Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cake Wrecks Turns One!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I know you're still reeling from the heady celebration of my own birthday, but now we have another excuse to wreck some cakes, sing songs, and get sloshed on sprinkles:

Today is the one year anniversary of Cake Wrecks!

Let the rejoicing...[dramatic pause]...begin.

Yep, one year ago today I was thinking, "Hey, this might be a fun diversion for a few weeks. Thank goodness for the anonymity of the internet! No one will ever know."


Still, to all of you who have become faithful readers, loyal fans, and virtual friends*, thank you. You've helped make this the most exciting year of my life, and I am forever grateful.

And to you persnickety trolls who continue to inform me, in many and colorful ways, just how vast the suckage quotient of this blog is: May you someday start a blog and moderate your own trollish comments. (Harsh, yes, but it's got to be said.)

Also, a quick reminder: although the retail price of my book Cake Wrecks is $12.99, there are some fantastic discounts to be had if you pre-order it online now. It's currently available at Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Amazon.

Thanks, guys, and Wreck on!

- Jen

(*I mean that in a good way.)
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PK aka Arlene said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks...your blog keeps me entertained daily! :) said...

Happy Birthday!!

Lincoln6118 said...

I only joined in the wreckage a few months ago, but I am addicted. Keep up the good (er, bad) work! Just keep wreckin', Jen!

Angie said...

Happy Birthday, Cake Wrecks!!
I love this blog.

Julie said...

I would nominate this one for the book cover--the perfect example of clueless wreckery.

Congrats on your anniversary! You want some extra punctuation with that?

mchersh said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

underneat that

and Congratulations!!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the year of hard work, I've had lots of laughs visiting your blog!!

Also, I pre-ordered myself your book as my birthday present to me!!

Jessica, aka Laydeedancer said...

Just wanted to say congrats on a year! Woo-Hoo!

I read your blog daily and it never ceases to make me laugh or smile. I guess some people were born without silly genes, if they cant see the beauty of these atrocious cakes.

Keep up the great work! Cant wait for the book...

Anonymous said...

Yay! First comment! Happy Cake Wrecks Anniversary! ;)
Anna Marie

Half Assed Kitchen said...

I don't quite get the trolls. But I *get* and totally dig (with a fork) your blog!

Geans said...

Congrats, Jen! And, suckage, really? Consistently one of the best sites, ever.

Jennifer said...

I can't believe that you have only been doing this for a year. And I think your blog is GREAT. It is like my daily laugh and I thank you for writing it.

HK said...

Haha, really!? Today is my son's 5th birthday. Perhaps we ought to celebrate with a cake of some sort... ;-)

Anonymous said...

People are just rude...your blog is amazing, always gives me a good laugh and I love it! So there all you trollish people out there!!

angela said...

Love you, Wreck On!

gr8fulg said...

Congratulations! Your blog has been the unexpected laughter on many days. Keep up the great work!

Amy said...

Congrats! Cake Wrecks is one of the few blogs I look forward to seeing every day. (The rest are just time-killers.)

Christine said...


Promise said...

Congratulations Jen! Here's to another year of wreckage!

Mags @ the Other Side of 50 said...

Congratulations on one year of wrecks Jen! And best wishes for many more years to come.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence - today I turn 30!

I'm getting a pie for it.

Bri said...

Yay!!! 3 exclamation marks means I'm serious about saying Happy Anniversary!!!

Wait...People troll CakeWrecks? Like seriously? Wow. And I thought I had nothing better to do!

WV: ocyconsi -- that's for the trolls.

Brianna M.

Benjamin said...

What a happy celebration! Your posts usually coordinate with the morning break at my college, and they make a wonderful way to unwind with a cup of coffee! I look forward to your delightful posts each day, and cannot wait for the second year!

Three. cheers!


JennyKitten76 said...

"Happy" Birtday. Cake Wreks!

with extra sprinkles!

This site is awesome :D

Cherbear said...

Happy Birthday, Cake Wrecks! Thanks for entertaining me the last year. And for those of you who don't like the content - go somewhere else!

Bobbi Sharp said...

Happy one year birthday!

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Whenever I look quickly at the right column, the white T-shirt and the apron above looks like a KKK outfit for a split second. Always makes me do a double take :-).

Can't believe folks leave mean comments. They obviously have nothing better to do. I enjoy the humor here.

Jen (I'm a Jen too)

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday and stuff!

So, and this isn't mean spirited, I promise...what's in the book that's not in the blog?

And, you were a Jungle Cruise Captain?? Cool.

Chey said...

Alright, time to rejoice! *pops open some sparkling cider* I discovered this site in the fall of last year, immediately re-read all the old posts, and I haven't missed an update since. You've got a loyal reader for life here. ^_^

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! May this be the first of many. =D

Spoodles said...

Hapy Barfday.!

I'm in shock... I cannot believe that there are those who would call the brilliance of this blog suckage... screws loose maybe?
At any rate... I'm thankful you exist...

Mindy said...

Happy birthday, Cake Wrecks. You brighten my day.

Rosengeranium said...

Congratulations! You make my days, punk!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your one year of successful blogging.
Your site is on!

Pretty Things said...

Happy! Birthday!!!!

"Cake Wrex"

(visualize air brushed madness here...)

redraven said...

What a fabulously wrecky year it's been! Thanks Jen (and your occasional guest bloggers) for always putting a smile on my face. Between you and the loyal contingent of folks who post comments each day, I never fail to have a good laugh.

As we all know, laughter is the best medicine - especially laughter at a particularly inspiring cake wreck!

Wreck on, and hugs to you for your wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I would start my day at work if I didn't have

Thanks, Jen, for showing us the...uh...frightening side of cakes.

And let's keep them coming. After all, cakedom is full of delightful frightfuls.

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

1 "year"!!
Happey Anniversary Under That.

complete with all the spelling, punctuation, placement, and unintended wording errors.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first anniversary! This site rocks. Anyone who doesn't think so needs to loosen up!!

. said...

Suckage quotient? Never seen it on here, not anywhere. I love this blog and your writing. Yay for one year and many more to come!

*~*Jill*~* said...

Happy Birthday Cake-Wrecks. Thanks for being my go-to site for some daily snark.

Dr. Megan said...

Who would say this blog sucks?!? I don't know anyone who doesn't laugh (out loud) at the Wreckage. :)

Megan @

gigi said...

I vote we slap some of those trollish comments on a cake and call it a post! I'm serious, I want to know what those crazy, humorless people are saying.

Jennywenny said...

Happy birthday cake wrecks! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I missed your site this last week, so I didn't get a chance to weigh in on the cover choice.

Why do you have to feature one of the famous cakes on the cover?

I think it would be more striking to write out 'cake wrecks' in icing on top of a hideously (but charmingly) deformed cake and just photograph that as the title, or even photoshop icing on top of one of your existing cakes (if you have the rights).

(I think the title should be spelled out in icing, and the cover should look like a bit like a trompe l'oeil cake top itself.)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, CW!

Anonymous said...

I missed your site this last week, so I didn't get a chance to weigh in on the cover choice.

Why do you have to feature one of the famous cakes on the cover?

I think it would be more striking to write out 'cake wrecks' in icing on top of a hideously (but charmingly) deformed cake and just photograph that as the title, or even photoshop icing on top of one of your existing cakes (if you have the rights).

(I think the title should be spelled out in icing, and the cover should look like a bit like a trompe l'oeil cake top itself.)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, CW!

Trevor said...

Happy Birthday! Keep them coming!

Kristin said...

Happy Wreckday and huge CONGRATS!

Dorci said...

Happy blogiversary! Thanks for making each just a little bit (or a lot bit) more hilarious!

Andrea said...

Your commentary makes the blog, some of the wrecks just aren't as funny without the dialog. Kudos on your success!

As one of the daily visitors, may I suggest this anniversary would be a good milestone for a visual makeover?

Bookmom said...

This is now my very favorite blog. I hope all the accolades you get help overcome the troll wreckage! Those are likely 11-year-old boys anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Happy bloggiversary, Cake Wrecks!

Whenever I read your blog, it just makes my day. Greetings from Germany!

Cat Skyfire said...

Happy! "Birkdy" CaKe, Wrex.

May You. Have Many! More!!!!

(add a baby on a carrot)

Galadriel said...

Well, of course there's much suckage on this blog; that's the point! We get daily doses of entertaining and amusing suckage, except Sundays, when they're still entertaining but they don't suck. I eagerly look forward to each day's posts.

Congrats on the year. The anniversary is the same as mine! Different kind of anniversary though :)

kyooty said...

*comes in dragging balloons cause they hang upside down don'tcha know.
Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe it's only been a year. I can hardly remember life before Cake Wrecks. :)

bigSIS said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! I love your blog....thanks! I look forward to many, many more years of wrecks. LOL

Leslie said...

Being one and all, you did make yourself a smash cake, didn't you?

Lisa Wolfpack said...

Happy birthday to one of the few blogs I read faithfully. You make me laugh snort guffaw out loud and where else can you find fellow Stargate cake geeks?


Suzy said...

Underneat that
Your blog is hilarious!!!!!!!
(add insane amount of !!!)

jenjen said...

I can't believe it's only a year - I feel like I've been enjoying this site for ever. Love!!!
- yet another Jen

fairyhedgehog said...

Happy Blogiversary, Cake Wrecks!

What a brilliant blog it's turned out to be.

Sammee said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You make each and every day a little bit better...did I say little? You make it a hell of a lot better!:)

Liz Winer said...

Congrats! I haven't been reading long, but this is pure awesomeness. It also made me realize how horrible CCCs are.

Mongoose Mama said...

I'm imagining toddler carrot jockeys now.

Happy anniverbirthday!

Anne said...


MarieA said...

I knew I liked the site for a reason. Cake Wrecks Me and Cher... all celebrating a birthday today. (take a look at the lovely - totally no wrecky Zebra Cake at my page btw)
Might I add... Cher - older than the Wrecks OR me!

Congrats on a great year.. can't wait to see what wreckiness awaits us this year! Because you know they'll be there.


Heidi D said...

Happy Birthday
Underneath that write
Screw the Haters


Mrs. F said...

Happy blogaversary! Thank you for keeping me entertained!

Mr Farty said...

Happy Blogday and Many Hippo Returns!!

M M said...

Congratulations to Cake Wrecks on becoming 1 year old today. Every friend I tell about Cake Wrecks ends up an addict, especially to Jen's commentary on the wrecks.

YakMama said...

I love your blog- and Happy Happy One Year!! Hopefully there are many more years to come!

Donalyn said...

Congrats!!!!! On an incredible year!!!!!! "Go you"!!!!!!

Hyena Overlord said...

Happy. Birfday!!!!!! "Cakewreacks"

See, I've learned so much.

wv: unducl the duck version of en garde.

Jen said...

@ Tricia: extras in the book (besides 75% or more new Wrecks) include reader stories & behind-the-scenes tidbits from yours truly. There are sections on cake controversies, "fun" trolls, and baker-reactions, too. Hopefully enough to justify buying the cow, at any rate. ;)

@ Andrea: a site make-over is coming. Shh. Don't tell anyone.

@ Anony: regarding the cover, we're going with the "original" Wreck in today's post. Hopefully that's a good compromise for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! Or should that be, "Hippy"!!! biRth day that that that Cake' Rex in Green?

I just found your blog about a week ago and I love it. I laugh until I cry. Keep up the good work!


Melissa said...

Happy Birthday to cake wrecks!

blissfully caffeinated said...

Congrats! And thanks for the laughs. Cake Wrecks is one of daily faves.

Blondie said...

Here's to hoping the trolls get a troll flavored extremely wrecktastic cake for their birthdays and someone snaps a pic to send to you Jen.

Sarah said...

congrats! I love this blog!! Can't wait to see what the second year has in store.

Becca said...

This blog is my favorite! I might like it even more than my family's blogs (but don't tell them that).
Happy. Birthday. Cake. Wrecks.


bubbles said...

Cake Wrecks sucks??????????

I think NOT!!!

I love Cake Wreaks! Keep up the hilarious work!!

(notice all the extra punctuation ;))

Samantha Suzuki Photography said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! My morning wouldn't be the same without you! Thanks!

altar ego said...

happy birthday!!! I don't know quite how I got through each day without this blog until recently. I recommend it to everyone that appreciates good humor. This is just the best!!! (those exclamation points are for good measure, not an expression of too much of anything...)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks!
I'm a recent joiner, and I love this blog. You make my day. Thanks so much.

Sandy said...

I love this site. I have only been visiting for a few months (saw a post about it at, but it is one of my favorite websites and I check it every day. I'm sure most of the trolls are "bakers". hehe

Merla said...

Hippy Barthday Cake Wreckz!

I have been an avid follower since about June last year. Onwards and upwards for Cake Wrecks!

Glory von Hathor said...

Happy Blogiversary, oh curator of the wrecks.

Mandy said...

Well what a cowinkidink! Today is my birthday too. :) Happy birthday to cakewreks - May 20 is an excellent day!


Jenniffer said...


j.cro said...

Happy Anniversary - thank you for delivering such sweet laughter on a daily basis.

Sarah :) said...

Happy birthday Cake Wrecks! May you have another happy year of Wreckage ahead of you! :D


Melinda said...

I can't believe you have only been doing this a year! You have had amazing success and I wish you much, much more!

Happy Anniversary!

Alice said...

Gosh I'm so naive. Who would post horrible things? That's a rubbish thing to do! Happy birthday and many happy returns!! Ignore all mean comments forever if you please!

n810smom said...

Happy blogaversary!! I love Cake Wrecks and have recently gotten my hubby hooked on the site as well! Keep up the awesome work :)

AVinNYC said...

Congrats on the anniversary and thanks for a FUNNY year!

Lybertygirl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I can always count on your blog to make me laugh, sometimes even a deep belly laugh with tears!!!!! Keep it up!

Boozy Tooth said...

Congrats Jen. Did you have any idea the phenomenon Cake Wrecks would turn out to be when you started the blog? You're like a cult hero superstar now. Wow.

I started my blog about the same time you started yours and, well, let's just say I'm not quite as popular. I need a schtick. How about Bake Wrecks? {Wink}

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary (just to be different...) I love this site like fat kids love cake! My only complaint is that when I read it at work (v. bad), I can actually not stop myself from laughing out loud, and since my work is terribly dull, I think my boss may suspect my mind and web browser is elsewhere.
Love this, keep it up! May decorators never get their act together and so keep you in the blogging business!

Leann I Am said...

Happy Blogoversary, Cake Wrecks! you have made me laugh so hard that I've cried. Thank you for that! And under neat that, may you live to celebrate many more!

Cathy Womble said...

Happy Birthday. I read your blog just about every day.

Jenamarie said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks!!!

Obviously the haters are just mad they didn't get their sprinkles.

wv: numsedow - square dancing while pithed.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jen! My whole family loves your site :-)

May your wrecks always be tastic.

queenb said...

whooohoooo!!!! Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks!

Thanks to Jen for keeping us amused and aware of all the truly heinous cakes out there (as well as some incredibly fabulous ones)

And I'm happy to hear that the original wreck will be featured on the cover of the book...I mean, it is the cake that started it all...

(holding up a giant margarita) Here's to a fabulous 2nd year!

Bonnie B

Barb said...

Yes, trolls visit pretty much every site on the web. Perhaps someday they will learn to brush their hair, their teeth, and head out and grab a life.

Congrats on the great blog - I can't believe it's only been a year.

Millie said...

Happy virtual Birthday!

I can't believe people are mean to cake wrecks! It's the first thing I check when I go on my RSS reader and it never fails to make me smile!

Keep up the good work!

Sariah said...

Happy blirthday Cake Wrecks!!! I'll go make a cake to help celebrate. And I'm sure it will unintentionally become a Wreck, cuz I have skillz like that. :D

Crystal said...

Congrats! Happy Anniversary!
Under Neat that
"Wreck On!"

Stephanie said...

"Happy Birthday"!!
Under neat that
Cake Wrecks'!!!!!

"I heart this blog"

Jenn said...

Yay Happy Birthday! I think your blog is terrific and your right on sarcasam never fails to make me giggle.Keep wreckin'

Pam said...

Happy Birthday! With Sprinkles! Thanks for the many laughs. I look forward to many more to come.

Shannon said...

Wow! I can't believe it's only been a year -- I mean that in a good way; seems like I've loved Cake Wrecks for eons!

What, no "Happy birthday to your blog" wrecks? :)

Unknown said...

Bon Anniversaire, Cake Wrecks! (thought I'd make up for the bon voy...meh from earlier today). I discovered this site from another blogging pal's page and I'm ever so grateful I did!

Thanks for not ending this as a two week-long whim!

Jennifer said...

Congrats on your first very successful year. My day is not complete until I have checked up on my favorite blog--Cake Wrecks. Thanks for laughs. Keep 'em coming.

Tricia said...

I just started religiously checking the blog about a month ago. Everyday I anxiously await the newest wrecks. It brings a smile everytime! And often a surprised shake of the head. Happy First Birthday!!! May there be many more wrecks and sweets in the future!

Linda said...

Hey, consider the snarky comments like brain wrecks, a blog nobody but themselves would appreciate. I love your sense of humor and good-spirited razzing on human goofiness! My husband said it's good to hear me laughing out loud, which I did whole-heartedly when I found your blog a few days ago. I'm a fan, now, and I wish you many happy returns!!

Kelli W said...

Congrats!! I love Cakewrecks!! I have had some major laugh-fests...just sitting at my computer looking at all the hilarious wrecks!! Thanks!

DameRuth said...

Thanks for giving us a year of astounding and hilarious wreckage. You rock! *raises glass*

wundermary said...

This is a great blog, it is one of my daily reads and usually has me laughing hysterically. People complain? Feh.

Julie said...

Happy Cake Wreck-iversary!!!

Unknown said...

Happy blogiversary!

Esme said...

Happy Bithrday Cakewrecks! underneat that
Thanks for all the work you do for us, Jen. It's a wonderful part of my day. Thank you, thank you!

(I see that mchersh got here first with the underneat, but I love it so much I'm doing it anyway! ::waving at mchersh:: Besides, never let it be said that I didn't really, really overdo a joke.)

Keeley said...

Jen, those trolls are people we should all ignore--they make me grind my teeth. I love Cake Wrecks!! And punctuation. I don't know how I got through the day before someone told me about your blog in March. I'm saving some of the earlier posts for bad days when I need an extra laugh. Hurrah for Cake Wrecks--one year of wonderful snarkyness. You have replaced the now-defunct and much missed "" as my absolute most favorite site.

Thanks for all the laughs.

wv: preto--many cakes are preto cake wreckers!

Rachele said...

Trolls? Seriously? This is the best blog out there! I can't get through a day without some wrecky humor. Keep up the great work Jen, and Happy Birthday to Cake Wrecks!

WV: Kincess= relative of a princess, but they don't get to wear a tiara.

Krusho said...

Happy Birthday to the BEST BLOG EVER!!!!!!!!

Haters, Haters, Go Away, period.

Thank you, Jen, for your dedication to the wreckage!

Kim in ID

Ayanna said...

Kudos to you, Jen! Congratulations, and keep on wreckin'...

NYCGirl said...

Happy anniversary!

craftyashley said...

Thanks so much for your blog. I love it. There are only a few points in my day that I get to laugh as hard. Here's to another year!

Pilgrim said...

This blog is AWESOME!!! I come visit just about everyday, and I'm hooked on cake wrecks!!

Now I feel like saying
"Hookt on Cake Wrecks', Workd"! for me.!"

(notice the extra punctuation to make it cake wrecks worthy.)

ArkieRN said...


Rock on, Wrecks!

elle said...

Thank you so much for soooo many laughs... I love your site!!! xo

Unknown said...

Jen, you bring laughter, sometimes the out-loud-with-a-snort variety (much needed), to my days. Phooey on those persnickety trolls, and long live Cake Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

I SO enjoy your blog and have gotten a few coworkers addicted as well!

"Hoppy" AnnversaRy!!! Cake Wreck's

PS. I'm too lazy to sign up for an account right now :)

Anonymous said...

While I only manage to check Cake Wrecks about once a week or so, it's always a highlight for me! I'm an English teacher, so I get extra fun out this! Happy Birthday!

Furry Bottoms said...

Who on earth would leave trollish comments about your blog? I think your blog is fantastic!

jordsta said...

Congrats Cake Wrecks! Thank you for keeping me constantly amused with all these disastrous things*.. Best blog evah! *well, what else can I call them? monsters? they're too disastrous to be called cakes..

the flour child said...

as 100th commenter...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY you fabulous one of hilarity and bad baking recognition!
(to the tune of happy birthday)

you're ooone year old
some cakes have green mold
the mistakes are hilarious
of ones that have sold

(lame, i know, but your awesomeness makes up for it!)

Christina said...

"Congrats" on your 1st year!!!

I love your blog and read daily!

ashley said...

Happy Birthday!! What a great relief from all the blogs that those trolls undoubtedly write...

WV - crotonF - a crouton that is screwed...

lori said...

Happy birthday, Cake Wrecks!

Part of my daily routine....

lori said...

Happy Birthday, Cake Wrecks!!

Part of my daily routine...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

And thank you for providing me with my daily dose of awesome for months and months.

Also, you have trolls? How could a blog like this even HAVE trolls? I just don't get it.

Solid said...

Congratulations Jen! Or...Happy Birthday! Or...Happy Anniversary! Or whatever's appropriate!!

Rachel Erstwhilely said...

happy blogday, and good work.

whoever these trollpeople are, well, they're just jealous.

mmm, cake.

flutefish said...

Congratulations! I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago, and have been incredibly entertained! Keep up the good work!

Susan said...

Your blog is all things warm, cozy and most of all, hilarious.

Maddy said...

Good grief! You have trolls? For shame. Congratulations on the forthcoming publication. As others have already said far more eloquently, your blog is the icing on my cake.
Very best wishes

Alyssa said...

Happy blogaversary!!

Kara said...

'May you someday start a blog and moderate your own trollish comments.'

That's the worst curse you could inflict upon someone. O____O

That aside, it a brithday, and I want sprinkles.

sendingtheclowns said...

Hey--! I hope that you're not implying that $12 & change is not a DEAL and a HALF? For all the laughs? Hilarity? Wreckity?
Stupity? Craziness and wittiness and reallyfunny writing by you...for which I'll even make up a brand-new word, in your honor, Jen.
Here it is: Jenwittage.
You're welcome--keep the change.
NOW, how are we gonna GET the book if the cover isn't ON it yet, huh? HUH??
I want mine NOW--I don't WANT to wait! Do I have to throw a tantrum?! I didn't come ALL THIS WAY to--(okay, scratch that; I didn't go any farther than to my stupid chair)...
To heck with the cover--send me one without the damn cover. Here--take my child for collateral /ransom; send the book along by carrier pigeon.
Yes, coverless. Wait--how heavy is it?

Persnickety Ticker said...

Happy Birthaversary Cake Wrecks!!

I may be Persnickety, but I am not a troll and I ADORE Cake Wrecks!

Rebecca F. said...

Happy Anniversary Cake Wrecks!!

And don't worry about Trolls. Trolls are boring and stupid and mean. Cake Wrecks is awesome.

John Sperry said...

I, for one, am grateful for the daily dose of diversion your blog so heartily supplies! Happy Birthday, Cake Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

Happy Falker Satherhood!!!

Oh... I mean... Happy Blog Birthday!


Mari said...

Happy Birthday Jen! Yea!

Carol said...

Happy Birthday, Cake Wrecks! I love this blog! I even linked it on my own. Keep up the good work!
Under Neat That:

Carol said...

Happy Birthday, Cake Wrecks! I love this blog! I even linked it on my own. Keep up the good work!
Under Neat That:

Birthday Girl said...

Today is my birthday too!

Yay for Cake Wrecks- best blog EVER!


Gee said...

Thank you Jen for a wonderful idea. I come here every day for my dose of laughter. Happy birthday CW!

Anna said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks!

Can't believe there are trolls who begrudge you this. They must be CCC lovers too.

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

Happy Birfday.

Underneath "Cake" Wrecks!!!



Unknown said...

I would love to flatter you and say that the daily wreck is the best part of my day, but I have a nice life, so that would really be a lie. However, waking up to coffee and a wreck starts my day out right. Thanks for the smiles and the hightened sense of punctuation. Here's to another year of wreckage!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jen! My co-worker and I love your site. We've wasted many an hour of company time snorting quietly into our hands over the hilarity of cakewrecks. Keep it coming!
And nevermind the trolls, they probably baked those godawful shrek cakes and were pissed that you posted them - Ashleigh

Unknown said...

I so look forward to my daily "wreckage". Thank you Jen for a wonderful year! Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday,

under neat that

cake wrecks!

Calvin said...

Happy Birthday!!! You're blog is the bright spot in my day @ work. My favorite is on Mondays because I save them up over the weekend. This way I get 3 too look forward to.

To all the haters, they need to get a life. I mean don't they have anything better to do than write nasty comments? Either way, they're still reading your blog right?

cindyhoo2 said...

Happy Birthday. Keep up the great work! You make me LOL almost every day.

And I send a pox upon all the haters! :)

Zombie Edward said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! Bestest blog on teh nets!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

I didn't read through the comments (I know, I'm lazy), so my apologies if this has already been said, but we totally need one of those tiny cakes that are 3/4 frosting for Cake Wrecks to stick its face in...I mean, it's a first birthday tradition, right?

andie said...

Happy Falker Satherhood, Cake Wrecks!

And Congratulations, Jen, on a year of hilarity! Thanks for the laughs.

Mandy said...

I just found y'all, and I have been making up for lost time the past week or so.

Happy Birthday!

wv: vignu ~ the locality where the Cake Wreck is committed.

Carrietastic said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for all the joy and laughter.

Charly said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! Underneath that
I look forward to your blog every day!

Scritzy said...

Happy "1 yr."
under Neat that


bookbug said...

Happy birthday cake wrecks . . .
Happy birthday cake wrecks . . .
Happy birthday dear cake wrecks!
Happy birthday cake wrecks!

May your cakes always have sprinkles, always be spelled correctly, and always be designed in good taste!

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

underneeth that

Have a spectacular cake-verssary!

Mira8 said...

You've only been doing this a year? This site is so brilliant I thought it was old as the internets. :) Seriously, congrats, you are awesome!

Sue said...

OMG I have never laughed so hard! You guys are awesome!

Unknown said...

Awesome on going with the original wreck for the cover! It's just too good to pass up...

merceb said...

Happy birthday, Cake Wrecks! You often cause me to startle others around me when I burst into (seemingly unprovoked) raucous laughter. You have brought many an tear of deeply smug glee to my eyes. You get better with age.

Kikken said...

Happee Birthdaye Cake Wreck's!!!!!!!!1!!

haha....Thanks for a year of laughs and many more to come, I'm sure! :)

McCutie said...

Well, those people are trolls for a reason; they live under a bridge, and therefore cannot see the Sheer Razzledy-Dazzledy Awesome-Incarnated-ness of your blog. *sigh* I cry for them.

Anyway, Happy Birthday "Cake Wrecks" Under neat that write For all the laughs. :) Ah, all those wonderful posts... I wonder if one of the carrot jockeys was a gril?

word verification: bowdue: adj. a blog so awesome that it deserves a bow. (ex: Cake Wrecks is bowdue.)

Leslie said...

Jen, I found your site through another blog I stalk and instantly fell in love. Just like cake, you're flippin' addictin'. Keep on posting and ignore the trolls!
You're wreckalicious baby!

Dez Roberts said...

Yay for a good year!

and boo to any trolls. I love your humor that surrounds the hilarious photos. They can just get kicked in the pants!

Brain Picker said...

Happy Birthday! I love this blog :)

I want sprinkles.

Mamz said...

Whenever I need a smile, lol or lqtm (laugh quietly to myself) I come over and peek at the wrecks. Never fails. Thank you so much!

Meg said...

Thank you *so* much for the laughs! Happy birthday, Cake Wrecks! :D

Steph Mitchell said...

Love it, love it, love it!!

Congratulations on being the one and only blog I check almost daily! Oh, and "Happy Birthday" to Cake Wrecks!

Western Australia

Sarah said...

Ignore the trolls - they're just gramatically challenged store bakers :)

Thanks for all the giggles :)

word verification - grune - what the trolls deserve to contract

Karen Smith said...

Congratulations on your baby's first birthday! ;)

I'm really happy I found this blog, and I look forward to more for years to come. :D

Seddah said...

Hi Jen. If it makes you feel any better, you're one of the reasons I started my own blog, and your blog is what I aspire to. Trolls are everywhere, particularly under the biggest bridges, such as the ones connecting people with ruined cakes.

Take heart, having trolls means you're successful ;)

Bl0ss0m said...

In true Cake wreckedness, may your days be showered with sprinkles and filled with senseless punctuation and extraneous exclamation marks!!!!!

jenn said...

Wow - it feels like i've been reading Cake Wrecks forever...I can't believe CW is only a year old!

Congrats on the 1st anniversary of your sugary sensation!

Dan Lewis said...

Hoppy "Brithday"
(and underneat that)
Caike Wreks!!!
(in green)

Anonymous said...

I don't remember how I found CW, but once I did I read through ALL of the old entries and laughed my way through the afternoon. I get the RSS feed now -- and I grin, giggle, and guffaw every time a new post pops up.

Keep up the "excelant" work! (gratuitous misspelling and extraneous quotation marks)

I plan to buy a copy of the book anyway, even after reading the whole blog - I think my mother and mother-in-law would both love it, too. :)

Word Verification: realy (as in, "Suzanne, we'll realy miss you!")

Pink Sith said...

Happy Birthday Cake Wrecks! I have been reading for almost the entire year! Thank you for all the hard work and for all the awesome posts! You rock! And I'll be sure to buy the book for my internet challenged parents. Love this blog!
WV is Ingels. "Ingles is a grocery store in the south where some cakes have been wrecked."

ncsudancelover said...

Aww... the anniversary of cake wrecks is the same day as my wedding anniversary! That's exciting.

I'm so glad you decided to be "anonymous" and start this blog. I thoroughly enjoy it and try to read it every day. Keep up the great wreckage.


Sarah said...

Happy blogoversary Jen! Here's to many more!
PLEASE tell me you ordered a cake for the occasion?! Oh I know! It was a Cupcake Cake! *patooey*!! LOL! Maybe not!
Have ordered my book and can't wait for it to arrive!

scrappinfox said...

Congratulations!!! Jen!
Happy' Birtday. Cake, Wreck's!

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