Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 2ndapendance Day
Saturday, July 4, 2009
This next bit has nothing to do with cake, but everything to do with why America is great. (Answer: The Muppets.) You must watch it. Preferably a few times, the better to appreciate the slo-mo background images and Beaker's stupendous soprano performance:
Have a great fourth, y'all! (Though, really, after that how could you not?)
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What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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73 comments | Post a Comment
Awesome. Happy 4th to you, b
Thank you for the brilliant rendition of "Stars and Stipes". It's sort of a patriotic wreck, and a pleasure to Muppet lovers everywhere. Happy 4th. Danielle.
Happy 2ndapendance Day to you, too! Any day saluted by the Muppets and cake wreckage is instantly that much better.
Crossing my fingers the weather cooperates so we can burn meat and blow stuff up here in proper celebration of our independence...
Happy 4th to you too! Hope your feeling better, my thanks to the Mr. for the post yesterday. My Mr. loved it!
I love the Muppets! That was great. Although, I find it hard to believe that Sam wouldn't know the Preamble. ;)
Love the vid...GO Beaker!
Nice cake too...Sprinkles!!!! LOL
At least it has the "dance" word in it, to remind us to celebrate?!
And sprinkles. Can one ever have enough sprinkles?
I hope Jen is feeling better and better and I hope she knows how much we are all thinking about her. Happy 4th!iniaterl
that was hilarious. beaker rocks!
I think I've died and gone to heaven - MUPPETS doing Sousa!
I'm an old marching band geek and winner of the John Philip Sousa Award for my high school back in 1983 (told you I was a marching band geek). I've never been more entertained by a version of that song, and I've seen some killer bands perform it!
Thank you, Jen. I have a tear in my eye now... of course, it's from laughing my butt off but hey, I'll pass it off as good old American Pride!
Happy 2ndapendence Day to you, too!
Donna Cole
The Colony, TX
That is a hilarious video! Thanks for sharing it. Happy 4th!
Thanks for this rofl, and glad to see you're at least up to blogging.
Loved it! I'll have to steal it for my blog, too. Have a great 4th!
Great link!
BEAKER!!!!! I love Beaker. Thanks for sharing that. Happy Independence day!!
Happy 2ndapendance Day!
what do you expect from a Walmart cake?! lol
That's awesome!!!! We love the Muppets! You'd think though that Sam would have taken issues with the Swedish Chef being involved in that particular production though.
Happy 2ndependence Day to you too!
2ndapendance: when two people dance independently from each other?
Muppets: brilliant.
"A Salute to All Nations (But Mostly America" - Sam Eagle
Happy Independence Day!
I love the Muppet video so much I blogged it too! Thanks for sharing and Happy 2nd whatever it is today. Thought it was the 4th. What do I know!
"Independance" does that mean some dancing in a sheep pen? LOL
Have good Fourth of July!
~Amy B.
The Muppets!!!!!!!!!
Yay. Happy 4th everyone!
And God Bless the US.
That got my 4th of July off to a great start thanks!
Best. YoutTube. Ever! I laughed, I cried, I emailed it to my friends!
You so cannot beat the Muppets!
Happy 4th everyone!
Novice Writer Anonymous
The entertainment portion of your blog today was perfect! O' happy day...Thanks!
Not to be a party pooper,but that is a script or cursive "I," not a 2. Have a Happy 4th of July, all.
Actually, that inscription looks like "Happy 2ndapendance Day."
So maybe there was a 1stdapendance day?
Who really cares--it's all good, and the more excuses to have cake, drink and eat too much, the better. =^~~^=
Is that bubbling oatmeal in one of the video's background shots?
WV: nonchic: This would be a great label for an offbeat clothing designer, if it isn't already!
America _is_ great because of the muppets! Thank you for this Jen. It may have very well changed my life. But where is my beloved Rowlf?
Oh Jen, I love Wrecks even more now!!! Blogging with Muppets is absolutely brilliant!
Have a happy 4th my American friends!
I love Beaker and all, but OMG! Animal's performance was OUTSTANDING!
Thanks for making me smile. I'm 37 and I still love the muppets!
I posted that video to my own blog and my Facebook page just this morning! It's hysterical, especially keeping the world safe from weirdos, the hot dog closeups in the background and the chickens.
that video is THE BEST! i especially loved when the patriotic background images changed to hot dogs...on the grill, then being topped. thanks for sharing! happy 4th!
omg -- I don't like to bore readers with word verification, but this is creepy: "palin" is my word -- and I just got done reading the 6-page VF article about Palin. [shudder]
Here's a notion: Maybe the cake inscription really IS spelled correctly. It could be a Secret Code. Scenario: A group of convicts are planning a breakout; they've been trying to come up with a suitable opportunity. Finally, it hits them! What better day than the 4th of July? There will be so much celebrating, no one would begrudge them putting together a simple little dance to honor the day, would they? (They already have a bunch of "musicians" agreeing to supply "music".) So, they use the code word "dance" to mean "breakout."
They have it all set; the cake is to celebrate with after the guys IN DA PEN...DANCE outta there!
I loooove the Muppets! Thanks! You made my day!
Hope you're feeling better.
Yay, Muppets! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Independence Day... or was is it
2ndapendance day?
Oh wow that made me giggle thank you Jen! and happy 4th to you
THAT is what our Preamble should say. Check out Sam's eyes when he says "weirdos". I loved the sizzling meat and hot dogs in the background when the Chef started chasing the chickens around.
This was great--I watched it multiple times and laughed more each time!
ahahahahaaha!!!! I knew I loved you and this blog *LOL* Thanks for the Muppet fix!! Hope you are on the mend from your surgery! Happy 2dapendence day, too :)
Happy July 4th,
my neighbours to the south!
I would watch the Muppets video but I have a phobia about them. My friends thought I was joking about that until they saw me have an anxiety attack near a Muppets toy display at Disneyland. Man, those things give me the willies (shudder).
Hey, I think that muppets video was at a Disney World Muppets-themed attraction. Either that or I can see the future.....
(I'm going with Disney World)
You just made my day with that muppet video! Thanks! Between you and prozac I'll regain my sanity soon.
ah, I love Stadler and Waldorf! So glad they made an appearance.
So...who's the big bear guy? I don't recognise him at all.
Happy 2nd Apendance Day! Um....when was the 1st Apendance Day??
As a fan of Cake Wrecks and a fan of the Muppets, THANK YOU, that video was priceless and I can't wait til the kids wake up from their nap to show it to them!
How could anyone not have a great fourth? By being George III!
The muppets made me laugh until I cried. I must now post that on Facebook!
wv: readeres
I was one of the readeres of the Decloration of Indepence for my small-town 4th of July celebration
Sam Eagle makes me happier than just about all other things in the world. I went to Disney for my birthday and am still giggling over his bit in the Muppets 3D show- his grand finale act was called "A Salute to All Nations, But Mostly America." oh SAM.
Beaker is lovely, yes, yes, but one cannot ignore the genius of Animal's performance. I miss those guys!
Happy 4th to all of you Cake Wreck people!!!!
I flippin love the muppets! Thanks!
Actually that's a cursive Q.
Looks like TNG's pesky returning guest star is up to no good, again.
As a piccolo player, I humbly bow before the sheer genius that is Beaker. Beep on, sweet muppet.
What's more American than the Muppets and 2ndapendance Day?
Thanks for the Muppet post...gotta love those Muppets!
Beaker and poultry. My day is complete!
thank you for completing my fourth of july with the muppets. what could be better?
yum-dee-diddly-icous yum yum
Happy 2ndependance to your uterus day! Love you both!
I read 2ndapencleence. Maybe 2ndapencleence Day can become a new holiday - like Falker Satherhood perhaps.
Thanks for posting the muppets link, I loved Animal's bit.
Great minds think alike! :-) Love the muppets!
Dang, Jen----the Muppet video was SO cute. Thamks for putting it up. HOWEVER--------That led me to another YouTube of Stars and Stripes...which led to another...which led to another...and before long, I had frittered away 2 hours! But the pipe organ stuff I found was more than worth it!
@ Meg at 11:53, July 4:
Just thought I'd nitpick your nitpicking. A cursive "I" looks nothing like a "2", it's actually the "Q" that looks that way. So it's either "2ndapendance" or "Qndapendance" and wrecktastic either way. :)
Yay! Muppets!!! <3
What are we going to do? Email it to everyone you know!
All these cakes and the video were hilarious. Thanks so much for your site. . .from a to-die-for cake lover!!!
It is ALWAYS about the cake!
Sam the Eagle speaks with the same kind of inflections and intonations as The Chairman from Iron Chef America.
Oh god -- thank you for sharing that! You rock, Jen.
I remember seeing that on TV or video...funny but annoying at the same time...once was enough for me and the cake was not bad except for the spelling !
Thank you, thank you for the Muppets!
I own (so far) the first 3 seasons of The Muppet Show and love it!
Hope it was a happy 4th for everyone!
I'm just imagining the possible cakewrecks that could be inspired (on purpose or not) by this... the baker may have created a brand new holiday: "Happy Tune da Pen Dance Day!!" or "Happy 2nd Apen Dance Day!!"
I had saved this post to watch the video when I wasn't at work and boy oh boy, I cracked up. Brilliant!
I just wanted to add my belated thanks for posting that Muppets Video! I have a tear on my cheek RIGHT NOW from laughing so hard. In fact I continued to laugh after the video finished. Thank you SO very much. I needed that!! Woo! :)
Oh my goodness, hilarious! :]
Possibly my favorite part of the video was the slow motion mustard being put on the hotdog. So patriotic.
Thank you for the Muppets clip - I love it! Beaker was awesome.