Monday, December 28, 2009
Get In Mah Belly!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
When this baby sits around the cake stand, she really sits around the cake stand!
Forgive me if this seems disjointed (since I'm just shooting from the hip here), but methinks the baby shower cake has now officially gone belly up. Next time maybe we should avoid telling the baker to break a leg - eh, Geri B.?
- Related Wreckage: "Baby" Showers
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What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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93 comments | Post a Comment
words escape me...
Wow talk about proportioning problems.
Didn't I see her on an episode of big babies on the Maury show once?
That is way too freaky for 7:30am!
It's a cute cake, but I don't think I would want to eat it, or see it being cut up. Eww, too creepy!
So cute and yet so creepy...
that is one huge baby! gross on many levels. btw, love the Austin Powers reference! now if she were wearing plaid that would really complete that flashback....
wv: doplarr. The doplarr radar says there's a huge baby heading for the west!
Holy crap. That is a giant baby.
I don't see the problem. Obesity in children is running rampant...without the running.
Childhood obesity really IS an epidemic...
The scary part is that the dress and decorations look really well done. And yet the decorator still managed to create a monstrosity.
Okay, first of all, I love the title of this post! Hilarious! Secondly, that cake should not be allowed anywhere near a pregnant woman. Now she's going to have nightmares about delivering a baby the size of Texas.
I thought it was momma who was supposed to look pregnant, not baby!
ooohhh my...those legs greatly disturb me.
WOW. All I see in my head is them ripping this poor, cheap babydoll apart to make this wreck. I do, however, like that it's pink and shiny. That makes me happy. But that is all that makes me happy.
Sad. Babies havin' babies.
Um...the age at which young girls get pregnant these days is shocking.
How sad! The baby's gown is so well made and yet they still managed to ruin the cake so thoroughly.
I'm terrified of this cake.
I always wondered what jabba the hut's child would look like.
Oh...a new genre. Obese baby cakes.
Aw, poor kid will get denied health insurance, either for the weight or the pre-existing joint condition!
Gotta say, it is very shiny, isn't it? I'll give the creator props for making the gown look like silk. Lots and lots of silk.
Can cakes have botulism??
Did Jabba the Hut have a baby with a slave girl?
WV: lesmor - an awkward conjunction of less is more.
Oh dear god! That's all I could say when I saw this pathetic wreck. Baby, or baby with morbid obesity and detached legs?
Is anyone familiar with Blade? This cake is a dead ringer for Pearl!
Great puns.
And how are the two of you? Recovered from the health problems of the tour? Thanks for making me smile every day.
Um... Yeah, I got nothing.
That is a very obese baby.
Words...there are none...
It reminds me of Kristin Wiig's character on SNL that's on the Lawrence Welk show and she's got the baby arms. Scary.
I'm pretty sure I have seen this kid at my local Walmart.
Is it strange that my favorite part of the cake (And I use the term "favorite" loosely) is the look of horror on the baby's face. It's like she knows whats going to happen to her.
wv: firti
That baby is at least firti pounds overweight.
It's, uh, "terribly beautiful"? Nah, let's try this...
"Beautifully terrible." Yeah! That's it!
Or "Yikes!"
Yikes. Just... yikes.
So well done but oh so creepy!! I love your choice of word get in mah belly!! LOL
I was yawning when I clicked my bookmark to Cake Wrecks. Halfway through yawning, my yawn decided to leave.
wv - fectin. This cake is fectin my health.
Those tiny legs couldn't hold that baby up. And talk about t-rex arms.
OH. (squinting)
The decorator clearly has some skill. But it's not in the realm of planning or the big picture.
Perhaps it started out to be a cake that looks like the baby. Then they had too much cake, and rather than removing part of it, decided to go with the pregnant mom theme. Never mind that the head is baby-esque. And the little hindlimbs? Somebody wanted to get their money's worth, and insisted "We paid for the cake to have arms and legs". so the little, and I mean little, baby legs were slipped under the edge of the silken maternity mummu. OR maybe she's got a lot of tiny appendages and only a few of them show..... It's challenging trying to follow what the train of thought must've been. But I'm thinking several people with different agendas had input. whew. Lily
The skillz are good; the proportions? Not so much.
And let us not discuss the creepiness factor, which is high.
There's just something that is so disturbing about the thought of eating a baby. Thought of Hannibal Lecture just keep crowding into my brain.
What a freaky cake you've found.
I think they might be overfeeding her.
I think she used to have a twin. And it's not now just a tooth in the back of her neck.
Oh my...
Please, please tell me it's red velvet cake!
i like the pink, of course. it's very pinky. which i like. and did i mention i really like the pinkness?
pink's my favorite color. so i like that part.
and since my mama taught me to say only nice things, that is all i can say about this wreck.
love the pink.
heh heh's the new line of "Octomom" babyshower cakes
This is obviously the queen baby. She lays the eggs for the entire baby hive.
WV: Glograc- the 'royal jelly' fed to the baby pupae in order to make them into baby queens.
I wonder if it's a bit nutty?
Is that a toilet seat around her neck?
Maybe it's in honor of that 15.4 pound baby born in China.
OR maybe she's got a lot of tiny appendages and only a few of them show...
Gives a whole new meaning to "Octomom". . .
Oh, lard-I mean Lord!
Why, oh why, are there so many awful baby shower cakes? How hard can it be to make a cake that celebrates having a baby? Wow.
I have a moral issue making a comment as I feel I would be "talking about a real baby" but ... it is certainly .... scary? horrifying? confusing? paranormal? sick? obese? I don't even know the best words to describe it!
I wonder what inspired that cake....I mean, did the future parent/s say they were going to have a large baby?
I'm pretty sure this baby cake has ricketts...
that is one serious case of ricketts!
Other than the very strange anatomy, it's pretty.
"Is that a toilet seat around her neck?"
If it is, it's one of those special ones they make for old folks. Ultra padded and all that.
I wouldn't mind having one [toilet seat, ultra padded], but I spend enough time in 'the research lab' reading as it is.
You guys are ALWAYS good for a laugh right when I need it!
That is not cute! That is wrong!
If this were the cake at my own shower, well, blame it on hormones, but I wouldn't be able to stop crying at the thought of trying to keep up with the feedings for such a child.
Great Austin Powers reference, but the first thing that came to to my mind was the movie Weird Science... when Lisa turns Chet into that obnoxious creature -- this is just a cuter (creepier?) version.
Woah. It's like the pregnant belly cakes and the baby cakes....had a baby. Creepy o.O
Clearly a case of Macrosomia.
Just getting a head start on the obesity thing.
All this needs to be 'perfect' is for the baby's ginormous belly to be filled with red jam.....
WV: "pingesco" - where penguins go to shake a tail feather.
This is the baker's subtle way of preventing parents from over feeding thier children, and thus doing his part to reduce obesity in America.
why is the baby pregnant?
Melanie beat me to it, but this totally reminds me of Kristen Wiig on that Lawrence Welk skit on SNL:
inside this cake baby is another smaller cake a troika
Did she eat another baby or two? Maybe three? No no it's like the cartoon thing and it is really five babies on a gaint onesie. They really should have just ordered a sheet cake to feed everyone.
Can you imagine if the baby really was that size? Poor momma. C-section please!
Good lord, babies are ugly enough without things like this assaulting the eyes. I am beyond impressed at the horrors you manage to daily conjure up.
Okay, that is a HUGE baby, but the work itself is very pretty. The dress is gorgeous.
"Mommy? Why are you walking funny?"
Cutting into this, let alone eating it, would give me the queasies - and I don't mean morning sickness!!
LOL! You people are all hilarious! and Anon @ 5:03--what if you were nursing? YIKES!!
wv: termer. This baby has gone way past her termer.
why is she wearing a life preserver around her neck?
The cake is well made, but the poor wreckerator didn't have any Cabbage Patch dolls to base the baby on. All s/he had was a Jabba the Hutt action figure (inaction figure?). Alas.
"I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through..."
It would be sort of cute in a cartoonishly fat way (c'mon, tell me you don't wanna cuddle it) if not for the hideously disjointed legs. If they just stuck the feet on rather than the whole lower legs, it wouldn't be so bad, but as it is, it looks terrifying.
This cake is disturbing on so many levels I can't even begin to ennumerate them all, much less list them... O_o
So, has anyone else noticed that this photo was taken in the bakery?
I have three possible theories for this.
1. The wreckerator was just sooooo proud of his/her work that recording it for posterity was a requirement, and some kind soul with a good sense of humor "borrowed" it.
2. A co-worker waited for said wreckerator to take a break and snuck a shot of this monstrosity to share with teh interwebz.
3. The wreckerator totally missed his/her vision and decided to take this opportunity to entertain others.
Personally, I think number one is the most plausible.
This one's blown completely out of proportion ;-)
Oh dear... its taken my breath away... seriously, where the hell is my inhaler! I'm having an asthma attach from the cake, and then from reading everyone's reactions!
I needed a good laugh, but I didn't expect it to be dangerous! :P
this poor baby appears to have a bowel obstruction.
I just showed my fiance this cake and the first thing he said was, "Is that supposed to be a pregnant black baby?" I didn't know how to answer him.
What I want to know is what happens when you cut into one of these things? I'm assuming you have to remove the head and legs first...then what. Also, would red velvet cake add to the effect?
baby the hut
Awww..she's not comfortable. Poor thing.
This is a jabba the hut baby cake...
OMG.... I am LMAO!! I mean.. super gaffaw!! Now all I can think of is "I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back."
Get In Mah Belly!! - Somes it up perfect. That made me chuckle ;) xx