Monday, May 4, 2009

May the 4th Be With You

Monday, May 4, 2009

And now, in honor of Star Wars Day, a Yoda/E.T. love child:

"Phone home, Yoda must."

Jennifer, did you hear about the time Luke kept swatting at imaginary bugs? Yoda told him, "Shoo, or shoo not; there is no fly."
Justfrosting said...

Also kinda looks like Dobby from Harry Potter.

Unknown said...

oh my god, what's with the hairy ears?!
That's a cake worthy of nightmares. :|

Annemarie said...


YES! It's like... Yoda, ET, and Dobby all had a love child.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's not the worst cake I've seen on this site, but it is pretty bad. :) Yoda phone home.

CassiB said...

I think there must be some sesame street monster muppet in his bloodline too.

XOXO said...

Actually, it looks like my grandfather.

Eerily so.


Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

Love the ear hair. *blech*

bigSIS said...

Must be a radioactive yoda. I think he's glowing.

Jennifer in Nashville said...

Obviously the force was not with this baker. This baker must be from the dark side.
Never underestimate the power of the dark side...

Jess W said...

I'm still too busy laughing too hard over why it's Star Wars Day to really appreciate the wreckiness of the cake.

Sandi said...

just nasty. and will probably leave you tongue all blue-green-ish...

CollinsFamily said...

It looks kind of like mold.

ladyshanae said...

Wow - there is a disturbance in the force.... big time. Ugh!

I agree with the Dobby, ET, Yoda assessment. Full of the Dark Side, that one.

I shall have bad dreams tonight.

SkippyMom said...

I don't know...even without the commentary I would know that was Yoda in a heartbeat. I think the decorator did a good job - I don't see ET at all.

Just my opinion tho'

Dakota said...

So, Yoda is the child of Kermit The Frog and Miss, Piggy.

Then he had a baby with ET.

Then that baby had a baby with Dobby.

Then the grand child of Kermit and Piggy found a baker who was high enough to put his face on a cake.

And here we are now. There is no other possible explanation for this... thing... Except drugs...

Haiku Joy said...

Two wrecks in one day?
My little heart skips a beat
. . . then stops at this cake.

wv: berbla I'm hungry and my tummy is berblaing.

Bec said...

OMG! I totally snarfed at "Shoo, or shoo not; there is no fly." That made my day. I'm sending it to everyone I know.

Love it. Jen, I heart you!

Empty Promises said...

Folk art!

Becky C. said...

Don't forget the authentically mouldy-looking icing. Just...why?!

Danyelle said...

dear God, make. it. go. awwaaayyy!!!

Melissa (& Billy) said...

Yoda's looking a little green(er) these days...0_o Maybe he's got the Dagobah flu? Either that or it looks a little pop-art.

But those ears. *shudder* Not appetizing, this cake is.

joanne wardle said...

a bad cake that is!

El Comodoro said...

It's as if millions of legitimate, talented cake decorators cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

I fear something terrible has happened. And that it has ear hair.

Anonymous said...

Look its EToada, after his light saber exploda.

Kathy said...

When baking a cake with 900 year old ingredients, look like this it well.

Anonymous said...

Gross! The ears hairs made me gag.

Raychel said...

Wow! That is one ugly yoda

Wolverine Girl said...

Slimy? Mudhole? My cake, this is.

Word verification: coppa - this cake looks like it's made out of 900 year old coppa

Katie said...

You should have said:
"Choux or choux not, there is no fly"

Kills a lot of punning birds with one stone, if you see what I mean.

Jenn said...

And at last, my 4 y.o. son has been introduced to Cake Wrecks! His first words upon seeing this pic was, "Is THAT a CAKE???" LOL

Robert said...

I kinda thought there was some Mickey Rooney in there, too...

Sarah Henderson, BCCDC said...

May the corpse be with you?

cs said...

I especially like the ear hair.

Scientific Chick said...

Yoda I like because long poofy ears he has.

Long poofy ears this Yoda cake has not.

Also, gross it looks. :)

Buffy said...

Normally I show the daily wrecks to my husband, but not this one--cry, he might.

heather said...

Was the cake made by JarJar Binks...Really Bad.

BTW, how does one put earhair on a cake?

Yule {b}Log said...

Gross, this cake looks.

Christina M. said...

Yeah, the hairy ears just add a whole other dimension. Kinda looks like a zombie hobbit, doesn't it?

eamelt said...

this particular cake is the most unapitizing thing i have seen EVER!!! it makes me want to hurl!

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

lol :P wow my gf's birthday was on star wars day :P

Tags said...

I always knew Dustin Hoffman shoulda played Yoda. Just a hop, skip, and jump from Ratso Rizzo.

Kaysha said...

Nothing says "yum, dessert!" like ear hair.

I LOVE that this has caught on as "Star Wars Day!"

(it is my son's birthday and my husband is a big Star Wars was destiny!)

Suzanne said...

Oh my. It reminds me of this furry sweater someone I know used to have. This though, is so much worse.

Kimberly said...

It looks like Yoda/ET/Dobby is carsick.

robyn said...

Ack--the ear hair really gets me!

Miranda said...

Most unappetizing!

Fluffy Cow said...

Bad bad bad bad bad.

Anonymous said...

That looks much more like Yogurt from Space Balls than Yoda.

Anonymous said...

I want to say that this cake IS in fact, molded over. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

the violet seems to be the regular green melding into some other frosting and changing color or something... o__O

wv: acked. Yes, I acked, alright.

Anonymous said...

Well, pooh. I had occasion to visit the local Super Walmart tonight and actually remembered to check their bakery for Wrecks. Alas, they obviously hire only talented decorators, because every cake in there was either a) beautiful or b) completely adorable (the baby turtles were to die for)!

I feel unworthy to enjoy your efforts so completely when I cannot contribute myself. :'(

Unknown said...

Hey, I think it's really cute! So awful it's fabulous. But would I eat it? No.

Anonymous said...

The ear hair...*twitchsuddertwitch*

Yoda, this is supposed to be? Yoda, it does not look like. Looks like an old man, it does. A very bizzarely-colored old man with the aforementioned scary ear hair.

diddleymaz said...

the creature is a character from Stingray!!!! Gerry Andersons underwater supermarionation show before Thunderbirds! he was trying to get the secrets of Marineville and the World aqunatic patrol,but Troy Tempest, Marina and phones foiled him! ahh happy days. black and white TV and my Dad saying you dont want to watch this do you... for lots more stuff

Anonymous said...

its this one!

Anonymous said...

I would not eat that, never. Its neck looks a little moldy...

Natalie said...

Is that mould on the bottom of it?

If only I'd known about this blog three years ago, I'd have sneaked a few photos from the cake 'shop' (I use the word shop very loosely because it never sold anything) in my town center for you. Especially the wedding cake that had been in the window since uh, I moved to this town. 13 years ago.

Aly said...

I was going to say that, really, it's not that bad, but the mold kinda loses it for me.

Unknown said...

UCK! Someone please use the force to make this cake appear appetizing.

the ginabean said...

The ear hair is pretty nasty. Oh yeah, so is his face...

Laylabean said...

That was Yoda? Dang. I thought it was Mr. Miyagi.

Hyena Overlord said...

"Shoo, or shoo not; there is no fly." funny.

It looks like someone ran the yodbbyet cake over with a speeder.

wv untsms...sentences that begin with words starting with un. "Underestimated the approach of speeder you did."

Another Face said...

I have found that the comments are sometimes as funny as the blog!

I dare not show this to my father! I think he might turn to the dark side and strangle me!

Anna said...

My favourite post EVER. And forever. You are so hilarious Jen, I don't know how you do it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Star Wars Day post! My 11 year old noticed that Yoda looks alot like the lettuce on the cover of the book advertised next to the post!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. It's

Kelsey said...

I don't really get what's so bad about this one. Yeah, his ears aren't long enough, but so what? The thing certainly isn't top-notch, but I think it's obvious who it is. Just because it gets posted on Cake Wrecks doesn't automatically make it the worst thing in the world, people. =)

Willow said...

Come to the Dark Side! We have really ugly cakes!!

MJS said...

OMG, I asked my 8 yr old if he wanted to see a Yoda cake. He took one look at the photo and said, "That looks like ET, not Yoda." If you ever need a guest blogger...

Janet said...

It also looks a lot like Evinrude from the Rescuers.

Unknown said...

Yikes! Eww..
~Amy B.

Amy Mitchell said...

I think it looks like a cross between Yoda and that blue Sesame Street muppet Rosita.

Unknown said...

haha shouldn't it be, 'shoo or shoo not, a fly there is not'?

Anonymous said...

I showed this picture to my father, and his reaction was, "Looks like a fungus."

Short Round said...

I forgot to celebrate Star Wars Day this year...dangit! I'm glad someone did.

Anonymous said...

This looks a bit like the Muppet Gonzo, for me. The ear-hair effect is striking, and somehow much better than the rest of the cake. Queer and unusual.

Anonymous said...

That Yoda looks like it was made using the same shaped-pan used to make the unrecognizable Shrek :)

Cindy Major said...

I just found your blog today and am having one heck of a time reading everything. That has to be the ugliest cake I've ever seen! Who would even want to eat icing that is that garish colour?!

Forget about clowns. THIS is scary!
