Thursday, August 14, 2008

This Calls for a Celebration!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Would you believe someone's boss actually brought this into the office? (Or should I say, "The Office"? It certainly looks like something Michael would order for an office party, doesn't it?)

I love that someone - either the customer or the decorator - felt that "sexual harassment" needed to be illustrated. And I realize that the decorator can't be expected to be Picasso or anything, but check out how far the girl's feet are off the ground. Either that was the Spank Heard 'Round the World, or she's on an invisible step while Chuckles there digs for gold.

Before you ask, yes, I hear the boss got in some deep doo-doo. Can't imagine why, though; I mean, it's got a big red "NO" symbol over it, doesn't it? And all those spanking demonstrations were purely for educational purposes, so really, what's the big deal?
Dea said...

You're right - Michael would so bring a cake like that!

Melissa DiStefano said...

See, now to me, it doesn't look like a spank, it looks like he's stinking his finger --- well you know...

That cake is wrong on so many levels!

Anonymous said...

Umm.. did anyone else notice the.. err.. phallic design at the top left & right corners?
Either the cake decorator or the customer (or both) are crazy!

Journal of Social Awkwardness said...

nothing leaves a lasting impression like a cake!
With that said, I would not be comfortable eating the slice that just said 'sex' in front of the ol' boss!

The Creeper said...

Ok, so this one seriously cracked me up and I will have to send it to my fiance'. He works with this lady (she's the USDA inspector assigned to his meat processing plant), and she's got a bunch of anti-sexual harassment flyers on the walls surrounding her desk/work area. I'm guessing she might dig this cake.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I think that's just plain funny! I would so bring that cake into the office. But then again. I'm pretty weird.

Brad said...

I'm pretty sure the female in that illustration is Olive Oil. This still doesn't explain the levitation.

Megan said...

Indeed this DOES have Michael written all over it!

Unknown said...

"The spank heard 'round the world!" thanks for cracking me up this morning (no pun intended).

Michelle Ames said...

This cake is so wrong on so many levels. Not only is she floating in the air (or maybe she jumped after being smacked on the rear?) but I think that appendage is supposed to look like her arm...singular. Poor thing is getting spanked and only has one arm to slap back with.

And is it me, or does her head and hair look a little like Olive Oyl?

On the plus side the red circle is a good circle. Almost like they imprinted it first with the lid from the frosting can. ;-)

Toiling Ant said...

That is *SO* Michael Scott. Omw.

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I can't wait until out next diversity and sexual harassment in-service. I am so volunteering to bring snacks.

P.S. - As usual, LMAO at your commentary!

Anonymous said...


It's perfect. And is it just me, or are the decorations on the top corners just a little... phallic?

Anonymous said...

What's the story here? What boss thought this was a good idea, and how much trouble did he land himself in?
This sounds like a good story!

Meg said...

OH. My. Goodness.

That is a CLASSIC. I'm speechless!

Momof4 said...

LOL you're so right, this cake does look like it's straight from "The Office"!

Anonymous said...

Sexual Harassment is words, they illustrated Sexual Assault... which makes this even better!

Vegemite Wife said...

I'm not certain he's spanking her. Just saying.
Love this blog by the way. It makes me hungry AND sick at the same time!

Manders said...

Just where is his hand???

Anonymous said...

I honestly want that to be my next birthday cake.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this one because obviously someone doesn't get it! I would like to take these guys, sit them down and make them watch the Mel Gibson movie "What a Woman Wants".
Like 16 times he should watch it!

And then be made to eat the whole cake...HA!

Good one..on target as always.

Anonymous said...

And the woman has Olive Oyl's hairdo ...

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard at this that I think I pulled a muscle. But it was worth it!

Nakia said...

It looks like she's..err.. "stuck" on the arm.

Anonymous said...

...on the plus side, they did spell "Harassment" correctly...:p

Jen said...

Mary, having to watch a Mel Gibson movie more than once is equivalent to torture and against the Geneva conventions...

Laura S. said...

So funny and so wrong at the same time.

amyd said...

Where oh where is her other arm? There's a lot of cakes missing limbs lately.

I'm sure that the office staff at this company had the same speechless reaction to this cake. Lack of good judgment at its finest.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is supposed to say "Her Ass Went?!" That would explain the levitation!
I'm at work, so I have to comment Anon!

Nauntie Lush said...

Thanks for a great morning laugh! Although I am still uncertain why anyone would think that cake is a good way to "celebrate" sexual harassment training. Couldn't they have just ordered some tacos?

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to work in a place where this cake was socially accepted...because it is so FREAKIN HILARIOUS!! The guy has to have a great sense of humor...I am SO DOWN with that!!

My hubby surprised me at work one day and I was totally leaning over my desk, (like said "Olive Oyle") and hubby came up behind me and pinched my bootie, (like said "Perve"). I was working at a car dealership....hello creepy car salesman....needless to say my hubby almost got back handed.

So, I can totally APPRECIATE this cake!! It's pure comedic GENIUS!!

Anonymous said...

I can just picture Pam and Jim exchanging a horrified glance over the top of the cake while Creed happily slices into the picture.

On the bright side- there are no quotation marks anywhere on the cake!

Chris said...

Uhh.... Isn't the CAKE ITSELF pretty much sexual harassment??

It's soft-core porn you can eat.


Erin said...

Oh man. I have to say, I think that's hysterical. Love it.

Me said...

OMG too funny!
Oh to be a fly on the wall in that confrence room!

A said...

Absolutely hilarious. Your part about the feet being off the ground prompted coffee to squirt from my nose. Thanks for a laugh this morning!

Tricia said...

am I the only one who seems to notice that her head seems to be mostly detached from her body?

Mldjstd said...

This cake is near perfect.

The only fail here is that the red line in the circle should run from left to right.

Near perfect !

The Creeper said...

Has anyone else noticed that his left arm appears to be a prosthetic?

"It wasn't me. It was the one armed man."

Anonymous said...

Wait...What's the vertical line on the guy's belly??? Did anyone notice THAT with all the other fun stuff going on?

I love that there are cartoon "POW" lines to clarify that there is some type of action going on...because otherwise, yeah...I'd have thought he got his hand stuck.

How about that her head isn't attached, either? Must have been dislodged by the Spank Heard Round The World. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think that it should say "Cavity Search".

Anonymous said...

Either she has Olive Oyl's hairdo, or Goofy's ears. Also, what's with the guy's OTHER arm? Was he in a burn unit or something?

Heather said...

OMG ... This definitely belongs in The Office ... perhaps the writers should be notified ...

:) LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just... wow.

Noni said...

Damn I have to go and change my underwear again from laughing too hard. Love your blog!!! Priceless.

Anonymous said...

*jaw on floor*

Ronnica said...

Yes, it definitely looks like it could be on "The Office." I know it has the big red circle thingy, but shouldn't the wording say "Stop sexual harrassment" or at least "No sexual harrassment" rather than just "sexual harrassment?"

MaryO said...

I'm still trying to figure out what EXACTLY this office was celebrating to order such a cake! Did they finally fire someone who was blatantly goosing women? Or?

Weird and definitely not "PC" but I'm still LMAO!

Becky said...

When you work in an office, there's always an excuse to have cake.

Michelle M. said...

Oh. My.
Everytime I think you can't top the last outrageous do. What'll be next??!

Anonymous said...

I know I am so wrong for saying this but I think that was a great cake to break up the hum-drumness typically associated with those presentations. Not to say they are not important but they do tend to drive me to sleeping. I definitely would have woken up with the cake. :-)

Tristan said...

What exactly is around the corners?

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard that I can hardly type this, let alone put together a coherent thought!!! Seriously funny!!! I'm also wondering what punishment was doled out to the boss for bringing said cake to work!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, I'm not sure what to say about that one.

Trevor said...

Did you notice that the spank is hard enough that it's lifted her head from her body? Seriously, I don't think that head is actually connected!

This cake is funny on so many levels.

Katie Krebs said...

Did you also notice, it looks like her head is detached from her body. Also, I don't think she's wearing any clothes.

I love your website, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or isn't Olive Oyl's head disconnected from the rest of the body?

LOL, keep up the good work!

Common Clay said...

Awesome site!! This cracks me up every day! All I can say is WOW for this cake! I'd guess that HR's mission statement at this company would be something like: We pat...errr...put the ASS in HARASSMENT.

Danielle said...

I love this one! I agree, she looks very similar to Olive Oyl. Doesn't Olive even hop like that sometimes?

heels said...

WTH is that line coming out of the top of his pants?

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I will love this forever.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why this is funny. A terrible cake, yes. But that's about it.

Anonymous said...

I love this cake but I can't help but chime in that the illustrator is attempting a perspective view of the event, thus the elevated feet. Just sayin'!

Rachael M. said...

HA HA HA!!!!!

Oh my god - I can see it now...Angela refuses to eat the cake, Jim and Pam try to explain to Michael why it's an inappropriate confection and Dwight explains why he doesn't believe in sexual harassment....too bad Toby's gone to Costa Rica! He'd have a field day with that!!

man oh man! That is comedy.

Anonymous said...

I dont want cake woman... wears the Pie

Cassie said...

This isn't a cake wreck.

This is the best cake ever.

Anonymous said...

The manager probably didn't want to pu together an anti-harassment seminar, so he got to brainstorming. He figured, "Hey, everyone likes sweets, right? Everyone knows if you write stuff on cake, that makes it EVEN MORE TRUE. Yeah, I think I know how to handle this one!"

Anonymous said...

That's what you get when you let Dwight pick out the cake for the office. Well, that or something beet-flavored.

califmom said...

Nice cake, as are they all. You make my day. And, as a show of gratitude for all your bloggy goodness, I've given you an award...just pop by my blog when you get a spare moment and you can grab it and sure to share the love with some of your favorite bloggers.

Anonymous said... better way to teach employee's about the company's sexual harrassment policy than with cake.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, her ass meant nothing to the boss! (Sorry, I couldn't resist this!)

Latina Vega said...

This one in particular has me crying, just because of how you go in detail, u're words r killing me. LMAO!

Nonsense Creator said...

Its a floating spank!

Allison said...

I'm just wondering what the manager actually wrote on the order form at the cake decorating place :)

Anonymous said...

What's up with the pervs' feet?? One is missing?

Mag's Nags said...

Apparently no one in this office is immune to sexual harrassment; amputees have nothing to fear there! At least he wasn't spanking her with his 'hook'!!!!!!

V. Nicharico said...

I'm going to assume that the boss decided to pick up a cake for his office as a sort of apology for making them all sit through one of those sensitivity training seminars..but does the fact that he still had it illustrated mean that he knew no one was paying attention anyway...or that he just didn't care ;)

Anonymous said...

You sort of have to wonder what kind of cake decorator would actually be willing to even make this cake!

Mag said...

What exactly is the boss doing to his employee? ;-)

Pink Sith said...

I work in HR and this has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen as far as sexual harassment training goes. Talk about missing the point yet...what a great way to ummmm....motivate your employees? it's just a hot mess!

That One said...

I love how her head appears to have shot right off the top of her head. I'm assuming Frosting Girl was mighty pissed at Frosting Boy.

Anonymous said...

I think I want a cake like that for my husband's next birthday! lol

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

Did the person they gave the cake thank the Boss by saying, "Spank you very much?"

Unknown said...

Hey there.

found your blog via Feministing. I haven't laughed this hard since the youknitwhat blog shut down.

kayandkari said...

This is one of the best yet. Micheal from the office would totally bring this in, too.

GottabeMe said...

Wow..yup, that cake is totally Michael Scott! And he would have no idea why it wasn't appropriate. And I can just see the Party Planning Committee being upset about it.

If someone brought this to my office I'd laugh so hard I'd probably cry. I'd be useless for a couple of hours.

peskypixies said...

I must admit, I was so impressed by the near perfect circle, I hardly noticed the @ss slap.

Love the site!

Anonymous said...

I am the boss that got that cake created... The best part is that it was a raw cookie dough cake custom made at my brother's bakery. Delicious and hilarious.

Anonymous said...

The guy who bought this cake is my boss...

We work at a theater and he bought it in on the last day of last year's season (summer '07) as a joke in response to all the "LOL SEXUAL HARASSMENT" jokes going on (after the ridiculous anti-sexual harassment meeting, sexual innuendos just became funnier). His brother, who works at a bakery, designed the cake for him/us.

As for the trouble my boss got in... the boss above him saw it and forced him to call everyone working at the theater and give them a personal lecture on why sexual harassment is wrong.

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine said that OSHA (occupational health, etc) can be summed up in one phrase, "If it's wet and not your's, don't touch it!" LOL...too bad we didn't have this cake at the latest sexual harassment seminar...OMG!

Mary said...

what is more problematic to me is the man is dressed and the woman looks naked as a jaybird.

Not funny on way too many ponts

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of that one scene in Caligula. Blech.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't have noticed the elevated feet until you pointed it out. Ha! -- either that's one hell of a backswing the guy's got, or else he's picking her up like a bowling ball. Dang.

Anonymous said...

I haven't laughed so hard in at least a year-- and at work, no less. People are going to start wondering WTF is wrong with me, since I'm trying to hold it in and failing miserably, resulting in something between a snort and a bray.

The cake was hilarious, but the COMMENTARY-- oh man. No words left. I'm sending this to everyone I know. Great work.

Anonymous said...

Intersting that you all seem to think the Boss is a man.

Anonymous said...

this cake would have been perfect after Gob's sexual harassment speech on Arrested Development.

Anonymous said...

How fitting. August 14th was my birthday.

Anne said...

Thank you so much. I'm a homeschooling mom with five kids and a working nurse. My days are so busy and sometimes I get overwhelmed. When that happens, I come here and laugh like a lunatic until I feel better. My kids ask to visit this site, too. So, thank you. I swear, you're providing a service!

Anonymous said...

That cake is way too hilarious. Detachable head, missing limbs, inappropriate subject matter...CLASSIC! I do have to admit, the first time I saw it I instantly assumed it was an illustration of some airport security procedure gone horribly wrong...

Anonymous said...

The sexual harassment design could also be used in an old folks home to remind the guys to go to the proctologist.

Johnna Knows Good Food: Yum Yum, Gimme Some! said...

LOL...This cake is nuts!

Chica said...

Ahhhh hahahahahahaha

I just found your blog adn am going through all the posts. I love your site and wil def. be telling my friends about it.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog... I just came across it yesterday and literally laughed until tears streamed down my cheeks.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but your writing really completes each image. Your sarcasm and witty conclusions had me in stitches!

Thank you for the laughter. The world can use as much humor as can be created. You rock, keep up the good work!

Earthseed Detroit said...

i have muscle spasms in my cheeks and tears streaming down them laughing about this cake and the commentary. wow.

Anonymous said...

I also used to work there. To make this funnier, there were times two years ago where we would have nothing to do so we would sit in the back and actually watch the office.

Adele said...

i like your blog, let me rephrase that... Your Blog is a breath of fresh air! I love how I can practically hear you saying some of the lines on your post. Too funny, honestly funny!

Jannick R. said...

I'm sitting here, laughing, crying, snorting, sounding like a whining pig that can't breathe... woke my BF and got stared oddly at by the cat (prolly woke the neighbours too)

Then I start reading the comments... OMG... everything all over again, times 10!

As a joke, this is superb... on WAY too many levels - but if meant seriously, then I feel sad for the poor sod who ordered this... LOL

Anonymous said...

eh shut up and eat...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't the last time I laughed so hard. Then, I spent some time cruising around the other posts and laughed some more!

Thank God for the "Michaels" in the world! How dull life would be...

Well done, Jen! Love your site!

Anonymous said...

It's only sexual harrassment if you didn't actually WANT someone to spank you. It's a very misleading illustration.

Anonymous said...

Thank God someone else noticed that... What IS sticking out of his pants?!

Seriously, I love this cake!! (But I love this website even more!)

LaurenAct513 said...

This cake is awesome and I have posted a link to it on "The Office" website I belong to.

What is even funnier is the narration and then the various posts. I have been laughing like crazy at the wonderful senses of humor of the people here.

Thanks for the laughs!!

Anonymous said...

I died when I saw this. Then I died, again, when I read the caption. Loves it!

Anonymous said...

I work in the field of sexual harassment prevention and complaint resolution. I wish I could bring this cake to the next meeting of my colleagues. They would all just laugh themselves to tears!

Anonymous said...

He is doing an arm curl with her. Explains why she is off the ground.

Cassie said...

I love that you mentioned "The Office"! That made me smile! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the day I sent a guy friend (I'm a girl) in another part of the company, a special cupcake from the local erotic bakery. It had a nice pair of girls on it, which he would surely appreciate. But, he received it during a staff meeting, where they played the sexual harassment video. Lots of fun t hat day and a huge thank you from the entire group for making that the finniest staff meeting ever.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry, to me it looks like she's up in the air because he lifted his arm and his whole hand is up , well you know...


Sherry said...

Best post ever!!!

Anonymous said...

At least they spelt "harassment" right.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it is a bit 'deeper' than a mere pinch on the rear. I believe she is levitating in the air because he is lifting her to new heights. lol. This one is bad....just plain bad!

Anonymous said...

i love the office and i love this cake!!!! "the spank heard 'round the world"- put that on a pillow!!! thanks, jen!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with this cake. The feminazis are just always looking for something to bitch about.

Anonymous said...

err...nice um cake a perent spanking a perent good um job

Unknown said...

This is the greatest cake...ever!

Anonymous said...

omg. im like dying of laughter

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

OK... never seen fisting illustrated on a cake before...

Let's hope I never see that again... humanity will most likely be destroyed if this needs to be demonstrated in cake form... again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am the boss that got that cake created... The best part is that it was a raw cookie dough cake custom made at my brother's bakery. Delicious and hilarious.

August 18, 2008 2:15 AM



Ann said...

OMG!! I haven't laughed this hard in ages - my stomach hurts. I'm a HR Consultant and this was great!

Jenny said...

ohhh man. i could NOT stop laughing!!! jen, you're hilarious :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know what it is popping up from his belt line. if it is what i think it is, i'll take that piece!

Christa Jeanne said...

Hahaha, WOW. That is a Michael Scott cake if I've ever seen one! Fantastic!!!

Rachel said...

A case of sexual harassment or a comedic ventriloquist routine? A t-rex arm or a prosthetic? Headless woman or Olive Oyl?

Obviously, this cake has more than one layer.

Anonymous said...

I just laughed until I cried...I haven't done that in a while, so thanks, and kudos to you =)

jc said...

she was so asking for it! Would not one normally stand when getting slapped on the ass? Unless one were expecting a slap on the ass would one lean such as the young lady in the drawing. It just doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

What the flip...

Anonymous said...

is it me or does that man look...happy? look at the bottom of his shirt!

Tiff said...

It looks to me like she was asking to be "harrassed". LOL Look how she is bent over!

Mallory said...

The Season 7 premiere of The Office fit with this cake perfectly!

Cupcakes Lady said...

hahaha Where has the hand went. Thats more than sexual harassment..surely??! lol xx

web design houston said...

My employer would have me thrown under the jail if I brought something like that to the office. LMAO