Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Sweets: The "Eh" Team

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Today we've decided to feature some amazing cakes in honor of Canada Day, which was Friday.

"But, john the hubby of Jen!" you say, "The fourth of July is tomorrow! We need cakes with American flags! And American things! know...America!"

Well, tough. We've picked on Canada enough over the years, and they deserve at least one day of Sweets for putting up with us.

Plus we used up our best American cakes for Memorial Day.

But mostly that first thing.

Er, before we proceed, I think I should mention that Jen & I have logged many, many hours into determining the least offensive, least stereotypical way to write today's post.

Then we gave up and just wrote what we wanted anyway. Sorry. As Craig Ferguson would say, "I look forward to your letters."

Let's start with some sweet Canadian flags:

Perfection. And after looking at hundreds of Canadian flag cakes, I can say with complete confidence that the maple leaf is officially the hardest thing in the world to draw accurately.

You might think I'll be posting a moose cake next. BUT YOU WOULD BE WRONG.

By Cake Central member krazyb5

Check out that shading! Such great perspective - and almost completely fondant-free.

Plus, from my extensive research I now know that there are almost twice as many black bears in Canada as there are in the U.S. I can also tell you Canada's gross national product and the top five cleanest cities, but Jen tells me that would be "boring as snot," so I guess I won't now.'s a beaver cake:

By The Femme Fondants

Stereotypical? Yes.

Freakin' adorable? ALSO yes.

Now how's about a little Canadian landmarkage?

By Bobbette and Belle

That is the CN Tower. It's 1,815.4 feet - or 553.33 meters - tall and weighs 118,000 tonnes.

So I'm not sure those people are to scale.

These cute crustaceans, either:

Obviously this post wouldn't be complete without a cake representing Canada's national winter sport:

By Cake Central member sugar-2

Hockey! Or as my French-Canadian dad calls it, 'ockey!

That's their Olympic jersey, too. Pretty sweet.

Speaking of sports, are you ready to have your mind blown?

It turns out that basketball was invented by a Canadian. Which is why *I* only root for the Raptors. When I watch basketball, I mean. (Which is never.)

Oh, and do you see that texture?

The decorator made each tiny little divot with a #2 icing tip. A. Mazing.

Here's something else uniquely Canadian:

Tim Hortons!

Okay, so there are also some in Ohio, but that's almost Canada anyway, right?

Besides, we couldn't find any cakes of poutine, tuques, or adorable accents.

Then there's Canada's other beverage of choice:

Beer! (In a tree!)

And get this: those beer bottles and "ice" are molded hard candy. Even the melted bits on the board! I'm amazed. Definitely one of the most convincing bottle cakes I've ever seen.

What's that? You want a little Canadian history? Ok, how's this: did you know that Louis Jolliet (a Canadian) was the first explorer to map the Mississippi river?

By Pink Cake Box

Is it too much to hope the map layer is made of Mississippi mud cake?

And so, in conclusion, I'm sorry I couldn't find a Barenaked Ladies/Nathan Fillion mash-up cake, since I'm told that many of you believe a Barenaked Fillion would make your entire year.


Haven't you always wanted a monkey?

If I had a million dollars...I'd buy, like, ten of these cakes.

Happy Belated Canada Day, Canada! Thanks for being the most polite, fun-loving, and best sense-of-humor-having readers we could ask for.

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Anonymous said...

I wish that I was Canadian just to tell you that you did a great job and didn't offend me one bit.

Anonymous said...

Great cakes! That beaver made me lol a little. My early morning train of thought takes me to a Justin Bieber cake pop I saw the other day...

*singing South Park song, "Blame Canada."*

angela s said...

Love the timmies cake... it even has a little "2M 2S" written on the lid (2 milks 2 sugars)! The Team Canada jersey cake is awesome too (oh and I still think you should have gone the Beaver, Beiber route haha... sure we're embarrassed, but it's still darn funny!)

Sandra said...

That was brilliant, eh!

100% Canadian and 100% Not Offended. Too bad you couldn't get a toque cake though. That's Canadian, eh.

~*Jess*~ said...

Love Timmy H's! Best thing to come out of Canada after the band Three Day's Grace.

I do love the Barenaked Ladies too, and yes, I have always wanted a monKEY!

SuBee said...

...and those people at the base of the CN tower *are* to scale. They grow 'em big up there.

Happy belated Canada Day and early Independence Day everyone!

zoomom said...

I love, love, love this entire post! I am Canadian, and I just felt warm fuzzy hugs from this. Thank you for choosing to hono(u)r Canada today.

Rita said...

Loved the beaver cake, but that monkey cake at the end is too adorable for words!!! The basketball cake is mind blowing too!

min said...

Great job, great cakes, and that basketball is Ah-May-Zing!

Annette W. said...

Love it! Canadians are not that easily offended. Although I am a little sad about the lack of a Barenaked Ladies/Nathan Fillion cake. Someone needs to do something about that.

Ana V. said...

Awesome job, guys! AS usual. :) But I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that someone was CRAZY enough to- I mean ... had the patience to pipe those teeny bumps and details on the basketball. WITH A #2 TIP! Not to mention- how did they get the ball so perfectly round without the aid of a ball cake pan? Simply extrordinary.

GloriaS said...

Lovely! 'tho I was expecting to see a Steve Nash cake after the amazin' edible basketball.

Recipes In Review said...

The Beer Bucket cake and basketball were so well done. Some people are so talented.

t4stywh34t said...

Hey, we have tons of Timmies in NY, too! Awesome cake!

Monica said...

As an American living in Canadian, I can say that you did an excellent job honoring (or honouring, as they spell it up here) the Canadians I live amongst. Nicely done! And while there are Tim Horton's in Ohio, New York and parts of New England, it still holds 62% of the coffee market up here (as opposed to Starbucks which holds a mere 7%!)

SaraCVT said...

I have many Canadian friends (even one in Newfoundland) and they all rave about Tim Horton's coffee. Alas, I can only offer Starbuck's in return. They also all rave about Great Big Sea, the best band ever to come out of the maritime provinces (more than you'd think). They do tour America fairly often, and are worth checking out. They just played for Will & Kate at the official Canada Day celebration in Ottawa.

Jessica said...

I'd be Canadian if I could have a barenaked Fillion...cake.

kat79 said...

BNL references made my whole day:-)

Fignie said...

As a Canadian .... you guys did great!!! Thank you so much for No Beiber cake ... that alone is worth it!! :) The beaver cake is adorable! And the BNL reference was great :) Good job guys ....

The English Teacher said...

Must dig out Doug and Bob McKensie tunes now....... :)

Jocelyne said...

I think you would have to work pretty hard to offend most Canadians. Well, unless you called us American or something crazy like that.

That Beavers cake is adorable. Hoping you know that the Beavers are the littlest members of Scouting up here. Those dorky hats are generations old and I will miss them when they change the uniforms next year.

Bare naked Fillion? Yum. And I thought the Geek God cover story was temptation enough. But shouldn't he be wearing a green dress just to make it really authentic?

CaseyLacey said...

Hi John - Having read Jen's caveat about the post this week on Epbot, I opened today's Sweets with some trepidation. But... allow me to say, Well done you! As an American living in Canada, I think you hit just the right note - but, really, couldn't you have found a cake shaped like Milk-in-a-Bag? What's that aboot, anyway, eh? ;-)

Laura HP said...

I'm a proud Canadian and I love our stereotypes - I mean, polite, good at hockey, say 'eh' a lot. They're not exactly the worst stereotypes in the world (and mostly true, too).
The cakes are AWESOME. A Tim's cake! Our Olympic jersey! The CN Tower!

And as someone who grew up trying to draw that flag, I am seriously impressed by those flag cookies. The maple leaf is truly one of the hardest things to draw properly! (I still can't)

As to the basketball thing, everyone who grew up in Canada should know that because of these brilliant history minutes that used to show on TV all the time:

HannaSolo said...

I've been looking forward to this post all weekend, and I wasn't disappointed! The basketball and beer cakes were especially mind-blowingly excellent. Maybe this time next year, you'll at least be able to find Nathan in a green dress. (But not a real green dress, that's cruel.)

bubbasmom said...

Three French toast,
Two turtlenecks,
And a beer!

I-i-i-i-n a tree.

Ahhh, Great White North, indeed.

Super sleuth said...

You did my nation proud, thanks! The Timmy's cup was definitely the best. Now how about a Cakewrecks post with all the bad Maple leaves, as you alluded to in this post?

Patty said...

Thanks, eh?

Told my Canadian husband he has an adorable accent. He nodded.
Said it drives women wild. He nodded.
A while.
And asked, "Canadian?"
I asked how many accents he has.
He answered, "Well, Canada has many regional accents."

So Jolliet - French. There was no Canada then. Says my historian Canadian husband.

I'd do those cookies in a heartbeat, and that basketball cake? YUM.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, eh! I think the beaver cake is my favourite. You guys rock!

Happy 4th of July tomorrow!

KC (Vancouver Island)

Anonymous said...

Loved it. You had me at Craig Furgesson. Who I only watch because my husband who works nights said "There's a talk show with a tardis on the hosts desk." Had to stay up late the next night. I knew you'd understand.

Margaret said...

Your comment about how hard it is to draw a maple leaf is bang on! I laughed when I read it, because that is exactly what I was thinking when I looked at the first picture.

I am Canadian.

(Only thing missing is a William Shatner cake.)

Theresa Mooney said...

GAH this is sooooo cool :) i found a poutine cake somewhere but it looked absolutely disgusting so i said never mind haha

"Oh Canada, my home and native land!"

except i'm not canadian..... which is sad.....

Anonymous said...

The amazing basketball cake was made by - Eat Cake Be Merry.

Papery & Cakery clearly credits them on their blog.

Mellie said...

Basketball was also invented in Massachusetts, so it's half American!

tiny p. elephant said...

not offended! Tim horton's ice caps are the best!

Unknown said...

I'm Canadian and not offended. I don't think I've ever been offended by your Canadian jokes, but then, I watch South Park and can sing along to the movie because it is awesome. I love it so much my head almost flaps.

Besides, now I live in ultra-lethal Texas and it's way more fun when you mock this place because it has less of a sense of humour about itself and deserves it so much more anyway. ;)

Plus it is awesome-tastic that you posted this on the 3rd. Hey did you see that cool cake going around the blogs that looks like an American flag when you cut it? I totally want to figure out how to do that to make a Canadian flag. But eleven points properly aligned is hard, as you say, and nobody needs another lumpy red mitten pretending to be a maple leaf...

Anonymous said...

As a Canadian, I'm sorry no one's been offended yet. I could try, if you like.

I am shocked and appalled at the effrontery--

Nah, not going to work. I loved it.

Ellen.M.Timmerman said...

Maybe next time you guys can feature Canadian bakers and their creations instead of just Canada cakes. Just a thought. :)

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


You're absolutely right. I don't know how I missed it but it's fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.

Mellie- Nope. According to everywhere, it was invented by Dr. James Naismith, a fine, upstanding Canadian.


Heather J. said...

Hey we have Tim Horton's in Michigan too!! Great post and I'm a 5th generation Canadian and am not at all offended. Nor would I think that all the Canadians I see would be either, since you didn't mention their driving. em

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Hi Ellen,

We actually feature Canadian bakers a lot. I think there were even two or three today. We're in the midst of putting together a Sunday Sweets directory and below are some of the Canadian bakers we've featured in the past year:

-Bluebird Cakes (Edmonton, Alberta)
-Cookievonster (Vancouver, British Columbia)
-Queene of Tartes (Vancouver, British Columbia)
-KupKake Tree (Moncton, New Brunswick)
-The Femme Fondants (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
-Lena's Designer Cakes (Port Maitland, Nova Scotia)
-Wild Cakes (Brantford, Ontario)
-Sugarbelle Cakes (Caledonia, Ontario)
-Doodle Cakes (Cambridge, Ontario)
-Too Nice to Slice (Kitchener, Ontario)
-Sweet Pudgy Panda (Milton, Ontario)
-Sweetapolita (Newcastle, Ontario)
-Bobbette and Belle (Toronto, -Ontario)
-Dufflet (Toronto, Ontario)
-For the Love of Cake (Toronto, Ontario)
-House of the Rising Cake (Toronto, Ontario)
-Irresistible Desserts (Toronto, Ontario)
-The Wicked Little Cake Company (Toronto, Ontario)
-The Caketress (Toronto, Ontario)
-Border City Cakes (Windsor, Ontario)
-Sweet Designs by Larissa (Montreal, Quebec)

Good stuff.


Stephanie said...

No Nathan Fillion cakes at all? I'm disappointed.

Just kidding; these are amazing. Especially the beaver cake; that one is too cute for words. :)

Laloofah said...

Beauty, eh? Those are some great cakes! Love the beaver and crustaceans especially, too cute! But am most impressed with the bucket of beer bottles and the basketball! How do they DO that?

Did anyone else notice the Canada Dry ginger ale (well, what else?) in the background of the basketball cake picture? :-)

ninja dude 12 said...

There is actually a episode of firefly when mal (played by Nathan filion) is wandering around naked.

Lori said...

Take off, to the great white north! Awesome cakes, and I will agree about the cleanliness - Toronto is the CLEANEST freakin' city I have ever seen. (MUCH cleaner than Joliet, IL!)

wv: boutsu - Hey USA, it's not a boutsu today; it's about Canada!

Karen said...

I was only offended by your misspelling of toque ... and even then, not very much. :)

Anonymous said...

An you even snuck in a subtle (the Canadian way) reference to Bob & Doug McKenzie! Fantastic post!


amanda said...

oh yes, a Nathan Fillion/BNL cake would be awesome!

As for that bottle cake HOW did they do the melting ice cubes on the side? Such talent.

Hooray for Canada!

Melinda said...

Cool! I got a tangental reference in a CakeWrecks post, as I not-so-humbly claim the role of ringleader of the "Barenaked Fillion" movement.

I think you did a great job with your Canadian Sunday Sweets. They are all incredible, but the bucket with ice and beer made me gasp.

JesaKahKay said...

That Timmy Ho's cake is aboot the coolest thing ever, eh?

By the way, I'm not Canadian but from Buffalo, NY... which is so close to Canada people think I have a Canadian accent when I travel.

Anyways, great job finding these Sweets! I love your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, thank you! And Happy Fourth of July to you folks south of the border!

Katie (Kali) said...

If/when I get married, I want a cake with 3 tiers covered in that map from the bottom of the luggage cake. Totally amazing!

DotRot said...

James Naismith may have been Canadian (and I'm not disparaging is heritage at all) and the Canadian claim to a portion of basketball history is strong, but the development of the game of basketball is fully American. Naismith developed the 13 original basic rules of basketball while working at the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, MA in 1891 (needing a sport the boys could play indoors during the cold winter months). Naismith later moved to Kansas, where he founded the basketball program at the University of Kansas (K-State) and later became the Athletic Director. (Naismith Hall is named after him.) - (Can you tell I'm from the Kansas City area?)

Haiku Joy said...

Beaver, made of cute,
sat on his little patoot.
That's what it's aboot!

wv: istio

IsTio Pedro still fixing computers? I ask becauseTia Rosa noticedthe spacebarisn't working.

Colleen C said...

Bob & Doug McKenzie reference = awesome. Excellent post.

M. Giles said...

These cakes were amazing and lovely! Now I want to go to Canada!

Estelle said...

Love it! And yes those maple leaves are very hard to draw, those cookies are fantastic!

Thanks for honouring Canada on the weekend of our 144th birthday! Happy Independence Day to you!

Anonymous said...

Canada has a town called "Vulcan", so...just...yeah. :) With Star Trek landmarks and stuff. Yep.

Anonymous said...

I love it - the post was "spot on" offense taken anywhere. Thanks for honouring our day - hope your 4th is a great celebration, too. Just to let you know - the Tim's south of the border are no where as good as the ones we have- I think it's a Canadian thing ;)

Valerie said...

Awesome post eh :)

I do have to tell you that your beaver cake is actually a Beaver cake - Beavers are Canadian 'boy scouts' aged 5 - 7.

(And PS - most Canadians don't give a hoot about basketball, yay Naismith was Canadian, whatever, bring on the HOCKEY!)

Rachel said...

Great cakes and comments (and I am a Canadian). The beaver cake does remind me of an old joke though or pick up line depending on your whereaboots... "Hey... if you're Canadian, show me your beaver". Yeah... we have those guys here too...

Kim said...

Instead of a cake that looks like a tuque, how about a tuque that looks like a (cup)cake?

Shaen said...

I loved this post! I went around on Canada Day telling all my (American) friends "Happy Canada Day" so much fun. Anyway...loved the cakes. Not offended at all by the post! It's quite halarious (I can say this because I'm from OH and am practically Canadian anyway.)

Erin said...

Hurray for BNL references! I'd love to see them in cake!

mommytotwoE's said...

Totally awesome post for our totally awesome country... So since you love us so much can we expect a stop on your book tour, hmm? Please? Or even one that is close, like Buffalo?

Alicia Foodycat said...

MMMmm barenaked Fillion...

Anonymous said...

Thanks eh, for honouring us! I know I'm far from the only one up here who's wishing you a super 4th of July tomorrow.

(And even if you did offend us, we'd be the ones apologizing to you!)


Anonymous said...

Woohhoo! I am Canadian (eh!) and this is my second time being a Sunday sweetie!!!! I am honored that you have honored us (I mean me mostly) again!!! Thank you!!!
-lisachick. Aka one of the Femmefondants. :)

Anonymous said...

How cute

W. A. Whipple said...

TIMMIES!!! Tim Horton's is a oft-visited destination when I visit my friends in Ontario. In fact, I'm headed up in 22 days, not that I'm counting or anything... >.>

Wonderful, beautiful, awesome cakes. Those beer bottles are amazing! And the cover art from 3DG's Life Starts Now would make a great cake for someone who likes to paint with food coloring... Anyone?

Beth said...

Love today's Sweets! One other AWESOME Canadian item is insulin, without which my dear daughter would not be here. Thanks to Drs. Banting and Best! I tried to find a cake that looks like an insulin bottle, but only found these cake pops. I know how you feel about CCC (patooie), but how do you feel about cake pops?

Beth said...

I am at work and couldn't resist the urge to blurt "Haven't you always wanted a monKEY?"...stares at me to say the least...hehe

kissychick said...

I'd love a double double cake- what could be more Canadian- except maybe a 2-4 cake.

Doughball said...

Awesome to see some very high quality cakes. I had to look twice at the beer bottle cake -- I honestly thought it was real!

Elaine said...

I can't get over how the beaver is positioned on that cake. The dam isn't incredibly prominent, and it just kinda looks like the beaver is in some way 'producing' the river. =\

Anonymous said...

Poutine Cake...and yes, it looks discusting but that's what makes it so authentic looking :)

TriGirl said...

Oh man, the Timmy's cake! No Timmy's where I live :( That damn maple leaf was the bane of my existence in every social studies/history/geography class in school. The ones done here are absolute perfection. Great post :D

Heather said...

As a (displaced to Arkansas) Canadian, I am definitely NOT offended, eh!!
Also, I miss Timmies... :*( So much so that I am willing to blow the family budget to order cans of Timmy's coffee from :)

Jenn said...

Love the Tim Horton's cake. Lots of Timmies in Western New York too! We have one on almost every corner.

Anonymous said...

What about this Timbits cake?!

You should also give a nod to the greatest Canadian invention, Beaver Tails, which are like elephant ears with awesome toppings:

Anonymous said...

The beaver with the tent is wearing a Scouts Canada Beaver uniform. For the Americans on the list, Beavers is the Canadian version of Tiger Cubs.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Thanks for a wonderful post on Canada!

Dings said...

Just saw a bit about Cake Wrecks on The Graham Norton Show!!! :D:D:D

Kansas Girl said...

@DotRot - I'm afraid you have mistaken your history somewhat, since you have mistakenly identified the University of Kansas as K-State. K-State is Kansas State University, a different kettle of fish altogether.

Barenaked Fillion - I am so there!

Jade said...

Sorry, John, but Mellie is as correct as you are; basketball was invented BY a Canadian (Dr. James Naismith), but he invented it IN Springfield, Massachusetts.

That is why the Basketball Hall of Fame is located in Springfield.

That bit of nitpicking aside, great job on the Canada Day post--love all the cakes!

Knittinchick said...

Love the fact that you highlighted Canada and Canadians with this post! We all love our time in the sun!

Speaking of poutine, i have friends visiting Montreal this week posting pics of their poutine adventures and all I could do was raise a Timmies toast to them and their culinary delights!

Anassa said...

The maple leaf is indeed the hardest thing in the world to draw accurately. Every Canadian knows this. :)

Also, that Timmies cake was awesome. Well, they all were, but … Timmies!

Tracey said...

I know you did not just compare Ohio to Canada...

Mikki Black said...

Aw, now I'm homesick! Those were awesome cakes.

Also, I need Tim Hortons now. NOW. Dangit.

Anonymous said...

I wept at no Barenaked Fillion cake. :(

However, the 'ockey jersey and basketball cakes were superb...were they decorated by Canadians? Were any of them? Hmmmm, might have been a good way to go: here's some random, awesome cakes decorated north of the border! (in a tree)

-Barbara Anne

P.S. I still think beaver, beaver and dam Beiber would have been hysterical!

Pegraelian said...

As a proud Canadian, thanks. That was awesome.

Larc said...

Michigan is full of Tim Hortons now, too! Of course, we are also almost Canada..

Jenn said...

Thanks, eh? That was pretty awesome. Especially since you threw in a reference to one of my favourite Christmas songs. :)

Count Mockula said...

I think best pun of the day goes to my three-year-old, who, upon seeing the Tim Horton's cake, asked saucily, "Is that a cup-cake?"

Megan M. said...

That basketball cake? BLEW MY MIND. Wow. And TIm Horton's! I totally suggested that in my Epbot comment (along with hundreds of others, I'm sure)!

And, if people don't like your sense of humor... why are they reading the blog?

Anonymous said...

"I'm told that many of you believe a Barenaked Fillion would make your entire year."

Mmm, Capt'n tightpants.

Anonymous said...

THIS Canadian says great post and great cakes, as always!
To all you Americans out there, by the way, happy Independence Day!

Paronomaniac said...

Thanks for loving us Canucks! Great post and not offended at all!

Anonymous said...

Gaaahhh!! Bob & Doug! I love you guys so much more for that!!! The cakes are pretty cool too, I guess :)

Anonymous said...

Never realized how difficult that Maple Leaf was to draw until I moved out of the country and tried to draw it for somebody.

"Sweet" of you to feature your northern neighbours like this!!

SaraCVT said...

Hockey, "their national winter sport"--&@$! THAT! As you might be aware, the Stanley Cup Playoffs just concluded. If my Canadian friends are typical (and I have reason to believe they are), it's more like a national obsession. Vancouver RIOTED after the concluding game. Hockey fans get scary.

Anonymous said...

Well, I AM Canadian, and I wasn't offended one bit, but rather impressed and excited to see a bit of "home" on your page. The epbot article was awesome, and I'm curious to see what grand things John wrote about us Canucks.
Thanks for celebrating with us!

eyesmile said...

I had flash backs to taking my boys to Beavers when I saw that cake. The shrieking of "Sharing, sharing, sharing" by a gym full of 5 and 6 year olds is enough to make you become selfish. Just kidding; that wouldn't be very Canadian of me.
Thank you and sorry we made you worried we wouldn't appreciate your efforts.

wv-ecrusnes-I have ecrusnes and believe me it's painful.

Candy and Cake Sugar Designs said...

Thanks for the Canadian shout out! Just a note..Tim Hortons is a Canadian Company that was founded in Canada and has spread to other areas (ie: Countries).

Annette said...

Love the tribute and the sweets, even if Tim Hortons is actually majority owned by a US company now (as is The Bay). But how fabulous to see such amazingly well done maple leaves first thing in the morning :)

wv: pations - it must take lots of pations to moderate all the comments

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

As a Canadian, thanks for these wonderful nods to Canada on our special day.

Re: Timmys

I don't know how it is spelled in the US the reason it's Tim Hortons not Tim Horton's is because in Quebec, they won't allow anglicized versions of proper names with apostrophes. So most companies simply use the un-apostropied name across Canada rather than duplicate. Idiotic, of course, but there you go. It's no wonder that many Canadians don't know the proper use of apostrophes.

2m 2s: 2 creams 2 sugars are collectively known as "Double-doubles" I have actually heard people ordering 2x4's (2 cream and 4 sugars) and 4x4s (I think you can figure that one out). A friend orders 2x8s!!!!!! My drink of choice is "Extra Large double-double".

Timbits: what are known at other coffee shops (and in the US) as doughnut holes.

And I offer, again, a representative of Canada welcoming visitors to Canada (just to assure you that he was very lucky and survived his adventure):

Jaded Pixie said...

I'm offended! You said Canadians are the best CW Fans. Well, I'm an American living in New Zealand and I say Kiwi Americans are your best fans. ;)

I suppose I can forgive you, though, since the Canadian cakes are so freaking adorable!

PattyAnne said...

As a proud American about 40 minutes away from Niagara Falls, ON.....I love it!!! The basketball cake is so amazing! And Timmy Ho's? I feel so sorry for those who have never had it.

Jen Marie said...

fun fact, I saw a Tim Hortons in Dublin Ireland.

Dings said...

Oh, and I forgot to add something regarding The Graham Norton Show: Graham gave a copy of your book to Kate Hudson! She loved it!! Especially the baby cakes, being pregnant and all :)

Lauren said...

I DIDN'T KNOW NATHAN FILLION WAS FROM CANADA!! I now have one huge awesome reason to love Canada! ... outside of they fact that they are pretty awesome anyways:) *drool*

Katz said...

I'm pretty sure I"m going to ask for a Barenaked Fillion for my birthday.

Yup. Totally am.

Laura said...

Just another Canadian here to say thanks for putting up the Canadian cakes!! Loved it!

Craig said...

In the ever-popular spirit of correction, I would like to point out that lobsters and crabs are not red when alive -- they only get that way after cooking. Although a lighthouse-size lobster is an interesting culinary concept, and one I fully support. (om nom nom nom)

John, I'm pretty sure the tens of people who might be interested can find the lowdown on the history of basketball on Wikipedia. Note: I haven't checked that statement for accuracy. Not going to, either.

Miranda said...

I'll just say that all the Canadians I've known have been really cool people, and also that I don't see anything in this post that would potentially offend. :-)

I don't know what the monkey cake has to do with Canada, but I want it.

Robyn said...

must. have. hockey. jersey. cake.

i thought nothing was going to make me desire more than the pony/vader cake, but my love of hockey just trumped out my sweekiness.

Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

*Pondering a Barenaked Fillion*

Hmmm...I seem to remember one of those in the episode 'Trash'. Ok, so not cake, but still yummy. :)

Sam said...

I knew I'd find one!

BADKarma! said...

Technically, we had an almost barenaked Fillion in "Trash". Just sayin', eh?

AndreaofCanada said...

How awesome! It's so nice to see Canadian cakes without a garbled maple leaf.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I was in Beavers when I was a kid, more than 30 years ago. That hat, the scarf -- perfect.

Amanda said...

I love tim hortons! whenever i have to go to detroit for work, i make sure to stop in ypsilanti for some timbits and coffee. my husband, who is Canadian, also appreciated the hockey jersey cake. so good job on the unoffensive Canadian post!

Jill said...

LOVE this post! Proud to be Canadian!!! And these cakes just made my weekend!! :)

dreamerkins said...

I seriously wondered for a second why on earth you were posting an actual beer bucket. There is nothing at all on that cake that indicates it's actually cake. I would get in such trouble at a party where that was being served, because I'd be guaranteed to try to get a beer from the bucket!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the Canada day Cakery. You have tons ( Tonnes in Metric) of fans up here in 'The Great White North' (TM) Keep up the good work, eh.

pearl said...

sorry - I'm totally preoccupied with the mental picture of Barenaked Fillion...


MichelleH said...

That was so totally unoffensive I'm a bit disappointed... :)

- Michelle, a Canadian

Shannon said...

The end....with Nathan Fillion and Barenaked Ladies....BEST PART!!!

ev said...

There is a Tim HOrtons in N. Syracuse, NY too. I'll keep my DD though.

And if you search you can find the naked Nathan pic, although I understand he really hates anyone to bring that up.

Now a Mike Holmes cake would have been cool too.

Ríona said...

Best. Canadian. Post. EVER!

Great job, guys! You obviously did your homework.

Have a Happy Independence Day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of saddened that not too many people caught the Bob & Doug McKensie reference. I've known about them since... well, a long time, and I immediately began singing the rest of the song. ::le sigh:: Great post as always! I look forward to your genius every day, Jon & Jen!

--Kim S.

Heidi said...

Hey! There's Tim Hortons in NY too!

Stevens Family said...

Oh Canada!
BTW I think that beaver looks like he's peeing with the river and ya see it don't you? Okay, never mind. It's a fantastic cake just poorly placed. We helped our Canadian friends celebrate Canada day, lit fireworks which they had never done before.

srb said...

Man, now all I'm going to want as a birthday cake is a BNL/Captain Tightpants masterpiece.
These are really great cakes. And no Bieber or Celine jokes. Quite impressive!

Stevens Family said...

What in the name of Merlin's Beard does that monkey cake have to do with Canada?
And where's a moose cake?

jeliecam said...

Thanks so much for honouring Canada on our birthday. These were some awesome cakes.

Don't worry about Canadian stereotypes; we laugh at those too. Any Monty Python fans? "I'm a lumberjack ..."

In the whole world, there are 3 television stations solely dedicated to weather. TWO are in Canada. hehehe

@saraCVT - most Canadians, hockey fans, and Vancouverites were upset about the Stanley Cup riot. Some people stood in front of stores to prevent looting. The next day, Vancouverites showed up to help clean up the mess. They also covered the police cars with sticky notes to thank them.

Happy Fourth of July to all of you.

Two proud Canadians from Red Deer, Canada.

Arlene said...

Very very nice cakes. I couldn't believe the beer one wasn't real ice cold beer. Wow. And now I want a Barenaked/Fillon cake dang it all lol.

jennifer said...

A "Barenaked Fillion" - OMG... Excuse me, I'll be in my bunk!

Anonymous said...

A BareNaked Fillion would DEFINITELY make my week. MROW!!! What even better is that by all accounts he's a genuinely nice guy. WOO HOO! The basketball cake is amazing.

sendingtheclowns said...

Craig Ferguson is my HERO.

No, wait--it's Marge Gunderson in Fargo (the movie).
So, MY favorite accent would be North Dakotan.
Bloody nice cakes, there. Louis Jolliet had some nice luggage, didn't he, now. Did he put his maps on all of his bags? He could have had his own designer lable.
I can't see what's so hard about drawing maple leaves. I'm a Vermonter~~we learn how to draw them, and draw them correctly, in the womb. Vermonters consider the maple leaf CURRENCY.


Julie said...

love all the bare naked ladies references. thanks for not being offensive when refering to our very special celebration day. we might have to get all polite and say "sorry, but you've offended us."

happy 4th!

Emily said...

You show me a barenaked Fillion and I think I could die happy.

Very cute cakes... They're all so artfully done, eh?

Anonymous said...

Being an Ohioan, I am slightly offended that you think Ohio is almost Canada! I mean, just because we talk funny and share a Great Lake doesn't mean anything!

Just kidding. I like Ohio and Canada. Ohioans could be compared to a lot worse.

Also, you will enjoy this song about Canada:

Evalis said...

As a Canadian i'm trying to work out how our national pride COULD be dented enough for people to take offense. Heck, the "Blame Canada" song wasn't enough to do it.

Kerri said...

After exhausting my sensitivity to Canadian stereotypes watching the opening/closing ceremonies at the Vancouver Olympics, I'm certain nothing you could say would be worse. You guys did a great job! I actually ran into a momma bear and her cubs hiking the day after Canada Day, so you're bang on with the bear cake!

Genny said...

Actually, there is such a thing as a poutine cake. Ok, it's not really a cake, but it is dessert made to look like Poutine. It's made of donut "fries", marshmallows and caramel sauce.
Now not that I want to start a debate, but Poutine really is more of a Quebec thing (French Canadians living north of Vermont), so you should feature this next year on June 24th, Quebec's national holiday!

Anonymous said...

your post brings this video to mind...

Anonymous said...

As a very proud Candian I'd like to say THANKS for this awesome post! I have to say that my favourite cake is the CN Tower cake and of course the Beaver cake. BTW, SaraCVT is absolutely right about Great Big Sea - they are by far the best band out there and if you ever get the opportunity to see them live don't miss it! Thanks Cakewrecks for honouring your friendly neighbours to the north and Happy 4th!

Leah Rollins said...

Definitely an enjoyable Sweets post... made even more so by the fact that the background music loop from Epcot's Canada pavilion is playing on MouseWorld Radio 4 at the moment. Also love the BNL reference.

Anonymous said...

Just wish you could have added just one NICE cake celebrating the US Independence Day. boohoo

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


There are at least 6 posts of beautiful American cakes that we've done in the past.

Let Canada have a day.


KiriD said...

*sigh* barenaked fillion cakes. ahhhh dreams!

wv: raducl: those Canadian Flag Cakes were raducl!

Aliza said...

Hi, another Canadian fan chiming in here. Loved clicking on CW yesterday and seeing the Canadian theme! That was really touching (sniff).

I didn't realize beavers, bears and moose were particularly Canadian (I'm a city dweller in Ontario... it's more squirrels and raccoons here!). But that beaver was seriously cute. The CN tower was impressive, that Maritimes cake was adorable, the hockey sweater was perfect (and I'm impressed you knew that hockey was our official winter sport, not the official sport). I admire the skill and patience of the basketball creator; were they an elementary school teacher before going into cakes? I prefer Starbucks, but Timmies always does in a pinch, particularly on the road-- that was a nice double-double cup! However, it's Timbits that are my real weakness :) Those beers were amazing-- so real-looking.

Did not know that about Jolliet. More proof one learns things on CW

And yea, I'm now curious about Canadian-themed wrecks: can you picture how badly plaid flannel, poutine, Mountie, 24's (aka a case of 24 beers), coloured money, snow and the like could be wrecked?

alittlebitograce said...

Loved, loved, loved this post! Can't decide which of the cakes is my fave.

Not only was Timmy's started by a Canadian(Tim Horton, player for the Maple Leafs), there is one about every block and a half here. It's a pretty small town if it doesn't have a Timmy's.

Also, how do you offend Canadians? Unless you're George W of course...

lorikay said...

i too would've loved to see a bare naked ladies smash up cake as i tend to burst out in "if i had a million dollars" at the most random moments! i can't say enough how much i love your blog--and i try get everyone else hooked on it as much as possible! ;) oh and i totally want a monKEY cake also.

Emor said...

Ohio is "almost Canada"? Our pro hockey team is thinking about leaving us because people don't go to their games enough. You can't get much less Canadian than that.
We may be polite and boring, but I think we're more like Kansas than Canada.

wv: couties
The southeastern couties of Ohio are a lot like West Virginia. And not in a good way, sometimes.

PhatFree said...

You should explain what poutine is and have Americans everywhere jealous.
Even if I was offeneded as a Canadian I would never tell you! I am too polite!

Puppygirl said...

Totally impressed by your collective Canadian geekiness (first Boot to the Head and now the bestest 12 Days of Christmas EVER)!

On a side note, if you found a mouse in your beer (bottle cake), would you get your cake for free?

P.S. I'll take a beer over that crappy Tim Horton's coffee any day.
(yes, I'm Canadian, and no, I don't care if I offend)

Anonymous said...

Well done! Thanks for doing such a thoughtful and thorough job. Nice one. The best part was the Tim Horton's cup - it even had the diagonal fold line. Incredible!
Next year (which you're probably already dreading) here's an idea for you: do each of the regions, or provinces/territories?
But I don't know how you'll top this year's post 'cause it was great!

Puppygirl said...


Warning: nudity!

Anonymous said...

For those who don't get the monkey: one if the lines in The Barenaked Ladies' song "If I Had A Million Dollars" is "If I had a million dollars (if I had a million dollars) well I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monKEY?)" with a high pitched voice when saying 'key'. Also, to Laura HP: THANK YOU! I'd been looking for those for awhile but could never remember the damn name.

Shenaniganizer said...

I'm sorry, did I just read BareNaked Fillion? I, uh, uuuh...I totally lost my train of thought. Oh, well, Happy Canada Day to Cananda and Independance Day to the US of A!!!!

I am now off to watch the Firefly episode where there actually IS a barenaked Fillion. :D

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know that Ohio had an NHL team until you said that. (Turns out they're the Columbus Blue Jackets, if anyone else is curious.)
I'm either the worst or most stereotypically Ohio girl ever.

Creative Tara said...

Hey... fabulous cakes, and thanks for the shout out to Canada. I'm sure many of us friendly Canadians are loyal followers of your blog ;)

Joelle said...

Don't worry guys, we Canadians can take anything you dish out. We'll just get you drunk when you come up and You Tube all of the embarrassing things you do! :)

Gary said...

I've always wanted a lamb or an emu.

To maintain my reputation for being hypercritical, though, I've got to say that the first beaver cake is a bit of a wreck, for reasons too embarrassingly anatomical to spell out here.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, roll up the rim to win! The Timmy's cake could only be improved if it were accompanied by a donut.

Anonymous said...

Whoa dotrot!!! The University of Kansas is NOT K-State. That's maybe the most insulting thing you could say about the Jayhawks.

girlsmom said... a tree, love it!

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Ever ready to stir a pot... Poutine may have been created in Quebec but it isn't "more of a Quebec thing". While it is wildly popular in Quebec, it is also wildly popular in Ontario. I would expect in the rest of the provinces, as well. Every chip wagon and most restaurants, from fast-food to family-style and even many high class joints serve poutine, here in Ontario, including New York Fries. There is also a chain of poutine shops from Toronto, Smoke’s Poutinerie (I was NOT impressed... Industrial gravy - bleccchhhh).

For the uninitiated, poutine is french fries, covered with cheese curds* and smothered in gravy.

*(a generally Canadian delicacy where freshly-made cheddar is cut up, drained or most of the whey and served at room temp while still squeaky). The government tried to regulate cheese curds, insisting that they be refrigerated immediately after being made. Curd-lovers rebelled and forced the government to back down. Refrigerating not only ruins the flavour but also the texture.

Variations include a tomato sauce, the addition of ground beef, chicken, chili... mushrooms...

The worst poutine I ever tasted was served at the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec. Though it may have changed, it consisted of frozen "home fries" which had been sitting all day on the grill, covered with chunks of cheese which had also been sitting on the grill all day, covered in industrial gravy. Industrial gravy is that gravy that comes in big cans and tastes.... industrial.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Fillion is CANADIAN?? You made my freakin' year! (Oh, and the cakes were awesome, eh - thanks)

Sharon B said...

But for a short time, Tim Horton's was owned by Wendy's International. So for a number of years (6?) it was an Ohio company, not a Canadian company.

Anonymous said...

Those cupcakes are flawless! I still have trouble drawing the maple leaf after 27 years. I find the best way is to give each section of the leaf lots of room on the paper, lol, idk.

Cindy Major said...

What a great post! Loved the humour and loved the cakes! Those flags *are* pretty amazing and no, maple leaves are not easy to hand draw...
And I didn't know Castle was Canadian! See, that's why I read Cake Wrecks, to learn stuff...

Anonymous said...

These are great! The only thing I have to say is that it is a Touque here in Canada! Typically we like to sport the homemade ones with a Pom Pom on top (Men & Women)


Liz from Toronto said...

We're Canadian and we loved this post! We especially enjoyed the Beaver cake. Beavers are the youngest level of scouts in Canada. My son is a Beaver and my husband a Beaver leader. The hat is very well done, and we enjoyed that it included their motto of "Sharing, Sharing, Sharing." Thanks for another great post!

Jane @ said...

Love love love!!!!!

Ha no, we Canadians tend to have a sense of humour about things (and a love of the letter "u"), and those cakes were so cute, how you could you be offended anyway? :D

And as for maple leaves being hard to draw, just ask any elementary school kid, the damned things are impossible!

kristen said...

Love that there's "canada dry" in the background of the basketball cake. Badum-chh!

Stephanie said...

I'm too lazy to read through all the comments to see if anyone else commented on "So I'm not sure those people are to scale," but I laughed out loud for a good several minutes straight. And then on and off again for another ten.

ME! said...

Love, love LOVE the BNL ref. And I'd rather a green dress, but not a real green dress. That's cruel...

Emily said...

I just want to thank you for putting the 'key' in "Haven't you always wanted a monkey" in Italics. That 100% made my day. I can stop vapidly staring at the internet in peace. For the moment. :-)

Katherine S said...

After reading the Epbot post, I was curious what I would find...but I don't really see how anyone can find offense! Being the geek I am though, I just wanted to point out that the Beaver cake is a Scouts Canada thing! Beavers are 5-7 year olds and their motto is Sharing Sharing Sharing. As I have been in Scouts my whole life, and even acquired a husband out of it, I was really excited to see it! Amazing job as always!

Anonymous said...

I don't generally comment, but I do have to agree - a bare naked Fillion would make my decade. YUM!

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Tuque, toque, touque are apparently all correct.

I'm going with touooquue.

Thank you,


emily michelle said...

Just when I thought you guys couldn't use more crazy-obscure references, you throw in "Beer (in a tree)." That basically made my life complete.

Anonymous said...

As a Canadian, I found this not at all insulting. Just have to say though, the only acceptable short form of Tim Hortons is Timmies, definitely never, EVER Timmy Ho's.

Anonymous said...

these are fantastic! Makes me proud to be a Canadian.
And by the way, that beaver cake is for Beaver Scouts, which is the Boy Scouts of Canada.