Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Sweets For Mom

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day, Moms and other persons of non-maternal persuasion!

Here's a little cuteness for ya:

John found this adorableness on the Love-A-Cupcake blog. He also wants to know if this counts as calling your Mom a cow. (I told him it doesn't.)

Of course Mother's Day is really all about the flowers, though:

It's amazing how realistic gumpaste flowers can be - that lily is truly a work of art. I don't know who made this simple beauty, though, so let me know if you do.

Here are some sweet flower pot cakes by Sugar Buzz Girl:

And a whole range of flowers from

That overlapping texture is pretty nifty, too.

And lastly, I'm really digging this cake from Freed's Bakery:

Get it? "Digging?"

Hey, these aren't your garden-variety puns, folks. Leave them to me, so I can weed out the pansies. I would say I'm a loose pistol with a rosy disposition, but frankly that blooming lie lacks stamina.

(Whoever caught "lie lacks" scores bonus points.)
Kat said...

Dontcha mean loose pistil? Happy Momma's Day!

Boozy Tooth said...

Happy Mother's Day to Jen's Mom. You outdid yourself, lady.

Anonymous said...

magnificent cakes! Thanks for posting these little beauties.

john(the hubby of Jen) said...


I totally agree.

And thanks for being such an awesome reader and commenter.


Das Mutter said...

Wow....those are amazing! Thanks! And happy mom day to the moms in your life!

StuffCooksWant said...

The garden picket fence cake is fantastic! Happy Mother's Day to all the you moms!

WV: hunke - I'll have another big hunke of that cake right there.

Jenamarie said...

I thought that lily was real at first, until I read your comment about it being made of gum paste. Amazing!

Beautiful cakes!

wv: mychea - I hope mychea drin will give me some flowers that look as nice.

Molly said...

Might be stretching it, but maybe the blooming lie lacks stamen-a?

Sarah K. said...

I love the flower pot cakes but think I'd gag at the worm.

Your puns crack me up.

Vix said...

I love the flower pot cakes. I am filing that away with my Girl Scout ideas for next year. The kiddos will probably love to make them. So much more fun than the Dirt desert.

AAWWW! Cows, so cute.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Hey Molly,

That's what we were going for so I'm glad you got it.

Puns are hard.


Kateri said...

That stargazer lily cake is WOW! That is an amazing work of art. I always love Sunday Sweets, and these are all amazing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! Beautiful sunday sweets!

And I'm with Molly on Stamen-a :)

That Jen sure is a pistil - she's really blossomed. :D


(wv - tspuri - "Add one tspuri of vanilla to the cake batter...."

V. Nicharico said...

These are just beautiful! Realistic flowers always blow me away, that lily is amazing!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Emily said...

I loved the cow one. It would be so appropriate for me and my mom because forever now I've called her my "Moo" instead of my mom. I sent the link to her and she loved it.

Willow said...

They're gorgeous! Happy Mother's Day... how much you think one of these beauties would run, cost-wise? And is there time to order one by this evening? ;)

Fluffy Cow said...

I want... no, I NEED the first one!!!! COWS!!! On a cake!!!


Rebekah said...

Your amazing! I just wanted to say that you bring a smile to my face every day.

Anonymous said...

Love the lily one...hope you find the baker, as they richly deserve recognition. It would be a fantastic wedding cake.


P.S. While this site is wonderful in both concept and execution, I must admit that I really love Sunday Sweets. What a great idea! It's a good way to recover from the "Desiccated Salmon-Colored Incest Cake" and CCC scarfs. Sunday Sweets is like the perfect gumpaste flower to the rest of this wonderful site. Thanks!


I love these cakes!!! Nice post Jen!

Cow one is adorable. :D

Rachel T. said...

"Leaf" it to Jen & John to come up with such a "tree"-bute to moms everywhere. You rock! BTW, do your moms live in "Flora"-da? Thanks again for the groans and giggles!

Kate said...

"but frankly that blooming lie lacks stamina."

Aww, and here I was expecting that last one to be "stamen-a"

Christine said...

I'm glad to see you rose to the occasion and avoided the stigma of being unable to make flower related puns. In fact, I'd go so far aster say you did it with style

Raychel said...

Beautiful cakes!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to wrong, but is the second cake missing an apostrophe? Happy Mothers Day?

Anonymous said...

Oh, so maybe Friday's "Anther word for love" cake was just going for a flower pun...

Kelley said...

Bonus points for meeeee!!!

BTW, my mom thoroughly enjoyed her "My eyes crye to see you" Mother's Day card this morning :D

Haiku Joy said...

Jen wins web poll 'n
shares the best bought-any
bud should love these sweets!

Diana Dang said...

Those look amazing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Are you sure that's not a real lily? We put real stargazer lilies on our wedding cake.

Thanks for the lovely Sunday Seets.
Its good to see that some people appreciate their mothers.
Sorry, having a pity party today.

Laura R. said...

Actually, the plural of "stamen" is "stamina" - good work, Cakewrecks! Word nerds everywhere appreciate your puns.

Anonymous said...

That stargazer lily cannot be paste! That is truly loverly!

andrea. said...

lilacs ; )

Esther said...

Are the flower pots cake too? Those are my favorites!

Anna said...

That pistol/stamen combo really was a knockout.

Trish said...

Loving the cow cake!! My best friend used to call my Mom "Moo"...dunno why, but whatev.

HER mother used to make a basket cake with flowers "in" it. She sure could pipe a mean basket weave pattern I tell ya. I think she used a round cake, and cut a round piece of cardboard then cut it in half to use as the open "lid" of the round basket. Course, she's pipe the basket weave icing deal on the cardboard too, and angle it so it looked like the lid was open. Then, in the open part, she's do her roses and such. Was a beautiful cake and she made oodles of 'em...wish I had a picture so I could send it in. :(

Anywho, gorgeous cakes, as usual. You are sooo punny!!

joyce said...

too pretty to eat!!

the illiterate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm the owner of Torte Bella, the shop that made the cake you posted that's covered in flowers, w/ the overlapping fondant pieces covering the cake, just wanted to let everyone know that ALL of those flowers are made out of sugar, by me! Every leaf, every petal of every flower is hand made, and hand airbrushed :) I'm very proud of my work! Happy mothers day to everyone!


Dr. Megan said...

They're all beautiful, but the second one loses points for an omitted apostrophe. That lily is a stunner, though!


Anonymous said...

You mean there are cakes on the site?!? I was too overcome with Jen's comments that I forgot to check out the photos! Friggin' fraggin' funny is what you are!

Visione Bella said...

Ok, nice cakes, no lie... but I'm pretty disturbed by the earthworm in that one pot of flowers. Weird.....

Kathleen said...

I LOVE Freeds!

CWise said...

As usual, the daily requirement of groaners with cakes.

Happy Mum's Day. :D

Hyena Overlord said...

I've waited all day for this. Gorgeous...and I always want cake when I visit this blog. No matter how ugly the other cakes may be.

holy crap wv: grampi.*L*

Amy Lee said...

Absolutely gorgeous creations! My son was looking at it with me and asked me to make one like the ones on there. Um, yeah my talent stops at the mix in the box, frosting in the tub type of thing..LOL

Julie said...

So is it "Mother's Day" or "Mothers Day?" Because the cakes today have one of each...Solve this mystery for me!

Anonymous said...

The first cake resulted in a simultaneous "awww" from my husband and I. Then he said "hehehe if you let your eyes relax it looks like a very old, very naked lady cow" (imagine that said in a backwoods Pennsylvania accent) It took a moment but I got it. Now what has been seen cannot be unseen.

Thanks Pat, another cute thing ruined by your 12 year old boy mentality.

Ashley said...

no "stem-ina"?

Laci said...

Happy Mother's Day! Your writing was in full bloom today, I've never seen so many well-planted puns at once! Get it? this is too much fun.

Jules said...

Happy mothers day to all moms out there..;D
I love the cake with flower..;D so cute.Thanks for sharing..;D

Alice said...

I had to check and Google assures me it's not that Jen has simply gone crazy. I didn't know you celebrate mothers day in May in the US. That's weird.

Unknown said...

Love the first one..So cute.=)

Martin C. said...

*groans* Where do you LEARN these horrific puns and plays on words, woman?

I adore the blog; It's unique and hilarious, and thanks to you my girlfriend now wants to try and bake a Stargate cake... :P

Thanks for bringing a lot of humour (and a fair amount of cake) to so many! :P

Cheryl said...

I love the flower pots. So cute!

Caitlyn said...

These are all so beautiful! But I have to say that the Tortebella cake looks pretty wrecky to me.. not because it isn't well made (the flowers are beautiful!!) but because its design just looks so terribly busy. Am I the only one that felt this way? :O

Susie said...

The Lily on the first one is 100% real. And the worm in the flower pots is kind of gross. Not my favorite sunday post.

john(the hubby of Jen) said...

Hey Susie,

Having seen what people can do with gum paste, I'm pretty convinced that the flower was created by the decorator. Jen and I just made a wedding cake and the gum paste orchid we put on top looked much better than the fake ones on the table.

I do, however, have to agree with you. After searching the net for two hours, I couldn't find any better cakes for Mother's Day. Jen's exact words were, "That's all you could find?" I guess we all get our expectations up when it comes to Sweets and I think sometimes it's okay to step back and appreciate the beauty in simplicity.

Ah well. Next week is Lego cakes and it's pretty awesome.

Thanks for putting your name.


Val said...

The worm is quite creative, but I'd have to let my kids eat it, LOL!

Amy Siegert said...

Is it STAMEN-a??

Anonymous said...

That orchid cake is the most beautiful cake I have ever seen.

Valentine Day Flowers said...

i simply love the flower pot cakes. i can't eat them it's too adorable.

Ryan said...

hahahahaha nice puns, and YAAAYY I GET BONUS POINTS :)