I think these guys should team up with the poison bon-bon cake, given the fatality risk of eating real puffer fish. At least, I think those are supposed to be puffer fish; the one on the right (my right, people) looks a bit like a smushed hedgehog – all he needs are some tire treads across the back. Come to think of it, that would explain the bug-eyes...
If this continues, I may have to start a "Poisonous" category - something I never would have imagined needing on a cake blog. What next? Poison Dart Frog cakes? (You know they're out there, don't you? Let's see who can find one first. And...Go!!)
Many thanks to Mary P. for sharing her catch.
38 comments | Post a Comment
HAHAH! Love it. Along with poison dart frogs, there is probably (hopefully a halloween inspired thing) a Mad science lab cake.... hmm.. sounds kinda like the one you already posted with the spinning thing on top and the green slime oozing out of it...
Awww, they're kinda cute!
But no.
Those are hilarious. I find it absurd that the puffer-fish cakes weren't made for an actual order, but made to sit in a case and sell to random passers-by.
That's hysterical in a totally whacked out kind of way. Hi Honey, I love you, here's your poison cake.
New to your site! I love it! You gotta question some people's tastes.
Though it makes me glad I'm not a cake decorator. :D
check out these two!
Hmmm... what were people thinking when they made the cake?
Ok..were these for sale at a fish market? Or perhaps this is a special item for The Pufferfish Festival..hmm. As always great commentary..I had people gathering around the computer at work to see this one!
haha...those look hilarious!!!! awesome job at being creative with the food!! those are too cute!!
Is that the chocolate knock-out cake from Cake Love (Washington, DC area bakery)?
Naaaaaw, these are adorable!
I like these. I would buy them. I would eat them. I would SHARE them!
Great cakes! So creative in their designs.
Very interesting!People have such HUGE immaginations!
aww, actually, i think these are super cute. certainly no worse than the grooms' cakes i've seen, shaped like their hunting dogs...
Oooh! My fiance desperately wants one of these cakes. Any chance you'll share where they can be found? I actually kind of like them, for the horrific amusement factor.
Well, it isn't a cake, but this site boasts that their poison dart frogs "made of sturdy PVC" can be used as cake decorations...
I love those guys! But dart frogs? That would be so great.
OK, marine biology geek here...
1) Not all puffers are venomous. Not all are poisonous either.
2) Poisonous = things that are toxic to eat. Venomous = toxic by injection. So snakes are venomous, while pokeberries are poisonous...
Anyway, I love this blog. :D And these cakes are totally cute!
With the two of them right there together, they kinda look like a furry bikini top.
I would buy those cakes! They're so cute!
Having had pufferfish in Japan, and lived to tell about it, it's pretty good. Not the best seafood I've had, but it's still good. But expensive and prepared only in restaurants that only do Fugu.
That said, I'd like a cake like that ;)
Puffer-fish cake!
Now, see, sadly...I'd order this.
I mean, I was the one, after all, who ordered a birthday cake with an open grave. :D
awwwww, i think they're cute in a retarded way. :)
I am assuming these are dart frogs from the coloring added to the backs of the chocolate frog shape. Does this cake count?
Also, new to this blog and just loving it!
oops, forgot my frog comparisons!
I generally love the LATIN Cd's the most but since we just returned from MAUI and had Hawaiian music playing so often I would LOVE LVOE LOVE this one Hawaiian Playground
I love these guys! I want one of these for my birthday! Besides, in terms of decorators intent, you can tell they're puffer fish, which is more than you can say for a lot of these cakes.
I happened to look away while the screen loaded, looked back and promptly burst out laughing!
I don't care what or how anyone feels about the cake- those two with your blog are hilarious.
Great blog!
Thank you!
I dunno I think those are pretty awesome. They might sell simply on the novelty factor alone.
Found the poison dart frog cake...
and since we're talking poisonous/venomous creatures, here's a rattlesnake cake...
and did you know that the male platypus has venemous spurs on his back feet?
I say bring on the "Poisonous" category!
I laughed so hard at "smushed hedgehog"!! That's what I thought it was before I read the caption.
I never would have guessed puffer fish on my own. At first glance, I thought it was a reference to Chrono Trigger's Lavos!
Awwww! Poor squashed hedgehog cake! So... *nom nom nom* sad and... *nom nom nom* delicious...
I look at these and shudder. Gaaah! Runaway!
Puffer fish cake...cool...but why?! I cant see why people would like them so much? xx
Mary P? As in, Mary Poppins? Well, that explains why they look so realistic...
Maxiumum effect
requires a poison bon
on each spiny tip.