! They are the lazy or cheap persons way of not providing a real cake. I cant believe people actually pay for these disasters!! :)

Amy said...

Something about that big thumbnail grosses me out more than the mess ups.

I gave your blog some props on my blog's cake-themed entry this weekend.

Rachel said...

"Roxy, I'm not sure if you're giving this Wreck the thumbs up or if your injury prevents you from giving it the finger."

I laughed out loud - thank you.

At least Roxy got a nice manicure for her birthday. Fun!

Eric said...

Is that unbaked corn meal in the shape of a star? And just what were the letters made of before? I won't even say what I thought it was...:D

And I agree, it just is not the same as a cake, no matter how they try to say it is. It's just a big cookie with icing.


Anonymous said...

I have read this blog from the first post to the last! Hilarious!

I think the weddingcake with the green lines is "the best", together with the lionman (can't remember his name).

Keep on going!!

Dea said...

I'm consistent - it's not a cake! It's a giant cookie gone wrong...

Though - a frosted chocolate chip cookie from Mrs. Fields??? Oh goodness - soooo good. But you can buy them small there....

This one's sad all the way around...

ElizabethC said...

I don't think it's fair to come down on the people who ordered it. For all we know the birthday girl asked for a cookie cake. Same with ice cream cakes, I always ask for one for my birthday because I love them. But I do agree the outcome of this particular cookie cake is

Ros said...

No, no, no! Surely the bandaged hand belongs to the decorator who bravely struggled on to complete the birthday, sorry, birtday cookie.

Victoria at Figuring Out The Details said...

I have to admit my mom always told us kids happy "birtday" (and she would sing it as she said it to boot) so I would not have been particularly surprised to see a cake with that message on it for me.

But everything else? Wreck-tastic.

Anonymous said...

I just found your site today... and I am sitting here LMAO! My husband is like... are you OK? I love it, and I will be checking this out more regularly! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It's like powdered egg in the middle!!

Anonymous said...

This is Sara--the buyer of said cookie cake. Thanks so much for posting this, the birthday girl was ecstatic when she found out!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanations.

I've never seen a cookie cake in Australia...maybe it's just an American thing.

I do love bikkies, but not as a cake :)

Anonymous said...

To all you cookie cake haters, when my brother and I were little, we *requested* cookie cakes from our mom because they were soooo much better than plain old cake. And she made them from scratch and decorated them herself. I still have fond memories of my birthday cookies. So don't be hatin' on the giant cookies!

This one, though? Wow. Even my mom who had no cake decorating training whatsoever could do better than that.

Anonymous said...

ah ... Ha.... HAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Awww Roxy I'm sorry it wasn't as fantabulous as we'd all wish for you .. but ... damn funny ...

Miss you my whole liiiiiife ... and see you this WEEKEND!!! RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!


opit said...

I dropped in on a 'Roxy' and a friend had wondered if that was her in the picture ! ( gunchick ).
Mother made something that was cake done as a cookie.
Devil's Food cake mix on a cookie sheet in about a 4" circle and two of the resulting 'cakes' slathered together with marshmallow spread.

Anonymous said...

I like how they fixed the word "happy," but left the worth "birtday." I wonder how they screwed up "happy?" When I first saw this cake, I didn't realize it was a cookie cake and I thought it was one FLAT cake, lol.