Saturday, January 2, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
For the past 16 months or so, Jen has made it her goal in life to post here every single day. And for the most part, she's succeeded.
On vacation? The post goes up.
Christmas day? The post goes up.
Husband dying in the hospital? The post goes up.
The hardest part about this is that she has to be funny, or at least try to be, with every post. This is, well, starting to take its toll. ("No, really, Sweetie, that tic is barely noticeable.") Cake Wrecks was built on funny, but when daily deadlines take precedence, the funny can suffer - and that's not good for anyone.
So starting today, we're gonna be cutting back on Saturday posts, since it's our slowest day. We'll still do our best to post every other day of the week, but if we do miss one from time to time, just know it's in the best interests of Jen's sanity, the quality of the posts, and Cake Wrecks as a whole.
Thanks for understanding, guys. Here's to much, much more facial-tic-free Wreckage and laughter.
Wreck On!
john (the hubby of Jen)
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
- Fan Faves
- The Classics
The Classics
Praise for the Book
- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” —
- “Hysterically funny!”—
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
What the fans are saying
- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
Where's the book?
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
Ordering Info
Payments must be made through Paypal, which accepts all major credit cards. Sorry, but that means no checks or MOs or barter-based chickens.
We ship everything first class USPS, and will do our best to have your package in the mail within 2 days of your order.
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- RSS Feed Update
- Isn't It Ironic? Don't Ya Think?
- New Year's Diet Aid
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- Better Late Than Never: Happy New Year!
- Sunday Sweets: Baby Showers
- Today's "Feature"
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- The Elephant In The Room
394 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 394 Newer› Newest»Take as much time as you need, and thank you for all the wonderful posts!
Hooray for days off! Everyone deserves them, enjoy~*~*~*~
Jen and John-
Enjoy your day off! You've more than earned it.
See you here all the other days of the week.
Amy from Nashville
Thank you. I'd much rather you cut back on the postings than quit posting altogether.
good for you!! I love the blog, one of my first reads of the day- but sanity & health come first.
Eva from beautiful Scarborough, Ontario
Good for you. Everybody needs a break, even from things they love.
You guys deserve at least 1 day off! And I would personally be able to hang on if you took 2. Or even a vacation. But then you get right back here, ya hear? Take care now!
Love ya,
Stay sane, Jen! What would we do without you (and John)!?
How can we be ticked (snort) when everyday we get such great stuff?? Let the girl rest!!! That will make her all the more appreciated.
Aww, you guys both deserve a day off. Your posts (yes, yours, too, Jon!) bring such joy. Thanks for your dedication to this blog and sharing your warped (and wonderful) sense of humor with the rest of the world. Honestly, sometimes the blog entry is better than the cakes themselves. :) Hope this new year brings you abundant blessings! -Jules
She has certainly spoiled us rotten!
Honestly, I was wondering when this would come, I mean, really? Jen, you post EVERY SINGLE DAY... I love it, of course, but, I would also love for you to stay healthy enough to keep posting :) So, even though, I'll miss the post terribly, I'm glad you're doing this for your own sanity!
So, THANK YOU! For doing such a great job, I'm definitely addicted. And take some time to yourself and your hubby. I'm sure you need it!
Jen/John - by all means, DO take a day or 2 off! We still love you, and it means the wrecks will be that much more wreckier. ;)
enjoy! xo.
Love your blog Jen and John! There have been many a-time when I will be cracking up over a post and my husband will say "are you reading that cake blog again?"
You deserve the break! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face everyday!
Saturdays will be a well-deserved break for you both! I love the funny, so sacrificing one post a week to keep it coming is no hardship. Enjoy the time off! :)
We will miss you on Saturdays, but hope that tic clears up really soon :-) Thanks for all of the funny!
Good for you Jen!
It's kind of like the end of the Truman Show where people are looking around like, Ok... now what do we do? :) Heres to going out Wreckporting while your spending time with John and the fam :)
I must say, and I hope everyone supports me for it, even though I will miss my Saturday blog, I know that it's about time Jen took some time off, and it will help keep the funny in the other cake wrecks.... I think that sounded bad, what I meant was, good on you Jen take all the time you need (and that tic is adorable :P )
Rock on! Sanity is a good thing! Happy New Year!
Take a breather! Everyone likes a day off sometimes. I can get my fix of stupid-looking cakes at the grocery store.
~ Diana
Taking a break is a good thing :)
Totally understandable! Thanks for all the laughs. I'll take what I can get! :P
I've often wondered how Jen could be "on" for so long. I'm sure the tic is barely noticeable;-)
Enjoy your day off!
Jen and John "husband of Jen" - love you guys and don't feel bad about taking Saturdays off! Mental health is important.
That sounds perfectly reasonable. We would all be too sad if Jen couldn't continue her fine work. Take a break and relax. Denise
Great executive decision, you both deserve the time off for "great behavior" :) ...we can wrock-the-wrecks in the archives if we need a fix!
Personally, I'd rather see fewer posts if it means higher quality funny. No one can be "on" all the time. Nor should they be. Your blog is great for so many reasons. So I hope you take days off on a regular basis. Everyone deserves some quality down time so they can be at their best. Enjoy your regular breaks!
I've long wondered how you've kept us this pace. This blog is such fun and appreciated by so many, I am sure we would all rather Jen keep her sanity (therefore allowing John to keep his *wink* )than to have her lose it and end up deker8ting cakes fuhnetiklee 4 a big chain store.
Quality over quantity! Ease up a bit Jen, we still love you!
Good to hear! I'm just glad you're not taking another route to get rest. When I read changes I thought you might be oh say... merging with another blogging network and allowing someone else to begin making posts... like some other blogs have... But it's good to hear you'll be taking a rest! I don't mind not reading an article once (or twice) a week.
I agree.... I'd rather that you guys take two days off a week and feel happy posting and that you aren't forcing yourself to be funny!
Keep the good laughs a-coming!
Hmmm, Saturday is the slowest day...I guess that means that most folks start their work day reading the blog. How many have snorted Coke or coffee onto the work computer screen? How many have tried to stifle the giggle with tears rolling down their cheeks so that the boss doesn't notice? Thanks for being our week day/work day sanity, and enjoy your week end sanity retreat!!
PS. WHY are you moderating posts on your day off?!? ;)
Enjoy your days off! Nobody can be funny every single day without going crazy. We don't want you dreaming of CCC's every night or anything!!
Good for you... I wondered how you managed to keep posting every day even with some back stock saved up.
Saturday seems the logical choice.
I don't think anyone will mind if there aren't posts We'll survive! Posting daily is hard work; I don't know how you did it for so long. There's plenty of old wreckiness for us to look at! :D
Good for you guys! Take your day and enjoy yourselves.
Jen offers enough Funny in one post to last a month, so no worries!! Enjoy the sanity!
Thanks so much for all of the posts you do! A day or two off is great!
Glad to hear it-as much as I look forward to CW every day I know how much my Sunday's off mean to me. I hope you enjoy your post-free Saturdays!
Well of course, take a break! But please know that all the well-wishes and comments about "quality over quantity" don't mean that we haven't been splitting our sides lately. You are always hilarious! So go ahead and rest once in a while, but don't totally regain your sanity. A little crazy is funny!
Please! Take a break if you need it. You make us laugh so much, how could we mind?
I was just thinking yesterday that it had to be taking its toll... being funny ALL the time. After all the bakers HAVE to be catching on by now, hiring proof readers and all. IF it turns out you need a second break a week could it be like Wed... not sure how I would be with back to back days lacking wrecks!!!
Thank you.
wv: synes, physical evidence of psychic overload (usually brought on by the unrelenting need to be amusing to others) - a tic is one of the synes that you need to pace yourself.
Good for you! That's a wonderful resolutiion. We'll miss you but we'll be seeing in all the old familiar places... I mean,...on Monday. Happy Day Off!
Like everyone else has said here... we love you and think you're awesome. Take all the time you need.
If anyone gets upset they should be reading their copy of CakeWrecks the book. ;o)
I have a blog and at times post pretty regularly and other times skip a month or two. Just the other day I was thinking about how I'm so glad I only have 12 followers as opposed to THOUSANDS like you do. I couldn't handle the pressure of it, that's for sure. So props to you, Jen. Do what you gotta do.
Good for you! Take the time you need, when you need it, we'll all be waiting here for you, even if you need more than one day off a week. You know the motto, "Always leave them wanting more!"
Very good move, guys! Everyone deserves a day off on a regular basis to recharge their batteries, and you are no exception. As one of the other folks said earlier, it's better that you guys cut back a little than quit the project completely.
Enjoy the day off, and we'll see you soon!
I love your blog! Please, take all the time you need (well, not too long) just don't quit posting forever.
Personally, I think sanity is overrated. But, Jen, you are priceless--and besides, I take days off from my job. Why should you have to work seven days a week? Don't kill yourself. If you do, we'll have to suffer wreckiness without your astute commentary. GET SOME REST, WOMAN!
I would happily accept 2 days off-I think a 5 day week is pretty normal...
We love you and look forward to your posts. You can take a day off and we'll still be here. In fact, we'll be here if you took two or three days off. Or if you said "I'm going on vacation - catch you on the flip side." We'll be there too.
Enjoy your day off!
Post Secret only posts one a week! Now, I'm not suggesting that, I'm just saying that it's not going to kill us to wait! It keeps the readers on their toes!
I've been cruising back over Cakes Gone By , and have found lots and lots of coffee-snorting material. Bless you for this rich vein of belly-laughs, perturbing icing-related imagery, and plain weirdness.
People who don't blog (or otherwise write every day) may not realize how hard it is after awhile to come up to the bat yet again, to smack that CCC out of the park. [pause to enjoy the image]
People who succeed at this demanding job are very rare. Blogging funny raises the rarity to another level altogether.
That Jen and John together share the sense of humour that has me slipping helplessly off the side of my office chair -- well I stand in AWE (or possibly Alue.)
I was just thinking as I came to your site today how amazing it is that there's new stuff every day. Don't they have a life? ;) Glad to see you're taking time for your life, and looking forward to wreckin' six days a week.
I'm always amazed that your posts are so consistently hilarious and prompt. I honestly don't know how you do it day in and day out. So, go off on Saturday and have some fun. Get a hot rock massage! Or, attend a trekkie convention...or something. :)
Good for you. The more fun it is for you, the more fun it is for us!!
Well, that just gives me a day or so to peruse, enjoy, and remember the archives! Have some happy time off! See you on your other days of the week!
word verification: anind
Anind fact, it is a nice thing to take a break from time to time.
Agree, agree! We'll miss you, but we want you to keep loving doing this for a long time! Enjoy your time together!
Hey, don't worry about skipping Saturdays! As much as I love my daily cake wrecks, I can surely live through a wreck-less (hehe) day once in a while. Also, guys, I've been surprised about your consistent funniness, so don't worry about that. Greetings from the Netherlands!
Dang, one less excuse for not getting to my to do list on Saturday. ;)
Enjoy your day off, you both deserve it!!!
how DARE you sleep in! sheesh! ;)
enjoy your day(s) off.. we'll be here when you come back. :)
Sugars, you guys are a shiny moment of joy in a Lot of people's days, I don't think any one of us would want that to be at the expense of Your happiness. Please, yes, take care of yourselves, we'll enjoy your posts all the more knowing there's no unethical slave-labour involved :)
Go rest! Enjoy your daay off! You deserve it! We can spend the day enjoying all of the archives, reliving the wrecks from the past. Fun fun!
I was going to say "Stay Sane!" but then realized that the quality of these posts depends on your in-sanity so instead...."stay only as sane as you need to be to remain healthy and use your powers of insanity for good, not evil!" hehehe ;) Enjoy your days off...they are well deserved! :)
Even if you didn't post every day, maybe every other day, that's okay! If you have to take a full vacation from posting, that'd be okay too! Just remember to keep it real and don't hurt yourselves.
Yay for the commenters! I was terrified that there would be a bunch of grumblers (but I'm newish to cake wrecks)...Jen brings so many belly laughs, if she needs a day off a week to keep it up---GO FOR IT.
thanks for the great blog. I check it every day (except Saturday, going forward)
totally understandable!! ...
my husband will be very happy that I don't turn on the computer first thing on Saturday to check out Cakewrecks
Jen & husband of Jen,
I was wrecky before wrecky was cool. Well, it's always been cool (everyone knows THAT), but I've been in wrecklove and reading you since Day 1 (maybe Day 9, or Day 12, but you see my point).
But when those days rolled on, and on, and on, and on without interruption, I asked myself: "Self, how the wreck does she do it? Are there little mini-Jens? No that can't be it ... that'd be like a cupJen, and I don't see her going for that. It is a mystery."
Mystery solved. You're human, sweets. (I swear, no pun intended; that is my fave term of endearment. It just happens to sound exponentially cheesetastic in this forum. Can't help it.)
You're human. Shut the wreck up sometimes, or I'll send a CCC with an airbrushed message to remind you.
That is all. Carry on.
Cathleen in SC
I suspect John might be partly to *blame* for this decision...God only knows how much convincing it took to get Jen to take a well-deserved day off. Good for you, John, for taken care of your wife!. ;)
Sunday Sweets will be even sweeter with a little break for the rest of us on Saturday. Keep up the amazing work and thanks for regularly brightening all of our days!
I'm so upset, I think I might have to stop reading your blog on Saturdays. Take THAT!
Oh, wait...
Geez, take TWO days! Normal people get two days a week! Well-rested cakewreck reporting is the best! :)
Would you consider taking Sundays off as well and use that day to post an "oldie but goodie"? They would be new for recent readers, and for us long term readers, well, I can't imagine not laughing all over again!
I'm still impressed you managed posts most days of the week. I struggle on a five days a week schedule and constantly finding myself dipping into the excuse bucket for mental health vacations. If it helps the quality of the site and Jen's sanity, I'm all for the occassional missed post.
Thank you for your posts! They certainly brighten my day.
Taking a day off sounds like a good idea :) But may I suggest, that in addition to the day(s) off, you do a "random" post each week. Just post some random pictures from your collection, no commentary needed. It would give you a little break, but allow you to post more often.
Yay! I'm so glad you're cutting back because posting every day is not something a sane, healthy person should do!! Love the blog, and I would love it any number of days per week that you are able to do it! Thanks Jen & John for all of your work!
Take care of yourself and keep the good times rolling. I'll still be a faithful follower.
Well, everyone else in the known universe only works five days a week (I may be exaggerating...) why should you be any different? Take some time to breathe! No need to be a slave to our amusement!
Melissa in Maine
Hope you enjoy your day off !! My cake wreck withdrawals will stop eventually ... Thank goodness I can thumb through my book when I need a little FIX!! Thanks Jen you need to rest !! I look at cake wrecks to unwind and forget about all the insanity of daily living !! It wouldn't be right if you didn't get to get a break from your day to day as well!! Thanks for all of the fun !! xoxoxo
I totally feel you. Last year I resolved to blog every day, and I nearly did.. but it was tiring. This year I am going for 3-4 times a week and it already feels like a lot less pressure. Take it easy!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It will be good for us to have some days to pine away for cake wrecks. :)
Burn out is not a good thing. Have some time off!
Well hey, everyone deserves at least one day off a week! It's all good.
I'm always happy to read the blog.
So rest up and keep it fresh*!
Happy 2010! All the best to you!
*unlike some of the sweets (or not so sweets) that have been featured here!
I love to see that some of the big name bloggers are taking breaks for this new year and making family more of a priority. Enjoy your Saturdays off. Enjoy each other. We'll be right here. :)
Absolutely. Thanks for all you do, and best wishes for 2010!
Even if you took the weekends or a week here and there off we would still love you both. : ) Enjoy the breaks- they are well deserved!!!
I believe in well-deserved rest, and ya'll definitely deserve it! Snuggle on the couch, plant a garden, or re-fuel at DisneyWorld. We'll be here!
Nappy New Yeas!
I'm in total support of this. You guys are awesome & wonderful & personally think you should have a weekend, rather than just one day alone. And a vacation. And, without doubt, the ability to worry about a loved one in the hospital rather than a posting deadline. (Yikes.)
Jen & John, thanks for the last year of laughs & giggles....may your new year be everything you wish it to be. Including some time for yourselves.
Take a well-deserved day off (or two or three or . . .) and enjoy it. And thank you for making me laugh every day. I wish I had a nickel for each time my husband and I have said to each other, "Have you seen Cake Wrecks today?"
You provide free amusement and awesomeness to the world. Even if it's only once or twice a week (let alone 6!) that's still making life a lot more interesting.
So, yeah. Please don't ever feel obligated.
Ah, hon, take whatever time you need!
Yes, I'll miss it on Saturdays, but I understand. I was amazed when you posted on tour when you had much more important things (hubby) on your mind.
Hope the twitch goes away soon!
I am totally NOT getting my money's worth if you only post 6 days a week.
What? It's free entertainment?
Oh, okay, take a day off.
Great decision! We promise we'll be good while you're gone ...
Good for you Jen! You've got an awesome husband! Love the blog! Thanks for all the hours of laughter! Can't wait 'til you post again! Happy New Year!
I love the blog, but not at the expense of Jen's health or sanity! Much better to cut back on postings than end up quitting the blog altogether - so take the time you need!
There's more than enough goodness in the archives to keep us laughing through MANY days off - take what you need!
And Noni, that image of knocking the CCC out of the park? Priceless.
Totally understandable, trying to be on all the time can take its toll. Rest up and come back when you can:)
Take a vacation!! It would be better to go a week without Cake Wrecks than for Jen to end up in Arkham.
I guess you can take a break if you have to.... As a side note you don't HAVE to be funny you can just post a pic and we can make fun of it ourselves. You have taught us well!
Everybody should take time off at least one day a week so I am all for you having some "me" time. God bless!
Wreck on guys! Got the book for xmas after being a devoted reader. It was the hit of the holiday - even with my sister-in-law who was once among the ranks of the professional wreckerators. Thanks for making 2009 a whole lot funnier!
The Fandrich Family
Really, my husband may thank you for taking a day off! Checking CW is part of my daily, morning ritual and any less time I spend on the computer is better for him (and probably me, lol). I would rather have the same quality of content in a lesser amount than have the awesome wreckiness of the site suffer by trying to keep up with daily posts. As a stay at home mom and wife to a man who is gone a lot for work....I most definitely understand the need to take a day off!
We gotta get Jen a union and some better working conditions eh?
Good on you John for taking on the occupational health and safety role in this endeaver.
Everyone needs a day off or two - don't worry - we won't go away. How does the song go.... annnn tiiii ci-pay-shun!
Now go get that house cleaned Jen.
While I believe Sanity is highly over-rated, I do understand your position, and hope you take three day weekends now and again. You are one of the best sites on the interwebs, and one of the few to do a book tour! Your Awesomeness knows no bounds. Thanks for all you do.
I've always thought it remarkable that you guys post daily, in part because it's a bit face-palmy that there are enough bad cakes to keep that up!
I'll keep coming back regularly even if it's not daily, as long as it's roughly weekly, and I'm sure others will too.
And of course, you'll now have Saturdays free to, say, come to the Austin cake show on the last weekend of February and then use the Sunday to show the super-spiffy SCI-FI-THEMED CAKES that will be there. It will be a major nerd fest of cakey goodness. I know at least one organizer has already invited you will come, right? Think of all the folks who couldn't come to the second book signing in Austin and how they could come get books from you at the cake show itself (like me!).
I support this! Better take a break once in a while, then stop having fun in doing it.
Sounds like a good idea to take some time off. Thanks for all your hard work both Jen and John, and we will continue to enjoy the wrecks as they arrive.
I've been amazed that you've kept up the pace this long! I don't know of any other bloggers who post daily - Fugly Horse of the Day posts five days a week, but she also recycles old posts and takes vacations. And I'd imagine ranting about horse abuse is easier than writing humor!
Seriously, take as much time as you need. The puns are better when you're feeling it.
I'll be reading whenever you're posting!
Though I love my CakeWrecks, people taking care of themselves comes first. No worries about missing a post here & there! :)
This is very understandable, it's tough to keep up with the maintenance of a blog full time!
Enjoy your time together! We will still be here when you get back.
you can only give so much...and then it's important to take care of yourself! if you don't, pretty soon you'll run out of stuff to give, which doesn't benefit anyone. you shouldn't feel like you have to apologize either!! your loyal wreckies won't leave you! rest up babe ;)
Heck, I'd be happy if you posted M-W-F and took holidays off as well as the weekends. This is supposed to be FUN for all of us - and that definitely includes you two! We'll all read and laugh, whenever you decide to post. Throw the "schedule" out the window. :-)
I love that the comments are all from people who genuinely care about Jen & John and who are grateful for the sweet & sour of the cake world on a regular basis, however that is defined.
And please keep beautiful cake Sun going. Maybe a re-run Wed to give you more of a break?
Enjoy! You guys deserve Saturdays off!
If the world can survive on only three days a week of xkcd comics, we can survive on a little less Wreckiosity.
I'd rather you all keep doing this with enjoyment than have it become a chore.
And thanks for the entertainment you've given us so far. :)
I agree with everyone else! take the time, enjoy it...
Denise from Beautiful British Columbia
Excellent. I feel that a day off (and sometimes several in a row) is crucial to keep both your sanity and your creative juices flowing.
Also, sometimes you just need to walk away from the computer.
Take your time! I was disappointed to see no cakes, but I understand. I love your site & have enjoyed my time here since May or June.
Faithful follower,
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
This blog is like having a very demanding, whiny child. You DESERVE to take a day off!!! (for the rest of us, it's called going to work! LOL!) Enjoy!
Quality over quantity rules! Self-care rules! Cake Wrecks rules!
We'll just appreciate you all the more when you do post! Anticipation is the greatest aphrodisiac (or so my husband tells me). I think you can see from all the messages here that you are well loved and that we'd rather see you sometimes than not at all!
You guys are amazing enough six days a week to make up for one missed day easily! Heck, if you took two days off a week, we'd all cope. We'd go into wreckdrawal, but we'd cope. :-)
Take whatever time you need for your sanity's sake, and don't worry -- we'll be here whenever you come back!
Post when you can, no worries :) I will enjoy them no matter
Every day I run into the living room with my laptop and ask my boyfriend "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!" and he replies "CAKE WRECKS TIME!!!" and we squeal like a bunch of idiots. We're so stressed out with school, work, and lack of money, it is a great relief to laugh it up with cake wrecks every day. Give yourself the much needed break you need so we all can continue getting the laughs we need!
Good for you! I've always been surprised that you post on Saturdays anyway! :)
I think it's amazing she's able to post as much as she does. Whatever you can manage is much appreciated!
Good plan!
Good on you! Most people get at least one day off work a week, why shouldn't you? :) Thanks for all you do!
Joining the throng of well-wishers and support.
As many other commenters have said, everyone deserves time off, and your own well-being is infinitely more important than posting on a weblog, however awesome that weblog may be.
Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself and not letting the blog rule your life. I was wondering how you managed it!! I always look forward to your posts, so as someone else mentioned, I'm glad you're taking a day (or two) off just so long as the posts continue!
Sure, I get it. But my two cents? Take Sunday off entirely and just skip Sunday Sweets. They're cool, but it's the wrecks I want.
Fetch yes! We want you to be on your game! Go forth and have a life (but don't leave us all together, you are part of my sanity).
Congrats on re-joining the ranks of the rest of us mere mortals. Glad you are putting things in perspective and taking care of yourselves.
Rock on CakeWrecks!
I guess it doesn't help when people like me say, "I check the site every day"!!! You've got your priorities in order...good for you!
Hey, guys,
I bought two copies of THE BOOK for Christmas presents.
They were the last two copies on the shelf.
(The bookstore is going out of business, and I got the books at 40% off--how can they DO that?)
The nice lady who sold them to me was unfamiliar with Cake Wrecks, so I had her stroll through a few pages with me. She was HILARIATED!
ANYway, that was an unintended good deed (my introducing her to youse guys).
Your little book made her day funnier; she laughed out loud!
Even though she'll soon be unemployed.
Laughing makes everything better.
Being able to MAKE people laugh is a GIFT.
We're still going to be here, DUH.
sounds good! i was always amazed that you posted everyday anyway. take as much time as you need, rest is so important!
Jen and John,
Your blog always, always make me smile and I like to think of you having just as much fun writing it as I have reading it. Please, please post less often and continue to have fun with it - every post.
I totally understand and it is a good choice. Love this site!!
Absolutely!!! Take the time you need to you twos and fill in here when you can. I so enjoy your site and I hope you will continue, just at your pace. Happy New Year and thanks for the wrecks!
you should have guest bloggers!
Enjoy your Cake Wreck Lite Saturdays!!!!
I know how it goes with the tic....
Take all the rest and recoop (sic) you need - if you only made one post a week I'd still be as thrilled!!!!
Your health and sanity are the #1 concerns! Take care of you, because the tears-streaming-down-my-face-from-laughter posts are worth the wait! Also, my sister (whom I introduced to Cake Wrecks) got me "The Book" for Christmas!!! Yay!!!
It's absolutely essential to take care of yourself. Good for you!
Relax, have fun, we'll all be here when you get back.
Yes, you have been posting way too much! I love reading your posts, but I can't imagine the toll that must take. Scale back some! It's okay! Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Enjoy your days off!
Thanks for taking care of yourself! Enjoy your time!
you deserve a break! we understand
Yeah for days off!! Don't worry we'll never leave. Wreckies forever!!!
you deserve a break, we understand!
um, that is SO reasonable, and biblical too, the sabbath and all...
I think we can all be supportive and patient...
right? am I right everybody?
*crickets chirping*
On the seventh day God saw that His work was very good and rested. You should too!
Thanks for the great site!
No worries! Nobody is invincible; only regret is that you didn't decide this before Christmas and New Year's...I'm sure the breaks then would've been even more appreciated! Happy New Year! Wreck on! :)
Everyone has already expressed my sentiments - but just to voice it so you guys hear it - Yes, yes! Take time off whenever you want. We'll all just keep hitting refresh until a new post appears, even if it takes days, weeks, months. We're addicted and we ain't attending no WA (Wreckaholics Anonymous). We'll wait for our fix.
Regarding Jen's tic - John, perhaps you should add another charity and raise money for her treatments. We don't want to lose either of you!
Hooked on Cwreck
Quality not quantity!
Long time lurker, second time poster.... Your blog makes me laugh so much, but I am so glad you are taking some time for yourself! Don't worry about us. You rest whenever you need to-- we'll still be here!
A day off? Bah! I won't stand for it. From now on, I shall take my blog-reading elsewhere.
But seriously, good for you. No one can keep up that kind of pace forever. And I'm sure you could find all sorts of guest bloggers who'd be honored to take over a weekend update if you so chose :)
I suppose I can live one day a week without Cakewrecks! Thanks for the hilarity; you deserve a day off!
Even God needed a day of rest :)
Take care of yourself, six days of laughs a week is still going above and beyond the call of duty!
I totally understand about the creative process being disrupted by deadline stress.
May I suggest that you post just a couple times per week, on a regular basis? I've a cartoon I follow faithfully, and it publishes only on Tues and Sat. I look forward to those two days.
EXCELLENT IDEA! Please take time to rest---you guys definitely deserve it...and I'm sure that means that Sunday/Monday posts will be extra funny!? JK
Well I certainly understand, although I have to admit just yesterday I was thinking, I wish they would post five or six times a day instead of just once.
Thank you so much for all of the heart and wit that you put into posting this blog. I have cried with laughter numerous times on this site, yelling "you gotta come see this!" down the hallway. Thanks so much for the laughs, and enjoy 2010.
That's great that you're taking time off--you need and deserve it! I mean, just the fact that you've seen more than your share of CCC's means you deserve AT LEAST one day a week off. :)
Days off are important! Most of us don't even blog every day, so you're already winning. Not like it was a competition or anything, but if it'd so be ahead.
Jen, alcohol should fix that tic. Seriously.
Really - preserve your sanity. Enjoy your day off completely guilt-free. Take a vacation if you want.. but maybe wait til the weather is prettier and the cakes are a-melting.
That's a fantastic idea...if you get burned out, there won't BE anymore cake wrecks, and we can't have that, can we??
enjoy your days off!
I was worried for a minute there... Enjoy your rest!
Some of the wrecks themselves are enough to cause facial tics, so keeping your sanity is important.
Enjoy your Saturday's off, Jen! :-)
Jen and John!!
As much as I will totally miss Saturday posts, I know ALL about needing days off.. take your well deserved rest and come back in full funny force later :D
Enjoy your days off! You've earned them. :-) This is probably my fave blog...thanks for all the wonderfully hilarious posts! Looking forward to more :-)
I suppose I can get by without a Saturday post. :) Really, you deserve a break at LEAST once a week. Can't wait for your next post!
Any time needed off is fine by me, enjoy!
And Jen, if you're interested in curing those facial tics, I'd suggest a cupcake. ;-)
Honestly, I don't know how you managed so far! You definitely deserve a break every now and then...
I'm surprised there weren't any gingerbread house fails! There HAS to be some horrid ones!
Have fun on Saturdays! :D Ya'als deserve it.
Works for me! Now you have no excuse for those items you haven't finished on the 'Honeydew List'.
What a relief to finally have a day off from the compulsive need to check the wrecks. Now maybe I can get something done...
Quality is better than quantity... a lesson CCC "artists" would benefit from. ;-)
Take whatever time you need, whenever you need it-- we want you to be happy so that CW can continue! (God knows bakeries will keep on wreckin'.)
If you want, you could even take a day or two a week, post a cake, and let your readers have at it, if you don't feel like writing that day (though I really love your comments). Wrecked cakes need a home, and you've been providing a great one for them, and we all thank you for that!
I can't believe you guys post as often as you do. You are unbelievable. Take as many breaks as you need. You don't "owe" us anything, and we all appreciate the time and effort you put into this project. We love it!!! Now, go take care of yourselves!
Funny, I just finished posting a comment on a different blog that healthy people know when to take a break and not feel guilty about it. Literally just clicked "post comment" and came here.
So go on, be healthy and take your break. We'll still be here.
You've had a huge year+, and you deserve to give yourself a break. And it would probably be nice to have a day that didn't look so much like the others. I tell myself that a lot, because all I do right now is chase a small child around all the time and stare at the laundry as it piles up. :) Thanks for the laughs in 2009, and here's to many more to come!
As a wise lolcat once said:
Iz Caturday! Hooray!
So, go relax! Take a 6 hour nap in a nice sunny chair or something!
Self care is very important! We'll do whatever it takes to support you two to take care of yourselves if that means CW can continue into the future!
I love the blog...but will love it more knowing you still love it too!
Everyone needs a day off! Love your blog, will totally still enjoy it the OTHER six days of the week!
you guys do such a great job. Do whatever you need to keep the offerings top notch. If that's a day off, you have my permission. :) Thanks for the laughs!!
We'll continue to love your posts, whenever we get them. Thanks for all the hard work!
You guys deserve days off every once and a while, it's perfectly understandable.
My parents suggest I become a stand up comedian sometimes, but then I think about things like this. If you have to force the funny, it's not funny. And you can't cancel a last minute show simply because you're not up to it.
Don't listen to anyone who bitches. They're not paying anything, and you started this for fun. So to hell with them.
Mental health days are days well spent.
A wise man once told me these should be my priorities: 1. Health 2. Family 3. Job
We'll love ya just as much 6 days a week.
WHAT? You're taking a day off after 16 months? Slackers!
Just kidding. You rock! You ARE funny every day.
And next time your husband is dying in the hospital, you can have the rest of the afternoon off. Unless it's just a flesh wound.
You folks are wonderful, and you more than deserve your Saturdays off. I'm frankly thrilled when talent and consistency go hand-in-hand, and am an avid reader of your blog.
Cheers! Be well!
I've always been amazed at the DAILY blogging. My favorite site would never survive if Jen did not come to the conclusion that that kind of pace and dedication, while amazing, cannot be sustained indefinitely. Rest and recharge ya'll. We'll wait.
Enjoy your well deserved day off. with no guilt! We'll catch up the next time. Everyone needs a day off..sheesh! :)
When I started reading this blog (thanks to my sister laughing hysterically and getting me hooked) I was surprised that you posted every day! Nice going for SO long!!! Take days off and just surprise us when you post! We will keep peeking in (hourly) until we see new posts!! HAHAHA
Rest. Sleep. Relax. get a massage... Then come back!!!!
I started reading John's post with growing panic until I got to the part of taking *one* day off. Whew! I quite agree that you deserve and need at least one day a week to relax and recharge. I was terrified you both were going to take an extended break.
I am going to ask that you ignore the people suggesting you take off Sunday as well. I love Sunday Sweets as much as the wrecks! I personally wouldn't mind a post from the archives once or twice a week instead.
As I was going to the Cakewreck site today, I swear I said to myself, "They need to take a day off every week." And lo and behold, you are starting to see the same thing! But you really need to take EVERY Saturday off. For goodness sake, even the Almighty commands us to, and taa-daa...Shabbat (seventh day, Sabbath, Saturday) is the day he tells us to do so! So you have the Creator's OK for pete's sake...who else do you need to worry about?!! - Nancy from West Virginia
Creative geniuses and wrecky madwomen need breaks often to recharge and refuel. Such calamity and humor takes a lot of work. We totally want you to thrive via Cake Wrecks, not go insane. Rest is a weekly prescription that's good for all! Know that we care.
As long and you're still having fun, that's all that matters! Sometimes, you just need a day off :D
Oh thank God. As much as I enjoy the new Wreckage every day, for last few months I've started to be a little unhappy to always see something fresh. Everyone deserves one or two days off every week, and that goes for both of you as well.
Long story short, I've been worrying about you, and I'm glad you're worrying about yourselves.
Don't stress out about the posting, we'll all be here when you get back. Kick up your feet and let your hair down!
Most people get 2 days off from their job. The fact that you've been doing this job (and yes, it takes work to be funny) 7 days a week for 16 months is just amazing. Have fun and get some rest. Mary (of Mary, Tom and Teela)
Bless you both for providing us with laughter and inspiration. I was blown away when the posts kept coming even with you in the hospital. And on Xmas. A day off? Good idea. Maybe eve find someone to do guest posts another day of the week to help take the pressure off.