Here's the back:

And while I'm at it, check out this hilarious little number Erin Lusk of The Cupcake Attitude whipped up:

And naturally, I stuck it on a shirt:

I also added a new "I Want Sprinkles" design last week for myself:
Which looks great on an apron:

And lastly, partly because I thought it was fun, and partly out of curiosity to see if anyone would actually ever purchase such a thing, I whipped up a Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockey tie:

If any of you actually buy and wear this thing, you must send me pictures. Seriously; that would just about make my day. ;)
You can click on any of the above pictures to go the corresponding Zazzle page, where you can tinker with colors and shirt styles to your heart's content. You could even buy the item in question, but I know that's just crazy talk, so I'll stop now.
If you have a design you'd like to see on a Cake Wrecks shirt, e-mail me! If I use it, I'll give you a shout-out here on the blog and link to your blog or website both here and on Zazzle.
71 comments | Post a Comment
Haha, those are awesome =)
In response to the tie: Father's Day *is* next month . . .
I have a feeling that the baby mohawk carrot jockey ties will soon be taking over the world!! Churches, corporations, offices- it's coming!! Grand prize is to find a cake decorator wearing one!!
Ooh! The apron would make a great Mother's Day gift, and the shirt and tie would be excellent for Father's Day, hehehehe.
i love the apron, but i think you need an alternative for the northeast region that says "i want jimmies". because in philly, they are jimmies, not sprinkles, dangit!
Wait, I'm confused. Where does the missing cupcake GO in the cupcake cake? There's not a place for it!
I was hoping Happy Falker Satherhood would make it in time for Father's Day! LOL!
I'd totally buy the tie for my hubby but he says although he loves cake wrecks he'd never wear it the place he wears ties...church. I am however thinking about buying the apron for my friend who can't get enough rainbow sprinkles.
Best. Tie. EVAH!! If I were a guy I would TOTALLY wear that.
"It's like a word journey." That will never get old. Love what you did with these!!
OMG. OMG. The naked mohawk baby carrot jockey is the best thing I have seen today.
I like the sprinkles one, cause even those who *gasp* haven't found CakeWrecks yet will enjoy it!
But mostly I just had to leave a comment 'cause the word verification is "lyzings" - which, of course, is a comment made by ME!
Happy Falker Satherhood is my new favorite holiday, greeting and personal motto.
Thank you, Cake Wrecks!
Yes! I would buy two jimmies t-shirts, that's how much I love jimmies!
i can find someone to model the tie, and take a picture of it.. but you are gonna have tell me how to reach you
Happy Falker Satherhood... bwah ha ha ha hahahahahaha.
I want an 'It a gril" shirt!
I *would* get the sprinkles shirt if there weren't ugly flowers on it that have nothing to do with sprinkles. Bad design.
How about a mternity shirt with one of those hideous "belly cakes" on it? Perfect I say
Did "Happy Falker Satherhood" actually appear on a cake? And if it did... can someone link to the entry? =)
Those are GREATNESS!
Actually I really like the tie. Hmmmm Fathers day is relatively soon.
ok dont want to be critical but next time i think you need to put all the images and wording a bit lower down i think they are a little high and my boobs will totally distort the image up that high.
Sorry dont mean to pick
My boyfriend really, really wants the tie. I may actually have to buy it for him.
Love to the third power the "Happy Falker Satherhood" (I so hope I spelled this right--please, please spelling Gods)
So why are the cupcakes out there so cranky? See:
This has totally made my week! The "Happy Falker Satherood" t-shirt is, truly, icing on the cake!
I have a blogger award for you. Stop by my blog and pick it up. Love your site!
I love that tie. The only problem is I don't know a single person (who I am close enough to to buy them something) who wears ties!!!
Do they print that image on fabric and then make the tie??? If so - I would totally buy some naked carrot-jockey fabric! I would make a dress out of it.
kinition: kin + fruition (e.g. "I just found out my brother loves ties. My plans of buying a naked-carrot jockey tie are finally coming to kinition!")
falksatherhood is like pumping the icing with the keyboard. very klutzy fingers.
the tie with the baby shall give me nightmares...
's it. I'm so buying that tie.
Um. Meeshi... There is a sprinkles shirt with no flowers on it. It's been available for ages. The one with flowers is a new design.
And Andrew, "Happy Falker Satherhood" did appear on a cake. Yesterday.
Yup--perfect father's day presents! Shirt and the tie! (though I have to agree, I don't think my hubby will would wear naked babies to church either lol) Great wreck-wear!
I love that tie, for $15 maybe. Not for $32. And I would wear it, and color coordinate it, and send you a picture. But not for $32
Oh my flippin lord that is hilarious... my husband NEEDS that shirt to add to his collection!!!!
That tie is awesome.
I don't find the I Want Sprinkles thing funny anymore, since it's just quoting Angela from The Office.
Too, too awesome. Happy Falker Satherhood should be in a greeting card, too.
Who's the guy in the Falker Satherhood shirt? Can I get HIM? :D
"ok dont want to be critical but next time i think you need to put all the images and wording a bit lower down i think they are a little high and my boobs will totally distort the image up that high.
Sorry dont mean to pick" -Anonymous
Have a couple kids, Anonymous. Your boobs will be in just the right place to buy a t-shirt then.
Great job, Jen! The word journey cracks me up every time!
The tie looks like one of those pieces of art that if you stare at it long enough an imagine will pop out. I LOVE IT.
I'm thinking that's what my husband is getting for Father's day.
OMG, I am SO buying a BMCJ tie!
I may get that tie for my friend's husband - he'd wear it!
I think you could have an entire holiday line of t-shirts. In the vein of the old navy holiday shirts... but these would be much more awesome!
any of those would be nice on a shirt...I love the wrecky holiday sayings for all the ones you have featured. I think it would be hilarious!
because I am a Disney expert and knew that was not EPCOT..how ridiculous!
I would love to wear your Cake Wrecks T-shirts but they don't come big enough...I would need a
4x or maybe a 5x. Come on now...don't forget about all us more "round" fans!!!
I wish I had a boyfriend so that I could buy him that tie to wear during one of our college formal dinners. That would be epic.
I'm actually tempted to buy the baby carrot jockey tie just because it's a baby carrot jockey tie.
Actually, if they are from Columbia, MO someone might buy the tie. The Kewpie doll is the mascot of one of the local high schools. (Go Kewpies!)
Okay, did anyone else notice that, as you scroll down on the screen, the carrot jockeys look like they're moving? Come on! Try it!! Just scroll up and down and watch!
LOVE the tie....I wish I was still a waitress, I would so wear that...
FLMAO!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeee i LOVE THE TSHIRT <33
I have just ordered the tie for my husband for Father's Day. So perfect and he has to wear it because it's from the kids!
Oh my gosh, these are ridiculously awesome! Great job!
Just in time for Father's Day! The weirdest tie EVER!
The tie is too awesome!
It's a little Halloweeny on the black background for my tastes but a dark teal looks nice.
Need me some Falker Satherhood. That will never stop being funning.
Did anyone else notice that when one scrolls up or down, the baby carrot jockeys fly across the tie? Now, if only the actual tie would have flying baby carrot jockeys...
its a word journey!
I wish so much that I had the money to buy the tie. That's the greatest thing ever.
You should totally do a "I want Sprinkles" tie!
WV = perpe
Is the interwebs trying to tell me something? hmmm?
YAY! I totally want the tie!!
I think my doctor needs that tie. It couldn't be any worse than the green one with the little golfers on it that he worse the last time I saw him.
DNfromMN said...
I love that tie, for $15 maybe. Not for $32. And I would wear it, and color coordinate it, and send you a picture. But not for $32
May 6, 2009 12:44 AM
I wear ties all the time.. i have to agree with DN. polyester ties do not wear well.. and are not worth a higher price. I would wear the tie, but not at that price. (okay ties for me are like shoes for some)
Cute! :p
I thought jimmies were just the brown sprinkles?
I gotta have the naked mohawk-baby carrot jockies on a t-shirt. Seriously. I will but it and wear it. And send a pic.
I. love. that. tie.
ooh a panic at the disco shirt with the scary singer cake on it :] i'd so wear that
Of all of the horrible and creepy things on your site... Everything... You had to choose THIS one for a tie.
...But the pranks you could pull... Ah, the pranks...
my boyfriend wears ties to school every day. my best friend and i love cake wrecks and decided to get my boyfriend one of those ties for his birthday. we told him a few weeks ago and the look on his face was priceless!