I've been letting your fan-made wreck-creations build up again in the inbox, guys, so let's get right to some of my favorite submissions from the past month or two:
First, the world-famous
Carrot Jockeys continue in their quest for world domination:
From Katie B.
From Janet C.
From Teri B.And here Julie K. commissioned the prettiest jockey cake EVER from High Tea Bakery:

A more adorable vegetable rodeo has never been had.
(Psst. Guys. You're going
Steven B.'s special order made me laugh:

This next one is left over from the holidays, but I had to show you Aimee M.'s great
Sandra Lee Kwanzaa cake experiment:

She made it, appropriately enough, as the Feat of Strength for her Festivus celebration. I think two people had to keep eating it until one gagged. Or something. Heh.
On a happier - if still visually disturbing - note:

This, my friends, is a fan-made wreck-creation of one of my
all time favorite engagement wrecks. It's also how Jen L.'s boyfriend proposed to her. All together now:
Awwwww!But wait - what's this? My wrecky senses are tingling... I feel like
someone else is using the severed hand cake to propose. Who is it?
(Made by Cakes by Karen)Mark H., you sly dog, you. Who could say no to a carrot jockey cupid?
Hopefully not you, Wendy Lu.
{UPDATE: Yes, she said yes!}
[sniff] My little wreckies are all growing up and getting
married and stuff! [wiping tear] I'm just so...so
proud. Love, sprinkles, and "congralatulatons" to you all. And be sure to send pics of the wedding cakes. [evil grin]
So, punk, you think your tribute Wreck is good enough? Huh? Then send it in, and let me be the judge of that.
52 comments | Post a Comment
Wreck on!!!!
These are awesome!!!
I hope the "Will you marry me?" one worked!
This is Mark H.! She Did say yes!!!! She is very excited to see her cake on Cakewrecks!
Awwwwwww! Cake Wrecks + engaement = Epic win
Did you also notice on the last cake, that the word sprinkles is also on the four sides....in different colors...that made me giggle... :D
LOL! I love the 'sprinkles' all around the border of the last cake! Priceless!
Congralaladuations, Mark - Best. Proposal. Ever.
WV: glaril - We would all meet a girl who said "no" to that with scathing glarils.
Ahahaha that Kwanzaa cake is just... XD
Nah. MY fave is the fact that ALL of the Carrot Jockeys in the circle of CJs were ALL BACKWARDS !!! XD
:thumbs up:
:) :) :)
OMG. I'm a married woman and I SO WANT a Cakewrecks proposal cake.
Best. Proposals. EVER! I was showing my friends this post and all three of us went "awwwww!" at the same time and continued reading silently. XD
That last picture is a 'double rainbow' of a cake wreck. Not only a severed hand, but a baby fairy/angel riding a carrot. #FTW
are those corn nuts on the Kwanzaa cake?
I don't know why "Psst. Guys. You're going backwards." made me laugh SO hard.
the very first thing I noticed on the professional one (cake # 4) was that they were riding backwards. LMAO
But, are they blonde or wearing construction helmets??
-Barbara Anne
P.S. Congrats, Mark!
wv: dries
it just dries my tears of glee to see such wrecks
Are those CORN-NUTS on the Kwanzaa cake?
The carrot jockeys actually look better being ridden "backwards"...
Ha! I have actually had birthday cakes made at Cakes by Karen! HOW COOL that they did a proposal wreck! Congrats to all the happy couples. :)
Wonderful proposal! :D Now do we get to see cake-wrecky hen's night cake, wedding cake, baby shower cakes... can't wait! :D
That nice Baby Carrot Jockey cake should be a Sunday Sweet!
Okay, I hate to be "that" poster, but am I the only one who thought the fireman cake had racist undertones? All I could think was "Chinese fire drill." Am I missing something or am I reading something into it that isn't there (probably)?
Aimee M's reason for making that Kwanzaa cake made me laugh myself into a coughing frenzy. So awesome!
So many layers (get it -- layers?) of humor, sweetness (sweetness -- get it -- oh, never mind) and wrecky tradition.
I love it.
Wishing all of the engaged couples happy lives together, and cakes that are only wrecked if they want 'em that way.
wv - blers
A tear blers my vision when I look at these sentimental, silly cakes.
Swaree. Love the French. -Ellen
What do you think the odds are that "swaree" will become the next EPCOT with people lining up to point out that "soiree" is spelled wrong? (Preventing another EPCOT to point out I knew there are accent marks in both words, but I don't have the keyboard skills to ferret them out).
Congratulations, Mark! Excellent, dude, excellent.
I love these! I need to make one sometime.
These cakes are entirely too cute!
pikkewyntjie - in regards to the fireman cake, there's a really good story behind it that's hilarious in how innocent it started. I can see where you get the idea, but it really isn't the intent behind the cake.
You can see the original wreck (and story) here:
Hey guys! I was watching the Graham Norton Show last night here in Oz & he featured your book! Did you know about this? Am I all excited over something you already know? If not, guess what? He gave his copy to Kate Hudson! She thought it was hilarious!
Love your work guys! XXxx.
AW! Wendy and Mark- Gratulmations. Congradumalations. ConGradulamations.
Uh... Good luck and stuff. Marriage is a good thing, and I like mine a lot (14 years so far!) and stuff. And anybody who strts thier marriage with a high tolerance for both sprinkles AND Winged Carrot Jockeys of Love, along with a beringed desicated hand, has GOT to have enough courage (facing carrot jockeys in the AM1) and sense of humor (obviously.) to have a great married life together!! YAY!!
Is this the first offical CAke Wrecks proposal? We'll have to throw them a online party of picture of HORRIBLE wedding showercakes, right?
@pikkewyntjie: yes, you are. Read the story of the 'Fireman Cake' (worth it for laughs as well as information), and you will see that a 'fireman' and 'China' being on the same cake wasn't planned.
If it is any comfort, another commenter read the same 'undertone' into the original cake (it wasn't there, either).
The Kwanzaa cake is a Feat of Strength, alright (yes, those are Corn Nuts -- or 'acorns' per Sandra Lee's imagination); knowing what is inside, it requires strength just to look at it. I say that solely because of the cake itself, not the associated observance.
"Please try not to jump to offense, it's exhausting."
pikkewyntjie - clearly a "newbie"! you need to check out your cake wreck history to see the original "good luck in China" cake! trust me, nothing racist happening here
saraH, Anonymous at 3:43, and pikkewyntjie, be sure to click the links in the post to see the originals; these cakes make a lot more sense that way. (At least, as much sense as you can get when cake wrecks are involved.)
Yes, those are corn nuts on the Kwanzaa cake, and please do watch the video where Sandra Lee makes the cake, because it's AMAZING.
The original China cake was for someone going to China, and they chose a fireman decoration because...well, it'll probably make more sense if you just check out the original post.
Nice article, thanks.
Whoa! At first glance, I thought it said Sandra Lee Kwanzaa cake excrement!! Well, that fits, too. N'est-ce pas?
Ok now, can anyone tell me where I can buy the mohawk baby? I've searched up and down and can't find it.
Thanks guys
. . . and from mid-Missouri -- just saw "Cake Wrecks" discussion on Graham Norton's show
Yes! that Graham Norton episode is on here in the US tonight! very cool.
So adorable and funny at the same time. Love it :) :)
I went back and read the "Good Luck in China" post which I'd never seen before. I laughed till I cried and my stomach muscles were sore.
"Cake wrecks" has been on The Graham Norton Show twice!!! the 2nd time was the most recent episode with Kate Hudson. when are you going to England ?
The "Happy Birthday Mike" cake is pretty creative
These are great.But off the topic... I saw your book on The Graham Norton Show today.How cool for you.All the way over in England they love you,too.
Those proposal cakes are surprisingly sweet for being so wrecky. But that's probably just because they're ugly cute. And proposals.
These are hilarious!
I thought swaree was intentionally misspelled, seeing as this is a fan-wreck cake.
"Swaree" Hehehe. You see, this is why the French don't like us, we completely butcher their language.
Mohawks! I want mohawks on all my naked baby carrot jockeys!
Other than that, well done, wrecky henchpersons! Mark H. even put "sprinkles" on his.
And congratulations to all those whose intendeds said "yes." To the rest of you, I hope we have some delightful breakup cakes in the near future.
The hand one sort of reminded me of the 'Thing" from The Adamm's Family show! Great! Now all I can hear in my head is the song from that show....da da dum, da da dum....snap,snap! Thanks a lot!
The first thing I noticed about that last carrot jockey cake was that they were going backwards. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Oh gawd. I... I just can't wrap my head around "30nd".
Help me. Please !
P.S. do you have a link to the original wreck ? I need. Closure. Yes. That's what I need. And some brandy, too.
That last cake made me do the old fashioned neck clutch, fan the tears, OMG pose. That is so beautiful!
Mark is a keeper!
I can't tell, but on that first severed hand cake...is that an actual RING?! It sure looks like it, but the resolution isn't quite high enough to be certain...
WV: pazess - What would pazess a person to make a severed hand cake?!
First I read this and was cracking up: "A more adorable vegetable rodeo has never been had."
And then I read this:
"(Psst. Guys. You're going backwards.)"
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! I love this website:0)