So for dog lovers, this is a "Creepy Cake". For cat lovers, it's "Just Funny". What say you, readers?
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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71 comments | Post a Comment
Based on the body parts you can see in the background, I think this is only partially complete.
It looks like there might also be a frog (green?) and a dalmation cake.
It's well done but still creepy looking!
is it a cat or dog -- It looks like a dog that just got his temp. checked.
Creepy. Definitely creepy. The color is also completely unappetizing.
In the background you can see what looks like. . . .moldy cheese or another dog cake (thinking dalmatian).
Can it be creepy AND funny?
Yes. Yes it can.
I'm a cat lover, and that's just creepy...
hmmmm...not sure, but I think whoever made it is quite talented. Maybe a bit creepy for me though. :o)
Oh goodness. That frightens me quite a bit. I certainly don't think I would be going for a slice of nose.
The look on the face, the expression - that's what makes it so freaky looking. The artistic ability of the person making this is amazing - but WHY the scared face??
I'm inclined to agree with Anissa -perhaps the poor pooch just got "goosed" at the vet's office!
I'm an animal lover and this cake is sad and weird. Also the color is off..looks like one of your other cakes - I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to which one! :-)
For such a big head, it has such a tiny mouth.
Hahaha! That's your classic "You want to do WHAT?! with that?" look. poor dog must be in the vet's office ;)
I wonder if his eyes follow you around the room???
Count me firmly in the creepy camp.
I've just spent the better half of an hour on your blog laughing my bum off! Youre too funny, and the cakes...well they take the cake!
I think you may have misinterpreted. It is ROBO DOG... he knows know fear! Will leap parked cars in a single bound. This model of Robo Dog comes complete with pop up satellite ears, xray eye balls, detachable mic built into the nose and .. the mask of anonymity - the air brushed X over his eyes. It is genius! Go Go Gadget bad coloured icing!
ha. Love your blog!
I've never posted but I've been watching this site for a while...You CRACK me up!!! I love checking in..... Finally I will respond... All I said to myself when i saw this one was "I want that dogs head on a platter" LMAO!! I am a cake decorator, I pray I never make some of the mistakes these people have made.
Keep up the great work!!
You'd be terrified too, if King Kitty demanded YOUR head on a plate.
it's good, but allitle... creepy. I agree with ladyciani, I think it's only partially complete.
great blog, it always keeps me laughing, keep up the great work!
I think this cake is gorgeous. Very well done w/true artistic talent.
Most of the other cakes you post ARE wrecks, but this one is excellent.
Lover of: cats
Cake = bug-eyed hilarity
Or for Michael Vick, it's the losing dog.
WHERE do you FIND these???
This site never fails to make me bust a gut laughing.
Unfortunately it also makes me want cake.
Mmm, cake.
{anissa} said it best--the dog just got his temp checked!
i may be a cat lover, but this is seriously creepy. seriously.
Creepy, hilarious, funny, and detailed well..... not a combination you see often!
It's not so much the spooked look on his face, as it it the thought of how he'll get eaten. . .I can just see the large, shiny knife lopping off his snout, slapping it onto a paper plate, and jamming in a plastic fork before passing it along. . .*shudder*
I agree with what anissa said about the dog just getting his temp checked. Seriously funny!! It looks like a face off a cartoon, one that's learned some really bad news, involving him. Nice detail though. I haven't checked back in a while so I have to comment on the horse butt cake below: WHAT ARE PEOPLE THINKING!!!! That's going to become my new mantra when I read this blog.
Was that made for a veterinary student with a sick love for lobotomy? Or maybe the remainder of the cake (with thermometer, like {anissa} said,) is under the table.
It reminds me of the dog on the Little Cesear's commercial for the $5 gut fillers, err, pepperoni pizzas. The family is on their way somewhere and at the end of the commercial they say, "Now we just need to drop off *the dog* at the vet," and he gets this surprised look on his face. Or yeah, like someone else said... like someone just took his temp. LMAO!
Wait, I think it's the Montauk Monster!
Nasty! Who the heck thinks severed heads of any kind (animal or human)should be immortialized by a baked good???
Pretty much can sum it up by saying...Icky...not gonna eat it - NEVER EVER!
I'm a cat person - and this cake falls under CREEPY!
It's been decapitated for cryin' out loud, eating that cake would be as every bit as disturbing as eating one of those baby cakes.
Would you like a slice of muzzle or ear? Eyeball maybe?
As a friend of mine said when I showed her the baby cake, I wonder if they put a red jelly filling just under the top layer of cake?
Those plain ole' rectangles at my local supermarket look better all the time.
To me he looks my dogs. Cookies? Can we have a Cookie PLEASE?
This doesn't even really look like cake. it looks like gingerbread done papier mache style.
It think it is terrible!! I mean, everyone knows that a dog cake are supposed to look like a Pug!
So, where do I start cutting?
This poor pooch did not come from a no-kill shelter. Poor guy!
If my kids were at a party where they were chopping a dogs head into little pieces and passing them out with ice cream, they'd run screaming from the room.
I love your blog! Where do you find these culinary monstrosities?
It looks like the dog is having something ... um .. just WRONG being done to it. Perhaps being turned into a canine gelding without the benefit of an anasthetic.
Please, keep them coming!
"What's your kitty cat's name?"
"Salome. Why do you ask?"
I think I'd scream if one of those eyes ended up staring up at me from the plate.
Oh my goshness I love your blog. I just read right through it and it has me in stitches. Thank you so much for blogging!
I imagine the children would all be fighting to see who gets the tongue bit.
I say its suppose to look like that...afterall, how would you look just before they cut YOUR head off?
Ironically, this is the same look Marie Antoinette had on her face right after saying, "Let them eat cake!"
why do i feel like it needs to have an apple in its mouth LOL
love the site
Well - as a dog lover, I don't love this cake. I think if I was a cat lover I still wouldn't love this cake. I think cake should at least be appetizing and this one is so NOT appetizing.... It took talent to make this cake, no denying it is well done, but EEEEWWW!
reminds me of that dog on Conan... you know the one that says "for me to poop on"...
I'm not sure if it matters if you are a cat lover or dog lover. It's hilarious.
Just Funny
yikes! creepy is an understatement with this one.
i love your blog... i laugh until i cry! keep it up... awesome!
I like both cats and dogs, but a cake like that is begging NOT to be eaten.
That is just creepy...
Why oh why do people feel compelled to order fondant covered monstrosities such as this. I am a cat lover and dog lover and the thought of "digging" into a slice of nose or ear makes me want to hurl. especially after having to clean my own dog's ears and nose. ::throws up in my mouth:: Thanks for sharing this "gem"
OMG, who wants to eat a dog's head?
Here honey, have an eye. Oh wait, you wanted the snout. Here you go, sweetie. Pick the whiskers out first.
Hello - can you say eyelids!?
omg. i think the green thing is an edible garden hose. what kind of occasion calls for a garden hose cake?
Maybe they are having it tsted for rabies, perhaps?
Looking at the other cakes in the background adds to the humor. Why make an animal look like it is made of blue cheese? The other one appears to be a frog sitting on Lilly pads. Eating a big green chunk of rah frog has its own touch of horror.
I had to pick myself off the floor for this one because I was laughing so hard. And then I read the caption. This is soooo funny.
It's a little creepy but you can't deny that it's really, really well executed.
I'm a cat lover and I find nothing even remotely funny in this decapitated dog's head.
It's skilfully done, right down to the terror-stricken expression, but the idea is disgusting.
Looks a lot like a dog.....but it's NOT...it's cake, and cake is good...eat it.
I vote for "both sick and hilarious."
This has also made me realize that a cake shaped like a boar's head would be much better for a quasi-medieval Christmas party than an actual boar's head. Noted.
Reminds you of the last scene in "Blair Witch Proeject" but for dogs. Wonder what Fido saw when he/she finally caught up with whatever he/she was chasing? If it was a cat, it must have been a big one.
i have enjoyed all the pictures, but it wasn't until i got to this one that i laughed out loud. i startled my cat, george.
in our office we have had so many misspelled cakes that we now get the going-away cakes misspelled on purpose - "gool luck" is popular.
thanks for the fun. - minette
This thing that really makes this image is your caption!!
I'm really tired of this cultural assumption that all cat-lovers must also be dog-haters.
I think I'd laugh my butt off if it were red velvet cake!
This brings to mind the phrase 'with eyes...eyes that have seen too much...'