Now, bring on the victuals, ye scalawags!

Ay! This be a mighty fine cake! Flowers and butterflies good enough for the scurviest wenches in all of Tortola. ARRR!
And what have we here?
And what do me eyes be seein'?

ARRR! More daisies! And rickrack! Rickrack's a piratey word! ARRR!
This pretty be the fairest I've seen in many a winter!
By the powers! I feel like I be in Fiddler's Green! Where's me spyglass?

Alas! Ahoy! Avast! Aye! um... grog! I be needin' a closer gander at this here winsome wench:

Aye, she be sweet as spiced wine, but now...We wants the redhead!

Arrr, tharrr she be.
Shiver me timbers, the redhead's a MERMAID?!? Never ye mind, lads, we'd best be hauling anchor to fairer ports; the Cap'n, he be waiting.

Aye, ye never be wantin' to rile the Cap'n; he packs a right nasty left hook.
(Ahoy, be it a mite smelly in here, or is that just Smee?)
80 comments | Post a Comment
Fab! I loved the description of the flowers with pirate talk.
Pirates _love_ flowers!
I think you should delete every comment that wants to describe various flowers, especially daisies. LMAO.....
Ay, the quillin' be fine on those cakes by the fair Collette and the dainty Kayla!
Love love love the Pirates of the Caribbean line. We wants the redhead!
"We wants the red head!"
Pirates of the Caribbean ride reference for the win! ;) I grew up with that ride...I love that ride...
I went through a Disney-princess confusion moment with the Belle cake for Jasmine...quite distressing, as you might imagine, for a Sunday morning!
Giggle over the pirate talk very cute.
I love the two cakes where the designs look quilled. I can't even make quilling look like that so I don't know how they do it in fondant!
Matey, those cakes are works of arrrrrt, but those aren't daisies. It's a hydrangea.
I was bummed that talk like a pirate day was on Sunday because I don't get to torment my coworkers with it, but this post more than makes up for it.
Yar, Matey! ‘Tis a fine day to be a gazing at cakes!
I just swooned to see victuals spelled correctly! LOLOL
Aye John, them first set 'o daisies be hydrangeas.
hahahahaha :D love love love this post
ARRR! Those be dogwood blooms on that second cake! I seed 'em when I dropped anchor off the coast of Virginny!
I wish I were clever enough to type a comment in pirate speak. I'm not.
Arrr! Left hook! That be a fine pun thar, me lad!
Arrr, Cap'n John be gettin' in touch with 'is feminine side this fine day, m'hearties! Shiver me timbers, them be some grand daisies!
I'm very disappointed Sept.19th is a Sunday, I too wanted to bamboozle & annoy at work & if I do it tomorrow I'll just look like a twit.
John...why are all flowers daisies to you? I'm going to have to drive across town and teach you about flowers. That's like saying all big cats are lions. My niece knew that wasn't so at 3. ...Waving from below the Florida Mall
"To err is human or a cakewreck; to arrr is Pirate."
ARRG! Those cakes thar be mighty fine, mighty fine indeed. Last minute be good, because pirates + flowers = win. I don't think thar's a way t' say that in a piratical manner.
For a minute I thought someone really had their Disney princesses mixed up with the Belle cake. Then I realized it was Yasmine, not Jasmine. Then I felt dumb.
Arrrrrrrrrr!!! The sensitive side of pirates!
Ha... way to wedge Talk like a Pirate Day in there... :)
WE WANTS THE REDHEAD! Hahahahah, I love that ride. :)
@ Anon 11:12--Um, as a bit of a flower buff myself, I have to say that I find the on-going daisy joke to be hilarious! I think he should even call roses daisies!
Also, I've never seen sugar quilling like that--I love when cake decorating gets into the arts like that. Beautiful.
Arr! Tis a shame ye had no rum cakes abord! They'd be fine victuals indeed!
Cakes were nice and all that (it is Sunday Sweets...). The pirate talk was decent... Question though: How did you two (or the entire cakewrecks team) NOT know that today was "Talk Like A Pirate Day"? Even FB has settings to change your account language to English (Pirate) for days like today... :)
Yasmine looks exactly like Giada DeLaurentis from the Food Network. Can't tell if she's celebrating 21st or 4th birthday though.
Have never seen quilling done on cake, and here are two!
Captain Hook character is well done also.
Love that any flower John sees is a daisy.
Sharon's Edible Art
I love the daisies!
ARrrggghh... the calico cake be a beautiful sight for sore eyes. I'm willin' to give all me booty for d'cake, Matey! (when I say booty, I am referring to the fact that I would have no problem paying a chunk of change for that gorgeous cake... not that I would "give it up" for the cake.) ;o)
Those aren't daisies; they're Epcots.
Well done. We won't be wanting you to walk the plank now.
I never knew rickrack was a pirate word. I remember my Gramma using it a lot for sewing. Maybe she was a closet pirate. Mmmm.....
Yasmine isn't celebrating a 4th, 21st, or even 24th birthday.
She's celebrating her love of Jupiter. That's the symbol for Jupiter in a heart, there.
Jasmine, arrrr. Them scallywags need to take a closer gander at that thar wench. Methinks someone swilled too many tankards of rum!
By T'under, Jimbo, that's the prettiest calico I ever did see...on a cake, that is. (Remember the cyborg John Silver in Treasure Planet, anyone?)
Daisies ARRR awesome!
Except for that top thing, which IMO isn't necessary anyway, that last flower cake of the bunch looks pretty easy to make. That is, it's a great combination of impressive and straightforward, with the added benefit of the flowers being placed on separately, so if you make a mistake you just don't use that flower.
Arrr, ye can keep yer winsome wenches like spiced wine an' yer fishy-taled redheads! I've got me one eye on that proud beauty in the second photygraph. Faith, I'd be willing to hoist me colors -- an' me fork -- over the likes of her! Mind, she be a large one, mateys, but I be willin' to share, I be! Ha, ha, harrrr! *whew!*
I just really hope you guys know what a wench is... O-O
Maybe it's just because I'm exhausted, but this post had me in stitches. Thanks! :D
Just don't auction off the redhead...
Heck yeah for your POTC ride allusion! The line's a heck of a long wait, but totally worth it.
Also, those aren't daisies. I'm pretty sure they're Epcot...arg.
Love the quilled flower cake!
Arr, mateys, ye be doing the pie rats justice.
Rofl*snort*rofl "daisies"!!!
Pirates + flowers = WIN.
Also. Someone may have posted a link to this days ago, but I haven't noticed it in the comments, so I have to share.
It's a Cake Wreck!
I loved how the pirate talk went with not-pirate cakes (for the most part)! Awesome :)
Do you know if you call Shutterfly's customer service number, they have an option that all previous options are read in a pirate voice.
Pure win.
I don't know you, but I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I'm so struck about what a good WRITER you are! This blog is SO entertaining to read! And to top it off, you're such a good pirate!! Arrr! Kudos.
The first one looks a lot like another cake that has been on Sunday Sweets once:
I love Quilling Cakes! And Daisies! Yarrr!
wv: stera. As in "Turn ye this ship straight steraboard, and bring me my rum, ye cursed scallywags!"
The fourth one is so pretty it's almost making me cry.
But my word verification (reakin) is making me laugh. :)
Arrrrr.... I be lovin' the cakes today. Me matey's and I held a morning tea at work on Friday just as an excuse to eat pirate food and talk like pirates. Two days early - but lots of fun!
That has got to be the cutest hippo I have ever seen. And the flower cakes were really pretty too. It's always nice to see the examples of when cakes go right instead of horribly wrong lol.
There is a certain irony in the fact that the cake made for Jasmine is actually Belle and not Jasmine at all.
LOLOL@ the commentary, but the cakes were beautiful
"Daisies remind me of the very first song Dr. Chandra taught me to sing, Dave. Would you like to hear it? No?
Well that be too bad for ye, Matey! Now step outside! Arr!"
HAL did conduct a mutiny of sorts...
The neat thing about flowers is, while I don't know what each and every one is properly called -- horticulture isn't my area of expertise -- I can still enjoy them. Just like I enjoy a running gag.
The one year old with the hippo cake has my name!! Which makes me really excited because I've never met anyone with my name before, and I'm 27!
Aye, that Captain Hook cake be loverly, but I thought ya should know, in JM Barrie's fine book, it's the Captain's RIGHT hand that be a hook.
what is the name of the art of paper curling? two of those cakes have flowers made like that. so cool!
the details on the flower photos are incredible.
i would not be able to cut up the darling hippo.
As soon as I read winsome wrench, I knew we wants the redhead was not far behind.
A little bit of trivia for ya. My sister in law's grandpa designed and oversaw the construction of Pirates of the Caribbean. Yup, my brother married Claude Coats' granddaughter.
I have to admit, the "We wants the redhead!" line made me just CRACK UP.
Splee!!!! There be nothin' finer nor more piratey than pretty flowers!
The perfect post for today. Not only is it Talk Like a Pirate Day, it is also my birthday!
I didn't get a cake, though... Sigh....
I want that beautiful Belle cake. But she is too pretty to eat so I guess I would just stare awhile until I am forced to eat the cake lol. I swear some of these are so beautiful I bet the people cried when they had to cut them up.
pirate-talking cakes!what a good combination! i love the intricate design on jasmine..but i cant eat it..I refuse to eat it! Its too pretty to eat..
i love eating this cake while playing
solitario mah jong. cant wait to have
*nitpickery voice*
...Don't you mean 'Talk like Robert Newton's Exaggerated West Country Accent Day'?
Fantastic post! I only grieve that 'cannibal' was misspelled on that gorgeous Captain Hook cake.
I love hippos! I hope to get an awesome hippo birthday cake some year.
This has to be the second or third time you've gotten me with the 'daisies' as I'm always at first like "what the hell? That's not a daisy.... OH! OK" And then I get that they're really just the flowers that surround Epcot :D
Quilling = win. And the rickrack cake is gorgeous!
That's also the prettiest Belle ever. Ariel looks a little wonky but not bad.
The only thing funnier than John referring to all flowers as daisies, is knowing I will find a bunch of comments from people correcting him!!
Is it just me...Or does Belle bear a striking resemblance to Olivia Wilde (#13 on House)???
Jennifer D.
I have a very strong feeling that most of this pirate speak was gleaned from Facebook Pirate English. Yarrr!
beautiful works of cake art.
I sent an e-mail to Jezebel the Webwench at the International Talk like a Pirate Day website. She was very excited and posted a link to today's Cakewrecks page. Look for the link (listed alphabetically under "Blog -and Tweet- Like a Pirate) here: . She is already a fan - very cool!
Two cakes with quilling on them! Magnificent! Thanks for sharing these.
Hey! That Captain Hook cake was made by my sister-in-law's mother-in-law!! She does amazing work:!/photos.php?id=1307824708 .
She also made an UNBELIEVABLE Very Hungry Caterpillar cake for my son's first birthday.
This post was more piratey than you thought! By the label, the rickrack cake was made for Calico Jack Rackham himself! (with some creative assumptions made, of course)
THANK YOU for remembering "Talk Like A Pirate Day"! You are the best.
Uh oh. A plane crash in the jungle. That can only mean one thing ... Hippos!