Monday, May 16, 2011
Love Hurts
Monday, May 16, 2011
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Wreck the Halls
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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The Classics
Praise for the Book
- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” —
- “Hysterically funny!”—
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
What the fans are saying
- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
Where's the book?
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
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Payments must be made through Paypal, which accepts all major credit cards. Sorry, but that means no checks or MOs or barter-based chickens.
We ship everything first class USPS, and will do our best to have your package in the mail within 2 days of your order.
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36 comments | Post a Comment
Regional accents, perhaps?
Yes! Proper use of the apostrophe to indicate that "Jenn is"....marring her intended. Hey, can't win 'em all.
Fun to watch Food Network Challenge last night and have Kerry Vincent refer to one showpiece as "The worst cake wreck we have ever had in Challenge..." Jen, do you have a copy right on that phrase???!!!
Soooo Anonymous(9:42),
You think Jenn really is marring Troy?
WV: Honch: "I have a honch that they meant to say Jenn is marrying Troy"
Nothing worse than messing up the spelling on a cake - particularly these examples!
Well they say love hurts.
ha ha!!!
I know it is awful, but as someone with southern roots I totally can hear the pronunciation of the 2nd cake.
transitive verb
1: detracting from the perfection or wholeness of
2 inflicting serious bodily harm on
Wow! Thank goodness Jenn isn't marrying Troy!
Probably the wreckorators are just reflecting their own experience of marriage here.
Well...maybe these are actually true...different strokes and all....
wv-dibrida: Poor Troy --wait until he sees what dibrida is gonna do to him....
Freudian slips?
And all the married or formerly married folks in the room looked at the cakes and said, "FINALLY! Someone has the guts to be honest!"
Ahh the jokes you could do with this...
It's about time someone gave the prospective grooms the what-for on how the bride wears the pants in the family! At least they can't say they weren't warned!
Way to go wreckreators!!!
No, that first cake is clearly a beautiful, frilly, pink boxing cake. I bet Holyfield orders one every match. Clear the ring, the cake's here!
Love is a battlefield.
It is too a word! Oh, you meant...
Given the non-violent definition of to marr (Sue W's first one), perhaps that cake was ordered by Troy's mother, who does not approve of Jenn and thinks she'll ruin her beloved son's life (and the family photos)? After all, this would be a really sly way to hint at that: "but, dear, the wreckerator clearly got 'marrying' wrong! I would never [outright] insult you, dear"
If Jenn's marring Troy, that's domestic abuse!
Is Jenn marring the guy, or the city in New York?
Don't call the bakery for help. Got it.
Oh, I thought the first one was a crude reference to what would be going on during the wedding night, if you know what I mean.
And I was thinking along the same line as Aliza with the second. MIL must not care for Jenn!
My worst nightmare is spelling something wrong on a cake. Do you think they do it on purpose for the Cake Wreck exposure?
I really hope that Jenn wasn't marring Troy. And if she was, I'm sure she didn't want it publicized on a cake. That's not a great start to a new life together!
Clearly the 'marring' cake was a way for Troy to subtly alert his family to Jenn's abusive nature...
Now it would be perfect if you switched the order of the cakes, that way Troy would be marred AND getting hit at the same time!
Actually, it is a word. Marring, as in "to Mar" 1. to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil. 2. to disfigure, deface, or scar. So, she marred him.
Perhaps Jenn was Helen's rather unpopular sister, and the inscription on the cake is a translation of ancient graffiti. (No offense, Jen-with-one-n.)
Surely the transitory embarrassment of asking a customer to verify what they want written on a cake is nothing compared to the prospect of producing a wreck.
Recently divorced people should not decorate cakes.
-Barbara Anne
Actually it is a word. They use it all the time at Epcot.
I'm trying to put a positive spin on these wrecks...
Okay, I think the lettering on both cakes were done in very nice colours.
Lol at the first one.. if that was at my wedding boy would someone be chased out the door with a rolling pin in my hand. Well it would make the cake true after all lol. Man I can only imagine what went through Troy's head seeing that cake.
But "to marr" is to make more awful, yes? To uglify or otherwise make unpleasing. Thus, the cake is spot on.
sounds like a cry for help....
but how neatly they pipe while abuse is going on...
wv: "boath." which cake is more disturbing? Boath.
Best known line from "Jane Err": "Reader, I marred him."