Although I think you could have spotted the "bun" part without my help. [smirk] Eh?
Hey, Monica S., I hear there's a full moon tonight.
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When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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80 comments | Post a Comment
This is sacrilage! Not only is the tree blue, but they had to dishonor the Cinnamon Bun!
Are any of your readers in any legislature? Can't someone make laws about stuff like this? Won't anyone think of the children!
My family has actually been doing this for years. We don't paint them green, put plastic chotskies on it, or (heaven forbid) buy it premade...
but Christmas morning, fresh baked out of the oven the cinnamon roll tree is very festive.
and gooey
and yummy :)
I'd eat it.
My jaw is permanently in the open position- aka- the "Oh no they din't" face. This makes CCC's look decent.
As for the charity of the day- way to go on this choice...I'm going right now to donate. It's hard to think that in 2009 people in the world still have to worry about slavery.
Oh the horror!!!
That would have looked so much better if they would have just left the icing a creamy color - and not added the ornaments. (I don't think they're food safe.)
I thought the Christmas tree was mooning me.
Ok, buns were not the first thing I
IACK! Disgusting!!!
Vanessa: I am sure it must be a lovely cinnamon roll tree without the paint!
Actually I think the bottom two looked more like a pair of bazongas than a bum...
They look like balls 0_0
Clearly they wanted a full dozen buns. But instead of two for the time make a bright yellow, glittery one on top, as a "star."
(Or next time, just...don't. Don't. At all.)
It is definitely not easy being green!
MAN - there's usually so stinkin' many comments on here I can't get in to tell you how this is my favorite laugh of my week (I usually have to read a week's worth at once)
Love it, well... "love" might be a little strong for the cakes we love to hate -
poor cinnamon buns, what did they do to deserve this treatment?
OMG, NO! and I was about to make Sticky buns for Christmas morning... Look away! Look away now! Avert your eyes!
Next I want to see a Long John cake.
That green icing on the cinnamon bons is ATROCIOUS! ew. do NOT look appetizing. Also, they could have done with one bun for the trunk. Now the tree looks like it's on wheels.
And seriously? are those more glass ornaments on the cake? Hope nobody drops the box, crunch crunch.
Doesn't glass help with digestion though?
wv: express. You will need a polar express to the hospital if you eat any green cinnamon buns with glass.
The cheez whiz garland is a nice touch.
I just see green teeth, lips and gums. The stainage!!!
bahahahahahha. they look gross, but at the same time I know they are delicious. I'd eat 'em.
Vanessa seems to have the right idea - a Cinnamon roll "tree" in the same way that one big and two small pancakes can be a "Mickey Mouse" pancake. Cute for the kids but not actually altering food that doesn't need altering
But seriously? Cinnamon bun cake? With weird teal icing? I don't understand who thinks this is a good idea. Probably the same people who gave "Gigli" the green light.
Frankly I thought it looked more like a couple of smooshed-together boobs. Not that that's any better!
Compared to the intestine cake of yesterday, this is almost boring. I *like* boring, I do NOT like intestine cakes.
Oh no no no no no no...
I, for one, am actually glad you explained what it was, because I would never have believed that someone wanted to do this to perfectly good cinnamon buns. Another blessing to count this year-- ours won't look like that!
Tee hee, I think I just got mooned by a Christmas tree.
It's ugly, it's a horific color, but I still find myself thinking i's not all that bad. There are cinnamon buns under all that ugly you know, I think that saves it for me.
My mom makes a Christmas tree with roll dough every Christmas. It's kinda fun. Though I've never been real comfortable with frosting on bread......
Thanks for supporting today's charity, which also in part works to end slavery of children, including sex slavery. Slavery is not legal anywhere at this time, but happens all over the world, including in the U.S. Please take a little time today to look at the Free the Slaves website.
They definitely should have used only 1 bun for the trunk. Having 2 looks risque is at least 3 different ways.
My stomach turned when I looked at that.
Somewhere I was reading recently (I think it might have been "The End of Overeating"), they were talking about the history of the Cinnabon franchise, and how the woman who started it all began with good, real, not-that-horrible-for-you ingredients. She had a pastry shop and this was her best seller. Then she was approached by a megacorp who wanted to get them in every mall and airport. She worked with him for a long time to keep the product as true to the original as she could, but over time as the need to make them highly portable and shelf-stable prior to cooking rose, more fake ingredients had to be added. They also got bigger with more stuff dumped on them.
In the book the creator was quoted as saying she never intended for people to be eating those things so big, so often. She didn't sound very happy about where it had all gone, and I bet this kind of concoction would make it worse.
We do this every year too! Get the pillsbury cinnamon rolls, dye the icing green, and leave a little bit to dye yellow for a star on the top. We leave only one for the trunk though!
Mmmmm cinnamon rolls. I want some now. Frosting and all.
Does anyone else find the thought of a green cinnamon roll as repulsive as I do? Reminds me of the time my college dining hall tried to "celebrate" St. Patrick's day by adding green food coloring to everything. I mean everything. Green eggs and ham is cute for a kid's book...but not for breakfast.
Are those real ornaments on that nasty tree??? Ew!
And I love that they chose the festive 'daisy' for the tree topper... I mean that is the national christmas flower, is it not?
i just saw one of these last night at my local grocery store and was cursing myself for not having a camera. it was hideous.
wow... that tree needs a bra, badly!
Why would anyone do that to a perfectly good cinnamon bun?! Why, why, WHY?!?
I saw these where I work the other day and thought of this website. lol I'm glad someone else had a camera on them.
That's not just ugly, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't taste very good.
As soon as I saw this I heard Townie from the Waterboy in my head "Oh NO we suck AGAIN!"
Oh... my... wow.
Is NOTHING sacred anymore?!
That green icing isn't making me hungry either.
That is SO wrong. Isn't a cinnamon bun perfection on it's own? Why mess with perfection? Blech!
how bunny.
can't believe people buy these creations.
Well, at least cinnamon rolls are _supposed_ to be stuck together when you make them......
Ever seen those yard art things that look like some big-bottomed woman bending over in her yard? (hideous) Yeah, it kind of looks like that, but worse.
Yes since really what cinnamon rolls need is more icing!
surely the flotsom is not edible?! So, does it come with a disclaimer? gross
save it for Easter and make a Bunny cake.
I'm afraid the rest of the charity event is going to have to wait a couple of weeks for me. Someone managed to harvest my credit/debit card number and compromised my card over the weekend (basically emptying my account - thank goodness for protection policies on this that mean I'm only broke for a few days), so I have no way to send money in through firstgiving until my bank can send me a new card.
About my only change in online purchasing behavior lately has been the charity sites. Has anyone else reported problems? I'm a little concerned that one of the sites from the first few days might have been hacked, which would be a horrible thing for someone to do.
It might be sheer coincidence, of course. I hope the charity links will be left up for a while, and I'll catch back up once I have a way to send money!
Ugh....the whole thing looks like it's about two weeks old and covered in mold. Nothing like yummy shards of glass and mold to make the holiday season bright!
Is there some kind of evil wreckerator mastermind giving marching orders to these bakeries for these weird holiday trends? People have seen this weirdness in more than one place. And some of the other postings through the months. And that weird Santa-on-a-hilltop-overlooking-xmas-cartoon-scene-with-sprinkles-pointsettias-and-lightbulbs on the side suggests that too. Since there was more than one. But that may have been a kit. But this?
Some evil bakery mastermind must be plotting this stuff. whip out the cameras, wreckporters! and pick off these creations wherever they may lurk!
wv: reweak. that intestine cake yesterday made me reweak after I already felt a little sick.
I. would. not. eat. that. for. all. the. tea. in. CHINA!!!!
Cakes have sunk to a new low.
Aren't there laws against this?!?
Totally getting one of these for Christmas Morning... NOT! Seriously though, I just had to pull myself back into my chair after falling off in shock and laughter. Are no sweet foods safe?!
OH! Seriously NOT edible! And um... excuse me, but aren't those mercury-glass ball ornaments? Who wants THOSE on their dessert? Let's hope they are the more safer less non-edible PLASTIC glass ball ornaments. HA!
That's the most hideous thing I've seen! Worst Holiday Wreck Ever IMHO!
My mom used to make these horrid cakes when i was a kid 20+ years ago. She would use this as her "holiday" dish for the potlucks at church. They were disturbing to look at then, and still a little nausiating now.
If i'm not mistaken my mom got the idea from martha stuart, or someother "better homes" source.
It looks like Bibi, a character from a tv show called Bibi et Geneviève (90's).
Look by yourself :
Now I've seen it all... *shakes head*
Baahaaaa! I've never been mooned by a Christmas tree before - I suppose there's a first for everything!
Jeepers - I thought CCC's were bad, but I think we just found a new low!
patooing is too good for them. *shaking head sadly* i hope everyone wore their ponchos
I first saw this post this morning when I was still half-asleep and I thought it was just a really ugly cupcake cake. OH MY GOD! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO EAT THAT MANY CINNAMON BUNS?! Disgust doesn't quite seem to convey the deep emotion I'm feeling right now.
Even coming back to look at this (and re-comment) hours and hours later, its still just as butt-ugly as it was when I tried looking at it this morning. I thought I'd give the bun-cake another chance, but.... yah... I still wanna hurl.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but I found even more cinnamon bun cakes, including a Christmas tree! They're horrible:
Oh no! It's not just Christmas trees! They make wedding "cakes", too:
Oh. My. Gods. Whatever that thing is, it belongs in the ninth circle of Hell.
Oh, God, Pure brown cinnamon buns should NEVER be made. They don't even have to unartistically swirl the icing, since it's already a perfect poo pile!
The last time I checked, ornaments weren't edible. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Usually I don't hate CCC's because I figure they must taste good, but this looks absolutely disgusting... never again should there be a CBC on this page, it may make me vomit.
OMG, the bun cake looks like infected monster boobies.
And yes, I did see all the gazonga comments. It still needed to be said.
It's a little sad, but I think this is better than all the CCCs.
Bwahaha, that's hilarious!
OMG!! now i know where my boss is getting his ideas from! my boss at the Ithaca Bakery tried to make one of these with cinnamon bun dough and he slathered it with fondant and sprinkles! thank god it didn't make it to the shelves or all our customers would run away screaming!
um, thanks for the link, Anon @ 11:00 a.m.-ish. That wedding cake is "special." btw, did you notice on the weird boxed cakes they have a flowerbox with a row of buns and a rose? so instead of buying a rose, we buy a row of cinnamon buns and a sugar rose. Show someone you love them by offering them the ticket to obesity and diabetes.
I wonder how many calories are in the bun-tree? minus the glass ornaments of course. they just don't "cut" it.
wv: thsfer: An offer made by a drunk person. Slurring: "Hi, I brought thsfer you. Nice buns!"
Cinnamon bun cake? *whimper* I'm scared, hold me.
Cinnamon Bun, well and truly dishonored! lol ;) xx
thanks its very good