(Seriously, how amazing is that painting? Gorgeous!)
I have to stop the story now, or else I may never get to this next fondant-free beauty:

Ok, so she's not technically a Princess, but Tink and her forest cottage here are still royally awesome.
Now, clap your hands if you believe in eating fairies!!
Wait. I think that came out wrong.

Well, it's not.
'Cuz I still have to show you this FABULOUS fishbowl design for The Princess and the Frog:

I'm thinking of asking this cake to marry me. I hope John won't mind.
Next, a cutie-patooty mini-cake:
Now, I realize that Disney has the corner on the Princess market, but we geek girls will always have a special place in our hearts for Mario's Princess Peach:

And check it out: the blue gems are handmade hard candies! Power up!
CCC Final Tally!
However, I should point out there was a distinct downward trend: the first three days of the CCC each charity had over $3,000 donated, the next five or so, around $2,000, and after that, they just barely cleared $1,000 each.
Obviously we all were very busy, and many of us were away from our computers for the holiday, so this isn't surprising. Still, if you started off the countdown but weren't able to finish, please, feel free to catch up! All twelve donation pages are still live, and your dollars can still make a huge difference. Just go to the Cake Wrecks FirstGiving page to see the complete list, along with links to give a dollar to any you might have missed.
And thank you all again for your amazing generosity. John and I are proud beyond belief to count you among our loyal Wrecky henchpersons.
Now, back to conquering the world! If you please.
Update from john: Some people think the crown on the last one is Snow White's or the Evil Queen's. However, the Queen's didn't have rubies and, from what I can tell, Snow White's is a round diamond tiara. And I'm a large, scruffy man in construction clothes sitting at the computer researching Disney Princesses. Which is pretty darned cool. -j
111 comments | Post a Comment
The only way any of those cakes could be considered "wrecks" is if dozens of CW readers stuck forks in them. They are all... magical.
@CW Reader Kathryn L.: That cake made your daughter and niece is AMAZING. (I am now suffering from serious fondant envy.)
Maybe the crown is for Tiana?
When I look at the crown on that last one, I actually think of one of the evil queens...forget which one. But then that wouldn't fit into the theme of the cake really, so I don't know.
would someone clue me in on the princesses that go with the last cake? I'm having trouble. thanks
WV:mintesin-too much peppermint is a mintesin
I think the crown is the evil queen from Snow White.
the crown actually looks a lot like the crown worn by the wicked witch in snow white http://blogs.families.com/media/SnowWhite3.jpg but that doesn't make any sense at all!
OK, I think it comes from having a 6 year old daughter, figuring out what the other tiers are, or just referring back to the first one, but the crown on the last one is Snow White.
It DOES look like the crown for the Evil Queen from Snow White, although it seems an odd topper for such a beautiful princess cake.
LOVE the snowglobe cake for Tiana.
Oh how pretty
The crown looks like the evil queen's crown from Snow White, at least the shape is the same, though the red stones are different.
Ok I think the tiers are probably: Snow White, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty...(correct me if any of those are wrong) but I can't figure out the top one - were there any Disney princesses who wore green?
I need help on that last one. From the bottom I have Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty...who is the green?
Gorgeous cakes! I have also fallen in love with the Tiana cake. I'll fight you for her. Stunning.
The crown reminds me of either Ursula's or the evil queen from Snow White. But neither of them have jewels in their crowns.
I absolutely love these cakes! I'm 23 and seriously conseridering asking for the last cake for my next birthday. Or the Princess and the Frog one, although I prefer Tangled and Rapunzel to Tiana.
I think it is the Snow Queens tiara.
As for the layers, I believe they represent Belle, Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, Tiana and a bow for Minnie Mouse. Although the top green layer could certainly be for Jasmine...it's not the aqua color she wears but it looks more like her belt.
Did you notice that all the cakes that have writing on them are for 5-year-olds? I guess that's when the princess thing kicks in. Beautiful cakes.
On the last cake top to bottom, it represents the movies more than the actual princesses:
Snow White (evil queen's crown)
Tinkerbell (I think that's Peter Pan's belt buckle)
Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
Little Mermaid
Beauty and the Beast
It's funny that the good fairies argued back and forth about Aurora's dress being pink or blue in the movie, and it wound up blue, but Disney frequently shows it as pink now, because they already have a princess in blue.
I was scrolling down and first saw only the top two tiers of the Princess and the Frog cake and thought that it is very pretty, but when I saw the bottom tier, I thought WOW!!!! That mauve really make the cake POP! Awesome! It looks like it could be a music box, the kind you wind up. Hey, has anyone ever thought of doing that with a cake?
I know It's not Disney, but the green layer on the last cake reminds me of Fiona from Shrek.
For the multi-princess cake, I think the bottom layer is either Belle (Beauty & the Beast) or Snow White (since it's her red bow) or possibly both. The next 3 layers are undisputedly Cinderella, Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and Aurora (Sleeping Beauty). The greenish tier looks to me like Jasmine's headdress (Aladdin) but the crown's a mystery.
I believe the top green layer is supposed to be Jasmine's headband.
The green is Jasmine. I was obsessed with her. That looks exactly like the headband I wore two halloweens in a row.
Oooh, love the Tinker Bell fairy house cake and The Princess and the Frog one!
Thanks for sharing the sugary goodness =)
I think that this is what the crown is based on...
It's the only thing I can come up with.
Speaking as someone who has a young daughter who has all the princess...cough crap cough...stuff, yeah they throw Tinkerbell in with them too so you're totally safe there.
All that's missing are the dinosaurs...
Can we have a villainess Sunday Sweets soon?
After an extensive Google Image search, the closest crown on top of the last cake is from the evil Snow White queen. Admittedly, there are no rubies on the film stills, but no other crown comes close. Maybe the rubies were just decorator-license?
Is the bunker open on Sundays? Because if not, it might need to be. Just this once. ;-)
What is it about 5 or 6 that causes children (young goats don't get fancy cakes, at least not on purpose) to score cool cakes? Seems like after that, the wreckerators get the bid.
Since people can change just about anything about themselves these days, I think I'll legally change my age to 5 or 6. Any other takers?
The crown belongs to Snow White's evil stepmother.
I have no idea who the crown belongs to, but I'm pretty positive that it goes...
Green Layer - Jasmine
Pink Layer - Aurora
Sea Shells - Ariel
Blue Layer - Cinderella
Red Bow - Snow White
Yellow Layer - Belle
And it fits because those are the 6 official Disney princesses. Though I'm going to assume this cake was made before The Princess and the Frog came out and that's why Tiana isn't represented.
Tinkerbell was briefly a Disney Princess. These cakes are wonderful! :D
Why don't you ask "It's a Piece of Cake" what the tiers represent instead of guessing?
I think the top green layer is supposed to represent Princess Jasmine's headband. The crown, I have no idea.
I love the fondant-free Tinkerbell one! I'm all for fondant-free.
Hate to be a buzz kill, but dress forms have necks.
"uncle walt" would be proud. these are gorgeous... i especially love that the little mermaid incorporated cupcakes in a way that works (and works well)! the tinkerbell one looks amazing as well, would love to have seen that up-close. and the carriage, and the princess and the frog, and.... thanks as always.
I never went through a princess stage, but I do love my dwarfs and that first cake only appears to have 6 sides. Snow White and the 6 Dwarfs? Who got left off? In my book, that makes it a wreck, not a sweet.
i agree with most that the crown topper does resemble the Evil Queens, but again, that doesn't seem to go with the theme of the cake, so I was thinking maybe, the person ,for whom the cake was made, has a crown that looks like that. huh? maybe? could be...
@ Craig: totally. Why do children get all the fun? And anyway, will a five year old even REMEMBER that cake? No. I think it would be best for everyone involved to send the cakes to ME, so I can enjoy them thoroughly.
Youth and cake are wasted on the young.
My daughter looked at the cake and said that the bottom is Belle, the red bow is Snow White, the blue is Cinderella, the shells are Ariel, the pink is Aurora, the green is either Tiana (her guess) or Jasmine (mine), and neither of us could guess at the crown. She thinks it's just a generic princess crown.
I think the crown on the multi-princess cake is from Epcot. It definitely, indisuputably is an Epcot crown.
I don't know when the cake with the crown was made, but Rapunzel in _Tangled_ had a crown with rubies in it - but it was shaped a bit differently. It was a major part of the plot, in fact, since the crown was stolen by the hero.
@MariaTeresa If you look at the Snow White music box cake all seven are there... Dopey is winding up the music box key. :)
All these cakes are beautiful. I'm jealous of the five and six year olds that got to eat them. lol
For me, the MOUSE on the carriage really (ahem) takes the cake. Isn't he the cutest darned thing?
Happy Wrecky Week ahead.
Wait, I thought that dress forms DO have necks, don't they?
Yeah, John!
Ooh that disney princess cake is gorgeous...I love the more "concept-y" ones. My first thought was that the crown was Aurora's but I figured one princess wouldn't be over-represented, so I agree it's probably kind of a generic mash-up of all the princesses' crowns. And I wish I had it. I'd totally wear it!
That Princess and the Frog one... wow. The "quilted" layer alone is priceless; all together, the colors, design, and originality are amazing. Bravo to those bakers!
That crown does look like the Evil Queen's from Snow White. I have planted the seed in my 4-year-old's mind for that cake. hehe :)
The crown symbolizes the overall theme of the cake, royalty/princesses. The layers of princesses are so good, but yet it feels awkward...
...like someone took a slice of of each princess, stole a crown, and was going to feed it to a witch. BUT that's just me.
~Aaryn J.
Dude, that 5 year old has one awesome cake. I hope my wedding cake can compete to that. Geez!
Since when would Belle get top billing over the original Disney princess, Snow White?
The bottom layer is most definitely Snow White, red bow and all.
Check out that Little Mermaid cake! See, cupcakes aren't evil by nature, they just tend to turn on people when they're mistreated.
Poking head out from under the table.
That Princess and the Frog cake has to be the prettiest thing I've ever seen! Wow!
Now I'm going back to hide from the Epcot!
Jen you can make your own Snow White crown. http://family.go.com/disney/pkg-disney-crafts/craft-598551-snow-white-crown-t/
My faith in airbrushing has been restored.
As a self-professed Disney-ophile (who should probably seek a 12 step program immediately!) this is my theory. The top of the multi layered princess cake IS the Evil Queen's crown, which would have logically become Snow White's after she fell off the cliff at the end of the movie. Every doll in our house of Snow White (that doesn't have her wearing the red bow) has her wearing a pointed gold crown decorated with a red stone of some sort, so I guess that makes sense. And I guess that would also make the bottom layer Belle, as Snow White's dress isn't ruffled like that anywhere on it.
I was thinking Ursula on the crown as well, and I don't know a thing about princesses. But someone pointed out that hers is sans jewels...
I agree that the last cake is
Belle (yellow ruffles)
Snow White (red bow)
Cinderella (blue)
Arielle (seashells)
Aurora (pink/white)
Jasmine (headdress - some pictures do show her in green)
Maybe the crown is just supposed to be a generic princess crown? Can't seem to find a specific Disney princess that it fits.
(If you enlarge this picture below, Jasmine is definitely in green.)
I think the crown on the last cake looks like the one Snow White's stepmother wears, but of course, doesn't deserve.
The unknown crown actually looks the most like the one the Evil Queen from Snow White wears.
I think the green one is Princess Tiana. Isn't the crown Princess Jasmine? She's one of the main Princess's and hasn't even been mentioned.
They spelled my name wrong on the Ariel cake! It's Kaitlyn, not Caitlyn. Also, I'm not 3--but if we flip the 5 around the right way, we can fudge it to 23...
My guess is the green layer is for Jasmine and they screwed up. Does Jasmine ever wear green? I don't think so. But the design is exact excepting for the non-shiny stone. And the crown topper is most similar to the Evil Queen's except for the rubies.. huh.
The crown on the last cake looks like the evil queen's from Sleeping Beauty. That one and the Princess Peach are my FAVE!
The top tier is definitely Snow White, NOT the evil queen's crown. If you look up "Snow White's Crown" in Google, you can see that her red bow is replaced by a pointy gold tiara with red stones.
The next tier is definitely Tiana. I've never seen Jasmine get included in the "Disney Princess" line up, and that is green, not aqua!
The obvious ones are left: Aurora, Cinderella, Ariel, and Belle.
Jasmine always gets included in the princess line up. As mom of 2 girls, I get inundated with princess crap. That top green tier is definitely Jasmine. That's her headband.
The crown is the evil stepmother's in Snow White!
The crown on top looks like the evil stepmother's in Snow White!
I refuse to like any of the Aurora ones. Her dress is the wrong darn color!
yup do agreed with Dragon on Aurora dress color. Nevertheless these photos do bring me back to my childhood memories :) thanks for the good job.
At the end when Snow White trades in her red bow for her crown it looks alot like that one. not the evil queen's.
Actually I thought the crown was Queen Malificent's from Snow Wite. I don't quite recognize the green top layer with the sash, is that supposed to represent a Dwarf?
Another gorgeous series of cakes for a Sunday. I do love Sunday Sweets!
I was never into princesses, when I was five or... um, let's just say "five-plus". But I agree with @Craig-- I want a cake like this for my next birthday. So, in order to increase the odds, I now declare myself FIVE! (going on 40?).
That airbrushing, wow! The decorator is a real artist. I guess the cakes pay for the acrylics/oils/watercolour supplies? Because that person needs to work in some permanent (and less tasty) media too!
And Tinkerbell's house is just stunning. The work and detail are gorgeous. Paige/Ariel is lovely-- I agree, that's how cupcakes should be presented! And the two-bite size is brilliant for little kids.
I'm not sure how that cute mini-cake fits in with the theme, but it's lovely. (And dress forms do have shoulders and necks, for fitting of collared garments, but I agree this version with the lovely portrait neckline works sooooo much better for cake!). As a sewer, I particularly appreciated that one :)
The last cake's nice (and even *I* know the bottom layer is Belle, in the final scene, dancing on the beautiful marble floor), but it's a bit too vague for my taste since there's debate even here about which layer represents which princess. Although, I concede that it does take a lot of talent to do each of those layers that well, and have a cake that colourful and busy and still look good!
John's Googling of Disney princesses-- love that!
And wow, that's an awesome tally for the donations. Which reminds me, I forgot to make mine... off to get the ol' credit card...
WV "readise". What one has to do in order to figure out what the inscriptions on Cake Wrecks says. Except for on Sundays :) (Cross between "read" and "surmise")
I liked the cake with blue-brown-orange girls the most. Beautiful!
I wonder if there are any Mulan or Pocahontas...they're like semi-princesses or something, often included with them but not technical princesses. And now we have Tangled...can't wait to see what it inspires.
I don't like that Kiara seems to get left out all the time...she wasn't human but she was still a princess.
Oh, the Tiana cake is BEAUTIFUL. The theme fits so well with the film, with the water lily sand cat tails.
I think the top crown is supposed to be Belle's(sorry if I spelled that wrong) crown from beauty and the beast
The crown looks the most like Princess Aurora's (sleeping beauty) to me! Hers is gold with rubies on the 50th anniversary cover and I instantly recognized it, although it's a little different.
I want all those cakes. So pretty. I would put them behind glass and keep them pretty lol. Just like I suspect half these bakeries do with some display cakes that they use year after year..
Okay so I guess I will clear this up,the Princesses from top to bottom are-
Snow White
The crown is your everyday run of the mill crown, it doesn't represent any particular princess ,just added it as a cute topper.
Jasmines tier was made using Turquoise colored fondant.
When compared to Ariel's tier it is clearly not just *green*. Making her tier darker balanced out the cake and kept it from looking too pastel and washed out.
That's the beauty of my job, I get to be creative and switch things up when I want too, it's awesome.
So there you have it, the mystery of the Princess cake is solved.
Thank you for posting it on Sunday Sweets ,and thank you all for the lovely comments makes me feel all famous and stuff :)
Jessica aka It's A Piece Of Cake
the crown on the last cake looks kind of like the one the evil queen (from snow white) wears...
I had to look twice...isn't the little mermaid cake technically a *cupcake* cake?
I'm SO not a Disney chick, but I love the Fairies, and that cake ROCKS. I also love the Princess and the Frog one...too cute!
Love, Love, Love Tink's cottage! Too pretty to eat!
I agree with Jessica-Its a piece of Cake. That was the exact order I thought which caused me to say "Hey, where the hell is Belle?" Belle and Jasmine were always my favs. Other princesses that seem to be forgot are Pocahantas (her dad was chief) and Nahla! So what if she was a lion, she was still a princess!
I want it!!!
THANK YOU Jessica for clearing that up! :) it was kinda making us all a little crazy. Your cake is BEAUTIFUL and I wish I wasn't all the way in Alaska for the next 4 years so I could have one similar to it. Maybe the Air Force will send us closer to civilization next time? :)
The crown in the last one is the crown of the evil queen from Snowwhite
I love the ladys reflection in the first picture lol. Priceless
Thanks so much for including our Princess Peach cake in your collection! Those gems you see on the cake are actually hard candy that we made ourselves. (Visit our site for free tutorial!)
they left out jasmine! she is my favorite disney princess!
I'm envious of anyone who receives one of these cakes, but most of all I'm envious of Jane Asher. Not only does she get to make fabulously gorgeous cakes, but she got to date Paul McCartney when he was the Cute Beatle! Sigh...
There are 10 official Disney Princesses. Mental_Floss even did a quiz based on it. I could only come up with 9 on my own, but my 3 year-old niece helped me with the last one. http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/74744
I'm going to join the other posters in pointing out that dress forms do have necks. That one looks like a homemade pincushion- a cardboard cutout bodice and a gathered "skirt" over something round. It doesn't look one jot like it's on a dress form.
the green dress near the top is Tina and the crown reminds me of Malifisant from sleeping breuty, but I think its ment to remind us their all princesses.
Peg: yellow= snow-white
bule = cinderalla
pink aura ( sleeping beauty)
green Tina ...I think
I love these cakes!
I think the crown is an all-purpose crown to top off all the layers of princesses.
Absolutely love that forest scene.
I feel the need to point out that the Little Mermaid might, just might, be a CCC cake. However, all in all, this post made we want to thoroughly squee. Awesome.
Oh, and I think the top of the last one is crown of the Queen from Snow White, though I'm sure 1400 people have already said that by now...
Could the green tier on the last cake be Mulan?
She was in the Princess club for a while, and she was the first one I thought of when I saw that color green.
I think the crown is Snow White's step mothers.... the evil one that wears all purple. Thats Snow White, right??
As a Disney junkie from way back i think I'm write in saying the tiers from bottom to top are
Beauty and the Beast (Belle)
The Little Mermaid
Sleeping Beauty
Aladdin (Princess Jasmine)
ad the crown is from Snow White
I know I am late on this, but do you remember when Princess Peach was originally called Princess Daisy Toadstool? Now it seems they've made Daisy her sister or cousin or whatever she is.
Whats really sad is that a couple of weeks ago disney released a statement that they will be taking an indefinite break from princess movies because little girls are no longer wanting to be princesses.
Hey Jen & John--judging by the number of folks who still continued to "tell" us what the cake layers on the last cake were, EVEN AFTER THE BAKER TOLD US HERSELF WHAT EACH ONE REPRESENTED, perhaps an update added underneath that cake photo would be a good idea....
Belle (or) Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine and Evil Queen or snow white?
Snow White has rubies on her crown here... and the points look like her wicked step mother... so a combo perhaps?
Oops didn't see the baker's post, I concur it should be posted as an update so I don't put my foot in my mouth again LOL
The crown is from Snow White. It's worn by the evil queen
That is really beautiful style to be thought about for a cake...
i think the green crown is for tiana.