Saturday, November 14, 2009
Southern Comfort [Atlanta Pics]
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Well, without further ado, here are the treats the folks in Atlanta got to partake of earlier this week:
This gravity-defying bit of prettiness was provided by Lisa of Feast Catering. Lisa actually first contacted me waaay back before the first half of the tour, begging us to come to Atlanta so she could provide the cake. How's that for dedication?
In fact, Lisa made TWO cakes. The pretty one, and the...well, let's call it the "fun" one:
[snicker] Isn't it fabulous? The mixing bowl was a strawberry cake so delicious that even I couldn't snag a piece (but I got to hear about it from everyone who did). Heh.
Our standing-room-only crowd of Wrecktators:
By the way, I don't think I've mentioned this before, but you guys should know that we broke signing-attendance records left and right on this tour. And for those stores that had seen larger events, the employees almost always assured us they'd never hosted one that was this much fun. You guys made that happen, so thank you!
Ok, back to the photos. Here are our three Wreckplica contest "winners":
From the left, that's Amanda, Daniel, and "girl who has to e-mail me her name because I can't read it on the plate." (I'm guessing her parents were hippies.)
UPDATE: Elizabeth has e-mailed to tell me her name is...Elizabeth. (The suspense was killing you there, wasn't it?)
Here's a close-up of their entries:
As usual, you can see the rest of the fabulous entries in the CW Facebook album here.
And that's it for the tour wrap-up entries! Stay tuned for tomorrow's Sweets edition, where you'll see more gorgeous creations from our participating bakers. Thanks again, everyone!
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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Praise for the Book
- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” —
- “Hysterically funny!”—
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
What the fans are saying
- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
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26 comments | Post a Comment
Sorry I took your strawberry cake, Jen! It was quite good, and such a sweet birthday gift from dear John!
Thanks for making it down to Atlanta for the tour! I hope to run into y'all at Dragon*Con next year! :)
Holy smokes, is that "about to pop" cake by Matt Chapman of Homestar Runner fame? Holy smokes!
It was such a fun time! Thanks for coming! Hope to see you at Blissdom :)
Oh my gosh, is that the names "Jackie & Matt Chapman" on the "ready to pop" cake?! Jenn, I do believe you got visited by one of the Brothers Chaps, the creators of!
We're so glad you added Atlanta to your tour (sorry you two had to get deathly ill for it to happen, though). As soon as my daughter saw the Atlanta posting, she begged to go! Yeah, she really had to twist my arm on that one. :-)
We had a great time and enjoyed meeting you and John in person. Even my 7 yr old son was excited to meet you -- he talked about it nearly every day beforehand.
Wishing you continued success!
I want the recipe for the awesome strawberry cake.
Coiled Crap Hound got a laugh out loud laugh...just thought you'd like to know.
I really love your blog. I'm so glad you do it. It's a bright spot for me everyday. :))
Ooh, I haven't been here for a while and now the blog looks so nice! There's a hidden metaphor there. The blog was a design wreck and now it's a Sunday treat. That blue makes me happy...
Being out of the States has its downsides...unless you're planning a European tour?? (begging here!!!)
To all those who did get to attend a tour, know that there are so many out there who are soooooooo jealous of you!
Looking forward to my book for Christmas.
Hooray!! *Sings* I was there, I was there...
And, holy crap, if Tony Villa is right, then you've got another celebrity wreckie! or whatever your fans are called 6_6
Had a great time- so nice to meet you! I already posted about it too!
that top cake looks amazing!
I think that you picked the wrong winner. That Ready to Pop cake should have been among the top three. Out of all the cup cake replicas the was one of the best. It even made me want to comment when I have never stopped to comment before.
I love that pufferfish! And I'm glad someone took a second look at that lobster-- one of my all-time favorite wrecks!
I love the upside-down-rightside-up cake...but I'm wondering how they took it apart to cut/serve it.
Aw man! I missed this! I was just aimlessly reading the blog when I recognized my bookstore. UGH. Oh, well, maybe next time. Anyway, it looked like a blast.
OMG! It was a blast meeting you guys at the Atlanta signing! I hope that the B&N staff were nice to you, as they seemed to be quite rude to some of us "wreckies".
I wished we didn't have to travel so far so we could have particpated in the wrecklipa contest too!
You can see a few more pics at our blog:
I think that Ohio State shirt is supposed to be a wreck too. Either it was supposed to say Ohio University or it's the wrong color. Go buck-cats!
The Ready to Pop ccc is great and unlike the cake version, looks a lot more edible!
That pooper puppy mini replica was great, but I also loved that prickly white round ball pufferfish, too.
I'm also curious as to how that upside-down-rightside-up cake was sliced. Wouldn't the bottom get squished?
omg that about to pop cake is HILARIOUS! your blog cracks me up.
seriously, that top one is amazing! I would love one. bet it tastes great too
Thanks for coming to Atlanta, Jen ((and John!)) It was so much fun meeting y'all! =D
My lady, Paige, saw me in this post and asked me how I always show up everywhere online. :-) I'm in the second picture behind the mixing bowl cake reading Retro Gamer magazine while waiting for the Jen & Jon to officially kick off the event.
My lady & I also BOTH got to ask questions (thanks, Jon!), AND I got to make fun of Sean Hannity with everyone in the crowd laughing, which was a huge plus.
You guys did a great job in Alanta, and it was my pleasure to check it out!
Larry Oji
Assistant Soundtrack Director, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Head Submissions Evaluator, OverClocked ReMix - /
One of the creators of Homestar Runner and his wife made a cake at your event?!! You've hit the big time, Jen. *bows to you*
I was at the event, and it was pretty fun indeed! I was there with some of my friends, and Daniel, the winner with the "coiled crap hound" wreckplica ended up giving us his cake out of the blue after we congratulated him on winning. Definitely a cool evening!
LOLOL! That coiled cake is pretty scary! WAY too scary to eat