Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dear Go d, the Irony
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
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What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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60 comments | Post a Comment
Hilarious! I'm continually amazed by the number of ways people misspell the same words.
Well, if it were say, maybe a kindergarten graduacction, it might be appropriate.
It looks as though they bothered to scrape off an extra "o".
God loves a traieyer!
Oh the irony, indeed. I think this is suposed to be a bilingual cake with the word graduation being in spanish - graduacion (with an accent mark on the o). Except its mispelled! Wrong in so many levels. Sigh!
OOOH so much room to comment. I can wiggle my toes!
Does that cake say "Amy?" I'll have to hide this post. My daughter is convinced that everytime an "Amy" is mentioned anywhere, it's because said "Amy" is evil, spoiled, or stupid.
My Amy is none of those things :)
BTW, that cake is beyond a wreck.
There's nothing wrong with a "Good Blessing," is there? They should have left it alone.
And if case you haven't notice, "graduation" is a really difficult word to spell.
good lord! (haha!)
I swear to Go d that I try everyday to get my pastry business going, try to scrape together money to take classes to learn new techniques and improve my skills. I also worked hard in public school, High School, College and University.learning to read, write and form cohesive sentences. I have never spelled even the strangest word or name incorrectly on a cake! When will people stop shopping at the Big Box stores, supporting corporate America that in turn supports illiteracy, poor work habits and unskilled labour while at the same time elbowing out the little guys who have the skills and who CARE! Really people! REALLY!! On the flip side, no illiterate cake decorators, no Cake Wrecks...sigh.
Where to start? This is a wreck on so many levels. Spelling, spacing, removing letters. I'm just speechless!
Very god poost. I enjooyed it.
Wow...just...wow. What else can I say?
I think it originally said "Gold Blessing" but with the economy and all, they couldn't afford it and the edit was cheaper.
It looks like they sneezed the sprinkles on the cake around the poor graduate statue. Maybe that's why the "go d bless you"....??
I think it's supposed to read like a message from a homie:
"My. Graduaccion. Go, D. Bless yo." The tragedy is running out of room for "Peace out."
My wv is "biblatel"
The Biblatel ya that "Go d" isn't spelled with a space like that... ;-)
I'm wondering if they were football fans...Go d! Go defense! :-D
Looks like a 'wish I had a camera' moment I had - I was behind a carful of high school grads, with the rear window painted with the word "SEINORS"
Seriously, do people pay for these wrecks? If I showed up and the cake that I had ordered looked like that, I'd either demand a new one, or insist that the fee be refunded since I had to make do with such an abomination. I'd like to think that I'd laugh and shrug it off--and I might, but not if I had to pay full price (or any price) for a cake that was misspelled, mis-spaced, and just an all around "miss."
It would have been a lot less obvious if they had simply added an upright to the second O and removed the D. Not that it would have helped the rest of the mess. Oh, never mind - just leave it. Sigh.
@ Anonymous 9:32: I think that since it's wrong in both English and Spanish, it's even wreckiered! (More wreckerated? Más wreckado?)
wv: gesst. I hope there are lots of gessts at my graduaccion party.
This is obviously a variation on the Jewish practice of not writing (or eating) God's name. Frequently, some Jews will use another letter in place of the "o", for example, G!d or G-d. I would have to consult with the Rabbis, but I think leaving a space would also work. I can't explain the spelling on graduation. Hope I don't start another Epcot:-)
Oh the irony indeed
Maybe someone sneezed while this person was trying to spell graduaccion??
To Anonymous @ 11:38,
I have know many Jews in my time (and have even eaten many delicious Jewish cakes,) and I have never refused to write or eat the word god. In fact, where I live, we are famous for god-cookies, god-tarts and, of course, our famous god-cupcakes. I'm sure that you will agree that I know everything there is to know about god related confections.
I glad to have been of assistance.
WV: costr-Please put a costr under your delicious god shake.
Hilarious! Lets hope the person's aiming for a JOurnalism/English degree!!
After clicking (why do I DO that?), it looks like the entire last line is a second attempt; note the scrape lines that go all the way across.
Someone graduated (maybe s/he supplied the cake and it really is supposed to say 'my'), the wreckerator failed and so balance was achieved. Normal reality has been restored, without the sudden appearance of a bowl of petunias and without any whales having to die.
I'm constantly amazed at how people let these cakes out of their stores looking like this!! This CANNOT be good for business!
Saw this and just had to take accion to express my appreciaccion for Jen's sharing this abominaccion with us.
You are a benediccion to the naccion, Jen, and I thank Go d for your creaccion.
I'm really hoping this was a home-made cake! I'm in agreement, maybe it was a bilingual cake or they meant to send good blessings and thoughts their way? Probably not, but for the person's sake, let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
Laughing at el cornichon and Ellen's comments.... Today's post reminds me that we are about to see a wave of Graduation Cake wrecks. I am giggling just thinking about it.
WV: sabif. "You only have to misspell God's name on a cake if you're eating it on the sabif day."
Really? Is this really from a bakery or did someone buy a blank cake and then write on it? I never fail to be amazed at how awful the wording is (spelling, spacing and writing). I have never written on a cake but I am pretty sure I could do better than that!
Really? Is this really from a bakery or did someone buy a blank cake and then write on it? Honestly, I find it really hard to believe that a bakery (even in a big box store) could do something that horrendous.I never fail to be amazed at how awful the wording is (spelling, spacing and writing). I have never written on a cake but I am pretty sure I could do better than that!
You just know someone on Fox will find a way to blame this on us atheists.
wv: hairco: Trump's not just a member...
Good for her. I think she deserves a lot of credit for graduaccating from the "Falker Satherhood School of Spelling and Penmanship." (She graduaccated "sumo coom louder" -- not that she's bragging...) Ulations my.
A very funn y post!
Bakeries should really have a master list of commonly misspelled words. It won't make all wrecks go away (and we wouldn't want that, or we wouldn't have Cake Wrecks to amuse us), but it might help a few unfortunate souls out there.
I am OCD about spelling. I wanted to throw my monitor and take a shower..it just made me feel so dirty!
Just a small thing... Graduaccion is how you spell it in Spanish... just need an accent over the o... perhaps that's what they were going for? Perhaps I'm being too nice.
Hooked on Phonics worked for me...
Maybe the wreckerator started saying Good Luck but got distracted (maybe sneezed)....?
Let me share something with you...I am about to finish my JD, and I'm telling you that 75% of my classmates wouldn't be able to tell you that anything was misspelled on that cake! From the people who bake your cakes, to the people who draft legislation for the United States Congress...nothing is safe!
This is obviously a Rebus...in code. Here, let me translate:
"Acci is in Graduon under small Military Yeomen. This is not Good. You are after B. Less."
See, now it makes perfect sense!
Pretty sure it wasn't a second "o", but and "r" that was whited out. This was obviously a Tragically Hip fan. Gord bless everyone! <3
Worst of all, they are serving it at the graduacction party, G od bless them!
@Shannon, there is a master list of commonly misspelled words. It is called a 'dictionary'.
Okay, I looked again and actually clicked on the photo, and what I first thought were sprinkles is actually white curling ribbon...so much for my theory that the "Go d bless you" was a "geshundheit"... :-)
I think you mean CDO. It's like OCD but the letters are in alphabetical order- as they should be.
-Barbara Anne
That cake looks like it went through the wringer. A new way to not spell graduation I see lol. Sheesh. I say the wreckerator should have to write that word repeatedly for at least one thousand times..until they get it right :).
My husband and I just finished reading your book. It was delightful. I'm sending it to my son who is a pastry chef, and I hope he enjoys it as much as we did.
Lou Truelove
It makes me wonder sometimes why people don't refuse to accept things like this and make them redo it. I hope she got a discount.
oh, no fair, i never got to have a graduaccion, i did get to have a graduation though, go d bless
I was going with "Gord Bless you", as well. But I was thinking Gordon Lightfoot..
Very funny!..Love to see more.
Oh my, that's surely one of the worst spellings so far?!
WV: redido
Obscure verb tense of to redo of something that was redone but needs to be redone again. Example:
Bakery employee: I already redid that cake.
Bakery manager: Well, you need to redido it again!
If it's any consolation, "graduation" is spelled correctly... in Spanish. lol!
Here's a good one for you...
My grandparents were having their 60th anniversary so I went in to a local bakery to get them a cake; as I was describing what I wanted the lady asked me to spell anniversary for her as she had no idea how to spell it herself...
Needless to say, I went to another bakery! I am very puzzled as to how this lady got her job.
I'm constantly amazed at how people let these cakes out of their stores looking like this!!. This will greatly promote the cake brand as well as shop name
There's so much going on here- first is the incorrect Spanish spelling of graduation, then there's the Go d that was once good w/ an "o" removed. Not to mention the spacing of the entire phrase. I don't know what's funnier, the Spanglish or Go d!!!
Dear Lord please help these people.
If they can't spell, what makes anyone think they can follow a recipe? There are newt fingers somewhere in this cake. Mark my words.
Looks like her cake sneezed. I have trouble spelling graduation, but man...