Wednesday, June 2, 2010
We...... Need Your Help!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
We've been tweaking some things here on the site recently in an attempt to improve load time and reduce glitches, but we're afraid this tweaking may have angered the tiki gods/gremlins/Blogger bogeys. And since every web browser presents a whole new fun set of complications, testing them all out is difficult.
That's where you come in.
Please, tell us in the comments if you had any problems loading, viewing or interacting with the site today. (This includes any RSS feed wonkiness.) In addition, if you don't mind, please let us know if your virus software or filters are blocking the site or any of the pictures. And remember, this is for posterity so, be honest.
Thanks, everyone!
Update: There are no images on this post and the link at the bottom of this post for Help for Haiti should not have an image either.
'Nother Update: Hey, Internet Explorer users! First of all, you really should be using a different browser. [grin] However, we know you don't all have a choice in the matter, so we're still working on getting all the IE kinks worked out. We'll update again when we've made more progress, but please be patient (and maybe try Firefox) in the mean time. Thanks!
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Wreck the Halls
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
- Fan Faves
- The Classics
The Classics
Praise for the Book
- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” —
- “Hysterically funny!”—
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
What the fans are saying
- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
Where's the book?
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
Ordering Info
Payments must be made through Paypal, which accepts all major credit cards. Sorry, but that means no checks or MOs or barter-based chickens.
We ship everything first class USPS, and will do our best to have your package in the mail within 2 days of your order.
Popular This Month
Popular This Month
- Tour Roundup: San Diego
- What's THAT Supposed to Mean?
- Tour Roundup: Pasadena, CA
- Royal Wrecks
- Operation Cake Evasion
- Sunday Sweets: Tour Edition
- Sweet N' Salty
- News Bites!
- Close Enough
- Tempe Treats
- Crazy Genes
- Father Figures?
- How We Made Dad Feel Special. Or Just Uncomfortable.
- Sweets For Dad
- Important Update for San Diego/La Jolla
- Wreckies Of The Month
- Let's Just Stick with "Happy Falker Satherhood"
- Flip Flops (Hey, Look, a Built-In Pun!)
- Our World Cup Overfloweth
- Audio Comprehension in Jeopardy
- Just Beachy
- Sunday Sweets: Inspiration
- We Learned Good!
- Rear View Wreckage
- Reminders, Updates, & FAQs
- Sullen Sully
- News Bites
- If the Shoe Fits...
- Sunday Sweets: Gamer Goodness
- My Thai Font
- Wreckage in its Proper Form
- Nothing To See Here
- We...... Need Your Help!
- Evolution of a Wreck
371 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 371 Newer› Newest»Well, the we... need your help post showed up @ 11 pm on my Google RSS feed. I saw the post from Tuesday earlier and it came up fine on the same feed on my droid.
I'm on a Macbook Pro with Safari and have had no problems at all ever with this site. I'll let you know if that changes.
All looks good in Google Chrome with Vipre Antivirus/Firewall...stuff.
(Two movie references in one short post - excellent coverage!)
On a Mac using Firefox...looking good!
The site looks fine for me running a nightly build of Chromium. You should check out browsershots. It is a very neat tool that takes a bunch of screenshots of your site on different browsers and OSs.
That Princess Bride reference was a bit slow to load for me. But that's more of a user problem than a tech problem.
The site took a wee bit longer than usual to load on Firefox..but then again that could just be my internet connection.
Like the new CW billboard!
Macbook with Safari, everything looks great. RSS working too. Love this site!
Browser: Firefox
System: XP
Looks good to me. Loaded quickly and no problems.
Using Firefox on a Mac here; reading from China, and using Google's RSS feed.
No problems, but most blogger blog don't show up in China (a lot of us foreigners use tunnels to 'break' through the Great Firewall). Without my tunnel, your RSS entries come up as text with no pictures, the blog itself is totally inaccessible.
However, through the tunnel, no problems!
Im using firefox on an HP laptop and have never had any problems :)
I can't remember ever having a problem on your site.
This posted on my Google RSS feed at 10:45pm. I'm using Firefox with Norton360.
Running Chrome on Windows XP and everything looks great!
we have windows vista, and use internet explorer. your post showed up in my blog list (right here on blogger), and everything looks/loaded totally fine. <3
Looks fine to me! I'm on a PC, using Firefox and Norton antivirus software. And in Uganda (for now)!
I could see this post in my Google reader too!
HP laptop with Windows 7, using firefox. Everything appears to be in working order.
I've never had a problem with the site before now, but today it was very slow to load (the last time I checked - the memorial day post - was fine). I'm using IE7 - don't hurt me, I'm at work and I don't have a choice of browser! But yes, slow to load, and slow scrolling even after it loaded.
Macbook Pro running Chrome. Took a little longer than usual to load but no actual problems.
Post showed up for me around 11 on RSS for me as well. Went to the site using Chrome and had no problems with the front page or with the historical content. Can't wait to see you in La Jolla!
Using Firefox on Windows XP (laptop) and viewing via Google Reader. Everything looks great.
I'm using Windows 7 and Google Chrome (latest version), and Google Reader on my homepage.
It all looks fine.
I do find the white text on blue less easy to read than black on white but that's just a personal preference. It all loads fine.
Working with Firefox on Windows XP. Site looks good!
Posts come up fine on my rss as well (Google Reader)
Keep up the fantastic work!
(and do a european tour sometime....please??)
Just got notice of this post to my Google reading list. Nothing's been wonky at all for me. I'm using Google Chrome & Windows Vista.
I use Firefox and view your site primarily through Google Reader. I've never had a problem viewing your posts(thank goodness).
Just a quick note, I wanted to say thank you for making your full posts available on RSS. A lot of sites make you click through to their website. Sometimes that's just not optimal, say when you're using your phone to read stuff. Anyhow, thanks for the laughs and keep on being awesome!
Mine has been ok and I use a PC with Firefox and a Macbook pro with Firefox and with Safari. Thanks for the great stuff!
I've had some issues. All cake pictures look really really ugly.
I'm runnin windows on a laptop with okay internet and Chrome and its lookin' good!
No problems in Europe -- Yahoo RSS feed was fine, page loaded normally.
Running Firefox on XP with AVG.
Looks great on Google Reader in Firefox at my work PC and my home Mac. Thanks for brightening my day!
Mac OSX, Firefox, loaded way faster than usual and I wondered why. Read the post and knew why. Yeah!!
My faves on this site are the before and afters: what it was supposed to be and what was delivered. After that are the ones were it looks decent, readable, not too much flotsam, but is inherently wrong, like "one number dad." So you could deliver them and be really proud of your work, and get lots of exasperated looks and not know why.
Win cakes are also cool. Down with purses and shoes though. They are boring.
I'm on Mozilla Firefox and reading this overseas--and our national Internet company is suffering crazy-slow run times right now--but this thing is loading faster than I've ever seen it, and all the pix check out fine. Also getting the RSS as usual. So, awesome! Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!
No troubles. Firefox 3.5.9, Linux Ubuntu, here from a feed which showed up obviously considerably later than some, but no slowness, everything loads fine.
I used Chrome and had absolutely no problems.
I didn't have problems with either Safari or Firefox (on a Mac). Looks good!
Ahem. That said, I didn't have any issues. I'm running Windows Vista and using Firefox 3.0.19, had no issues with the site loading, my RSS feed showed up fine, and my adblockers/virus scanners/etc don't seem to be having any issues.
on windows xp using firefox and this was the fastest this site has ever loaded! yay!!
Windows XP, Firefox, Google Reader (4pm) on a Toshi laptop in Sydney Australia. Not an issue to be had!
Microsoft windows XP, Firefox, RSS feed in bookmark toolbar, A Okay.
The only issue I had was a couple days ago when all of my RSS feeds suddenly showed up as unread.
I'm a PC with Vista and IE8 -- no probs whatsoever.
I'm not sure when/if you recently changed the font of your "Cake Wrecks" header, but I jut noticed that it sort of looks like it's made from a CCC (ptooey!).
Not sure if it was inentional or not :-)
LOVE your site, btw!
First time I loaded the page, it didn't show any posts. So then I refreshed and they were there. Using IE and running windows vista.
Firefox is working great for me today!
In fact, I'd begun to assume the strange new formatting for the comment boxes that was displaying was intentional... >_>
Bonus cookies for the PB reference. That's one of my favorites. :)
Using Firefox, the site took forever to load! But at least it loaded this time :)
No trouble loading on either Google Reader or straight from Blogger via Firefox.
I'm on a MacBook, using Firefox 3.6., and Google Reader to access my blog feeds -- no problems here.
Using Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows Vista. On Sunday and Monday morning when I checked the site I couldn't see any of the old comments, but I thought it was a blogspot problem rather than a browser problem (did you guys just get your own domain or something?) But the comments all came back and everything seems fine now.
I'm on Firefox and Windows 7.
There's a very large space on the left of the posts - if the individual post "squares" should align with the header, they don't.
Good luck with the updates!
Everything OK using Google Reader and Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7 (i do admit I have Adblock Plus installed, so no ads for me).
Great loading time btw!
PS: my wv is "ingst" and there's no cake in this post :( well, maybe that's a good thing, still not sure if i'd dare try eating a wreck :D
Sitting i Denmark with Opera and Avira AntiVir - no problems what so ever :-D
My RSS was fine. No issues with Safari on my Macbook Pro.
Vista with Firefox and Ad Blocker Plus. No issues ever. No issues now. Shows up in my feed like clockwork - much more reliably than other sites in my feed!
I am running almost exactly the same configuration at work but have a much slower load time there due to a MUCH slower connection.
I suspect if people are complaining about load time, it is more to do with their connection than their browser.
Definitely faster to load in IE8. But, will the images stay cached, that's the question. In the previous version it seemed like the background and logo had to download every time. I don't know how much control you have over the settings for file caching times on the blog system, but generally stuff like CSS and background images should be set to live for at least a month (unless you are playing with it actively). Not having to re-download all those file improves page load dramatically. And, resize your images...
Looks Good! I use Google Chrome on a PC with Windows 7 and I did notice the page took slightly longer than usual to load, but still not bad. The only picture not displayed was the "Help for Haiti" one.
Read the post on Bloglines just fine. I'm using Firefox and running Windows XP. All looking good!
No problems here on my Mac running with Firefox.
At home... everything is good (Safari on Mac)... I used to go on the site at the job (yes I admit it) but there, big problem. No pictures to be seen and a big white line form top to bottom of the page. Using Windows XP and Internet Explorer. However, they do have WebSense... a software that can block the pages that you can view.
I use Google Chrome. Everything looks good, except the picture associated with the "Help for Haiti" box didn't appear.
Don't see a picture in Help for Haiti box, but other than that, no problems at 5:35am CDT. Took less time to download on IE with Windows XP, but that's because traffic is light at this hour. Only me and the cat up in my neighborhood.
I had to reload the page twice and I'm using Google Chrome on Windows Vista. The error message was that there were too many redirects and I should clear cookies or something. (I want cake, not cookies) Anyway, after a few times reloading it was working just fine.
wv: ooppi
I've never had any problems with the site, although the titles of the posts have been coming up slowly for the past week or so.
Today loaded faster than I've ever seen it, so you seem to have it right.
I'm on a Windows XP desktop and my browser is Opera.
No problems for me, using Firefox on a PC.
Oh, forgot to mention I read your site via Google reader.
Everything loaded just fine for me.
Using firefox on a HP with AVG Free antivirus.
The post came through fine to Google Reader and your page mostly looks OK. Any weirdness is due to the fact that I run NoScript and AdBlock (and you have a LOT of scripts on your site). cake wreck pics showed up! Just kidding.
It appeared fine in my google reader. I clicked the header to open the actual blog, and the page didn't load the first time (just the blue background, nothing else). Refreshing the page brought it up right away after that. Using IE7.
Using Firefox w/ Vista here and have no problems. Showed up in RSS feed this morning just fine and loaded w/ no issues.
Windows XP; desktop; firefox - works fine.
Windows 7; laptop; firefox - works fine.
Looks great on Safari...and I love the Princess Bride quote. :)
- Cara
Firefox running under Windows 7 reports all looks good.
Nice Princess Bride reference, too.
Seems fine to me, unless there's supposed to be a background image. All I see is blue.
Your post showed up fine in my Google Reader feed and is rendering fine directly on the Cake Wrecks Blogger site, as well. I'm on a Macbook running Firefox with the AdBlock plugin.
On a Macbook using Safari, and took about 15 seconds to load - seems about right. First visit to the new page the top ad loaded with a float-left, but a refresh brought it to centre.
It looks a bit odd with the solid background at the top though I'm not sure you can do anything about it?
Props for the PB reference :) and the revamped logo.
IE 7/Windows 64-bit Vista/FiOS
Slow page loading today.
Viewed on PC, IE8, Windows XP Pro and latest version of Norton - has loaded ok.
Windows XP with Explorer 8, no probs so far, just that with so many images, it does take a little longer to load but thats the way it is with a lot of graphically based sites in my experience!
All good here! Love this blog - I check it everyday!
Works good in FireFox on WinXP at work and FireFox on MacOSX at home. I like the clean design!
I see everything just fine. I'm using Firefox (newest version) and Webroot Antivirus.
The feed to LiveJournal is not pulling the pictures through but I can come directely to the site and they load up fine.
PC with Firefox, Working Great!
Amaya 10.0 on WinXP totally bugged out complaining of invalid code (line 5, character 245 to be precise) and wouldn't load the site. But FF, Chrome, IE, Safari on WinXP all look fine.
Everything looks fine on my PC using Google Chrome.
All good on pc windows explorer and mac safari.
That last line came from princess bride when six fingered man was torturing the man in black!
Please tell me the title of this post is a Galaxy Quest reference ... I LOVE that movie!
Works great on IE7 on a PC running Windows XP 2002, and came in fine on my RSS feed in Outlook 2007.
No problems here. Lookin' good!
(also, princess bride quote FTW)
On Windows Vista with Google Chrome, your blog popped up quite nicely this morning when I was clicking through my Google Reader pages.
I'm so glad this isn't a kissing blog.
On a Mac using Chrome and it all looks great so far!
I'm on a PC running Windows XP. I'm using Internet Explorer and McAfee. The page loaded up pretty quick for me with no problems at all. It did ask if I wanted to display only secure items, which it has never done on your site before, but that's not a big deal.
The main "Cake Wrecks" logo did not not appear, just the blue background and carrot jockeys. Several cake images were missing too. All of these images later appeared after reloading the page. (Firefox 3.6.3 Windows XP)
Looks great in Chromium on Ubuntu Linux....
I'm on a Dell Latitude with Cisco NAC Agent using Chrome and had no problems. I'm glad I braved the fire swamp and the to give you my feedback for posterity.
On the computer at school, windows XP and internet explorer (bleh) It's scrolling funny (freezing and then flashing) until I get down to the comments, where it's fine.
no problems here. i have windows7. it actually seemed to load faster, but maybe that's because there were no pictures today (?)
Hi Jen! Like all the comments, it shows great in Firefox 3 / Windows.
My only concern is the color lime green with the white link text. It is very hard to read. Maybe a black text (or the gray you used?) would be more appropriate. Lime green color is always a tricky one, with the yellow and orange color...
And look out for your copyright (the year) at the bottom!
And since I'm a professional webmaster, I am permitting myself to say that, since I know what I'm talking about... :P
Personnal opinion: I prefer the darker blue you used for your background; though I consider myself "young", is was easier for my eyes with the dark blue... But maybe I'm just not use to it yet!
I know it is really a pain to adjust a website for all browsers, so to you, congratulations for the hard work!
Here is a tool I always use now, to test in different browsers:
Hope it helps you too!
Thank you for the delight you bring me, every day, with your fabulous posts!
on a mac with loaded faster today than I think it ever has, almost instant.
Using Firefox, had a problem at first - blank page and error message but after a reload everything is fine :)
No problems with rss feed here. The site took a little while to load. I'm not sure if that's the site or my craptastic internet connection at work. I'm on a PC using Firefox through Windows XP.
No problems with this post on the site or in Google Reader. For the record, I haven't experienced any problems at all even before the changes.
I am using a dell laptop and google chrome browser. I haven't ever had a problem loading your site. Just thought you would like to know :)
yay for speed! I am running firefox and the only thing i noticed (maybe because i have a bigger screen?) is that the ad bar at the top of the page is left justified and the rest of the content is centered.
other than that - all looks good :)
I am using a dell laptop and google chrome browser. I haven't ever had a problem loading your site. Just thought you would like to know :)
RSS feed posted in Outlook just fine. IE8 displayed the web page OK, but after notifying me that you wanted to save a cookie (I have notifications on). Anyone who is blocking cookies might have a problem, or might have to change their settings for this site.
it seems to be working just fine on the site and my RSS feed :) and i totally got a laugh out of the princess bride reference at the end!! thanks!
Loaded faster today on my PC, but maybe that's because there were no pictures to load. Usually takes a little longer with photos.
correction! it was only left justified when i clicked over from the RSS feed (which was fine, btw!) not sure why... but when i clicked back to the site after posting my comment it was fine.
soooo maybe ignore me? :)
I'm using a Dell with a reeeaaaalllly old version of Internet Explorer and I had zero problems. Actually, the pictures and stuff seemed to load faster than before. Loved the Princess Bride reference!
No problem loading today. I am on a Macbook Pro and use firefox....
Windows 7 Firefox.
Bad person that runs adblockplus ad on because I've had some sites that get ads that don't load properly and the only way to use the site is to block the ads (and prevents a few scammy ads that want to install spyware from getting to me). Anyway
Starts loading with the normal blue background than goes to all white and badly formated (things not in the right place)
Turned AdBlockerPlus on and off and didn't matter. Still got the bad format with white background
*reluctantly opens internet explorer*
Looks fine in there. IE8 I think.
Everything looks just fine and dandy for me on Google Chrome. No problems with the site or the RSS feed.
Mostly great (Win7, IE8)...but the "Classics" tab was blank. Plenty of Fan Faves though.
That blue box behind the posts and such doesn't load fully. Internet Explorer... I'll double check Firefox later. Other than that, everything's fine.
worked fine on my pc laptop using Firefox. Also showed up just fine on Google Reader.
While I can see the blog elements and posts, what I can't see are any of your ads.
I am running a Windows XP (SP3) machine and use Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
We're good. Plain ol' dino computer, firefox something or another ip, that's all. Did you have any pictures on the post today? I didn't see any, but it didn't seem that you had any.
Seems like I might be the only one with problems.... so it could very well mean they are on my end. A few images have not been rendering on reader or your actual blog. I use Google reader, and chrome on Windows 7. The third image on your memorial day post will not show, other than that, it looks all good at the moment.
Nope. I'm using Opera and reading the site through Google Reader, and I haven't had any problems.
Using Vista and FireFox - no problems here! :)
working just fine.
wv: obelli - what one says after eating an underdone cake with salmonella eggs.
I don't seem to be having any issues with FF 3.5.9 or IE8.
I had no problems at all this morning - everything looks great!
Everything's looking good on both my computers. (windows computer running Chrome/macbook running safari).
PC: Firefox, Google Reader.
I'm running Firefox on a PC... no problems here.
Pictures? There are pictures on this site???
Using IE with XP--seemed to load faster. Or, I'm not as drunk as usual...
Now I'm not complaining, but I clicked on Cake Wrecks and then went on to another site, as I usually have to wait a while for it to load. So, when I read your note, I went to another window, and clicked on Cake Wrecks and it DID load faster than usual. Used Explorer browser on an HP Gateway computer.
On a Mac and using Safari, and it is working great! In fact, the page came up MUCH faster than it normally does. I tried past CW pages, and they came up lightning fast as well.
Using Firefox on my PC and had no problems seeing the post in my Google Reader. The pictures on the "Evolution of a wreck" took a while to load, but to be honest, they've always taken a while to load, so I noticed nothing strange. I figured it was my computer.
WV: berses
as in Cake Wrecks berses wonky-ness?? Which I suppose might be easier to fight than, say, Wonka-ness.
Looks good here- I'm on a PC using Windows 7 & Google Chrome
I've had no problems. No virus software issues or even load time issues. Everything works fine here, using a PC with Windows 7.
i have no idea what type of computer im using but its working fine!! I think it might be windows...?
Using google chrome here in England and you're great. I have never had any problems with your site and never commented before so thanks for always making me smile!
The site's mega-slow on IE 7.0.5730.13 using Win XP 5.1.2600 SP2 Build 2600
It seems to load the header, pause, load the post, pause, load the "What's a Wreck," "Fan Faves," etc on the right side, then load the Search bar on the right. Scrolling is very unresponsive.
Probably more info that you need or wanted, but you never know. :)
I'm using a MacBook Pro with Safari. Loaded the site twice with identical results. Loaded much faster than usual., but no photo with Help for Haiti.
Viewing with Sarari on an iTouch. Everything is great!
WinXP, Firefox, running NoScript (cakewrecks is allowed), AdBlock and virus checks I'm sure I don't know about.
The site loads fine, my only change is that the epbot and title page that used to be in the right frame, are now all the way at the bottom of the page. Perhaps this is a NoScript issue, I shall investigate.
i'm on a macbook using firefox and everything looks great!
Using a MacBook Pro and Firefox, never had a single issue viewing your site.
Nice Princess Bride reference.
Anyone want a peanut?
I m fine - using Safari on my mac, looking at it both on the main google reader page and using the reader button that takes you to new entries. It came up quick and easy there. I have had problems loading on my iphone before, but i can't check that right now!
Hey Guys! I'm running Windows XP, and on the latest Firefox everything looks great.
Here at work, we still have to use IE6 due to an online application (I know, IE6 is a million years old) but in IE6 the carrot jockeys are messed up. I took a screen shot at
1. LOVE the Princess Bride reference.
2. I can't see the middle picture.
problems. read this everyday through google reader.
About half the time the pics don't want to load, but that could be my internet connection.
I love the new site. I'm on a Sun Ultra60 (dual 450MHz) running Solaris 10 using Firefox 3. The RSS feed was fine and the page loaded in a flash. It was a HUGE improvement over the old one.
No filters, 1024x786x32bpp, GNOME Desktop. Internet accessed over 13MBit cable modem connection. Greasemonkey installed with the Browse Like a Pirate script enabled.
All cool in Chrome, and your RSS feed is showing up fine on my LJ Friends page! Way to go!! *thumbs up*
No problems here. Work at a hospital with tons of security blocks and gadgets and you are coming through perfectly.
No problems here.
Looks good here, Firefox for windows.
Oh wait... there was a question?
Google Chrome - no problems.
No problem for me on Google Chrome & McAfee antivirus.
Im on a Dell using Google chrome, everything is perfect :D
Im using firefox on a mac and there is no image for the Haiti link.
And there were no wrecks on my post!! But maybe that was the case for everyone!
Looking good for me with the web version on Firefox and with my new RSS feed in Google Reader (thanks for the idea!). Running AVG Free edition for the Antivirus, and ZoneAlarm for the firewall.
Can't see an image for "Help for Haiti" (with Foxfire).
Using Mac OS 10.4.11
In Safari 4.0.3, the posts look fine but comments don't work.
In Firefox, comments work (yay!) but the little Help for Haiti picture under one of the posts doesn't show up.
Happy technomutation!
Nope. No wonkiness here. I guess it's because Windows 7 was my idea.
Thanks, Zachary! I was having trouble placing it (been a few years since I've seen the movie).
I'm using IE 7 on Windows 98, and had no difficulty loading today. A few weeks ago, I had to install firefox on one of the computers because IE7 "couldn't display the page," but that's been fixed for a while now.
Yes, cakewrecks is important enough to install an alternate browser. :)
nope, no unusual problems! working on a 7 year old Dell thru dial-up AOL and Blogger. i think with that combo if you had problems I'd know it, LOL
The site seems to load just fine, but I haven't seen your most recent post in my reader yet. I'm using Firefox & google reader.
I have Norton anti-virus, & it didn't pop-up, but I had to re-load the site 4 or 5 times before the whole page would load, instead of just the title. My computer is a Dell.
I'm running IE8 on Windows 7 and haven't been able to see the pictures on the blog for a week or so (they just show up as white boxes). The text shows up fine.
Earlier I was on my iPhone, and the site looked fine, now I'm on a Mac with Firefox, and everything's fine... and funny!
Yay! Princess Bride reference!
I view on the LJ feed and the pic at the bottom is almost always a little red X. I use IE.
Canadagirl on LJ
No problems-just wanted to say I loved the Princess Bride reference. :)
The site came through quickly and all pictures except the helpfor haiti appear to have functioned correctly. The lower ad box on the left was a little quirky and required a click to see. Those advertising types outsmarted me!
I'm using Firefox 3.6.3 (on Windows 7) and it's working perfectly. I use Firefox for RSS feeds, as well. The latest post was there when I logged in this morning and I was able to view it without issue, images included.
Site worked perfectly @ 10:00 am EST. :)
Windows 7, Firefox 3.6.3 -- no wonkiness either at the site or in Google Reader. And props on the Princess Bride reference!
I'm on an HP with Windows XP using Firefox. I use BeSecure firewall/security software. It blocked something from u-tube, but otherwise all was well. It is a pretty strict "morality" blocker.
I'm using Google Chrome with a couple of ad-blockers. Nothing seems to be blocked or wonky from my end, but I'll keep an eye out for the gremlins. ^_^
Everything looks okay with Google Chrome, except the advertisement banner is off-center. It doesn't look like it's intentional.
Windows XP, using FireFox with AdBlock+ addon.
The site shows up fine for me.
Did you remove the link to your Epbot blog? It's not there anymore for me.
My RSS feed usually has trouble loading the pictures from your posts, but that last one worked great! All the pictures loaded in my RSS feed the first time.
Works great on Firefox here.
Also, I always love any Princess Bride reference.
X<3 Dread Pirate Robyn
co-President Southern Illinois Roller Girls
I can see the posts just fine and it seemed to load faster today, could be the lack of photos, then usual.
I viewed this page on Firefox 3.6.3 via Windows XP; read first on Google's RSS feed. All seems well on my end of the world.
When I opened Cake Wrecks this morning it seemed much faster than it has been, so that was nice! Thanks! I use Internet Explorer - the newest on a PC.
using Firefox on my mackbook with No Scripts and it all looks fine.
no problems for me at home or at work - Windows, IE. In fact, it seemed a little faster the last day or two.
et in CA
I use a Mac Book Pro, read CW on Firefox using Google Reader. No problems, ever.
I've always had to hit refresh on this page. Not just now, but always. The advertising loads first, then the banner, then the content. Sadly, the content doesn't load fully or at all. Thus the refresh. It's like going to a site just to look at the ads (which is NOT why people come here).
Oh, sorry. I'm using the Firefox 3.5.9 over the university's LAN. I'm cabled in, not wireless.
I'm using Firefox under Windows 7 64-bit with NoScript and Adblock Plus. There don't seem to be any problems and as far as I can tell all the pictures are displaying for me.
Page loaded VERY slow.
And yes, Trend Micro corporate blocked the adstream_jx.js from and
Hate to be the dissenter here, but I can't click on the "More! More! More!" to see what's below the fold.
I'm on a PC, using Google Chrome. I'll go check in on Firefox and see if its the same.
I'm viewing the site using Windows 7 and I have Norton antivirus. I do not have any problems viewing the site (and I have never had any problems). The site does load a little slowly but I always figured that was from all the pictures.
I'm on an old Toshiba, using Windows 7, using Google Chrome, and we're all fine here.
i use a mac with safari browser and occasionally the page will load only the top cakewreks banner and no content whatsoever, usually if i refresh a few times the problem resolves itself
The site has always loaded a little slow for me but I think that's because of my craptastic computer. I had a problem for a moment with the image of the snowmen things but I scrolled up and then back down and it was fine.
Totally fine - RSS feed and live and in person too.
On a MacBook Pro and using Safari. No issues with viruses and weird filters and things like those other people!
And the site pops up fine, always.
Though there was no Haiti thing on the RSS feed - it was a Bahamas telephone special rate, and a graphic.
Use MacBook with Safari for the site, never any problems. Sometimes the RSS feed (in Apple Mail) loads without pics, but can't tell today .
I'm on my workplace computer which has a pretty serious firewall, and I first read this entry through RSS on livejournal, and when I went to the actual blog site it didn't load up properly and it was unusually slow.
AND the text block with your actual entry in it showed up as white font on white background, theerfore it was unreadable unless I used the select tool to highlight the words.
Good luck with it!
running Firefox on Vista and all looks good here!
Google Reader: no wonkiness (the similar posts don't show up in feed, but they never have, AFAIR)
Windows XP using Firefox: all looks normal.
Firefox on a MAC...and have NEVER had an issue (other than laughing so hard that coffee came out of my nose, once.)
Looks fine to me. I'm using FireFox (with AdBlock Plus) in XP, with a corporate firewall and antivirus. I use Google Reader and that showed up normally for me as well.
(Yes, I'm reading from work. But I *am* the IT person, so I don't think I'll get in trouble for it.)
I use Chrome on a Mac and I had absolutely no issues with it or my Google Reader (RSS feed) that alerted me to the post :)
I have visited this site daily for a long while now, but have never posted a comment, so I thought I'd let you guys know that I am a FireFox user with AdBlock Plus, and the site is working fine on my end! =)
Keep up the great wreckage reports! I love this site.
I'm using Mozilla Firefox Yahoo! Edition, version 3.6.3, and everything is working fine for me. It looked good in the Google Reader feed as well.
On a PC with Chrome and no problems!