Thursday, December 3, 2009

Syfy Sacrilege

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Look, it's a basic law of sci-fi, folks: YOU DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS.

[shaking head] This is wrong, Anony M.



- Related Wreckage: Star Wars Weekend
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Goodbread said...

Im just going to go with "Look honey, the Storm Trooper and Bobafett are just shooting at the Enterprise... *nervous laughter*"

Katy said...

I was shaking my head before I'd even read the description!

Taylor@MyOlderBrothers said...

This reminds me of The Office episode where Jim tells Andy about Battlestar Gallactica just to bug Dwight.

"Story's kinda bland. It's about this guy named Dumbledore Calrissian who needs to return the ring back to Mordor."

Kristin said...

I love them both but THEY.SHOULD.NOT.MIX!!!

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Proud to say that I have no idea what you're talking about. :)

Tigerwolf said...

“A long time ago in a galaxy where no man has boldly gone before!”


P.S. “Live long and use the Force.”

Crackerjen said...

I really like how they iced over the word TREK and wrote in WARS.
That is Klassy (with a K).
I enjoyed your Ghostbusters reference too!

Unknown said...

Unless it's parody, of course:

Not that this one is.

Fluffy Cow said...

At least they said thank you. (Where are the lawyers when you need them?)

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

Extra points for throwing in a 3rd movie on top of the two already pictured!


Mary said...

Sad, sad, Star Wars lovin' son would have my head if I tried to pass that cake to him. These bakers needed the force -

Gary said...

Star Trek Wars?
I think a whole new series is a-bornin'.

S said...

Oh, just no.

Katie said...

Wow, that's just offensive!

Anonymous said...

Tigerwolf for the win! LOL!

Unknown said...

The best part is that they COVERED UP the "Trek" part of the "Star Trek" sign with a poorly written "Wars." ::sigh::

At least they didn't try to create a poop Bobafett monster?

m@ said...

Big, big facepalm.

Jenn said...

There should really be a pop culture course administered for grocery store bakers. I mean, honestly. This is grade school level material.


Olivia said...

Awww, that reminds me of when I was in high school, my mom made a cake with action figures: Darth Vader fighting Gambit from X-Men.

She had Gambit stabbing Vader with his own light saber.

It was the best cake ever. :,)

PinkCupcakeArts said...

The only thing that comes to mind is 'Oh NO They Didn't!?!?!??!?!'
That is just plain wrong on so many levels.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

OUCH! That hurts my brain. I think I'm crying a bit. Oh. Make it stop.

Dallanterial said...

I love the Thank You sticker on the plastic cover. It makes everything better.

Dallanterial said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

sheesh. not only is that a basic rule of sci-fi. that's pretty basic sci-fi - star trek and star wars. I mean really? They really can't tell them apart?

Unknown said...

Sacrilege is calling it SyFy ;P

Anonymous said...

Eh, Star Wars, Star Trek. What's the difference?

Cassandra said...

I am sooo very offended by this, they never mix. What was this baker thinking?!

M M said...

I have to share this with my friends, if only because they will either break down crying or the major logic error of this wreck will make their brain shut down.

Anonymous said...

it's sad that i had to read the comments to figure out what the heck the reference was....

Lisa said...

Wow, I'm just a casual fan of each and yet I'm completely offended.

Holly Denghel said...

Haha, the perfect cake for a sci fi convention!!

Heather said...

Did they think just because it was for a 7 year old they could just cover the trek with wars and he wouldn't notice? My 5 year old and his friend both dressed up as Obi one (no idea how to spell that I'm not nearly as into this as they are) for Halloween and then told everyone how to tell they were from different movies. The kid WILL notice!

jen bryner said...


Sabrina said...

That is unbelievable. I would cry if that were my child's cake.

servingzero said...

Tigerwolf: “A long time ago in a galaxy where no man has boldly gone before!”

Hahahaha, that is brilliant. Jen should "borrow" that and edit the post LOL.

My husband would have a coronary seeing that, if ever I mix up the names (I always correct myself, but wars may slip out when I mean trek) he just says "Ummm, EXCUSE ME?!?!" .....
...Which kind of makes me want to replicate this cake for him April 1st...

Le said...

Wow you can hardly tell they wrote over trek!

mark p said...

Whoever did this should be bound and gagged, and brought before two large groups of rabid Star Trek and Star Wars fans, all of whom have been issued aluminum baseball bats.

Stella said...

How come the last 'S' looks strangely like a 'T'?

GuitarroGal said...

I'm surprised the cake is still there. I mean, usually if you combine matter and antimatter you get an explosion large enough to wipe out planets...

Anonymous said...

*giggle,giggle, snort*
crossing streams
*giggle, giggle, snort*

if my Trekkie hubby saw this I think he'd have a fit!

Terry Lee said...

it reminds me of george costanza's (seinfeld) worlds colliding.

"if relationship george walks through that door, he will kill independent george! a george divided against itself, cannot stand!" ~ george costanza

Anonymous said...

"What? it's a spaceship. Do you really think anyone is going to care?"

JanTink said...


It's like your food...touching...ewwww.....!!!

Pangolin said...

Wow. I was going to give the wrecker the benefit of the doubt at first, for being ignorant of mixing the two. But then I saw the icing of Wars added over Trek...

*shakes head sadly*

Diana said...

Well, heck, they both begin with "star" and both keep geeks enthralled and away from anything as strenuous as social interaction of discourse. Both have created megabucks for convention halls and vendors.

Why not have a combined cake celebrating the fleeceing of the nerds?

But polite, anyhow. "Thank you"!

Anonymous said...

Where's Jean-Luc Skywalker?

Anonymous said...

I sentence this decorator to the agonizer booth!

Anonymous said...

I am not a really hard-core scifi fan, but even I kind of want to boycott this bakery. This isn't just a serious lack of attention to details-- it's more like a blatant disregard for them.

That's probably not even the right name on the birthday boy's cake, and he's probably turning eight or nine.

Jimmy said...

This cake is leaving a bad taste in my mouth, and I haven't even gone anywhere near icing that color today.

LeftWingLock said...


Although if it means that bakeries are low on plastic flotsam, have to use whatever odds/ends are left, and their budgets don't allow them to may be a good thing.

In disguise. A seriously bad disguise.

Anonymous said...

That's not funny; that's offensive.

Unknown said...

That's blasphemy!!!

Mandy said...


That is just WRONG!

Lovin' your Ghostbusters reference, however. You rock, Jen!

(Heh heh, I can't help but chuckle at how they manually piped "Wars" over the "Trek"...amateurs!)

Layla said...

Wow, that was wrong on so many levels. I am not a huge fan of either, but I know that Star Trek and Star Wars don't mix.

Lorraine said...

Crossing out Trek and writing in Wars ... hhhmmmmm ... copyright violation by bakery? Probably not but ... just wondering. Any thoughts?

Deanna said...

I'm SO offended!

Andygirl said...

Holy sacriligde, Batman!

Beverly Lynn said...

What, those don't all go together? :0)

Mira8 said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I want to smash this cake. SMASH IT!

(I too like them both but like you say, DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!)

Jaye said...

I'm not going to lie, I'm a nerd. I like Star Trek more than Star Wars, and my fiance is the opposite. Both are good, but they are different and kind of like oil and water. I wonder what the recipient of the cake thought seeing that one. And to the iced-over Star Trek, baaaad cake decorator...

WV: nable

Just 'cause they're 'nable to do that doesn't mean they should :-).

Heidi D said...

I love the don't cross the streams. :)

I don't know if it's blogger, or the way the photo was put on, but I can't click on the picture without my computer trying to save it.

I usually click on them to blow them up. I can't see the detail on the cake, so I don't know what was mixed together. I will assume it's the typical Star Wars/Trek.

I am the queen of the run-on sentence. :)

S3XinthePantry said...

well you put all differnt kinds of sports on a sports cakes...if it makes a little kid happy I say go for it!

Stephanie McGee said...

We've hit a new low in geeky cakedom...*shakes head and walks away*

Goof said...

I'm a LONG time Trekkie and I like Star Wars too. Of course. I think its cute/funny but yeah, its just so wrong lol.

I want that toy Enterprise so I can put it on my own Birthday cake next year. :D But where can I find one?

((((HUGS)))) for all.

Jennifer said...

"Taylor@MyOlderBrothers said...
This reminds me of The Office episode where Jim tells Andy about Battlestar Gallactica just to bug Dwight.

"Story's kinda bland. It's about this guy named Dumbledore Calrissian who needs to return the ring back to Mordor.""

Oh my goodness - this is totally what popped into my head too!

So sad that they iced over the TREK and wrote WARS.

So wrong on so many levels.

ww said...

Maybe the bakers just wanted to answer the age old question -- "Which would win: the Enterprise or the Millenium Falcon?"

Kelly H said...


rhonda said...

I might cry...

Stephanie said...

This wreck makes my head hurt and my heart sad.

Christina Ragusin said...

Just opened this and I gasped in horror and my jaw dropped to the floor. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on your site.

Lisa said...

So I don't get it. I ask my husband and he explains it to me. I say, "So it's like if Barbie married G.I. Joe?" He says, "No, more like if G.I. Joe married Optimus Prime." And so I still don't get it.

Kerri said...

Wow. I can't even count the number of ways this is so messed up.

And I'm a devout Trekki AND Star Wars fan!

LutherLiz said...


Jasry said...

Ouch. My son would totally Force-choke that decorator.

WV: colerr- StarWars is so much colerr than StarTrek. So there.

Gal220 said...


TheWantonSeedStitch said...


Hungarican Chick said...

OMG!!!!! This terrible, terrible mistake could possibly cause a tear in the space-time continuum!

Joshua.Akins said...

This is speculation on my part, but this cake looks to me as though it was done as an inside joke. This "correction" looks very intentional. Perhaps it was ordered way for a sci-fi friend who takes their sci-fi seriously? If that's the case, then the wreckerator did a great job.

Anonymous said...

This is clearly SyFy blasphemy. Shame on the baker!

LeAnne said...

I guess I would not be one to decorate this cake. I do not know the difference and who each character is. But writing over words is a little sad.

Anonymous said...

To boldly go where no Jedi has gone before!

jengersnap said...

Beam me up, Chewbacca.

Hobbit said...

Oh! Too much force!
Bonus for the Ghostbuster's reference, Jen! :-)

Laura P. said...

did the wreckerator not think that the spaceship from a "Star Trek" decoration would probably be a
"Star Trek" ship and not a "Star Wars" ship? and that people wouldn't know the difference? oh the horror!

tigerwolf: i am rotfl at your comment!

Becky said...

I think the comments are just as funny as the cake...


Phyrra said...

Oh my god. That hurts to look at.

Dani said...

I had to laugh at today's entry because of a recent discussion on a board I frequent about who would win in a war between Star Fleet and the Empire.

This is definitely wrong on many levels ... especially the covering of Trek to make Wars.

Anonymous said...

I can't get that song from Eddie and the Cruisers out of my head, "On the Daaark Siiiide, oh, yeaaahhh..."

I think that's where this cake came from. Or where the baker's gone over to.

Anonymous said...

That "Thank You" is like putting a band-aid on my broken heart. :(

lisadh said...

Speaking as a mom who had to find a Star Wars cake for her 9-yr old son this year, I know what happened.
There are NO cake kits for Star Wars available.
Some sort of copyright thing with Lucas. And thanks to the latest (and awesome) Star Trek, there ARE kits for that series.

They should have done what I did: have the baker do that "spacey" background, come up with your own "Force" message, and plop on your own appropriate figurines.

Done and my son loved it!

With not a single sci-fi fan offended!


wv: annommo
"Annommo, they di'int cross those streams!"

moonrose73 said...

Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a cake decorator!!

Han shoulda shot the decorator instead of Greedo!

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spicy said...

I don't get it. D:

Culinarychiq said...

Wow, that is a MAJOR faux pas! You NEVER mix Star Wars with Star Trek, Trekkies and Star Wars geeks have gotten pretty violent and nasty over less! LOL Did the caterer or baker need security or police escort to get out of the building?:-P

MakeCakesNotWrecks said...

To amp up the anxiety among the geeks even more, I'd add a "Lost In Space" Robot voicing his trademark "Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger!"

K.Lee said...

If you mix Star Wars and Star Trek you get....


Muahahaha!!!!!! (OK, maybe I need to practice my evil laugh more.)

Unknown said...

Points for Ghostbusters reference, too.

Lucille Ball Jr. said...

way to funny!

Red Wolf said...

The best part about this cake is that if you combine the names "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" you get....

"Star Wrek"


Anonymous said...

What, no Tardis?

ericajoanne said...

I could have forgiven it if the "trek" on the plastic oval wasn't covered up. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound. I cried a little.

LuLU said...

I forwarded this picture to a friend who simply responded with

Dan Lewis said...

My eyes are bleeding.

Cyndi said...

I would love some backstory on this. It just can't be intentional - even the most spacey (ha, see what I did there?) decorator would realize something was up when they covered the second half of the Star Trek logo...right?



Bek said...

Wow. Big time Star Wreck - and I'm not even a huge fan of either.

It really made me laugh though to see your title. Does it annoy anyone else that SciFi has gone all hip and become SyFy...? I thought we knew how to spell here, folks.

Anyway, back to enjoying the wreckage. Can't wait to show my husband this one later. (Jean-Luc was the foremost ornament every year on their family tree)

Little Lovables said...

wow! considering that extreme Trekkie fans wrote death threats to the actor Malcolm McDowell whose character killed Captain Kirk... I can only imagine the demise this cake will meet

Little Lovables said...

"this cake is just not logical"

suz said...

I think somewhere, a Trekkie just died. Oh the horror.

Rachel said...

just divide by zero, why don't you.

Luvin' Ewe said...

Better hope that Paramount and Lucas don't get find that wreckerator- they'll BOTH sue....

Deborah in California said...

Well... I read the words as "Star Wart" ... Maybe that explains something.

Unknown said...

Maybe in a galaxy far, far away.... the crew of the star ship Enterprise encountered THE FORCE!!

Green said...

Dear Star "Wars" cake,

I hate you with more fervor than I hated the wedding cake yesterday. I want to murder you, you blasphemous lump of frosting covered manure.

A concerned Wreck-watcher.

ksaldria said...

It's like if a million fanboys cried out and were suddenly silenced.

bookbug said...

*head asplode*

No, no, no, no, no, no, NO.

Wow. On so many levels, wow.

Anonymous said...

This is a great opportunity to mention that my 5-year-olds, and myself, were tickled pick by your Ghostbusters reference in your book.

"I think it can hear you, Ray." :rofl: My kids like to act that scene out.

Bree said...

The real phantom menace is that cake decorator!

Jennifer said...

I always thought that Star Trek and Star Wars were of the same series of movies. It wasn't until my early 20s that I found out I was wrong. Needless to say, I've never seen any of any of the movies.

queenb said...

WOW...Round of applause to everyone today...The wreck is wreckilicious, but the comments are just guys all crack me up! Wish I could come up with something clever to add, but I'm too busy snickering at all the fabulous comments!

~Bonnie B ;)

Poofleia said...


**insert wookiee yell of agony hear**

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a Star Wars wreck as I have an upcoming birthday and Jen delivers. Thanks Jen! This just makes my day.

Amy said...

This is hysterical. You know the kid was all, "Dude, I'm not eating this because the Star Trek and Star Wars don't exist in the same space-time continuum and if I or anyone else eats that the worlds will collide and we'll all be zapped into anti-matter." Cuz you know, you have to be INTO that kind of stuff to have that kind of cake and if you were, that's how you would talk.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least the frosting won't make for stained lips and funky poo.

Oh, wait.


Anonymous said...

But Cap'n I canna change the laws of cake decorating!

Beam me up Chewwie

Anonymous said...

To continue the movie reference...
"I am terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought"

Wow, that's just so bad.

Margee said...


This makes me weep for humanity. So, so very wrong :,(

Anonymous said...

- waves hand at customers -

This is not the cake you're looking for. Move along. Move along.

The last words of Obi-Wan McCoy:

"Dammit Luke, I'm dead!"

quichepup said...

This is so, so wrong.

Instead of The Office I thought about Fanboys. There's one scene where the guys, a bunch of Star Wars fans, go to the future birthplace of James T. Kirk and cause trouble. A riot starts when 1 Trekker insults Han Solo and, y'all have to see the movie.

There was a disturbance in the Force and a ship full of Tribbles screamed when this cake was made.

Anonymous said...

Ignoratolerance, thy name is Star trekkywars...

Gary said...

I find it ... interesting ... that more readers of this site seem to be more offended by combining Stars Trek and Wars than were offended by any of the cakes featuring cannibalism, dismemberment, display of dissected human organs, genitalia, huge piles of excrement, dead babies, mutilated animals, diseased feet, swastikas, shotgun shells ... you name it. At least we've got our priorities straight.

Ruth of fat loss for idiots said...

Yes finally a cake with style. Love it, love it, love it!

Fanboy Wife said...

Why is it called "Syfy" anyway? Is it Syience Fyction?

Steph83 said...

Yes, one might even call this a StarWrek...

Serena said...

I am so sorry you had to witness that. It's really heart breaking.

Little Luxuries said...

I object to the implication that this cake has anything to do with the Syfy cable channel; it has way too much science-fiction related stuff on it. Where are the dragons, medieval adventurers, serial killers, man-eating critters and ghost-hunters? ;)

Anonymous said...

That is wrong. Just so wrong. My husband said he's surprised that bakery hasn't had it's windows busted out with 20-sided dice ROFL

Lynette said...

Shouldn't the Thank You sticker read I'm Sorry? Or are they thanking the family for not dumping the cake on the decorator's head? :) I mean really, if you don't have the stuff to do it right, just admit it.

Ellie said...

As a Star Wars, and Star Trek fan... I have this, and this alone to say: DEAR GOD WHYYYYYYYY?????

On a side note, I have never felt those two aspects of my personality cringe at the same time, at the same thing, and yet both yell "You're ruining it!" to the other side.

Unknown said...

jeez, they even put figures from 3 different Star Wars movies. Boba Fett wasn't even born when Qui-Gon Jinn was alive. The clone troopers didn't show up till the 2nd movie! *aneurysm*

Unknown said...

My first Cake Wrecked comment. All I can say is

Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

Must....keep...calm...and try to understand that there are people in the world who have no understanding of Star Trek and Star Wars. But but but...I just CAN'T comprehend it!!!!! ;)

archersangel said...

they should've left the enterporse thing off of it & wrote the title on there. major fail.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the time my friend said to me "Let the force be with you" while saluting me with the Vulcan hand gesture.

Lali (aka Redfroggy) said...

Oh goodness... I just figured out why the Star & Wars were different colors. *shakes head*

Call me slow but it was 6am and I hadn't been to bed when I looked at this the last time.

BTW, read the FAQ and hence the entire Epcot encounter and golly gee whiz. SPACESHIP EARTH FTW!! :D Your cake was outstanding too!

Caroline B said...

Oh dear. I do hope that didn't wreck some child's birthday - every small boy I know gets irate if you talk about their current obsession and GET IT WROOONG...some big boys too.

To Anonymous:
"This is not the cake you're looking for. Move along. Move along."

Brilliant - you made me laugh out loud this morning!

cadylee said...


Jeanette said...

Oh no!!! Now that the streams have crossed we have a journey that begins where everything ends. Save me V.I.N.C.E.N.T.! Save me!!!

Stephanie said...

I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi, but even I know that Star Trek and Star Wars are two totally different things and not interchangeable. Sheesh. :P

Megan Clake said...

Words fail me... Can one make any more mistakes on a Star Wars cake?

WV: Riette - Someone should read the riette act to that baker.

Anonymous said...

Fun, and a true wreck, figures totaly out of scale with the ship,and mixing 2 franchises. LOL and they get married and follow Mr Spocks childcare book?

Anonymous said...

Ouch, that's just painful.

Enjoyed the Ghostbusters reference, though!

Anonymous said...

As I like neither, I shall laugh hystrically into my hot tea. :3

Tine said...

having it "SyFy" instead of SciFi in the post title is sacrilege all on its own.

Michelle said...

I think I had a brain aneurysm.

The Enterprise, my beloved Enterprise, does NOT belong next to Obi-Wan. Doesn't work that way.

Unknown said...

What, kid didn't like Stargate as well? Could have thrown in some Starfire too. I mean, come on! So many Star----s to go around!!

Honestly though, if they asked for a Star Trek / Star Wars cross over cake, it was never going to end well unless the baker just out right refused. :P

Fluffy Cow said...

Egad! Where'd the post for today go??? (3rd)

Fluffy Cow said...

or the 4th... today is the 4th. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Peoples, it's "syfy" just to be funny! And also, the SciFi channel apparently changed their name to SyFy, cause we're too stupid to know it's spelled SciFi? Check out Or even; it'll reroute you to

Ahhh, thanks SyFy channel for dumbing it down for all!


Anonymous said...

Um, where did Friday's post go?

I hit refresh, and it's gone...

Anonymous said...

Today's (12/4) post go bye-bye? Please don't tell me it got pulled because some infinitessimal portion of the CW audience got somehow offended by it - that would make me sad.

Word verification:

sestiv: a combination of sexy & festive.

Example: "My boyfriend is dressed very sestively for the Christmas party, although I don't know if the box on the front of his parts is really workplace-appropriate."

Anonymous said...

This is relevant to this post's interests!


Anonymous said...

what happened to the cake for 4th??

Anonymous said...

I just saw today's post was gone too! Are we going crazy?

Beenznrice Illustration and Graphic Design said...

similar fail at Failblog:

Anonymous said...

166 entries for this one, the Trekkies are coming out of the woodwork! Well done, Jen!

Elizabeth C. said...

No cake today!?!

WV: futherdl
I'm made futherdl by the lack of cake. No relief from this boredom!

Riina said...

Greetings from Finland - love CW and have even used it in my lessons! I hope the 'Euro'-cake didn't get exterminated because someone got upset... And even worse if they weren't even from here! Many of us actually have a sense of humour, contrary to belief :D.

UnitOfForce said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who saw today's earlier post. I thought I was hallucinating (still a firm possibility, but now a group hallucination! Have more fun with your friends!!!).

Columbine said...

Cake Wrecks was just referenced (sadly not by name, but still) on "Have I Got News For You" on the BBC. I'm sure if you keep an eye on Youtube it'll crop up shortly, or else it will definitely be on BBC Iplayer for UK Cake Wrecks fans~

Silkydog said...

I've just watched Have I Got News For You, which is a weekly panel show in the UK where comedians make fun of the week's events, and... They mentioned Cake Wrecks! The host mentioned "a blog devoted to cakes that are unintentionally sad, silly, creepy or inappropriate" and they showed a picture of The Cake That Started It All! I just thought I'd tell you. :)

Sexy Sadie said...

You know what this cake needs? Star Bug from Red Dwarf!

Kate said...

That's hilarious.

But then I went "OMG ARE THOSE SCREWS" and I had to look at them closely and then wipe my forhead and say "Phew, no, they're just gray birthday candles."

Malisa Twelves said...

Seriously... what were they thinking????

Spocko said...

I think this is just great and it is a very clever "mash up" that all the kids are doing these days.

More Mash Ups!

Battle Star Galactica and V.
"The Lizards are Cylons!"

V and FlashForward

"The FBI is infiltrated with are Lizard Cylons!"

FlashForward and Lost

"The FBI agent in FlashForward is that woman in V!"

V and Senerity

"One of Lizard Cylons infiltrating the FBI is the Browncoat Wash!"

I think we should see more of it. I think the underlying cakes should be combo flavors.
Chocolate and Vanilla. or
V for Vanilla and L for Lost.

Lulubelle B said...

FAIL Blog also had a Trek/Wars mash up today:

Anonymous said...

Somewhere a child weeps.....

Lori said...

Even my 4yo would know that these are from totally different universes...

Anonymous said...

where is the december 4th post? Yuo didnt get anouhter nazi cake did u? I hope every thing is ok and nothing bad happened to either of you. Just curious.

Anna said...

Are you guys ok, there is no new post for today! (Syfy still up)

I hope you are both well!

Take care :)

Em said...

will someone please at least tell me what was in friday's post so that i'll know and not be forever curious? i always miss the posts that get deleted! stupid time zone difference.

Lybertygirl said...

What Happend to today's post??? must have been a doosy - sorry I missed it.

Unknown said...

What, were they reading FailBlog?

asthehind said...

Not about the cake, but I just thought you'd like to know that you got a mention on 'Have I Got News For You' (a long running BBC current affairs comedy) on BBC1 tonight! :D

Anonymous said...

Some friends and I once dressed as Star Wars characters to go see the premier of a Star Trek movie. That was an excellent way to piss of a bunch of other nerds. We nearly had our butts handed to us.

Good times.

Jon-Michael said...

That is the science fiction version of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and it's a dessert!

Michael R. said...


NZ_Jackie said...

Dude! not cool!!!


Anonymous said...

Eegads, what have they done? XD I've seen that cake in my local Wal-Mart, sans Star Wars figures and that...classy...correction. It came out as a small children's party cake with the plastic enterprise and stand serving as the main decoration and an (admittedly unappetizing) airbrushed starry backdrop. But no Star Wars figures, and while it did rely on the plastic spaceship, it looked a sight better than this...thing.

ChicagoCatt said...

So many comments to reply to and so little time!

suz said...
I think somewhere, a Trekkie just died. Oh the horror.

Ya, and he was wearing a red shirt!

Lisa T. - you poor deprived child.

Amy - you are so right!

This was just too much to bear! Not enough OMGs or head shakes in the world.

WV: presten
as in "This is so wrong, my hands are presten to my eyes to stop the pain!"

MissRon said...

Oh no they didn't! *cries* As a Trekkie I have a hard enough time trying to make people understand that Darth Vader did not try to destroy the Enterprise without cake people making it worse! Hehehe.

I actually laughed out loud for 10 minutes. I think I scared my fish..........

Miki said...

May the Farce be with you, always.

...a wretched pile of icing and inanity.


There's a Jedi on the starboard stern,
Starboard stern, starboard stern,
There's a Jedi on the starboard stern,
Scrape 'em off, Jim!

Cake Wreckin', across the multiverse,
On the Starship Enterprise along with George's work.

Cake Wreckin', across the multiverse,
You know you cannot cross the streams,
It only makes it worse!

dogface said...

Reminds me of this Star Trek Fail and subsequent Win I found the other day.

Bright said...

Ok, I know they shouldn't mix, but do any of you Trekkies realize that R2D2 really IS in the new Star Trek movie? For real.

So, if George Lucas can get in on it, and have fun with Trek, why can't this cake?

Granted, the wreckers should have used their brains.

Anonymous said...

Thats one seriously misshapen Millennium Falcon.

L. Shepherd said...

This is THE most offensive cake I've ever seen. Seriously. If someone tried to sell me that I would smash it to the floor and stomp on it.

Anonymous said...

to Miki: So I am not the only one to have that song running through my head for the last two days!?!?! Wahoo!

For those of you who don't know this song it's by The Firm, called "Star Trekkin'" Look it up, listen, and laugh!

"It's worse than that, it's physics Jim!"

Andrea in Ohio

John Sperry said...

Almost as wrong as the fact that they started spelling sci-fi: "syfy" to try and make science fiction more trendy and universally appealing. Really!?

Unknown said...

My husband simply stared at this one in mute horror...


dee said...

a cake full of decorative ewoks would have been better than this.

Anonymous said...

This is NOT okay.

miss leigh said...

omg. i would LOVE this for my birthday :) haha star wars+ star trek? epic. i just wonder where to get the little enterprise...

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