Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How long will it take you to spot it?

Thanks to Liz T., who says this is why you never order Valentine cookies from a baker who's recently been dumped. (True story.)
Lindsay said...

I admit. I laughed. Awesome cookie!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. Hopefully, the intended is a farmer who really wants a carrying case for an entrenching implement...

Catmania said...

I got it! "hoe bag" - hahahah

Kristi said...

Can you imagine passing that one out at the elementary Valentine's Day party. "No honey,it doesn't say that; it says.... ummm... well...uh... Let's just give you this one."

Anonymous said...

Wow. Unbelievable. Why would you do that to a cookie? It never asked for THAT to be written on it. WHY!?

Anonymous said...

"Hopefully, the intended is a farmer who really wants a carrying case for an entrenching implement..."

The cookie made me laugh and then this comment made me laugh more.

Invisibleman said...

Love it!
I have a holiday gift bag I've used for transporting presents the past few years that has a glittery "ho ho ho" in big letters down the side. I call it the same thing!

Kelly said...

Too funny!

Kerri said...

Love it! This has inspired me to make my own conversation heart cookies. Of course, I'll try to be a little more polite...

Veronica Wald said...

It took me a few minutes to see that HOE is misspelled. Around here we spell it HO'
Thanks for the laugh!

tarichuck said...

Nice. Thank you for the laugh this morning.

Jennifer said...

Too funny.

Loo-E Loo-I said...

*snort* Hilarious!

I read a story yesterday that a 12YO found an "adult" saying in her bag of candy hearts: Nice [another word for boob starts with T]. Oooops!

wv: hecares: After receiving a cookie like that, I realized hecares about me. He really does. Really! :-)

The Bitter Mistress said...

I laughed pretty hard at the picture, but I laughed even harder at Anonymous' comment @ 9.33am: "Hopefully, the intended is a farmer who really wants a carrying case for an entrenching implement..." Frakking brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I had to muffle my laughter so I wouldn't wake up my roommates. I'm so tempted now to make my own batch of message cookies and slip one "bad" one in.

Kelly K said...

You know... Ho or Hoe is a term of endearment lately..

Maybe cookies for the dumpee is a new business opportunity ;)

Karen Valinda said...

Excellent advice re: how to choose your baker, but my aging eyes read "hog bag" so I was sorely perplexed! I knew if I came to the comments I would find an explanation...

Unknown said...


Sandy C also in SoFla said...

OMG! I saw it immediately! WOW.

and I also loved the comment from "anonymous."

Unknow said...

Que bonito!!

EG said...

Get outta town, true story?!

Nik said...

That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I make cookies like that for Valentine's Day and I thought it was a picture of my work. I am pretty sure I have never been that bitter on a cookie though:-)

Renee said...

true story... my bag of candy hearts last week had one that said "jump me" (after looking at others it was evidently supposed to read "jump 4 me" which isnt all that much better if you ask me)

Three Turtles and Their Pet Librarian said...

My husband was momentarily perturbed recently by a candy heart that said head/heals. "It does what???" We decided it was a misspelling of heels, as in head over heels. We hope.

WV: boomalin. My heart was a'boomalin in my chest when I saw him.

Sarah said...

I found it immediately! Funny!

Daftduck said...

For one brief moment, I thought we were meant to be sad that "text me" has become something worthy of a valentine's cookie...

Anonymous said...

took me ages to spot it then LOL :D

Anonymous said...

Wow. Anonymous @ 9:41am, do the cookies ask YOU to write things on them? Cause that's never happened to me.

Yo-yo Mama said...

Maybe it was suppose to be "Shoe Bag", an hommage to her shopping addiction??

Anonymous said...

I actually thought it said "Hog Bag". Either way it is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

hahahhahahah Hoe Bag hahahahha



Lady Bright said...


I love Sesame Street cookies.

Did you know you can ask for the sayings you want on M&M's now?


Gary said...

Ah, what ever happened to sweet, old-fashioned Valentine's messages like "Huge Me"?

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Took me a second to find it!! LOVE it!! (Super cute idea.. may steal it...)

Becca said...

Or you could be this 12 year old.. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/41411490/ns/today-celebrates_valentines_day

Donna said...

Can I buy those in bulk?

LOL best laugh of the day!

No Cake Fo You!!! said...

OMG... PRICELESS!!! Bwahahahahahaha

Aliza said...

@Anonymous @ 9:34... excellent explanation :)

I get that it's an insult, but not quite sure what a "hoe bag" would be! (was it a misspelling of whore and hag?)

And perhaps there *are* business opportunities in creating cookies for the single/recently dumped for a Valentines singles party! Hmmm... there are a few cookies that I could savour when reminiscing about long-dumped exes ;) Balanced, of course, by extremely flattering cookies for my sweetie ::hastily added::

Ice Queen said...

Didn't take me long.

They misspelled ho.

Just saying.


Anonymous said...

I read it as Hog Bag too! Perplexed as to which insult was intended.

Worlds Best Mom said...

This is a great puzzle! When my six year old comes home from school, I'm going to give it to him as a "find the one that doesn't belonng" challenge!

Anonymous said...

Your SIX year old???? Really???? YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I guess I'm really out of touch!

@Karen Valinda,
I too read it as HOG BAG! Funny either way!

WV: klits......... 'nuf said!

Nee S. said...

I was laughing hard enough that my daughter came upstairs to see what I was laughing at.
"Hog bag?!"
After I corrected her: "What's a ho-bag?"
I guess I should have seen that coming.

My name is Michelle. said...

Too funny!

Leesa said...

Check out google's home page today, it's Steampunk and interactive (pull the red lever on the right side)!

Of course, this is probably a one day thing 'cos it's Jules Verne's birthday... but if you see this in time, I think you'll like it!!


TJ said...

I once got a conversation heart that said "how much." Yeah, I'm pretty sure that conversation heart was calling me a prostitute.

Jenny said...

Reminded me immediately of the strip club Deja Vu strip clubs saying "hundreds of beautiful girls, and three ugly ones" or something like that.
Perhaps the order was for their staff party?

Sherri said...

That is AWESOME!!! Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Actually, that would have gone over really well at the Black Valentine's Day parties I threw all through college. With a prize for the person who got the "special" cookie.

Kristin said...


Hahahahaha! I would buy that cookie! Love it!

Unknown said...

I literally LOL-ed.


SilverPixieFly said...

Love it!

Bridget said...

LMAO About .5 seconds. I should work on getting my mind up to the gutter so that I can then work on getting it out.

kimleelee said...

My son loves collecting figures that come in a you-never-know-what-you'll-get-next series. Doesn't matter much what they are, he loves them all. One year I nabbed a box from the gift shop at the art museum and dropped it in his Christmas stocking. He excitedly tore open the box on Christmas morning to find a conversation heart printed with "I HATE YOU".
He looked at me in bewilderment, saying "Santa hates me?" I felt really bad, but I just couldn't stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

As a proud representative of "hoe bags" everywhere, I am tremendously insulted by this post. Why shouldn't we have our own cookies, you Valentine grinches?

TisforTonya said...

hi-freakin'-larious as always :)

Erika said...

I have never read the comments before, but they had me laughing as much as the post! Cake Wreckies are obviously awesome.


Anonymous said...

Wait, does that mean that TEXT ME is an *acceptable* valentine's message?

M M said...

I guess that baker really had his cookies frosted by his ex.

Lizzie said...

Slaps knee.

AnotherDreamer said...

Hehe, that's great! Hoe bag.

Honestly, at first wondering if it had to do with those "Kiss" ones, that kinda reminded me of "KISS" the band. Then I found the really special one ;)

Saima said...

Haha, this is my cousin's favourite saying. Had to send her a link. ROFL.
Saima, Edinburgh

missoularedhead said...

Oh nice! Well, I guess we know how he/she felt about being dumped?

John T said...

I totally thought that said "Hog Bag" until I looked again. I was very confused.

E said...

Oh Karen Famines, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to see hog bag! Only after reading the comments did I realize t said hoe. My excuse : wasn't wearing my glasses!

tavo14 said...

YAY!! my post!!!
For the record, my cousin is an AWESOME baker/cake maker :)

Chantelle said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!! It took me forever to see it though LOL

And at first I was appalled that someone said they were going to have their 6 year old try to spot it, but then I saw the commenters name and got the joke. :) Hopefully we won't have to head into the Epcot bunker for that one though :)

Anonymous said...

I thought that kind of "ho" was spelled without the "e"....

Little Lovables said...

hahaha!! love it!

Erica T. said...

The way they spelled it, it's really just a bag of garden hoes. Probably not what they intended.

Micalah said...

Found it...

Supermommy said...

Uh, Gary at 12:41 I think you meant "Hug Me". Although "Huge Me" could likely be found in the same box as "Nice T*ts" and "Hoe Bag".

Having a weird dyslexic moment when buying my daughter's valentine cards three weeks ago, I read "F****ed Valentines to punch out an a**hole", not "Flocked Valentines to punch out and assemble". We are still laughing.

Michelle said...

Hahahahahaha!!! Love it!

Anonymous said...

actually, I think the concept is adorable (conversation heart cookies) and the work is nice, too.

Kinda makes me want to make some of my own (with my own messages...like FUZZ BUTT for the dog)

I want to hear the back story on that cookie, though

(by the way, Jenn, the WV never comes up when I first post...I have to hit submit, then it reloads and THEN I can read the word.)

Lori said...

It took me a full ten seconds to find it; I am so ashamed. And now can't stop giggling...

Anonymous said...


SharonCville said...

You know this is an actual product: Dirty Conversation Hearts

Jenny Allworthy said...

Maybe it's the Canadian in me, but I thought it was a misspelling of

Either way, it's very funny.

Michelle said...

hahahahhahaa... ahhhh.. hahahahahhaahhaaaaaaa... wipes tear from eye... thank you...

Darla said...


stuckinmypedals said...

Oh my goodness, that is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Not only was that cookie rude to the customer, they couldn't even spell it right.

Still, look wise they actually were pretty nice. Too bad the designer had to be mean.

Anonymous said...

I kept reading (Luv) Twu Luv, (As in the Princess Bride), and was so distracted by that, that I almost missed the surprise cookie!

Anonymous said...

Supermommy at 4:54, you don't own the cakewrecks calendar, do you? The "huge me" heart cake was on the February month.

Jennifer said...


Drgngrl said...

Supermommy, I'm pretty sure Gary meant exactly what he said

Huge Me

I saw hog bag for a second before it resolved into hoe bag. Either way though, its hilarious!

Amanda said...


Ellen said...

Hoe-bo bags! I love them! They hold so much!

What? That's not what it means?

Jennifer said...

And, incredibly, s/he misspelled "ho"! Unless it's referring to gardening. Somehow, I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

That is so wrong, but so funny at the same time XD

MissNay said...

Anonymous @ 9:33 AM I do believe I love you

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That baker must have been having a pretty bad day!


Arlene said...

Lol!! Hoe bag?? Can't they even spell that right? No apparently they want to insult someone by calling them a garden tool. Cannot stop laughing.

Margaret said...

This is very funny!

punxxi said...

it took 1 .3 seconds...ove it long time!

Stewart said...

Reminds me of this epic book...

The Loneliest Ho in the World: Christmas isn't Christmas without Ho's!

I saw it at a Christmas market in the childrens book section. Santa has lost one of his Hos and sets out to help it. Needless to say we were knotting ourselves laughing.

Craig said...

Even after click-to-enlarge, I keep seeing 'HOG BAG'. Perhaps it's just as well -- it wouldn't be real nice to be called a 'hog bag', either, even if one knew what it meant (which one doesn't). The wreckerator just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention. Yeah, that's the ticket!

When did 'Text Me' become a Valentine's wish? I suppose there is no reason why Valentine's day should be exempt from the rush to make all holidays as superficial as possible, though. Maybe we should just have National Let's Eat Cake day several times a year. Which isn't a bad idea, come to think of it...

Julie B said...

Best Valentine's Day wallpaper ever! >:}

Catstina said...

When I first read it, I thought it said "HOG BAG," but then I looked closer and saw "HOE BAG." I don't know which is worse...

WV:reings- This guy needs to use the reings in his feelings!!

Krantz said...

It took me a shockingly long time! I think I had to look, and then look away like three or four times before I got it.

Karen said...

I know it's not cake and it's completely unrelated but....


Anonymous said...

There should be a law to prevent cakes such as these. These cakes are just......WRONG!

Gina said...

I actually snorted. Like a real, live pig.

That's good. That's real good.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks it looks more like "Hog Bag"?

Brooke said...

OHHH. I thought it said, "Hog Bag." I really wasn't getting it.

Anonymous said...

I just ROFL'd.

@ Arlene: Well, he could be implying "tool" which is another insult!

Anonymous said...

Too funny, the sneaky little bugger! Too bad they couldn't even spell that right :)

I know this will sound unbelievable but when I was about 14 I bought some of those candies with the sayings on them. My friend and I were taping them to the walls surrounding our favorite posters. I got a candy that said DEAD LEGS. For real. I kept that thing for the longest time to show people and finally lost it :(

Anonymous said...

OMG I have tears streaming down my face... That has to be one of the funniest things I've seen on this site!!

Anonymous said...

I couldnt stop laughing after seeing this.

lisa rae said...

oh my gawd!!! i looove it here!! whenever i need a good laugh, like the complete belly laugh i had when i finally spotted that cookie...oh maannn!!! i can't get enough of this!!! thank you, a bahzillion times thank you!!!!