[howling wind and dog together]
[plus a sprinkling of light rattling chains]
Darkness falls across the land...
Prince Humperdink: SKIP to the end!

And Grizzly ghouls from EVERY tomb...

Are closing in...to seal your DOOM.

And though you fight to stay alive...

Your body starts to SHIVER.

(Or maybe that's Orlando Bloom. Hm? LADIES?)
For no MERE MORTAL can resist...


The EVIL...
(Oh. Or that)
Thanks to Melinda M., Sarah C., Natasha, Nell H., John M., Rebecca J., Carrie, Robin L., Wolfie, and P. Humperdink for saving us from having to find a cake for "y'alls neighborhood."
165 comments | Post a Comment
I thought that dragon cake is at least pretty well made, even if it is a bit...old and falling to pieces. I thought it was cute in a "oops, you seem to have lost an ear and some spikes" sort of way.
The rest were pretty creepy though.
Why is that last cake grilling a uterus and poo piles?!?
I wouldn't want to eat a steak that looked like that, much less something purporting to be CAKE! and whats with the poo curls beside it?
Baby Cthulu is actually quite cute!
Oh, my! That steak looks like something you might find in a jr. high health ed. class. "Now girls, this is your...."
And that dinosaur cake is ADORABLE.
That lamb is seriously freaking me out.
Patriotically. o.O
Awww... I'm loving that Baby Cthulhu!
Yeah, all I could envision with that last cake is a medical diagram explaining how an IUD works...appetizing.
I heard the Psycho music when I got to the lamb cake. Creepy! And my word verification to send this comment is "devill" Even more creepy!
Barf! bear cake and lamb cake. I live in Greece and I usually see alive lambs when I visit my parents. They are smelly-dirty animals who go baaaaahhh to cars but they are NOT, I repeat THEY ARE NOT Zombies
Couple years ago, when that dragon cake was made, it might have made the Sunday Sweets page.
I want that cthulu cake!
From the evil red-eyed zombie duck (never thought I'd be afraid of a duck) to the raw uterus steak - killer chills all around.
I'm still naive enough to think that cakes are supposed to look like something one would want to EAT.
Still laughing at "David Caruso riding a unicorn under a double rainbow!" The thought of anyone riding a unicorn under a double rainbow is scary.
I *like* the dinosaur. Even if his ear did fall off. Poor thing.
But the "bear" gave me fits of giggles. As did the Stayin' Alive rewrite.
WV: petsally. "This is my dinosaur pet Sally. Isn't she cute?"
I actually like the dragon cake (#2)! It's pretty cute.
The patriotic lamb of death is utterly terrifying though. Yikes!
OMG OMG OMG!!! I LOVE the Princess Bride reference!!! All we need is a cake of the ROUSs. They can't be any more creepy than some of these!!!
The last one reminds me of a Spongebob episode about a training video for working at the Krusty Krab...
P eople
O rder
O ur
P atties
Awww don't pick on the dinosaur fossil lol!
wv: rendran: I dunno, the only thing that I can come up with is that it reminds me of "redrum" from The Shining.
I also thought the dragon cake was actually cute, and I don't think it's old, I think it's a combination of awkward lighting and getting it too dry when making the"dirt" it's laying on.
Also digging the Baby Cthulu cake.
Joan said:
The Lamb! The Lamb! Hannibal Lecter would have been *running* from that critter.
WV (I just got this,thanks Melinda!) - batos. The lamb cake is still on the shelf batos everyone's frightened to buy it.
S Ketne: i came here when it said 15 comments and wondered if of those someone else has seen an IUD in working condition in that last cake. you have. thank you for confirming that i'm not crazy and seeing things that aren't there.
wv: pyrowe. one should take a flame thrower and pyrowe all those wrecks to ashes.
I had a dream last night that looked very much like that last cake. It was gross then too.
I al also thinking that I would love to meet whomever ordered that David Caruso cookie thingy.
Ahahahaha!! Wait. Why would anyone grill poo and a uterus?
Joanie G said:
Patriotic Lamb of Death. *That's* what it is.
WV (I just got this - thanks Melinda!): wisess.
So many ways to go. But let's settle for 'anyone buying that Patriotic Lamb of Death Cake is clearly not the wisess'.
*said in whiny voice* It's not steak, it's intestines, it's intestines!
wow, the dragon cake (if it were "fresher") and the Cthulu cake are actually pretty well done and cute! The other are now making me VERY afraid to go anywhere outside.
Aw, I thought the dragon wreck was kinda cute!
Oh good heavens! Uterus and poo on the grill? I don't think so!
I was singing it it in my head!!and nearly fell of my chair... laughing.
triple A+
a classic post frrom the masters.
we are not worthy!!
WV perstro here to the wrecks?
You know that's Neil Patrick Harris and not David Caruso ... right?
Enthusiastic reader and first time commenting.
The baby Cthulhu is rather cute. Right up to the part that reads 'It's a baby?'
You mean they aren't sure if it's a baby or not?
What a way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the launch of MTV. You go, Jen! If only you had added some "Bueller, Bueller, Bueller" to this one as well, you would have covered it all! (25th anniversary.)
I'll have the grilled uterus...and, yes, with the i.u.d., please. Oh, and a side of fava beans.....
wv - megag: there's just something about a bloody lamb cake killed with a flag that makes megag.....
Now I keep hearing Vincent Price in my head.
Oh and Donna, ROUSs? I don't think they exist.
That Epcotdragon would be Epcot if it didn't look like it has been in the Epcot window for about Epcot years too long.
D: What are these decorators DOING?!
Awww, I thought the dragon cake was cute.
What I don't get is the pirate with the paintbrush. ??? Is he swabbing the deck? Is it supposed to be a mop? Why would you want a pirate with a mop on your cake? Who makes these plastic figures anyway?
Eww is right!
I said the same Epcot to Jen about the Epcotdragon but would she Epcot?
[shaking head] Epcot.
She just said, "Look at how Epcot it is! Sure, it's Epcot but it's missing an Epcot and a bunch of Epcots! Plus, it's covered in Epcot!"
john (the Epcot of Epcot)
HAMPOOPIES!! Isn't that on every red blooded American's grill?
omg I love the 2nd cake. It reminds me of the dragon off of the movie Pete's Dragon.
Actually I think the baby cthulu cake is kinda cute.... It's a....baby? :)
Baby Cthulhu is adorable!!!
Next time I'm out of sandwich ideas, I now know there's always the option of duck-on-a-bun. No, I don't think it's just the heat that has me seeing this, but it doesn't matter anyway, because I'm not hungry anymore.
I suspect the dragon creator was going for the leathery-skin look deliberately. I don't see any missing spikes, and I think the other ear is there, just not showing much at the photo angle.
Baby Cthulhu and NPH-unicorn-double-rainbow aren't really wrecky, either, IMO; just odd requests. Well, the double rainbow could've looked more like an actual double rainbow, with the bows stacked rather than side-by-side, I guess, but still.
Cthulhu: It's a baby? (or maybe an elder god?)
If I ever have a child I'm announcing it with a baby Cthulhu cake!
:) that prince humperdink part made me smile....a lot.
Princess Bride is my current obsession!
I am not familiar with a Cthulu, or is it the Cthulu, or is that a proper name? I thought that was a baby photo of Zoidberg, of Futurama fame. OK, so the colors wrong, but still...
I do like the dragon cake, but the last one made me "ew," as well.
I vote for Orlando Bloom. Even before I read your remark after that, I thought that.
I like the baby? Cthulu cake! The grill cake though... EEK!
SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS why are the Cthulu cake and the David Caruso cookie under WRECKS? THEY ARE GENIUS! If I ever deign to spawn I am getting that kawaii elder god cake, question mark and all! That's what makes it so great! And David Caruso riding a unicorn? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!
Aaargh! Uterus cake!
the last one made me immediately think 'labia with 3 mushrooms'
now there's an unusual theme for a cake
I wish the Baby Cthulu cake was better made. It has such great potential and would be the perfect baby shower cake for my group of friends
For some reason, the Epcotdragon is giving me a Norma Desmond vibe...it doesn't know that its time has passed, that a fur stole and a smear crazy-lady makeup doesn't repair the ravages of time, and that it is definitely NOT ready for its closeup, Mr. DeMille!
Maybe the zombie lamb cake of patriotic death was just covering lots of holidays?
Passover, Easter, Memorial Day, and 4th of July?
How long do those cakes sit in the displays anyway?
#1 The rare red-eyed, Croc-billed duck makes an appearance.
#2 The Abandoned Bakery strikes again.
#3 could be the most cleverly-disguised CCC ever.
#5 Turning 40 is painful enough (for some), but a *disco* reference? That's cold. Mmmm. Fondant-y.
#6 Lilly is at that awkward age where she can't decide between the color pink, some piratey-looking guy carrying an umbrella and giant gray caterpillars.
#7 "It's a baby?" Really? If you aren't sure, don't say it -- unless you like wearing cake.
#8 This cookie really puts things in perspective, in a Picasso kind of way.
#9 "Has anyone seen the one-inch diameter nozzle for my piping bag? Never mind -- found it!"
wv: aftichee. The sound made by the rare Croc-billed duck when it sneezes.
the bleeding lamb WILL give me nightmares...
John (Epcot of Epcot), you are freakin' hilarious. I'm so glad you and Jen are around to brighten my days.
Carry on (please).
I will not comment on the crumbling, dust encrusted dragon.
Everyone seems so hypnotized by the baby? chtulu cake that that no one has commented on the grey slug-like piles of frosting with poo-dots surrounding Orlando Bloom. Are those supposed to be sea monsters, aliens, or some other indescribable horror?
"Or maybe a Canadian Black Bear, eh?"
But not a real black bear, that's cruel.
That is quite possibly the coolest cookie I have ever seen.
OK, maybe it's just me, but on the David Caruso cake...does the unicorn's mane look like a certain part of the male anatomy - only ribbed? Hmmm? Anybody? Anybody?
Also: does anybody have any BBQ tongs to lend me...so that I can poke my eyes out from looking at the labia major/IUD - I mean, steak - cake?
Prince humperdink and Thriller. You made my day once again :)
Ha ha!! I thought the last cake was a uterus with an IUD in it. I thought maybe it was made for an OB/GYN but thought why would anyone do that and then I realized it was a steak.
I seriously love you guys... and thank you for pointing out "Its a baby" cuz Frankly I had no clue what the hell that thing was.... *scratching head and thinking* really? that was a baby??????
That last cake makes me wonder why more women don't have the nickname 'T-bone'.
wv: bleri - Even bleri-eyed these cakes are wrecks. (Except the Carus-icorn. Sweet.)
My guess is the slug-like piles are supposed to be arms of an octopus that's reaching up from under the ship/cake. The poo dots? Uh, I don't know....maybe ink the octopus squirted out (if it is, in fact, supposed to be an octopus)?
I don't know, I like the baby Cthulhu!
I like the dragon, although the colors should have been brighter. I like the baby Cthulhu too.
Keep that steak away from me.
In cake #1's defense, canvasback drakes do have red eyes. The crazed and dazed look, however, is atypical.
Baby Cthulhu!
Okay, how come nobody has yet posted a reference to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX0D4oZwCsA in response to cake #8? Ya gotta be kidding me.
sv: shnog (I dunno--this word seems to have adult-themed connotations)
Cake #7 scares the bejabbers out of me. Too bad, because as baby demons go, it's cute. :-D
Oh, look! It's Fenton, Death Sheep from Hell!
If we have another baby, the shower cake will be Baby Cthulhu. It's terror-bly cute!
All of a suddent I wonder how the Princess Bride would go were it Vincent Price narrating the story? (guest starring as "grandson" is baby Cthulu)
Oh my word, I love it! My six year old daughter just said, "Ew! Ham and poop!" at the last pic. Ha ha ha ha ha!
That's not a uterus, it's a colon. With colon, er, byproducts next to it.
That steak looks like intestines or some other internal organ...I guess it makes sense considering that it's accompanied by poop.
Thank you for the "stick to the diet" incentive that steak cake provided! Yech!
Awww...the baby cthulhu doesn't belong with those other horrors! He's just darling...
Now that lamb one just creeped the hell outta me o.o
I thought the dragon was cute. I also liked the duck, except that he could have used with a little smoothing, or something.
Seriously, folks? It's supposed to be the KRAKEN climbing up the sides of the POTC cake. (The black bits are supposed to be the suckers). My nephew got a much better version of this cake for his birthday last year.
Hilarious post, btw. Love it! :)
Something has gone horribly wrong with that bear. Is there some fungus-among-us growing on that?
There is something horribly wrong with that bear. Is that some fungus-among-us I see growing on there?
It's a miracle that your home doesn't have head-sized holes in the walls everywhere from wanting to bash your heads while reading comments! But loved Gary's comment and John's follow-up. :) The Epcot days must drive you nuts....lol, but can be very entertaining for us.....in a *headdesk* kinda way!
Too funny!!!!
@Nolly and others who wonder why the cute dragon cake is on here: You have to zoom in to see the problems with the dragon cake. When you do you will see where the one ear has a cracked tip and the other has broken off and is lying on top of it's foot. You'll see that almost all of the spikes have broken tips and you'll see the pink spots where the spikes have fallen off completely and have crumbled on the "ground." Look at the ground and you'll see the years of dust and debris caused by leaving that cake in the window for a very l-o-n-g time. I'm sure it was very cute (and more brightly colored) back in the century it was baked. (The scales would have looked a lot better if the baker had stuck with circles and hadn't added the flowers into the mix though.)
@fawm316 - you asked the very question I was thinking about that uterus and poo patty cake. Ooh, that gives a whole new meaning to "Patty Cake, Patty Cake..."
EPCOT head-shake...
That dragon would be SO cute if it didn't look kind of dried out and discolored and like it has a disease... ;-)
WV: quakarr: Something about that first cake makes me think it isn't really a quakarr.
I think that last cake is a uterus... with an IUD inside of it... and three piles of poo... Yummy...!
I'll have the Uterus with IUD and Poo Piles cake, please.
I've always thought John Travolta is a zombie. Oh, sure he's missing an arm and has no face, but why is he wearing a mitten?!?
Poor dinosaur cake was left to sit in a bakery window too long and became fossilized.
WV: distires
The lamb cake causes me much distires.
I actually think the watercolor expressionist bear cake would be acceptable in an artsyfartsy way... if it weren't for the Marty Feldman eye.
And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who saw a baby Dr. Zoidberg. Cthulhu two "h"s) has more tentacles, I think.
Thanks to Joanie G, I have the new name for my next rock band - "Patriotic Lambs of Death!"
WV: cactockf - the audible reaction I had when seeing the uterus cake.
OMG, that David Caruso cookie is the greatest thing of all time!!! :D :D :D
American sheep
are holier than thy cake:
Lambkins stigmata
The double rainbow cake made me literally lol. I'm not sure if the 3 internet memes are enough on that cake, or if 2 more could have been thrown in.
The grilling one looks like a uterus with an IUD in place. yuck.
Cake #5: "Ah, ah, ah, ah stayin' alive, stayin'alllliiiivvvveee!"
Oh my goodness, that last one looks like a uterus with an IUD in it! YUCK! Pam W.
So am I the only one who initially thought the Baby Cthulu was actually a Baby Ood?
*looks around*
I guess so...
SO glad I'm not the only one to see a uterus in that last cake. ewww!
My husband just walked away muttering to himself and shaking his head. LOL!
WV: chexor some one needs to chexor cakes to make sure they're not as mummified as that poor, cute dragon.
Baby Cthulhu made me go "AWWWWWWWWWW!" I may have to steal that idea if/when I ever have kids.
But I will be seeing that lamb in my nightmares.
WV: jessed - When Emma Pillsbury on Glee married Dr. Carl, she got totally Uncle Jessed.
Patriotic Lamb of Death is the name of my new band! :D
David Caruso? I thought it was Elton John.
Baby Cthulhu is actually kind of adorable!
M. Dale and Anonymous at 3:46 thanks for the explanation.
They aimed for Kraken but only achieved poo slugs.
wv: usnorked past tense second person form of verb meaning you watched a strange Hanna-Barbara cartoon set under water.
OHHHH, it's supposed to be STEAK! I was wondering what a uterus had to do with grilling.
Why didn't you save this for Halloween?
Seriously, why didn't you?
I'm with S Ketne, That steak looks like a uterus with an IUD...eeeewwwww...hahahahaha
That is definitely Thomas from Pocahontas.
...and DAVID CARUSO???
The only thing wrong with baby cthulu is the question mark after "It's a baby." I want that to be MY baby shower cake.
Now, after seeing that last one, I'm skipping dinner.
I kindof like the unicorn one ...
So much to say... Let me 'splain. No, there is too much - let me sum up...
Which was the best part? The zombie Canadian black bear, or Vincent Price in my head?
This post was epic. (Epcot? For me, not so much.)
Thanks! :)
Whats wrong with the second cake? Looks cute to me.
I honestly thought, before I read your note, that it was an IUD in a uterus. Shows what I know.
@Briney's Wifey
I thought the same thing! I also think this cake may have been made for the premier of the movie. When was that.1978? '79?
wow does cakes are quite extraordinary...
For the first one, why does it have evil red eyes?
For the second, I thought it was pretty good… until I saw that they used a flower tool for some of the scales! If they’d stuck with the circles, that would have been a-ok with me!
For the third – it looks like he has a gravity-defying mustache!
For the fifth – That’s an awesome caption. Not an awesome cake.
For the sixth – What are those blue blobs supposed to be? An octopus/giant squid/kraken? If so, what’s that bit behind him? And wouldn’t the suckers be on the deck side? I’ve put way too much thought into this!
For the seventh – EPIC WIN!
For the eighth – ALSO EPIC WIN! I want that one! (Although, it kinda looks like the unicorn is eating his foot…)
For the ninth – It looks like a uterus with an IUD birth control device in it… next to smushed piles of poo…
You gotta love any cake that says "Congratulations! It's a baby?"
Yah, I am pretty sure I've seen that 'steak' as a informational model in the lady doctor's office.
I laughed til tears ran down my leg.
Heading over to YouTube to watch the video now. Gee, thanks!!
The griller one looked a little too female-ish for me, too.
-Barbara Anne
What I don't understand is why David is grinning such an evil grin while lifting up the unicorn's tail? Hmmmmmmm?
These are hilariously awful. I think the plastic figurine is Inigo Montoya having a sword fight with the evil blue worm monsters who killed his father.
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Because nothing says "Happy Birthday!" like blue worm monsters on a sea of chocolate surrounding by Pepto Pink frosting...
WV: Pallbad. I tried to like these cakes but no, they are pallbad. I'm going out for ice cream.
The lamb cake has the lines from "Sheep Marketing Ploy" (aka "Fenton, Death Sheep from Hell") by Tom Smith going through my head...
Lyrics and streaming audio available here: http://filkertom-itom.blogspot.com/2008/03/sounds-familiar-sheep-marketing-ploy.html
@Jay: Carus-icorn = genius
the pink-eyed sheep is too creepy.
Must say it 's the first time I 've seen a uterus featured as a cake embellishment!
Is there a word for proofreading your cake? There should be!!! step back and take a long, hard look and perhaps the uterus with a side-order of poo-pies would become obvious!!
I liked the guinea pig cake - that was pretty cool and creative.
That lamb is just scary. I can't imagine walking into the supermarket and seeing a freezer full of those look up at me. I feel sorry for the duck!
I thought that the dragon cake was cute.
The lamb was just plain scary.
It looks like he's..
...Carusin' for a (rainbow-coloured) bruisin'.
And is it wrong to kinda want to adopt baby Cthulhu?
Some of these are pretty funny though. I love the questioning nature of the Cthulhu cake.
Q: Don't you want a cookie cake with David Caruso riding a unicorn under a double rainbow?
Caruso: As a matter of fact, I think.....
::puts sunglasses on::
....it would be pretty sweet.
The Princess Bride+Michael Jackson=epic! even without the creepily fitting cakes:) Thank you for making my day everyday Jen and John!
I think the duck is awesome.
There, I said it.
ok I only see a baby dr. zoiberg, though green. love it! this has to be one of my fave posts thanms jen! (we jens are great you know!!!)
Quick, somebody order a cookie cake of David Caruso riding a unicorn under a double rainbow... and see what the hell you get instead. :/
Not only is "Thriller" now stuck in my head that last cake with poo burgers and a uterus shaped cake is about to give me a fear of grilling lol. I think the wreckerator has offically lost what was left of their brain which I suspect they would turn into a giant thong cake..sigh lol.
That David Caruso cake is actually pretty awesome.
For those of you who dig the cute Cthulhu cake, it looks to me to be based on the Chibithulhu available from Steve Jackson Games: http://www.worldofmunchkin.com/toys/chibithulhu/chibi.html
Hey! The last cake has a uterus with an IUD! Neat!
I also thought the dragon cake was kind cute in an old and starting to miss some parts sort of way but the rest of them EWWWWW... I so totally agree with fawm316 on that last one, thats gross...
Matthew M-I TOTALLY started their theme song halfway through your post. Nice job.
I kinda like the (epcot) dragon.
Everything in the middle is just weird and disturbing.
Except for the oddly-spelled-and-pronounced thing. Everyone knowing what that is and me not knowing SHOULD make me feel like a loser, but for some reason, in this crowd (because let's face it, most regular followers of this blog are after all, of the nerdish variety-myself included) it made me kinda puff out my chest and wanna pretend I'm too cool to know.
I'm also questioning if I'm just a perv b/c so many people saw a uterus when I saw it and thought "Oh god. I hope that's not what an old lady 'gina looks like. I need to stop aging. Like yesterday."
WV: loqueder When the CEP (Cake Expiration Police) saw the dragon cake they called the baker but couldn't loqueder no matter how hard they tried!
I finally figured it out! The Dragon's face totally reminds me of the horse from Toy Story.
*Ahem* Now then. Cakes bad, what where they thinking, etc etc.
ya, i totally saw a uterus and tri-poo. almost enough to make me go veg.....i said ALMOST. :)
disco dude looks like a burn victim.....and the "steak" looks like entrails! YUCK!
I think the double rainbow cake is supposed to be Unicorn Planet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6UWR0kSFcE which has a very catchy theme song and I dare you not to sing it incessantly!
Seriously I am laughing so hard I am crying at the David (pause) (whisper) Caruso cake. And the comments here are not helping, people!! Lunch hour's almost over and I need to be serious.
Am I the only person that thought the last cake looks suspiciously like a cross-section of the female reproductive system? So creeped out!
Alright... for the first time since discovering this site a year and a half ago that It's a baby? Cthulu cake has inspired me to do some fan submission. Damn that cake is awesome. And should I spawn I would order that cake complete with the question mark.
My aunt & I tried to make a lamb cake a couple years ago like the ones my great-grandmother used to make. Ours was crap, but THAT lamb makes me feel way better about what we made. I just sent her the link to this...haha.
"Say man and wife. MAN AND WIFE!"
(i love when you reference The Princess Bride!)
My daughter took one look at the "Saturday Night Fever" cake and said "Ewww...poo in a suit!"
WV:mouro "I can't take any mouro these cakewrecks."
The one that's presumably *meant* to be John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever looks to me almost *exactly* like Scaroth, last of the Jagaroth, from Dr Who "City of Death". If he took up disco. (Which, since it was the 70s, was entirely possible.)
This makes me actually want that cake....
I have never seen a butterflied uterus on a grill before. I am stunned.
Rev W
Ha ha ha... I thought that grillin' cake was barbecued capsicum (bell pepper) and mushrooms. Actually the way it curls up around the outside makes it more like capsicum than steak. If it is supposed to be steak, then, yuck. -_-
omg chibithulu! i got the plushy of him hehe
The evil of the THRILLER, stupid!