Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Sponge Cake!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

In our continuation of Spongebob Wreckage, let's take a look at some more "artistic" interpretations of good ol' Spo (aka "Uncle Blue?" If you say so, Rufus.):

There's the "Cheater's Cubist Movement":

Talk about trying to fit a square sponge into a round hole - er, I mean cake.

Which has a "Minimalist" offshoot:

Two bits of flotsam and one thumbprint is all it takes!


Or is this "neoplasticism"? I'm always getting those two mixed up.

And the more homespun "Folk Art":

"Shock Art" tends to live up to its name:

How rude.

While "Fluxus" - so named because the sense of proportion is kept in a constant state of flux - is my personal favorite:

You guys know what this reminds me of, don't you? Big head, little arms! Aw yeeeah.

And lastly, there's the genre-spanning "Lowbrow Dali Deconstructivism":


Thanks to Renee, Becca S., Kim S., Allie L., Diana D., Katie H., & Bridget F. for today's movements.

Note: No, I didn't make those art terms up; you can read the [ahem] "real" definitions here. And my apologies to artists everywhere. ;)
Nichole said...

Great post! Are you going to post amazing-looking Sponge Bob Cakes? They exist! :)

Emily Pannell said...

The last one looks like the decorator was flashing back to 1967 while decorating. Man no illegal substances while in the bakery please!

Unknown said...

that last one... i think it's kinda cool and well made, actually. i mean, not as it pertains to looking like SBSP or anything, but the general overall... cakiness of it.

or maybe it's the allergy meds i'm hopped up on.

Anonymous said...

The homespun, while not the laziest, looks the worst IMO. Out of context, I wouldn't even be sure it was supposed to be SB. The last one is almost cool.

Had to look for a few seconds to see what was "rude."

Anonymous said...

that last one is frightening.

Catmania said...

I actually kind of like the last one, it has a groovy 1960-ish thing going on, Spo' Bob on acid maybe?? The rest are just horrible, & why are the feet backwards on the first one?

inalaska2 said...

i just love the little paper lace doily around the one cake. is this cake for the retirement home?

Kristen said...

I love the fact the feet are stuck in backwards on your "Cheater's Cubist" cake. Everyone knows Spongebob is duck-footed, NOT pigeon-toed. :)

Lildonbro said...

Oh my goodness, that last one looks like spongebob has some kind of skin infection.

Anonymous said...

Jen, you are a riot! LOL

VeggieT said...

Lol! It's Hippy Spongebob! with uh, a very big tongue, either that or he's eating his tie... come to think of that I wondered where his tie went to...

Joanne said...

What? no comments yet?

Probly because we've all been blinded by that hast Dali-esque cake.

And how the heck names their kid Lowia?

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I thought Suntan Spongebob was disturbing until I saw the cold sores on Liam's Spongebob!! Yikes.

Ayse said...

The third cake, close up, looks like it has blue boils, not bubbles, all over it.

And I guess in the last cake Spongebob is showing off his newly purchased assless pants? Classy.

Anonymous said...

That is a most unfortunately placed thumbprint on the first 'cubist' cake.


Patricia @ Lady with Books said...

Since I know that SpongeBob SquarePants is evil, I have no problem with these cakes. Wreck on, evil little cartoon. Wreck on.

Jennifer said...

I sorta like that last one in a crazy, Lisa Frank type of way. Actually, I think Spongebob would be better if he looked like that.

StuffCooksWant said...

Whoa! What color would your tongue be after eating that last cake?

Anonymous said...

I love it! Very nice... as a confirmed art lover AND Spongebob afficianado, this was right up my alley ;)

Nicole said...

Is it wrong that I kind of love the last one?

Anonymous said...

As an art history major, I shouldn't admit to finding this post as funny as I do. (But then I'm not in contemporary art and consider this payback for those who make fun of my period. ;))

Dorci said...

That last one looks like poor Spongebob has had one too many crabby patties. And they were laced with something.

Miranda said...

I got my boss a Spongebob Easter candy dispenser as a gag last year!

I actually don't see any way that Spongebob on a cake could be other than wrong. lol

Unknown said...

What is the deal with the lace surrounding cake #5? I mean, REALLY? And the last one - well, I really don't have any words for that weird brow and wriggly long odd legs....


Anonymous said...

I dont think that a giant cookie should be considered a cake. at leas the ccc's are closer to cake than a cookie. just my 2-cents worth.

Justine said...

Okay, so not only does the last Spongebob appear to have the chicken pox, but the cake seems to have some kind of disease as well. I'm afraid I'd have to pass on that cake, no matter how delicious it might be.

Buffy said...

That last one looks like ol' Spongebob dropped some acid.

Little Scarf Girl said...

That "big head, little arms" Spongebob looks like they were trying to make Towlie from Southpark, and then changed him to Spongebob last-minute!


Shelley said...

Poor Liam.

Anonymous said...

regarding the first cake: It's already a total cop out by just sticking plastic pieces into a regular cake, but then it really sails over the top by having the legs on the wrong sides. The last I checked, SB wasn' pigeon toed and bowlegged. Sheesh.

Brunogirl said...

The third cake employs the special technique: 'vicarious hypothermia'. Whereby the excessive use of blue in the icing will render all the persons 'cyanotic' upon ingestion - perhaps permanently.

This is just what would be observed if the revelers had been cavorting with our hero in bikini bottom. Kudos. Kudos. ;)

Anonymous said...

On the "TOYISM" cake...this is EXACTLY the way they advertise it at the bakeries for a birthday cake. My daughter had one of these a year ago for her birthday.

Gayle Carline said...

The Minimalist is absolutely creepy. All the others are just bad.

Justfrosting said...

S.B.S.P. flippin the bird.

I have now seen it all.

Redd said...


I woke up to snowplows today (snowplows! in the middle of April!) so I needed the laugh.

The first one could be from the lesser-known show Spongebob Roundpants

The last one could be cute, you know, if it didn't completely disregard what Spongebob is supposed to look like.

Frankly, the most disturbing part of folk art cookie thing is that Loura (Lowia?)is 22 years old, and she is having a Spongbob themed birthday. And not even a good Spongebob themed birthday.

Christina Alligator said...

Whose 22nd birthday was the rainbow-chip cookie-looking one for? Loivia? Lowra?

Anonymous said...

The most amusing part of this blog is when the cake designs my bakery/chain store uses show up here. This is like the third time I've been able to recognise the deco pack the designer used as something we carry. I recognise "Toyism"...and I even KIND of understand the random crap they did in the background.

...and knowing our chain's standards and the staffing conditions we usually have...this is why you don't ask the baker to fill in for the cake decorator.

Anonymous said...

Quite the collection today! The second one even sounds delicious--"white bar cake." Yum. Way to sell it.

Are you completely sure that the "Folk Art" one is supposed to be SpongeBob? It looks strikingly like some sort of Polynesian totem. Perhaps there's some culture fusion going on there.

The last one--??? Wow. It's for a four year old, which means that it's probably not some sophisticated reference to surrealism for an Art History major with a thing for SpongeBob. So that's really too bad. "Mommy? What happened to SpongeBob's FACE!?!?"


Anonymous said...

Also, it appears that the dreaded Teletubbie Poo has made another appearance on the last cake. Blobs of delightfulness, to be sure.


Anonymous said...

yiiiiikes, something is SERIOUSLY wrong with that last Spongebob...

Anonymous said...

The second one is terrifying D: D: D:

Word verification: sange. Sangebob Squarepants; not quite Spongebob, but close enough.

D said...

Where did the rest of his pants go in the last one?!?!

Yarn Princess said...

I really like the Toyism one... But it should be PATRICK!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow- who'd have thought I could get an art education on Cake Wrecks?? Fluxus? WOW, You go Girl!

Allen said...

that last spongebob looks like his pants are unzipped...even creepier

Allen said...

and they don't go around his side...they're only on the front!

Debbi said...

Hahahahaha!! The flotsam feet on that first masterpiece are on backwards, too!!!

Christina said...

it makes me sad that most of these cakes seem to come from one store. XD i enjoy going to said store and laughing at their disasters.

hopefully most of these cakes are going towards child birthday parties so they will be too wound up to care their cake sucks.

Lisa said...

That last one looks like some kind of perverted spongebob, with the tongue all hanging out....and it looks like his zipper is undone and, well...just look at it!

Cakey Goodness said...

The first one has the legs on backwards. Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that I really... like really, really... like the last one?? Like, I wish I could have that cake to greet me every morning, and not just for a birthday? Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I am offended at your blatant misuse of these art terms. I don't know if I'll ever be able to read your blog again with any dignity.

lol great work, even though I intensely dislike sponge bob.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez. Big head and little arms made me snort a little. Probably because it's so freakin' cute and I'm trying to hide my laughture from The Bobs across the hall.

For the record, I believe the correct nickname for Spo' is just "Sponge".

There should be a shout out for Sponges' pet snail Gary. He meows. Yes, like a cat. So stupid and yet so cute!

TV rots my brain. Yes'm.

the ginabean said...

Where to start?

I'm a bit saddened that a 22 year old would want a Spo cake. Although, techincally, isn't Spo supposed to be yellow and...I dunno...NOT like that? Anyway, what's the person's name supposed to be? From what I can tell it says, "Happy 22nd Birthday Louvia" Huh.

Aaaand I'm not about to lie; the HUGE Spo cake with the tiny legs sticking out the bottom is HILARIOUS! I actually don't hate Spo so much as that cake...

the ginabean said...

PS Forgot to mention how NASTY the last cake looks. Eeeew! Spo's got open wounds!

Chelsea A. Morrish said...

They all looked pretty decent except for the folk art and the hippie/"Lowbrow Dali Deconstructivism" ones...especially after the disasters of the last week! =)

Northern_Eagle said...

What is it with Americans/Canadians with putting plastic on cakes? It seems to me to be a total waste and nowhere near as fun as doing/eating the icing

rawr said...

Well, at least the second and second-to-last ones are actually square. :/

Sharon said...

LoL...I rather like the last one - the 'Keep on Truckin'" Spongebob with an acne problem.

Trish said...

Ya know, the last one really isn't that bad; nice writing, nice colors...It's an overall pretty good job, except for the rather sloshed looking Spongebob...

Anonymous said...

You didn't even mention that the legs on the Cheater's Cubist Movement cake were on backwards. Come on, Jen! Still loving your posts - I read every day! Even though you've never posted any pics I've sent of wrecks or sweets. :)

Anonymous said...

that last one makes me feel like i'm on a bad drug trip!

♥ Angela said...

oh my!

~ L. K. said...

I absolutely love the utter difference between them all AND how they do not seem to result in a great cake. I may like the fluxus one the best. I don't know... The more I look at one, to more it seems the worst.

Anonymous said...

Aside from being ugly. Poor spongebobs legs are on wrong on the first cake.

Angie said...

Dali-Spo has to be my favorite. And I detest Spo...

Are there any Dora & Diego wrecks out there?

Michelle Lee said...

I'm sure they put on poor ol' sponge bob legs on wrong on that first cake, it does give him a look like hes cheering?

Suzanne Dargie said...

I would say that last one belongs to the Psychedelic genre. It looks like Spongebob's been eating peyote or something.

MalMal said...

I think this picture is very appropraite to this post:

av: stici. What's brown and stici? A stic...

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I think the last one is all (freaky) shades of gorgeous?

Unknown said...

The Dali-esque cake is super!
Though I still don't like Spo. :op
~Amy B.

Elyse said...

The last one reminds me of the Lost episode walking loop. You can see it on youtube!

Erin said...

You are awesome. I love that you worked in real art movements. you make my day.

Anonymous said...

Is it me, or are the feet backwards on the first one?

Julie said...

The last one is actually a pretty creative decorating job if you can get past the fact that Spo' looks like a pervert.

And the "Shock Art" one with the doily better watch out, because it looks like Spiderman is about to ambush him from behind!

D.B. Echo said...

Given Spongebob's morphing ability, none of those cake images are really too far off-model.

Which makes me wonder: are there Meatwad cakes out there? That would be hilarious and repulsive at the same time.

Anonymous said...

The Toyism one doesn't seem too bad, other than the overly long arms. The others...oye. It's a toss-up between Doper!Spongebob and the cookie cake for worst cake.

Ted S. (Just a Cineast) said...

On that "folk art" cookie/cake, it looks like Sponge Bob is naked, and wearing a barrel to cover up his parts....

Anonymous said...

erm... the last one looks like his zipper's undone. and he only has one pant leg. and his pants don't quite reach... to the back...

Scritzy said...

The last cake looked more appropriate for "H.R. Pufnstuf" than it did for Spongebob.

Does Liam have trippy parents?

The others ... just bad, just so bad.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

That last one looks like it might be filled with LSD.

Anonymous said...

cake 5 really looks like embroidery to me. like, a lot. i am not convinced it is a cake.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I like the doily, it really gives it that SOMETHING special.

green said...

I think I must be a reincarnated hippie who died of a drug overdose because the last cake rocks my socks.

roachc420 said...

I have the pieces (minus the face) for the first one. I wonder how my kids would react to a misshapen Spongebob.

I must admit that I love the last one. That cake is trippily wrecklicious!

WV: mustsh - At least none of these have the seaweed mustsh from the movie...

Angela said...

OK, I have to pipe in and tout my own version of this cake, which thankfully looks better than all these wrecks.

Trish said...

@ D.B. Echo - I haven't seen a Meatwad cake yet (that'd be so easy) but do you watch Ace of Cakes? For Duff's birthday they made him a meat cake. It was neat and gross all at the same time.

The one where Sponge is flippin the bird, at first I thought it was from the episode "Tea at Treedome" where he walks around with his pinky way up high because he's "puttin on airs" but then I noticed there was another finger curled back after the one that's extended... that's just wrong!

And yes I am 31 years old and I love the Sponge! Although I think the earlier episodes were better than the ones they're putting out now.

Judy said...

Whoa! I'm thinking that last one is Sponge Bob meets Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

(*singing*)Lucy in the Sky-y-y-y with Di-a-monds. Ahhhhhh......Ahhhhh.....

Okay that's gunna be stuck in my head all day now.

WV: astalli - Arnie voice just as the remote control clicks him off before hearing "astilavista Baby!" for the umpteeth time.

Cottagecheap said...

Wow, that makes mine:

Seem really great! LOL

Was from a few years ago....and it never made it to the kiddo, b/c my DOGS ATE MOST OF IT! :/ They thought it was okay his blue was the wrong blue! LOL

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure that last one is ment to be a Spengbab cake: (Link is NSFW, notch)

steph said...

That first cake has the legs on backwards, just to add to it;s wreck-iness!!!

Jennifer said...

I so did not get the "shock art" one at first. Had to examine it closer to catch that sweet ol' SB was giving in me finger. sheesh. sweet. yellow. spongy. wreckiness!

Anonymous said...

Hate me if you want, but I love the "Lowbrow Dali Deconstructivism" cake.


Val said...

On that first cake, I TOTALLY recognize the arms, legs, hat, and pants as pieces off of the Sponge Bob soft sided lunch box. My husband had one and the appendages fell off one by one. We finally threw it away when Sponge Bob was just a torso. Wonder if those cake accessories came from our lunch box?? EEEW. Gross!

Anonymous said...

Another "great" SpongeBob here...

Stephanie/Sproffee said...

I think that "shocking" cake is actually jellyfish since Spongebob is always trying to collect jellyfish...

Anonymous said...

its possible this has already been stated what with the 95 comments im too lazy to read, however, dali-bob looks a bit like spongebob's zit covered teen-cousin that's been partying maybe a little too hard to impress some cute cheerleader sponge

Queen Of Relationships said...

Where the heck do you get all these cake pictures? These are great!

Momof4 said...

"Cheater's Cubist Movement" put the plastic legs backwards (reversing left and right), too. :-P

Melanie said...

They're all bad, but man that last one is horrible!!!!

Kelley said...

I've made a SpongeBob cake, but hopefully it's not a wreck:

Anonymous said...

The last one looks like Spengebab.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think the NeoPlastic cake was that bad! I mean, yeah, it's just the toy stuck on. And I don't want to know what ingredients are in the blue goo ocean.
But let's face it, there is NEVER going to be a "classy" SpongeBob cake. So if by some weird twist in logic I were to decide I wanted Spo on a cake, that would be exactly what I want, I think.

Diane - DB Impressions said...

I'm more amused by the comments this time than I am by the "cakes" themselves...the cakes are pretty lame!

rawr said...

I have to say, Kelley, your Spongebob cake is pretty damn awesome. Mayhap Jen will take your cake an inspiration for a Spongebob Sunday Sweets post?

wv: crocte

Sounds obscene.

Kristen said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the "Meet the Robinsons" movie reference. I love it so much! Also I think there might be something wrong with me since I think the blue spongebob cake is delightful, or it could be that particular shade of blue is my favorite. Keep up the funny!

Jules said...

Oh i totally love the last one..;D
No matter they look like,they all look yummy.;D

Susan said...

In the last one it looks like Sponge Bob pooped out a pink bubble. Hilarious!

sarahwalk said...

I love the dali cake.

Drisana said...

The last one is a major trip. Love it! hahaha =]

lill said...

my mom made a spongebob cake wherein hid nose was pointing straight up between his eyes. very, very wrong.

Daisy Bateman said...

I'm sure this has been said before, but this blog is an awesome thing to read on a Friday night when you've had a few, if you know what I mean. And I think you do.

(Not that it isn't awesome otherwise, of course.)

Angela said...


Ben said...

Sorry, I'd buy any of these!

Nonna said...

Oh, Poor Spongebob...he gets no respect at all !

The Verdict:
Leave him in peace on Bikini Bottom and stop trying to make cakes out of the poor little dude !

Anonymous said...

That folk art Spo looks like "Bill" from schoolhouse rock's song, "I'm just a bill".

emilycbaker said...

Actually, in SB SP, there's an episode in which he's trying to be cool to impress Sandy Cheeks (the squirrel). Patrick tells him that in order to be cool, he should stick his pinky up in the air. His pinky is, thus, in the air the entire episode.

I have a feeling this cake was unintentionally rude; just a mistake by adding an extra finger.

Anonymous said...

I think although sponge bob looks wonky, the airbrushing on the last cake is nicely done, in my opinion.

Mikewind Dale (Michael Makovi) said...

"Big head, little arms!" --- I think more of this (part 1) and this (part 2).

Anonymous said...

On that third-to-last one, are those jellyfish, or Sputnik?