Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Cute-Tastic!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Today's Sweets will squeeze enough "awww"s out of you to almost be painful. Almost. But it is so worth it.

(Sub'd by Laren T., and made by Bev at Sugarbloom)

Just look at that face!

Here's an absolutely adorable idea, executed flawlessly:

(Sub'd by Norene O., made by Mike's Amazing Cakes)

Love this rainbow:

(Made & submitted by Jasmine of Must. Eat. Cake.)

And these animals:

(Sub'd by Marisa S., made by Planet Cake)

Cute cows!

(Sub'd by Elarael B., made by Le Cupcake)

The cutest Shrek design you'll ever see:

(Sub'd by Melissa K., made by Fabino Cakes)

Pretty pastels:

And lastly, a sweet little garden theme:

(By The Piece of Cake)

Have a Sweet to nominate? E-mail it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

- Similar Sweets: Simply Awwwww-full
Anonymous said...

Love me some Shrek, though maybe not enough for my own wedding cake. Still, if you're an ogre getting married, I don't know where else you'd turn...

Anonymous said...

Those are adorable, though I can't quite decide what I think of the elephant trunk one. It took me a minute to figure out what it was, and it still looks kind of disturbing.

Anonymous said...

I love that elephant cake, especially. But without my morning coffee, I missed the first birthday candle, thinking instead that it was for a baby shower. What kind of message would THAT send: You're big as an elephant, so we just assumed...?!

jj said...

Hope you like elephants, Ella. Also, hope your parents aren't so obsessed with them that they named you this for a reason. ;)

Heidi said...

WOW... I've decided I'm going to have a child for the sole reason of having the elephant-in-a-box cake on their birthday! TOO CUTE!!!

Julia said...

I absolutely LOVE the little flower on the dinosaur cupcake. SQUEE!!! At the rainbow cake, my mouth literally dropped open. You have made my boring, cold day sunshiney! Thanks!

homeschoolmommy said...

Those are all so cute. I love seeing the sunday Sweets.

Sharon said...

I dunno. I find the elephant trunk cake, although beautifully made, kinda creepy.

I'd take the 'cupcake on a cake' cake any day. :)

Margaret said...

All are terrific. But why is Ronald McDonald on the Shrek cake?

HA said...

Is the baby Shrek cake fondant-free? It looks deliciously so!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. . . They are all so cute. I love that first one. It is simple but just too cute.

Deirdre said...

Gorgeous! I love the elephant trunk sneaking out of cake #2. Noticed, however, that the figures on the Shrek cake are suspiciously similar to some plastic Shrek toys my son has--we held them up to the screen and confirmed they are the same. That cake lost a little bit of luster. The others are amazing, though, and I still can't comprehend the patience it takes to make that much gorgeous detail.

vw: persess I don't persess the ability to make a Sunday Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Best Sweets ever!


Marianne said...

ah! love them all! I'm a sucker for the cute.

Laurie said...

I love the Sunday Sweets! Today's set really made me smile.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with all of those cakes! I can't choose a favorite!

Fluffy Cow said...

Ooh! Cows! They are soooooooo adora-bull!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww I love the one with the monkeys. All of them are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Definitely one of the most adorable cake roundups I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

The cupcake reminded me of Yoshi.

Is the Shrek design a wedding cake? I suppose it could be - Loves it =)

Megan said...

Where's the fondant-free sweet?!?

Jules AF said...

How would/could you even cut into the tree cake?

Literary Crap said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

These are freaking adorable. I especially love the first one.

They're all too adorable to eat!

Shirley said...

Thats a brilliant way to make a tree!

Terry Lee said...

these are extra-special sweets today. i'm particularly fond of the last two (pastels and spring) because, well, i just am.

the cows are precious too. udderly adorable.

elephant trunk concerns me a tad. well done, but disconcerting.

great sweets, y'all!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no "awwwwwwwwwwwwwww". I can't "aw" over something that looks so plastic and inedible when I know it isn't supposed to be either.

holly said...

In re: Margaret's comment, where exactly is Ronald McDonald????

Erica said...

I also was sort of creeped out by the elephant cake ... especially when I thought that was a vacuum hose.

"Well, we know you LOVE to vacuum, so ... TA-DA ... a vacuum cleaner sneaking out of a box! Yay!"

The fact that it's an elephant trunk is only slightly better, but I will concede that it's a well made cake.

LOVE the tree cake - so cute. Although, I'm with Boob, how do you cute such a cake?

Mona Monster said...

Oh my word! I love these! Especially the elephant, and the animals in the tree, and the pastel cupcake... really, all of them!

Brii said...

I think they're all so cute!
and the lion on the fourth cake looks a bit like a peacock... but still adorable!

Unknown said...

Most of these are quite beautiful, but I really don't like the elephant one. It took me a while to figure out what it was . . . it looked quite like a snake, especially with the happy birthday ribbon beside it. I couldn't figure out why someone would want a snake for a first birthday. When I did realize it was an elephant, I STILL couldn't figure out how that translated into a first birthday cake.

Love the tree!

Anonymous said...

The cows cake (while all are super cute) is one of my all time favorite cakes!

Our Beautiful Life said...

Those are all so absolutely darling! I about died when I saw that Shrek cake!!

Janet said...

Yummmmmy! Delicious quarter-inch-thick plastic-flavored fondant.

Sugarbear said...

That tree with all of those adorable animals is absolutely stunning!

Lisa said...

Best Sunday Sweets ever!

Gary said...

Sorry, but these aren't cakes. They're made of plastic, or some plastic-like substance, not flour, sugar, eggs, etc.

Not one of them looks edible.

Amy Clifton Photography said...

So so sooooooo cute! The tree is beyond adorable, and the pastel one...but good grief I *heart* them all. While I am crazy over the "wrecks" during the week, I'm so glad you include some really amazing work too. :-)

FYI, I think someone already touched on this, but the elephant cake is for a little girl named know, Ella-phant.... :-)

Anonymous said...

The elephant cake cracks me up. It reminds me a little of the heffalump from Whinnie the Pooh.

Gary, don't be such a jerk. Some of the decorations on the cakes may not be edible, but I'm sure everything else is fine and probably delicious.

Anonymous said...

Ella + Fondant = Elephant. (Ellafondant?) Either way, it all adds up...

Kara Hadley said...

that cupcake is too cute to eat.

Carrie said...

Every Sunday I find myself wondering how people could actually eat these cakes...they are just too cute!!

Andygirl said...

That elephant in a box one is so freaking precious it kind of hurts!

Adele said...

incredibly cute and pretty, love them.

Amanda said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using figurines for the Shrek cake. They are in proportion to the rest of the cake and fit in quite nicely. We've definitely seen toys used in atrocious designs. This is very well done.

I also love that the Shrek cake looks to be regular icing. More edible than the entirely fondant cakes. Which makes even more sense that the Shrek figures aren't fondant - who eats fondant or marzipan figures anyway? Waste of time if you ask me.

The Shrek one looks the most real to me.

Nora said...

Good thing the elephant cake WAS executed very well, because if it wasn't, that could have led to... well, shall we say... bad situations. Yeah. How about we don't go there.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could eat any of those adorable fondant characters!

Siouxzr said...

I think I've been slightly warped by cake wrecks because my first reaction to the elephant cake was baby shower cake gone wrong -- I saw a green surgical draped table and a tentacle coming out. Before I ever visited cake wrecks, I would never have imagined that anyone would depict a delivery room scene in cake. Jen and John, thanks for educating me.
wv -- geredi Are geredi to see more cake wrecks? Yes I am!

Candee said...

Ohhh They are all soo cute - I wish I could find a baker close to me that could produce work like this. I would definitely have one for my daughters!

Blalock said...

Those are so sweet. Made my day. :)

Emily said...

I absolutely adore that top cupcake. So cute! It too took me a while to figure out that elephant/gift cake and I'm still not sure I'm sold on it. But very adorable cake lineup today!

Anonymous said...

never mind the rainbow, what about those flowers and the itty bitty mushrooms!

Meghan said...

I think the cupcake is by Sugarbloom Cupcakes. :)

Anonymous said...

I am totally fine with the Shrek figures being toys. I mean, if they were actual cake flotsam...well, who keeps flotsam?

Mary Kirkland said...

Those were some of the cutests cakes. I especially loved the elephant trunk coming out of the wrapped present.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone cut into these? Or don't they? In 10 years time are they going to be featured on Cake Wrecks again as 'what not to do with your birthday cake?' Sooooo cute. HeyJude! x

fuzzandfuzzlet said...


I especially like the first two.

Great day for such cute cake, they made me grin and I needed that.

Jamie said...

I tried to go through the whole post without saying "awwwwww", and it was so hard. I cracked on the last picture. I then went to the start and gave all of them the awwwws they deserved.

Anonymous said...

Note to people complaining about the fondant: jen has the email at the end of her sunday sweet posts for a reason - send her some buttercream beauties, c'mon! And as someone said, the shrek cake is mixed media - there is Buttercream there.

Anonymous said...

I guess the only good CCC is a cupcake ON a cake!

Unless it's put in the hands of Sandra Lee, and then...

Oh, never mind. Buzzkill.

Chad said...

I just need to tell you I LOVE the blog! Everytime I sit down and peruse through the posts, I laugh hysterically! My husband and kids always ask me, "Mom, what is wrong with you?" Thanks for all the laughs!

holly said...

Umm Gary? They're cakes. Never heard of fondant?

Sabrina said...

My baby's name is Lily, spelled the same way. That cake is positively adorable!

SweetThingsTO said...

I recognize that first cupcakes - amazing cake designer from Australia or check out their flikr album - all amazing stuff!

Anonymous said...

I'm actually Little Ella's auntie (I'm so amused, randomly seeing this on there!) and I assure you, they did not name her that out of love for Elephants. :P

It was even more adorable in person.

Anonymous said...

I "awwed" at the heffalump-cake. If you've seen "The Heffalump Movie", Lumpy is kinda shy and sweet and would definitely hide/play under the tablecloth, but still want to give Ella her 1 candle for her birthday. Seems like the decorator got the purple/blue colour of the trunk absolutely right too.

MC from NZ

Lorraine said...

Now THESE are gorgeous cakes!

lisadh said...

Beautiful artistry! Too precious!

Mrs. Stoyko said...

The dinosaur or dragon cupcake just slays me.... hee hee hee hee... never have I seen a cupcake with more charm!

Anonymous said...

Those are adorable! Although I was a little confused by one of them at first sight. I guess it was well executed, but it took me a minute to figure out that it was an elephant trunk. And then I still wasn't really sure WHY it was an elephant trunk. (At first I thought it was a vaccuum hose, or the end of a balloon, or a cute umbilical cord.)

Anonymous said...

These are all gorgeous... well, except for the elephant cake. It's well made, but I agree with the others who found it kind of creepy. The trunk is big enough that there's no WAY an entire elephant fits in the box. Which makes me think there's only an elephant head in the box. Which is gross.

Elisabeth Marie said...

The Shrek cake reminds me of the Mario cake you featured a while ago...

Norene said...

I'm Ella's mom, and no, we're not elephant obsessed...just thought it would be cute for a first birthday. The picture doesn't do the cake justice. Also, if you're afraid it's inedible, the cake was the most delicious cake I'd ever had. Mike's did a great job.

Unknown said...

Yeah... the "elephant" cake looks more like an uncut umbilical cord.

Unknown said...

Yeah... the "elephant" cake looks more like an uncut umbilical cord.

Coco Cake Land said...

soooo cute!! and a real sense of artistry and craftsperson-ship. all lovely cakes to admire. thanks for sharing!

GWSTB said...

I don't know exactly what that is on the top of the last one, but it made me do a long "AWWWW!"

Virginia G said...

Gotta weigh in on the elephant (is that supposed to be an elephant trunk?) one.

It scared the heck out of both me and my husband.

Of course, we haven't had any coffee yet this morning...

(all the other ones are super cute tho.)

Lisette said...

I'll let you in on a little secret;

Those shrek figurines are NOT just figurines.....I recognised them right away,we have the same one,never thought about using them for a cake :D

They are part of a lovely shrek memory game.Each splits in half and then you have little cups that go over them and need a nice whirl and then you play.It all stores in a shrek's head shaped green box

Lisette said...

Castal said...

You lied to me! You said that the amount of "awww's" wouldn't be painful!

Anonymous said...

I think it's time to invest in some fondant stock.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thought that was a blue baby blanket? Now that would be cute! Elephant trunk? Alrighty. The customer is always right. But how about making the box bulge just a bit, so we get the idea there's something a little over-sized inside? And after going to all that trouble, you might want to spring for a nicer candle. This cake is making me downright RoseAnne RoseAnnaDanna-ish.

Lyn said...

augh! butterflies bunnies and rainbows! 3 OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS!
That's too cute to eeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat!

Anonymous said...

Umm okay, the wrecks make me so proud of the cakes I've made. These great cakes make me want to pack up my supplies.

Cupcakes Lady said...

one of the best cake roundups I've ever seen here! Good work. xx

Anonymous said...

these are the cutest cakes ever! i want the dinosaur one

Anonymous said...

These are all incredibly cute, but they're too cute to eat!

And I'm not a big fan of that wrappable "sheet" icing. It doesn't look like it would taste very good.

Valerie said...

Very pretty! But who in their right mind would want to eat that much fondant? Blech..