Here we have a cake so testosterone-charged that I bet any female within a ten foot radius will spontaneously sprout a beard and crave flannel. No tinker-toy plastic deer or tractors for Robert - hoo no; this is a guy who eats danger for breakfas... er, I mean dessert. No sissy exclamation points after his name, either: "Robert" must always be pronounced with deadly determination. In fact, after this he's going shark-fishing: alone, in a rowboat, at night, and with only his trusty blade, lure, and flashlight to aid him. So you'd best cut him an extra big slice.
Thank you! Celeritas
76 comments | Post a Comment
Camouflage seems like a tricky thing to pull off in icing. And hey, if you're going to use a real knife as decoration, you might as well stab it through the cake to make it extra-manly.
Missing from this cake: a bottle of Old Spice.
Who in their right mind would put a rusty knife on a cake?
Gee, I hope that lure hasn't been used.
We can only hope that the rust is genuine. Extra flavor! Extra iron!
Nothing more appetizing than rust! I wonder if that's what they used to cut it... yum!
Well, I often try to look at the bright side of the wrecks (when there is one!). At least the icing is colored well. I'm assuming they used an airbrush, but it looks nice, excluding all of the ultra manly accoutroments (Or however that's spelled).
Oh, by the way, this website has become a big hit with my local cake decorating club.
First of all, do you really need camo to go fishing? Then you have this "manly" cake and a wussy little bobber and lure. Looks more like he is going out for bluegill. But man, when he lands it, just sit back and admire his filleting skills in the glow of the flashlight.
Affirmative here on the beard and flannel. I've also had to resist the urge to belch and pass gas.
I'm just curious why Robert uses camouflage when he goes fishing.
Anyways, this cake is NOT a keeper. Throw it back!
Look at it this way... if they have a freak storm that knocks out the power during the party, stranding the attendees for days, in the back woods of *insert state here*, Robert can still keep the crew fed with his cake's accessories.
There's a fish hook on the cake.
A fish hook.
On a cake.
Hi I found your blog through a friend of mine.It is sure to make me laugh.
This cake is great.My hubby would love I am sad to say.Of course I think he would rather have one with a rifle and a deer head.Now that would be crazy.
Interesting topic to blog about!
At least the writing is neat!
Wonder if it is a MUD CAKE, and really really taste like dirt?!
At first I though, "Gee, it may be ugly, but those implements on the cake? THOSE are some seriously masterful works of icing."
Then, I read the comments.
Then, I looked again.
Then, I realized, "... Eeeewww."
But, what is that white splotch in the right hand corner?? Looks like bird poop. Is it fishing line all curled up? Poor Robert. How old is he?
These cakes are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.
"you might as well stab it through the cake to make it extra-manly."
Yes, and ideally this would be a bleeding cake, too! (I recently learned how to make these. Can't wait to make a bleeding cake for my baby shower... MUAHAHA)
The cake would only be more manly if it had an automatic rifle with a laser scope on it. that really gives a deer a chance! If it was fishing themed, they would have put a harpoon gun!
Thank you for the great laugh. I laughed and then I showed it to my daughter and laughed just as hard the second time. Keep up the good work.
Just saw your mention on Test Pattern - very exciting! I love your blog - keep them coming :)
BWAHA! Oh man, that's so wrong...
OK, I know we're supposed to be focusing on the weaponry on the cake here, but did anyone else notice that the word "Robert" seems to be an afterthought? The end punctuation is definitely before the word "Robert". "Happy birthday! Robert" seems a little odd to me.
Unfortunately I think my very manly cousin would love this cake, if he in fact liked cake, which he doesn't.
Love this blog, the writing is hilarious :)
Only thing that would have been manlier is if the fish was still attached to the lure. Yum!
That's just a wrong color brown. Especially when paired with green nastiness.
I enjoy your site & check regularly for new wrecks. I have to disagree with this one. I think it is nicely done & my husband & both sons would like it.
This is sooooooo funny! Great cake mistake blog. what a concept. Your comments are HYSTERICAL!!
coastal nest
My personal favorite is the use of the little dots on the ends of each letter. I bet a sorority chick made this cake. It's her subliminal feminine touch.
At least no one will have to search for a cake knife.
I bet you he ate the knife too. Just to prove how manly he was. I wouldn't want that thing on my cake... it looks a bit rusty. He had probably just gotten done cleaning it from the deer hunt that morning!
I hope the fishing lure, knife and bobber are new... ick. - Kay from Cleveland
I'm with Joyce - what is that white thing in upper righthand corner? Looks like a poodle that wandered inbetween the hunter and the prey.
Somehow this wreck should have beer cans either surrounding it, or on it.
Again, thecourteouschihuahua made me laugh! Absolutely - a break wind contest and belch contest would definitely be part of this "partay"
LMAO as always!
I have been enjoying your blog for some time now, and I have given you an award on my blog. Thank you for the comic relief.
Hey - Just wanted to give you a shout out that your blog is great! I linked to it off another blog I read (becauseIsaidso.com), and love it! I'm an amateur cake decorator myself, and only hope that nothing I've done shows up on your site! LOL...
I... Did... Is... Really? I mean, REALLY??
I thought at first the light and knife were sugary decorations, but did the decorator really just plop REAL tools on a cake? Doesn't that kinda miss the point? Besides, I don't usually like to rub the contents of my junk drawer over my food before eating it...
And is this cake FROM Robert, or TO Robert? 'Cause it looks like it's FROM him with the exclamation point where it is...
I realize this is the obvious response, but...ICK!!!
I do love the funny icing, and I realize that I would like to have some fine sweets!
Trusty blade? I think maybe you mean rusty blade.
Are the fish guts inside the cake?
where do people come up with this stuff?!
Oh my brother would love that cake! The only thing he would want added is his shotgun.
You definately have a big imagination to decorate a cake like that. I like it
totally awesome cake!
blah! No seriously, it's like when I made my kids green pancakes for St. Patty's day. They wouldn't eat them because of the colour and I have to say that this cake isn't far from the same. Just the colours start it off with not such a great taste. Though I bet my son would love it!!!
Ha - clearly I was not the only person to wonder why Cammo was a fishing necessity. They don't really spy you from inside the boat that often...
...The wreckiest part of this cake, for me, is not that they probably didn't think of washing any of this stuff before sticking it in the cake, but that they have the knife half-open-- the least safe way to leave a knife.
The knife is handy. You can use it to cut the cake when its eatin' time!
The saddest part being, this is a cake my ex-husband would have died for. We might still be married to this day had I made him this hideously-themed cake. Good thing I didn't.
very good
You are obviously a woman of great intellegence and sophistication (or a recent mental institution escapee). :-P
The very last "Scene From a Hat" on this is cake-related. This is a clip from Whose Line Is It Anyway? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2OKpzk83ts&NR=1
Too funny!! I absolutely love your description of this cake and the man behind it.
LoL i like this is Original,me gusta,if you want to pass over my blog
As much as I wouldn't choose a camo cake, I have to admit this is better looking than the previous camo cake (the one with the post title that was something about losing appetite).
Except... what's not better is the disturbing colors of the lettering. It's sort of brownish gray and grayish brown, mixed together. It ...it... yuck, I can't go there. Y'all can use your imaginations.
His hobbies obviously include hunting, fishing, and not paying the electric bill.
Ok, this is the first one that I could see a member of my family actually buying.
It would have gone well with my nephew's party where he received a knife, a gun, and some black powder. (And a digital camera from grandma!)
Strangest party of my life!
Wow...I have chest hair now!
The weirdest part for me is the text... "Happy birthday! Robert". As if it's saying, "Happy birthday from Robert". That's the biggest disaster of the cake, I think the rest is just up to taste... GET IT? HAHAHAHA!
Nice blog you got here!
Your cakes made me smile, I'm going to order one today as its my sister's birthday today!
Congratulations on being awarded Blogs of Note!!!
HaPPi Like a HiPPo
Unfortunately I think my hubby would probably love this cake *gasp!* ... I've tried soo hard to try and refine him LOL ;-)
Oh, the colors are scary.
I saw a funny cake today on another website, can't decide if it's a success or a wreck, I suppose it depends if one's a StarWars fan or not.
The machismo in that cake is phenomenal. I do have to say, though, that the only time I've seen something the color and consistency of the icing used for the lettering was when it was coming out of the wrong end of my cat. I don't think I'd ever be able to bring myself to put that in my mouth.
I will, however, give the decorator credit for choosing an idea and sticking with it...boldly.
What cake could not be improved by a flick knife! :)
When I read the inscription on this cake, I hear the voice-over guy from the Rambo movies.
"Happy Birthday!"......ROBERT"
(cue dramatic music)
Why oh why do people still believe that camouflage is appetizing? And is that a REAL flashlight? Good Gawd!
Interesting blog. I enjoyed reading. Thanks
I make marble cake every now and again, but this has inspired me to try different colours sometime (uh probably not camouflage though). Great idea there.
I sent this to my Sister. Her husband's name is Robert and he is an avid hunter. Not so much with the fishing but still.
While the cake itself is one big hot mess, your descriptions of it really hits my g-spot..
When my cousin got married, their wedding cake had a knife and a grenade (plastic I think) on top. They do live in Nevada and like to hunt, but still, it was a wedding. I was horrified. At least this cake is for a birthday.
Can you imagine cleaning off that flashlight? Plus, a rusty knife? Really?
I am assuming that is gull poo in the top right corner of the cake.
Someone really wants tetanus for their birthday.
There's a fish hook on the cake. A fish hook. Really? On a cake? Isnt that dangerous?! ;) xx