How about weeding out the illiterate cake decorators?
This is someone's ACTUAL wedding cake, people. So stop laughing; it's tragic. Really. Well, in a funny, unintentionally ironic kind of way...
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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29 comments | Post a Comment
I think it's awesomely appropriate that they chose green as the icing colour!
OMG!!! This one made me cry.....
with laughter!!!
how sad :(
"What is a wedding? Webster's dictionary defines a wedding as 'the process of removing weeds from one's garden.'" - Homer Simpson
How appropriate.
I wish I had a picture of the cake my mom bought me when I became editor of my high school yearbook in 1992:
"Congratulations to the Editor-in-Cheif!"
An ironic baker, perhaps?
I love it!
I want that cake! Seriously hilarious as a wedding cake (poor things that got it!), but oh-so-appropriate given the efforts I've just had to go through (rose thorns, rubble, oil cans...) weeding the unkempt garden in our delapidated little first home!
Yeah, but it could have been a chronic cake, so then the spelling would have been appropriate.
As well as tossing Funyuns instead of rice at the newlyweds.
I am literally rolling in the aisles here chaps. That is brilliant - I haven't laughed so much for ages. Thanks for cheering up a miserably down workaholic!
And Happy St. Paddy's Day!
How sad that the decorator actually made it through the word "congratulations" correctly, only to blow it entirely on a word as simple as "wedding".
Unbelievably, incredibly stoopid.
Oh, if this was my wedding cake, I'd be laughing WAY too hard! At least there are no weeds in with the flowers.
Like Chris, I love the irony that the long and tricky word 'congratulations' was spelled correctly, but that the decorated managed to screw up the very simple word 'wedding'.
I love this site, and as a primary school teacher, I particularly love the grammatical, spelling and English errors. I do, however, feel the need to correct a post I read earlier 'its' is the abbreviation of 'it is', where as 'it's' denotes possession. I only learned this myself last week, and felt compelled to share.
OKAY...I got to this post in the blog and I'm afraid I can't read anymore. I'm laughing so hard I can barely see!!
No, I think "weeding" is appropriate. Look how beautiful the rose gardens look!
Sorry Rebecca.
For other possessives, the "'s" rule denotes possession, but "it's" is ONLY used as a contraction of "it is" and NEVER as a possessive.
You have it exactly backward.
Don't feel bad - this one's hard and it took me well into my 30's to finally lock it down. One of the most common grammar mistakes, actually.
/grammar nazi
Who would have "Congratulations on your wedding" on their wedding cake anyway? Surely it's a supplementary celebration cake to go along with the traditionally sans-message wedding cake...
Still, got to love the fact that the mistake has some pretty unromantic connotations.
Thank you "DD" for pointing out the mistake, I was twitching (sorry if thats misspelled, grammer nazi I am, spelling nazi I am not). The "its" v. "it's" conumdrum is one of my biggest pet peeves. Now, about that cake...woah. Those rosebeds DO need weeding...lol
I was describing this cake to my husband who thought that I said "Congratulations on your 'weening'" instead of "weeding." I think "weening" would have been even funnier!
sooooooo they finally got it weeded down to one last guy for the wedding? or the husband finally finally got his butt outside and weed whacked the front yard?
I'm out lurking about and found you. This is pretty funny. My Dad's birthday cake this last year said "Happy BARTHDAY Mark". They asked my mom over and over how to spell Mark. Who would have thought--wedding and birthday would need to be spelled out for bakers.
At least they spelled "your" correctly.
Gotta give them that...
It could have read "Congratulations on you're weeding"
and that would have been extra sad.... :(
Okay, we all know we've heard of weddings where we were glad that someone was being removed from the dating pool....hence....weeding lol. Leaving the good stuff still in circulation :)
Am I the only one to notice that while "Congratulations" is spelled correctly, there's a bit of a spacing issue?
This is so fantastic. When I got married my dad constantly referred to it as my "weeding." I only wish I'd found this cake sooner.
Wow! I am at a loss for words. Too bad the wreckerator wasn't as well.
Just looking over some old posts, and noticed that although there are some spacing issues in the word "Congratulations", the wrecker DID have beautiful writing skills. He/she deserves credit for that anyway!!
wv: suril Caller: "Can you make a cake that reads, "Congratulations on your wedding?" Baker: "Surill".
B. Weed
SO what is the problem? Looks Fine to me!!!!
My friends are getting married (not really, they aren't even going out, it's for a comedy skit the guy is doing :)) tomorrow, and I had told them about the weeding cake a few weeks ago. To my utmost delight, they decided to use the picture as the figurehead for their "wedding" campaign. The ceremony is now called a "weeding". I also made an actual wedding cake for the ceremony, and I might be sending in pictures soon. :)
Haha...The bride must have been raging when she seen this on her wedding day. If not, she needs help. x