Friday, November 20, 2009

Cue Cards, Please?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Last week we looked at cakes that took labeling a bit too far. Today, let's look at the other side of the coin: when cakes really need to give us that hint.

See, once you read the text, and figure out that this has something to do with some sort of ski, it suddenly all makes sense! (Sort of.)

[smacking forehead] Oh, of course! It's TNT! How could I have missed that?

Now, if you're going to give us hints, Wreckerators, it helps if they're at least somewhat legible:

Do you KNOW how long I squinted at this thing, trying to figure out why there were black jellyfish on it? Well, do you?!?

(No, I am not going to tell you what it is. I squinted hard for that knowledge, peeps.)

It also helps if the hints are spelled correctly:

So, we've got a fat anthropomorphic top lip with arms, and it says "Gone Crabiy." Oh kaaaay.
(Well, I guess the word "crab" IS in there...)

Then there are the more cryptic hints:

"Cakes" like this (and I say "cakes" because, as you all know, cupcake cakes are NOT real cakes) can help us brush up on our deductive reasoning skills. Observe:

1. There is a number on the shape, and the cake board reads "Win! Win!"
2. Numbers and winning are often associated with sports.
3. Therefore, the "cake" is a stretched out, radioactive uterus.

Meg, Paula B., Robbie, Kaycee M., & Julie M., with that 8 on there the temptation to make some kind of OctoMom crack is rather strong - but I resisted, just for you.

You're welcome.

- Related Wreckage: Say What?
randomstuff said...

If you rotate it 90° The Jelly fish say "RIP" right? And those are...bats?

Trevor said...

Curse you, Jen. THe last wreck has me entranced. I spent several minutes staring at it, trying to figure out what it was. now I think my retinas have burned out.

TNT, really? And I"m sorry, I just don't see anything ski related in the first wreck. How appropriate everything seems to be a CCC *ptui*

Arbolita said...

For the last one, based on the number and colors, I can tell it has something to do with Cal Ripkin, but other than that...I have no clue.

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

This is the funniest blog I have ever seen. I spent all day yesterday reading from begining to end. It sounds like a cliche but I never laughed so hard in my life.

Mella said...

I'm done squinting and I think I know what it is .

The last cake looks like a uterus

Shasta said...

The cookie "cake" says GRAVEYARD, right? I figured it out once I saw that one of the jellyfish has an RIP on it. So, it's a jellyfish graveyard...? Poor jellies.

Harrod said...

"Graveyard." The black jellyfish cake is supposed to be a graveyard. Unbelievable.

Amanda M. said...

I have too many questions for the 3rd one - I figured out what is was supposed to be, but still... why???

Momx3boys said...

Graveyard... I think those are tombstones not black jellyfish... still awful.

Helena Handcart said...

I'm dumbfounded. Ok, I give in: what ARE those black jellyfish?

wv: explame
can someone please explame these cakes to me?

Anonymous said...

Heh, took me a minute with the "black jellyfish" one until I realized it was sideways.

Jessica said...

Totally tracking with you on the last one...even before I saw your excellent hints, I thought, "Huh! How about that? A CCC to celebrate getting an IUD."

Unknown said... first one is some kind of water ski thing, but I worked at a summer camp where I saw pretty much every kind of water-and-thing-that-floats sport and I didn't see that.

Is the TNT supposed to be exploding, or serving rounded-edge crinkle-cut fries? Because it kind of looks like Frylock with his hair in rollers.

The next one says Graveyard and then has lots of RIPs, but yeah, I concur with the jellyfish theory anyway.

I suppose the next is "Gone Crabbing" which, based on the non-crab-like figure, makes me itchy. Eww.

And for the last, maybe I've already lived in Austin too long, but I fear that might be supposed to be some kind of Longhorns thing?

Geez it's first thing in the morning and my brain is already sore...

Unknown said...

they could have at least iced the jellyfish/gravestones the right way up if they were going to make the hint so illegible...

geenalyn said...

the one you squinted at forever is a graveyard and the jellyfish say RIP....weirdest gravestones i've ever seen LOLcla

frigglesnitz said...

I think first one could be a boat...a boat that ran ashore a few too many times. And I squinted at the second one for awhile, then I clicked on it, and the writing became more clear, but the reason for decorating that cookie that way didn't.

wv-cautesp- the way to ask for ketchup in a French restaurant: "May I have some cautesp for my pommes de terre frites?"

Taylor@myolderbrothers said...

If you look at the last one a certain way, it looks like Sideshow Bob. The "8" is the nose and mouth, the two cupcakes above the "8" are the eyes, and the "horns" are the dredlocks.

It takes a lot of squinting, but it's there.

Kristine said...

The first one does actually look like what it's supposed to be once you realize that the ski in this one is a jet ski. Still not the best art in the world, but it's passably ok.


~me said...

Ja I'm gonna have to go with UT Longhorns on that last one.

The TNT one worries me for some strange reason

Caitlin said...

I could read "Graveyard" fairly easily, but seriously... Graveyard?

Pariah said...

Did anybody else see that angry red swatch on the first cake and read "Skin Graft 09"?

Just me? O_o

Anonymous said...

Is the last one maybe a clown--let's say Ronald McDonald-- burning in a flash fire? Does "Win, Win" mean, "Oh, the humanity?"

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

It sure helps to enlarge the jellyfish cake. Thanks for not spoiling it Jen.

Anonymous said...

that last one TOTALLY looks like a uterus...

Miss S. said...

The cookie cake somehow says Graveyard.....The jellyfish got in the way. The last cake looks like it could be comprised of two major portions of both the male and female reproductive retinas are now smarting from trying to determine what it was "supposed to be".

Anonymous said...

I'm really hoping that the black jellyfish were NOT an homage to Neil Gaiman's excellent "Graveyard Book."

Orange + 8 = Cal Ripken here in Bird-land. but still have no idea why the "cake" has that shape.

Thanks for a new family entertainment: reading Cake Wrecks!

Jimmy said...

I've actually been looking for jellyfish on a cake-- that's been my vote for the thing I would least want to see!

Extra points for icing all the way around, looking like it really is made from seafood.

HSMom said...

I think the jellyfish are supposed to be ghosts rising out from the RIP tombstones. Why "Graveyard" is written sideways, I don't know.

The TNT looks like a box of exploding popcorn to me.

Amanda said...

I think the first one is a boat, or maybe a jetski...The TNT one looks like a bad basketball net with tennis balls being thrown in, and then there's the inexplicable jellyfish graveyard. I wonder if Dory knows her Squishy may be dead?

Anonymous said...

At first, I thought the crab one was a taco. Guess it's a fish taco.

lindalou said...

I did figure out the Graveyard and RIP thing. Really liked Shasta's comment...a jellyfish graveyard. (Pssst..don't tell Spongebob.)

Receptionist Row said...

I figured out the "cookie cake." There is a tombstone with RIP on it. The jellyfish are ghosts, and the written on the roadway is the word, "Graveyard."

Am I right, am I right???!!!??

What do I get...a cookie?

No thanks.

Donna said...

The crabbing thing makes me think anthropomorphic taco with arms, or Betty Boop...

Oh, Mandy said...

Every time I went to the beach with my cousins while growing up, there was always an inordinate number of yucky dead jelly fish. Graveyard, indeed!

Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

so i think the uterus is supposed to be a trophy - you know, like a large gold cup? poorly done, but i can barely make it out.

Anonymous said...

I believe the first Wreck is supposed to be a Wake Boarding tow boat- Wake board tow ropes are attached like 6 to 8 feet in the air to a superstructure on the boat to keep the rope up and out of the way of all the flips and spins they do.

I am so clueless about the '8' cake.

Anne said...

The glaring orange uterus wouldn't be for University of Tennessee, would it? I know we've seen this confusion with the University of Texas, but that orange looks more like that of the Volunteers than the Longhorns. (Yes, it's sad that I could begin to distinguish between these...)
I don't want to know what's in that orange frosting to make it that orange, though.

joanne said...

LOL! ok. ahem.
#1: Jetski. obviously. *eyeroll* (whispers: "good thing they put the word 'ski' on it so we could figure out the shoe rocket was splashing through water and then figure it out!" otherwise it was a red shoe splashing in a puddle. celebrating rainy days? Or would those be blue flames? Then I don't know.)

#2: (guessing) Um, popcorn spilling out of the tub. mini-yellow basketballs trying to make a basket? crumpled up wads of paper being tossed in a trash basket by someone with writer's block? I still don't see TNT as much of a hint. Maybe they misspelled "tint" which was an instruction for making red icing (which apparently didn't work very well either with that hue.) Maybe the TNT was for the Turner cable network and it IS supposed to be popcorn!

Ok. I need a break. 3-5 to follow

LeftWingLock said...

I *had* to go back and look at the last one to see if I could find Sideshow Bob...and I I'm even more scared of that "cake"...

Elissa said...

Is it possible the last one is supposed to be a jersey? Without other people's comments about Cal Ripkin, I never would have guessed that.

I laughed for five minutes at the commentary for that one. Because, yeah, that was pretty much my first impression, too.

Joe said...

Tennis balls flying out of a basketball net, which was at the last minute made into a trash can? Because it turns out that it's really hard to make a basketball net?

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, I think the last one is the UT (Texas, not TN) "Hookem' Horns". It could be UT (TN) power "T", but I don't think so...

Anonymous said...

Looking at that last cake was a little bit like staring into light bulbs.

Rachel said...

The TNT one looks like some sort of popcorn tentacle monster reaching out from a popcorn bucket. Scary

Pete said...

Ok, for the last one I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a Kyle Orton cake. He's the quarterback for the Denver Broncos, who wear orange and dark blue (the trim on the outside of the cake looks purple/blue). Against all logic, and as a Bears fan it pains me to say this, the Broncos have actually been doing a lot more of the "Win! Win!" with our castoff QB than anyone might have expected. Sigh.

Horrible "cake", though.

Amber said...

I'm thinking the last one is for the University of TN.

Anonymous said...

the ski is a boat right? on water with a beach ball randomly behind it. The last one I believe is "Hunger" from those commercials. The adorable little tempting orange fuzz ball. Tell us the black jelly fish one! i cant figure it out!

Natballs said...

You must really have an eye to find the jellyfish in there.
and I thought the cupcake "cake" stood for t-ball? it's in the shape of a t? and they're little balls? get it?

Anonymous said...

Why oh why does the jellyfish graveyard have a fancy pink border? My brain hurts.

joanne said...

#3: I saw black jellyfish too. and a miniature football field on the right (the green blob with the white stripes.) very confusing. (Head tilt) Huh. The jellyfish seem to say RIP and so does the green blob. Maybe the black smooshed letters say "Graveyard." But why are the tombstones sideways with tentacles??? And the black fuzzy blobs, what are they?

#4: *snicker* I think it's supposed to be "gone crabbing" as in "gone fishing." Is this how baker/crabbers leave notes for their families? How, um, sweet, to leave a cookie with a message. "Bye honey, be back later, gone crabbing. Have a giant cookie!"

BUT, when I first looked at this thing, I thought it said (misspelled of COURSE) "Gone Crabby." Which is an entirely different interpretation. and freaking hilarious. I want to get one for my menopausal coworker!

and speaking of menopause--I almost fell off my chair with the "stretched radioactive uterus." Didn't see that coming after comments 1 and 2! LOL

I'm still trying to figure out what the heck this is. Meanwhile, to be cheering on a uterus...what could THAT context be???

Maybe it's the Weight Watchers "hungry" guy! In which case do we win against our appetite or does he beat us? Gaps between the cupcakes make the lower half look a little like legs. whatever it is, it's not very happy in that angry orange.

Niecey said...

The cakes made me laugh, but reading through the comments made me laugh more. It's like one of those psychologist ink blot tests. Very revealing.

I thought that last one was some zodiac sign or something...

Lulubelle B said...

The 4th cake is a wonky crab, the message says "Gone Crabing". Crabs are a common theme here in Maryland, so we see all kinds of weird crabby wrecks.

wv: sorpta - This picture sorpta looks like a crab.

Anonymous said...

Not so much a UT cake, as a UTI cake.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Jessica! ROFL "A CCC to celebrate getting an IUD."

and *grin* @ Shasta. poor jellies indeed.

"and then there's the inexplicable jellyfish graveyard. I wonder if Dory knows her Squishy may be dead?" *snickjer* @ Amanda

Albatross said...

#3 is a graveyard. The "jellyfish" are graves.

Anonymous said...

I have a theory about that last cake.

Obviously, it is an extremely elongated uterus, possibly radioactive. Makes sense, right?

Then there's the question of that strange little "8" on it. Obviously, the cupcake cake was made to congratulate a radioactive-uterus-possessing woman on spawning her 8th child.

Obvious, in hindsight.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:26--apparently they had trouble with orange. they should have taken tinting tips from the radioactive uterus decorator! since Graveyards are "celebrated" at Halloween I'm sure that's supposed to be orange.

Um, anyone else think it's a weird coincidence that "crabby" and "uterus" are right next to each other? Is that a subliminal STD suggestion, Jen?

Lauren said...

Although I hate to admit the knowledge, my husband will be so proud:

The last one is a power T from the University of Tennessee. Notice the neon orange that is offensive in any light and the attempt to round the corners of the T. The number 8 is for the quarterback Jon Crompton.

Ah, football season, giving wrecks a reason to be created!

Speaking as a TN local, I apologize for the color scheme, but I must say, GO VOLS!!!

Anonymous said...

"Not so much a UT cake, as a UTI cake." Very funny!

and @Niecey: "I thought that last one was some zodiac sign or something..."

hey! it could be the sign for Aries (Ram) or Taurus (Bull). Good call!

WV stshe: a drunken "ssh!" as in "stshe! don't tell anyone I puked in the palm tree pot!"

Anonymous said...

"Did anybody else see that angry red swatch on the first cake and read "Skin Graft 09"?

lol Maybe this cake is filled with broken glass, to remind you of a real beach-going experience!

TableforTwo said...

See I looked at the first one and thought, "Yeah, a Jet Ski, so?" But They were huge where I grew up (near a Grand Lake), and people would mortgage their children to own them, so I suppose I am desensitized.

The Jelly Fish graveyard is sad. Poor Jellyfish.

And the last one has a very Hook 'em Horns University of Texas look to it (aka- The Great Orange Uterus of doommmm)....

Jenn said...

Graveyard! That's what it says--but those jellyfish are crappy gravestones.

Furry Bottoms said...

GRAVEYARD! And those jellyfish are supposed to be ghosts?

Fluzz said...

I dunno about in the US but in the UK there is a brand of fireworks called "TNT" so maybe it's *meant* to be one of those?

Tracy said...

The last one is definitely (supposed to be) a University of Texas Longhorn.

April said...

Jellyfish graveyards are the scariest ones.

WV: gyroterd! I think maybe that's even better than the radioactive reproductive system.

Anonymous said...

Octomom should be so skinny.

S.B. Kates said...

*spit-take of coffee*

Biggest LOL in a long time. Deductive reasoning FTW!

"3. Therefore, the "cake" is a stretched out, radioactive uterus."


Rebecca D. said...

Graveyard! I am so proud of myself...

Virtual Japanity said...

psssh I still don't get the first one...
I may be mildly retarded.

Jasry said...

Well, that took a few minutes, but I resisted the urge to come to the comments page until I figured out that RIP was written several times on teh cookie. Then I finally deciphered Graveyard (kinda). I still don't get the whole picture, but it's some kind of Halloween treat. I guess.

WV misiessi: I send misiessi links to CakeWrecks all the time, because she likes a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

OK So after several minutes of assuming the blue was water I have decided the first one is a jet ski. I am pretty sure we are going for jet ski. But of course it is one of those really drunken impersonations of one.

Susan said...


Yes, I saw the "RIP" gravestones. I swear I figured out the theme. But I squinted and squinted and all I could read was...


I swear.

JenMcG said...

I think the last one is a bodybuilder - minus the head. C'mon, that horrible orange color can only be a fake tan!

The Spanish Inquisitor said...

The CCC at the end reminds me of a headless Mr. Gumby.

Alexandra said...

Its "Graveyard" right? And they are supposed to be headstones??

I think the last one is supposed to be the Tennessee Vols "T" ... of course that makes no sense though cause if it was there would be no need to put "win win" ... "lose lose" more like it!


Anonymous said...

"Is it possible the last one is supposed to be a jersey?"

I read this as "about Jersey" the first time through, and my answer was...maybe so. *snicker*

Zie Zie said...

Being from Houston, I originally thought that the last one had something to do with the University of Texas Longhorns. I went and checked out the 2009 roster and #8, not to be mean, is a nobody. Then knowing a little something about college football I checked out the University of Tennessee's football roster and #8 is their QB. My conclusion is that it is supposed to be a big 'T' in orange, just like their logo. So, Win! Jonathan Crompton Win!

Tamaran said...

I actually didn't have to look at it too long to see that it said "graveyard" and had tombstones that said RIP. I am a little confused about the tendrils, though.

Anonymous said...

A graveyard cookie cake...ugh!

And its a "T" for Tennessee?

And the ski cake is a Jet Ski on a wave...UGH again!

jillb-ilslp said...

I don't think the Octomom uterus "cake" says "Win! Win!" I think those "W's" are boobs. The Octomom is saying "My uterus is stretched out, so Boobs are in! Boobs are in!" Good thing she didn't breastfeed, huh?! - And please don't attack me for that comment. I'm kidding! I'm a huge breastfeeding supporter! (Could sure have fun with spacing and commas in that last line, huh?)

Rachel said...

I know it's an overdone joke...

But Jellyfish Graveyard -- BAND NAME!

Anonymous said...

@ jill-- I think Octomom claimed she WAS going to breastfeed-- if so, the whole thing could be boobs. Ow-ee!

Valinda said...

It says Graveyard, those are tombstones. Maybe the fact that I only have 2.5 hours of sleep behind me had something to do with being able to see past the mess.

Beth P. said...

God you make me laugh so hard.

Unknown said...

Well, squinting tells me it says 'graveyard.' But to be honest, that doesn't make any more sense to me than a black jellyfish. Who would want a graveyard on a cookie?

And LOL, my first thought on the last cake was uterus as well. A very, very disturbing uterus.

Jen said...

I thought the orange thing was supposed to be the Longhorns. >.>;; Guess I've been living in TX too long...

Jiminycricket said...

Re: a couple other comments here, if that last one really is a trophy, do you still get one for 8th place? Maybe it really IS for t-ball!

And after the kiddos eat it, they glow in the dark!

Bek said...

Ok, so it took me a while to get the jet ski...

And a lot of squinting to get the jellyfish graveyard...

The "Gone Crabing" was pretty bad...

But the worst was the TNT of exploding basketballs. Or maybe OctoMom's uterus... Which I'm GUESSING must be a jersey? Yikes.

Anna said...

I see the word "graveyard" on the jellyfish wreck. Is that correct?

Maybe the whole is just another of those wrecky Rohrschach tests...

sleeplessnights04 said...

The illegible one says "graveyard" - just in case their so-called tombstones didn't get the point across. Very funny. Not very graveyardesque unless you include the RIP written where ever I suppose. HA HA HA

Miranda said...

Maybe the uterus is mine. I had a hysterectomy when I was 37, and maybe the hospital preserved it as a specimen or something. The lumpiness is about right.

Sorry, that was gross. lol

Brooke said...

Graveyard! What the? Wow!

Anonymous said...

So I guess I'm the only one who read the crab cake as "Done Crabiy". I felt so sorry for Mr. Crabiy (pronounced with a French accent of course) that the Cake Wrecker decided to spell out his fate just above his head!

Jenn in Mountain View, CA

Danielle said...

Okay, I did the squinting and I read the word. But I got nothin'. They're headstones? Ghosts? Undead jellyfish?

Tina and Jason said...

I've got it! The cookie cake is a graveyard and they aren't jellyfish, they're ghosts. You know, the kind you draw in the fourth grade? Someone prolly beat me to this, but hey...I'm on my lunch break and I can't read all the comments. ;)

Jenny said...

Actually, those are INDUCTIVE reasoning skills, not DEDUCTIVE. A deductive argument is where can prove your conclusion with certainly. An inductive argument is one where you can merely prove your conclusion with high probability.

But very funny blog. It cheers up this cranky philosophy student every day! :)

NYCGirl said...

The first one looks like a leaning lighthouse to me.

lisadh said...

NO, NO, NO! That last one has nothing to do with the Longhorns! We can not take blame for that! The orange is not anything like that of UT's lovely burnt orange. This is either for the Tennessee Volunteers or the Denver Broncos like the one poster hypothesized.

Either way, it is quite wrecky.

Anonymous said...

That says Graveyard?! I think... That's... truly disturbing.

Elena Marie said...

i think that the graveyard cake is a Halloween cake and the jelly fish are ghosts, the blobs of frosting are supposed to be fog and the fancy pink around the edges was supposed to be orange (a coloring mishap... well anyway that's my interpretation :)

Anonymous said...

Are you not sure that the orange thing isn't a radioactive robot from an Ed Wood movie?

Anonymous said...

I am confused, but craving sugar.

Elizabeth said...

From someone who only cares about sports enough to understand her husband...I'm gonna have to say the last one is University of Tennessee. That color is obviously UT, except for the black outlining which really should be white unless this "cake" was from Halloween when they played in Orange and Black uniforms which did look pretty cool. But a uterus is cool too.

theangelJean said...

It's funny, I used to pride myself on my lack of appreciation for the male form. (Or, to take it back to my teenage years: I wouldn't have been caught dead ogling a guy, because I "didn't know how".) But - am I the only one? - the last one was obvious to me. It's a footballer! He has no head, of course. And his legs aren't well-separated. But his abs are ripped.


wv: disterso - Something about the colour of disterso reminded me of fake tan ...

Nelly said...

looks like the WW Hungar Monster

Anonymous said...

The first one has something to do with Obama's love of sking? I think?

Everyone is right the one is a jellyfish graveyard. It makes me wonder why you would need to commemorate that in cake. Is it a new marine biology finding?

And the last one made me wonder why so many badly made CCC's *patooee* look like uterusses? And that made me wonder if that was a word of if it was like Rhinocerusses? Are they Uteri?

Unknown said...

I'm with k-10b in hoping that the jellyfish cookie isn't The Graveyard Book-related. That book deserves better treatment.

E.E.King said...

I'm REALLY glad that somebody else thought giant orange uterus.

Anonymous said...

Is the top lip/crab holding a tin opener? Does that mean the cake is celebrating a trip to the supermarket to purchase pre-tinned crustacea?

Jeffrey Poulin said...

@The 'splorin' Wolfies: I had the exact same experience the first time I read this blog. Tears, actual tears. I had to read the old post in two separate sittings because I couldn't breath from laughing so much.

Stephanie said...

It says "Graveyard" in poopy script.

The first one is a jetski (skidoo).

The last one is a Texas T for some kind of Texas team.

The second one just looks like Frylock to me lol!

Anonymous said...

When I saw that orange cake I immediatly thought 'crossbow'

Anonymous said...

"And for the last, maybe I've already lived in Austin too long, but I fear that might be supposed to be some kind of Longhorns thing?"

Oooooohhhhhhhhh, okay, now THAT makes more sense. Except for that pesky 8.

"Not so much a UT cake, as a UTI cake."


Unknown said...

To be fair, they did a better job drawing a jet ski than I would have. Terrible, terrible stuff.

jasmine said...

the cake says ''graveyard'' and the jellyfish are headstones with RIPs on it, right?

PerkinsClan said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately saw a uterus.

Stacy Jozwiak said...

Wow, that took forever and a day....but Graveyard! Now I see the RIPs....but ridiculous. And TNT? REally? Looks more like gigantic popcorn to me.

Dee said...

it disturbs me that i read the "illegible" captions off the RIP cake just after a few seconds...and i think those are headstones...those that seem to be jelly fish caps...right? or am i going insane...?

Erika said...

So... are professional cake "decorators" always high, or what? You had better hope that the nation's grocery store bakeries don't start doing mandatory drug tests, or this blog will be a lot less interesting!

Niffer said...

There has never, in the history of deductive reasoning, been a logical conclusion as the one you put forth.

Unknown said...

Ok, no one seems to have suggested this, so here goes.

I think the last cake is actually supposed to be a Kobe Bryant cake - the Lakers wear a kind of yellowy-orange uniform with purple trim, and he wears number 8. Also, that looks more like a basketball-type posture than any other sport to me.

That's my guess. Jen? Can you weigh in?

WV: bunje - some of these wrecks are so bad they make me want to bunje jump without a knot.

thecatsmeow said...

The orange cupcake thingy kind of reminded me of what a dog or cat's uterus looks like when it's full of offspring. How warped is that, LOL!

The jellyfish one was just plain never fail to come up with new and surprising stuff. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

It's a playground of course.


Anonymous said...

The "black jelly fish " are gravestones that say RIP and the illegible scribble says "graveyard" !

Diagnose Rachel said...

WTF, and of course I mean What the freak, because my kids are watching.

No twilight?
No new moon?

No edward or apples,
or even

I'm very dissapointed. We've come to use cakewrecks as our holiday calendar at our house. And most houses around us would agree that this is a holiday. The local, small, 10 screen theater had Jacob and all his new buffness on all 10 screens!

So, um.
Jen, we like you and all. but we're going to have to take a break of you can't keep up with book worm nerdy holidays.
It's not me, it's you

Unknown said...

That last one is too radioactive to look at w/o safety goggles and ear protection.

Amy B-H

Loki said...

Graveyard! Yay, I can read bubble cursive letters!

Anonymous said...

That crab looks like a taco with arms.

John Sperry said...

LOL! Thank you, Jen for making me laugh today! (it was the octomom comment that put it over the top of the chuckle scale.)

JD said...

So the last one is a Tennessee Volunteers cake so that would explain why it sucks at life.

rosehippo said...

Mm, orange uterus cakes, yummy yum.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, on the last one I saw a uterus, and the words, Wow! 25in!
I'm thinking, Oh my God, huge baby!

Keeslermom said...

Those poor jellyfish are on their way to heaven! In a little jellyfish graveyard!

And I don't know why you'd need a size 8 IUD, and how you win with that, but Go Team!

Wreck-follower said...

I didn't read ALL of the comments because there are so many. So, I don't know if anyone said it yet but the last one, I'm assuming, is suppose to be Cal Ripkin's jersey. The graveyard thing was a good call. I couldn't see it. Thanks for another funny one.

Katie (Kali) said...

Ok, the first one I think is a Ski-Doo water thing. The squinty one is a graveyard (or so it says, I don't think it qualifies?. The TNT I still don't see, looks more like a wacky basketball hoop. And the last one is a jersey for a very very skinny player. Or so I hope.

wv-porlymon "After looking at those cakes, my eyes feel real porlymon."

The Great and Powerful Mom said...

Ooh, ohh, I know! I know! It's black jellyfish playing volleyball in a graveyard! Right?

That's what I would want for my birthday...

Skydiving Ducklings said...

Dude, that jellyfish cake is a graveyard. It took me the better part of 30 seconds to figure it out.

Blalock said...

Ouch! These were painful to look at. I could not figure out the jelly fish one and finally cheated by looking at the comments, I just couldn't put that much effort in on a Friday night. I'm pretty sure the first one is supposed to be a ski boat.

Anonymous said...

Lizard said...

The third one down, it's a graveyard. It says graveyard one way and RIP on the tombstones the other way. I am so glad I figured that out, that would have bothered me so much!

Natasha said...

Isn't a crab arthropodic, not anthropodic? Seriously, which one is it?

Nell said...

I'm fairly sure that last one is Hungry from Weight Watchers fame.

Wolverine Girl said...

I guess I'm the only one who, when looking at wreck number 1, saw a sideways horse head with a freaky stripey bridle. I've looked at the darn thing three times and that's still the only thing I can see. As a jetski it's a big fail, but it would make a half way decent horse head if it was all brown and the bridle was a bit

QueenKatofTypos said...

That orange CCC is totally a headless body builder. The 8 indicates that instead of the normal 6-pack abs, he has an 8-pack.

Anonymous said...

I'll be probably considered wrong...But maybe the cookie cake is a reference to Steve Irwin...Jelly fish and graveyard both mixed together?? (im sure you could find a ray in that mess)

Now, how much toothpaste it takes to get that orange off your teeth after you dare eat the ..uterus..."cake"?

Cute Things in Paint said...

seriously spent a good amount of time sounding out "ummm gravey... yard." RIGHT. graveyard.

Valentina said...

Your commentary is so hilarious that at times the mere set-up to a joke has me laughing in stitches before I'm even anywhere near the punch line!!!!

I have this blog permanently open in my web browser tabs, so I can refresh it every chance I get and receive my day's quota of delicious laughter.

Thank you for being so clever, and sharing it with all online!!!

Mandy said...


When I saw the last one, I pleaded with the gods above that it wasn't a University of Tennessee "Power T". Then I read the worst fears were confirmed.

I am a student of this school. Please, PLEASE do not think that whoever did this "cake" (HOCK-patooie!) is a representative of the Volnation.

I am so embarrassed...

12 hour pills said... mean that last one -isn't- a uterus? Maybe I look at too much etsy stuff...

Anonymous said...

okok i see it. the ski one is supposed to be WATER skiing. the second one looks like french fries if you ask me. and now i feel very smart. i know what it says i know what it says {singsong voice}. yep i do. GRAVEYARD!!!! hehe thanks jen, you made me feel like i learned something today.

Valerie said...

It's a very sad depiction of a graveyard, with tombstones that say, "RIP."

And "splorin Wolfies", if you REALLY REALLY did read this entire blog from beginning to end, you must be very sore from extended sitting time!! I started reading this thing about a month ago, and still don't think I've read it all!! (and you can ask my family-who may consider me estranged now-I have spend MUCH time reading it! ha ha!)

Anonymous said...

"black Jellyfish" = sentinels from The Matrix perhaps?

Kaupai said...

Well, the first one looks like, maybe, a speedboat, and perhaps they're talking about water-skiing?

Why would anyone have a cake that said "Graveyard" btw? What would that be for? A funeral cake? A really uninspired Halloween cake?

And the last one... looks like a sad attempt at a Texas Longhorn.

WV - colsa: sugar free coleslaw

Becky said...

I was looking at the blog and my 8 year old was walking by and said, "Hey, that's a grave yard." "How do you know that," I said. "Because it says RIP." how hard was that?


Amanda said...

Okay, There are too many comments... did anyone guess "Orangemen" for the last one? Syracuse university football team.

Mockingbird said...

THANK YOU to everyone who figured out that word on the jellyfish mess. I stared at that for way longer than I should have. :)

I kept thinking that cake looked like something a high school student would bring to biology as a representation of a cell. The "jellyfish" looked like a bunch of mitochondrion and endoplasmic reticulum to me! :D

Unknown said...

I think that last one is clearly the Mega Man villain "Yellow Devil"

Anonymous said...

I agree(sadly) that the last one must be the UT-TN power T. The color is wrong for tx and right for TN. And the first one has to be a jet ski.

tooznie said...

apparently I live with too many lefties, Graveyard was dead easy for me to read!

Glory von Hathor said...

Ooh, spooky gravuyard. Least of all the colour of your gums after eating that icing.

Unknown said...

I think the last one is supposed to be a numbered sports jersey.

The Calico Cat said...

Not that it corrects the spelling, but I am pretty sure that the one with the crab should say, "Gone Crabbing."

Nonna said...

That graveyard/RIP jelly baby one is a real mess !

Dawn O. Crawford said...

Oh my GOD, I lost my mind with that last cake! I was laughing so hard, my husband thought I was going crazy!

"A stretched out, radioactive uterus"

ROFL! Just ROFL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now I kind of want my gravestone to look like a jellyfish... Who do I go to for that, I wonder...

catholicgirl247 said...

i have no idea! tell me!

David B said...

I think that orange CCC is one of the robots from the Berzerk video game. Maybe it's meant to pep up the team before the big game. "Go Robots! Beat Human! Yaaaay team!"

davrieb said...

A ski slope ending in a sea of blood? WTF?

lilith said...

The last cake is definitely Denver Broncos. #8 for quarterback Kyle Orton, bright orange was the primary color on their old uniforms (which denver natives still prefer) and blue icing around the cupcakes (again, same shade of blue that was on their old uniforms).

Jeanne R. Collins said...

Upsilon? That's the only thing I can think of.
Also, enjoy your crabs.

Anonymous said...

I am so smart! ... Okay maybe not but it took me 3 seconds to realize that the jellyfish cake was really tombstones that said RIP and that the illegible writing said graveyard. I think I get these things easier since I am dyslexic... Is it okay that I blame it on my dyslexia?

Sally Heap said...

That first one is a jet ski, not a snow ski, hence the ski mention.

Danielle said...

If you tilt your head, squint your left eye, and dust off your imagination it looks like a cake wreck graveyard of the future...
and WHY is there a road (I think it's a road) going through the middle

Anonymous said...

The text on the third cake actually looks pretty clear to me. It says "Graveyard."

Envy my young, perfect eyes, Jen.

Savta Deby said...

I think the last one has something to do with the "Octo-Mom."

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the 'TNT' on the second 'cake' indicates where the actual TNT is to be placed. Only because it is a CCC, don't ya know.

Once I figured out (don't ask me how) that the third one is a Halloween item, I was able to decode the word 'graveyard'. After that, everything else fell into place, so to speak. The 'jellyfish' are open graves and the green squiggles say 'RIP'.

In #4, I was able to determine that so much orange icing had gone into making the crab (note in passing that the shell only turns red after cooking) that nothing was left to close the g on the mystery word. Meanwhile, space limitations (or perhaps limitations of another sort) prevented inclusion of the second b in... crabbing.

I also thought 'uterus' on #5, but I missed the radioactive angle. What do the numeral 8 and 'Win! Win!' have to do with a uterus? I'm not even gonna go there. Perhaps the mystery object is a school logo. Could be a medical school. I'll stop now.

Unknown said...

I'd say, the "Win, Win" "cake" looks more like an IUD!

Unknown said...

I would say that the "Win, Win" "cake" looks more like an IUD!