Wreckerators, can we misspell a three letter word?
[rubbing temples] Oh, my head... Maybe we should take a break from these wrecked misspellings and look at some wrecked designs instead.
We should also talk about those long tube thingies, though. I mean, what are they? Garden hoses? Elephant noses? Flagella?
(You must admit: flagella was a pretty good guess.)
I see a cow...with a beaver tail...and a gunshot wound.
I have two things to say about these graduation cookies:

1) This is definitely the most unfortunate alternate spelling/icing color combo I have ever seen.
2) Using "text speak" to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies. STOP IT.
Brooke B. & Amy F., Sarah M., Margo H., Lin C., Nastacia I., & Holly I., Njoy UR sumers!
136 comments | Post a Comment
That icing and spelling combo is unfortunate indeed. :D
Oh. My. Gosh. These are AWESOME. As is your writing, as per usual. I'm having a crappy, stressful day at 9:40 am already. Thanks for a much needed lift to my day.
May Ur DRMS Cum Tru!
On the "Dayn" cake, especially with the cupcakes bump outlines, all I can see are intestines! YUK!!
Please tell me those are mini-donuts (just the CCC gone rogue)! Pleeeeaaase tell me there isn't a baker in the world who feels that is a satisfactory cake shape! If not... if not... then... ALL IS LOST! *on that note, goes back to enjoy "Lost" wrecks*
I think those long things are some kind of curly diploma ... although that begs the question of why there are little paper diplomas on top of them
I'm pretty conviced that number 4 is tape worms. Eww.
Don't make fun of the cookies. They are the traditional celebratory pastry of the Stackapoo tribe, of which I am a member.
That cookie cake almost works if it is for an obedience school class and that's a dog on a red leash - that mysteriously comes out of the center of his body.
But I have no words that can possibly justify that last one!
I almost spewed my coffee on the eclairs or whatever they are. OMG, that icing with that spelling! That's the only one I'm not sending to school with my husband (he teaches gifted 5th graders); they LOVE cake wrecks... it makes 'em feel even smarter.
Wow. Unfortunate is an understatement.
So, erm, I don't know if this makes me old, or mildly prudish, or entirely out of touch (or possibly all of the above), but is 'cum' *really* a commonly used text abbreviation for 'come'? Or is that just wreckerator humor/brain deadedness?
My husband and I are fanatics about using proper spelling and punctuation in our texts, which I guess makes me old. Still in my twenties, and already I'm no longer hip with the lingo.
That last one is great. "Using text-speak to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies" has to be the best one-liner ever. I love it. I also would note that ur is typical text-speak for your, yr is short for year.
Oh, oh, oh.
Celebiation of learnir, indeed.
You have outdone yourself today, Jen.
I think "flagella" is the plural of "flagellum."
Actually, I can't decide whether that CCC is meant to be two segmented worms, or two intestinal sections.
"Happy Sumer!" must have been for someone's Bon Voyage party upon leaving for Sumer (modern Iraq). All the other strange stuff on that cake is a not-very-successful attempt at cuneiform writing.
"You dit it!" is a clever pun celebrating someone's mastery of Morse code, which, when spoken is expressed as "dits" and "dahs," as in "dit dit dit, dah dah dah, dit dit dit," which means, "Send help."
Class of 2010? Yep, cow with a beaver tail and a gunshot wound it is.
As for "MAY YR DRMS CUM TRU GRAD'IO" ... words fail me, as they obviously did that wreckorator.
"Using 'text speak' to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like
celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies. STOP IT." Best. Quote. Ever. I was going to type "Evah", but that didn't seem prudent.
I prefer flagellumses.
(It sounds better if you say it like Gollum)
That first one's from another country, right? Right??
Celebiation of learnir?
oh deer mee
)"thinkk eye ewesd: two 'teech thatt partikulur bakur;(
I don't know if I have ever laughed out loud as much as I did with this one. Yes, I too, saw a cow with a beaver tail and a gunshot wound :-p
Your text speak comparison to SCUBA and drowning puppies was just awesome. Thanks for the smile this morning!
*tears in my eyes*
You probably didn't know, but the "class of 2010 cow with beaver tail" is actually a Woodland style Indian depiction of the life essence of a bear coming out to enliven the world. Like this: http://www.kinsmanrobinson.com/dynamic/images/display/Norval_Morrisseau_Fish_And_Bear_Harmon_876_399.jpg
See the resemblance?
Though I'm sure the idea was "cap and tassel", that sure looks like a black bear ... with a gunshot wound.
wv: mescon
Mescon fused.
No wonder we are in trouble..
They're diplomas, from herpetology school.
I remember when I got my graduation tape worm. Ah, those were the days!
Didn't like the drowning puppies mention.
Other than that, hilarious.
Bwahahaha! Beaver-tailed cows with gunshot wounds. To be perfectly honest, I saw some sort of medical-style diagram at first-- "So instert probe along this path until it reaches the ideal target location, indicated here with a red dot". Not much better...
Fully managed to keep coffee in mouth until heard from Doug of the Stackapoo tribe. Now need screen wipes.
WV: "liablit"
If you graduated despite these spelling deficiencies, I guess your teachers had to liablit.
RE: CW4: I am reminded of the famous "fireman" cake. At least "Congratulations" was spelled correctly.
CW5: I'm thinking the recipient graduated from Ag College?
Re: CW6: ooh, sexual and offensive. Yikes.
OH MY Jen!!! that last comment ALMOST got coffee spewed all over my monitor! (it got on the keyboard way cheaper to replace) thanks for the laugh
That poor mutant cow is getting a surgical instrument inserted wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy up it's -- um -- yeah. Ick
Great captions, as always!
Textspeak is a symbol of the degradation of the English language. It makes me sad.
Cakes with textspeak are somehow even worse.
Love your blog!
To any member of the Stackapoo tribe: are those really chocolate covered NutterButters? 'Cause that ratchets the "Awesomely Bad" factor up to an 11.
wv: wardin The person who runs the the jail for wreckerators who can't spell.
My mother actually used to teach a communications class. I'd occasionally help her grade tests when she had bigger classes. I told her I quit and I "fired" her when she let someone slide who answered a freeform question in text speak.
Flagella! Hah. That has to be the most random guess you've ever made about a cake! (and thus, my favourite! Love it!)
The text speak makes my head and heart hurt just a little bit.
Those aren't diplomas on the worms, those are the mouth pieces for a hookah. Y'know, a little weeding and lighting ...
Which would help explain these wrecks.
LMAO. Oh my. My thought was worms. Graduation worms. Which makes perfect sense, of course.
And there are simply no words needed for the "cum" cookies. Especially given the icing used for the text.
I have GOT to stop looking at this while I'm at work - it's seriously all I can do not to laugh out loud!!!
Yep. That's definitely a cow up there.
"I see a cow...with a beaver tail...and a gunshot wound."
LMAO That's hilarious! and I totally see it! I love Rorschach icing blots.
Meanwhile, maybe Amy is graduating from snake charming school.
are those kidney bean things cookies or conjoined cupcakes?? I thought I saw the edge of a wrapper on the top one...And not to state the obvious, but isn't "cum" a vulgar spelling? Just what are those letters iced with? *GAG* Drms = dreams? are these wet dreams? what kind of dreams are we wishing for this grad to come true? (or is it brad? or bradio? is this really a graduation?) It would be really suggestive if the You Dit It cake "came" after
YR + your? year? yer? text abbreviations should NOT be allowed. Especially since I think your = UR anyway!
wv: seikk This post made me seikk!
Using "text speak" to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies. STOP IT.
Actually, I think the last picture is more accurate than at first glance. A lot of grads probably hope their dreams "cum" true. And dream of it often.
so i guess for that last disaster, perhaps it is a puberty cake? seriuosly "cum" on a cake with goopy white icing.
i also love the scuba reference.
at least these keep me edumacated..need to go look up what flagella means.
fun and educational...well done
vw:plazed "these wreckorators need to be plazed back in elementary spelling class.
I saw a Scottie dog, but beaver-tailed bleeding bovine does seem to be more accurate.
I think the 'tubes' look more like sections of intestine. Scrumptious.
Upon first glance I didn't see the cap, only the front half of a cow, too! And I guess beaver tail is a good way of describing it. I laughed at the gunshot wound part. Hopefully that wreck of a cow is in a better place now.
As for the cookies.... uh.... *insert something witty and dry/disgusted here*
I believe that the intestines/tape worms are really BOOKWORMS, since I guess you must be a bookworm to be graduating. Still, they are the creepiest bookworms that I have ever seen.
definitely a cow!
and I recall seeing something like those long noodly things in my anatomy text a long time ago... just one of the reasons that I chose to NOT go into health care.
Is it "We Learned Good!" or is it "We Learnt Well!"?
Wow. just wow. no need to elaborate though man I would like to but I am exercising some discipline .. though I do agree very unfortunate icing /word/abbreviation choice. wow.
Good lord Jen. I cannot, canNOT believe how hard you make me laugh. Favorite line of the day:
Using "text speak" to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies. STOP IT.
I read it, laughed until I cried, got myself under control, read it, laughed until I cried... it's a vicious cycle... that I LOVE.
You're the best.
Maybe those loooong noodles are the foam noodles kids whack each other with at the swimming pool; and they are anticipating a fun summer? I cungradurate the person who wreckcognized the grad cap. In all these are prize. Norine
On #3 I thought you were talking about the "it" at first. To me "it" looks like "II".
Mental quip: "You're doing 'it' wrong."
Thank goodness you came to the rescue by assuming those things were Flagella!!! I mean, they look like bloody tape worm to me!!!
Hilarious! Mithspellings are always the best!
And I have to thank Doug of the Stackapoo tribe for his comments. Perhaps he should be a featured guest on the blog because that was perfect!
The flagella? I see: tapeworms.
For that mental image, I am very sorry. But not enough. >.>
Dang it! I can never get here before the first 50 comments. Or should I say "git hear"?
I think instead of "you dit it" they meant "Oh no you dit'nt!"
And the cow with wound looks like a diagram of a dog expelling a tape worm.
Drowning puppies!!! ROFL!
Maybe the "You dit it" cake had something to do with Morse Code, using dits and dots....or maybe not.
Once again... can we please start using dictionaries or even Google to check spelling?! How can you call your work professional if you don't even spell it right? And the one who messed up on the word DID... i truly have no words for you. Gave me a good laugh though...
check out my blog: nikkiscakery.blogspot.com
Yep, I definitely saw tape worms too. Flagella was a great guess though!
I know 2 ppl who spell their first name SUMER (pronounced summer) maybe they are celebrating them?
The dit ditn't surprise me because that's how people pronounce it around these parts. Dit = did, and ditn't = didn't. Even our local tv anchor says ditn't! Gasp.
Excellent post as always, thanks you guys!
WV=retti, are you retti for this?
Oh my god Jen, your comment about text speak had me on the floor laughing.
1) I see a bear fetish with bloody diarhea. Is that wrong?
2) Can all MY "drms cum tru" too?
It's been a really, really long time since I've seen a Sumer reference. You are not only a geek but a nerd as well. Excellent!
Oh. Cap and tassle. wow. my head was tilting before I read "head tilt". (then I giggled)
The long windie thingies... I think they're those tubey things that you wave around to make noise. (just a guess)
mah drms are cummin tru!
#2: I thought the Sumerians were wiped out millenia ago, so if that's leftovers from their last party...
#3: The mockery for thit one has been completely inadequate. What dit they do? Graduate from tombstone carving trade school? And the skill wit whit der wreckor smootted teh brown frotting? and the elegant primary colort smearts?
#4: It's not "Dayn". The extraneous squiggles, applied lovingly like dancing pinworms on infested intestines, simply look like letters. See how they render "of" almost illegible?
#6: maybe those are spoonge cake.
I thought the one with flagella looked actually like a colon. But, then again, I'm a nurse and you know what THOSE cakes look like :-)
To be fair, I think the first one is learnin, not learnir. Still.
My parents got a graduation cake for my son's high school graduation (Saturday, June 12). I can't wait to see it. I do know his name was spelled right, because my dad called from whichever bakery he bought the cake to make sure.
I will definitely take a photo if it turns out to be a wreck.
You just made my horrible day a little bit better.
I vote tape worms or spaghetti noodles on a bed of ketchup and mustard.
I saw the exact same cow with bullet wound before I read your commentary.
If that last one is cookies, I would really hate to get the third one down. At least if I got the first I would feel in charge.
I used to work as a preschool teacher and we always had to review the lesson plans of one of our co-workers. One day she wrote that we were going to "die aggs."
Yes, you CAN make mistakes on 3 letter words!!!
I'm torn between laughing, and being horrified!! That worm thing... oh. my. And now I have this vision of SCUBA divers drowning puppies - y'all crack me up!!
Cow??? Or.... EPCOT?
Thank you for making drowning puppies funny.
Using "text speak" to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies.
I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. :)
On the last one, I read "May Year Drums Cum True Grad '10".. which makes no sense at all. lol. the part with the cow and garden hose is funny. hahaha
I spy...a Scotty dog on a red leash!
Point two on the last entry? Best. Statement. Ever.
Okay, my wv has inspired me to post today... "liedonp"... after these beauties, I'm gonna have to go liedonp for a while! Yeesh.
Merry from Annie's Book Stop
I literally saw that cow cake and this is what the dialogue in my head was:
"Ha ha, that cake is a wreck because there's a random red thing coming out of that cow. Wait, what IS that red thing supposed to be? Wait what does a cow have to do with graduation? *Head tilt* OOOooohhhh."
P.S. That STOP IT at the end made my day for some reason. Hilarious.
Actually, the only thing wrong with the black tombstone-like cake is the lack of a comma. The writing is a derogatory comment directed to the geeks in the computer department who wiped out three years of the company's records:
ROTFLMAO repeatedly.
Cow with beaver tail and gunshot wound. SCUBA. Sumerians. Flagella.
You suffer for us beautifully. You have my thanks.
I thought that definitely was a cow, with a red slash through it. As in "no bullsh*t".
wv: sewshir. I was sewshir I speld dit rite.
I think I sprayed my monitor while laughing and snorting at the same time, from that last one.
Oh dear, what an unfortunate icing/bad spelling combo indeed!
1. As a microbiologist, I applaud the use of flagella. It really made me laugh out loud as I'm sitting here in my computer lab.... I just love you guys.
2. That last one made my eyes open so wide it hurt.
anyone read "hyberbole and a half"? the little squiggely thing is Spagatta Nadle!!!
As humorous as it may be (and it's frickin' hilarious), the innocent little puppies had nothing to do with this! That is all.
Those are not worms or
flagell(insert suffix of choice here), but snakes on cakes.
Which, of course, is a highly visible sign of higher learning--probably magna cum laude (to pick on another wreck).
Ok, for the one that says You Dit It - what the hell is that supposed to be anyway?? And next, colon cupcakes anyone?? As for the cookie. . .I thought maybe they were going for a "no bullsh*t" celebration. . .LOLS!!!
I'm concerned about the school colors for the wormy diploma "cake." Their school cheer must be "We're No. 1! We're No. 2!"
"Sumer is icumen in", translated as "summer has arrived". I'm sure that the wreckerator wrote in Middle English - the "Happy Sumer" must be a subtle and clever nod to liberal arts majors and grads everywhere. Who are working in grocery store bakeries as their degrees in British literature "ditn't" quite pan out as imagined.
Hilarious metaphor with the textspeak - STOP IT is the sprinkles on that!
Methinks that second cake should read "Happy Sumer Skool"
Are the graduation cookies cream filled? Because that would be awesome.
I'm surprised nobody seems to have recognized the strange animal in cake (er, cookie) #5 as the famous dogcow of classic MacOS fame. [see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dogcow]. That's my vote, anyway. I'm not sure what the red string would be for, however.
That "You Dit It" cake.... I think you had the same thought I had when you commented, "YES, WE CAN". Nuff said?
~Kathy D~
Having been dubbed "The Spelling Nazi" by a dear friend on FaceBook, these make my head hurt too! I can't STAND to see misspellings! Pretty funny on those last cookies though... ;o)
DK @ http://uberfoodnoob.blogspot.com/
The tube things are tape worms.
In the next one I saw a cross section of a dog with it's guts falling out.
Oh no they dit it!
I'll bet you the same person who wrote cum on the Stackapoos is the same person that makes the noses shaped like a penis too!
Anonymous said: "I used to work as a preschool teacher and we always had to review the lesson plans of one of our co-workers. One day she wrote that we were going to "die aggs."
Yes, you CAN make mistakes on 3 letter words!!!"
OMG! Please tell me that this "teacher" was fired! I know it was preschool, but that's when kids are learning to read.
As for "Dayn" I agree with another poster that the "n" is actually a squiggle.
Mindy, I resent your comments! I happen to have a Master's degree in English and . . . oh, wait. A customer just pulled in to the drive-thru and the timer on on the fry-o-lator just went off. Gotta go!
Oh man Jen I think you just broke what was left of my brain with these.. that CCC (Yuck!) looks like two snakes running off with her diploma and that's the clean version of what I thought those were lol. The cookie cake looks like someone shot their black lab :( horrid just horrid.
On the fifth one I immediately thought of a scottie dog. Perhaps with a misplaced leash?
I definitely see a bull that is wounded and gushing blood! Ha! This post gave me a good laugh!
Regarding the cookie cake, I'm pretty sure it's the Grim. Professor Trelawney is hardcore freaking out right now.
I think cake #1 is a case of bad penmanship instead of bad spelling (except for the dropped "g"). The "flagella" cake looks like tapeworms. Ick.
Hehe, "cum."
I recognize that cookie design it's from Cookies By Design ;p
Yep. I'm with Cara on this one. Tape worms......
Ok, cool! So this is what bakers have been lerner arl this yeers!
When I saw the "flagellum" CCC, I thought reminded me of tapeworms. Gross, I will admit, but that's what they look like to me. But then, I've recently spent quite a lot of time with someone who is currently studying bacteria and parasitic organisms. I don't know why, but they got my mind on that track. Eeww.
The "Class of 2010" cow cookie cake grieves me because it looks too much like a Spanish bull after being impaled by a matador. And a DEFORMED Spanish bull at that.
Being of the class of 2010, I don't think my fellow graduates would approve of such animal cruelty promotion. We are a caring class after all...
But at least it has chocolate chips...(?)
I think the "flagella" might be pasta- one with marinara and with a butter sauce.
And the black think looks like a bloated black fox, but still has that unfortunate gunshot wound. Poor thing.
All I can say is wreckanators, you dit it!
This may be my favorite Cake Wrecks post ever. Hi-larious.
I have never commented before but when my husband saw the "long stringy ones" AKA elephant noses he said and I qoute "Did someone get a vasectomy?"
I thought it was too good not to share!
Hm... The tubes look more like 'Large Intestine' and 'Colon' to me. Though, the turd cupcakes are nice too. :D
Now, now, if ur going to correct Wreckerators in yr posts, ensure ur right!
the fourth one looks like number four on this mothers day post, could it be return of the scarves? http://www.cakewrecks.com/2009/05/multiple-choices-for-mom.html
VW: alytogra
Alytogra; a ancient greek garmet consisting of two scarves blowing in the wind.... around some roses.
Bella T
ok, I truly did Laugh Out Loud, love your work.
TOTALLY saw the cow with the beaver tail gunshot wound before i even read what you saw. except i thought it was a two-headed cow with a gunshot wound...lol so weird.
& the last one...hilariously awful. [or would it be awfully hilarious?]
#4 is a graduation cake for a class of highly educated snakes. They've learned to fly an airplane or something.
#5 depicts artificial insemination of a cow, so the graduates must be veterinary students.
#6 is not actually a graduation cake, but a wrap party cake for the cast and crew of "Grad '10," a pornographic film about a prom orgy.
"2) Using "text speak" to celebrate an educational accomplishment is like celebrating your SCUBA certification by drowning puppies. STOP IT."
Love it!
"I see a cow...with a beaver tail...and a gunshot wound. You?"
... That is precisely what I see. You, madam, have hit the nail on the head. Now if someone would just hit these bakers/decorators...
The "you dit it" message is a play-on-words gateau for a French conversation class.
Thankfully I wasn't drinking anything when I got to the last one or my keyboard would have received an unfortunate baptism.
Good grief! Proofreading, people!
Oh Dear! The "Graduation Dayn", cake with the long tube thingies as you put it, those things look exactly like hookworms!How horribly funny!XD How do these people keep their jobs??? Must be a shortage of good cake decorators out there?!
Oh wow!
BTW my 4 year old even thought the cookie cake was a cow! LOL!
Oh, I've got a better one. I work at an elementary school and the teacher's and administrator's put student information into what is called a Cumulative File. Only they shorten it to Cum file. Most teachers agree that this is truly an unfortunate take on the word cumulative. Even worse, I was asked to make gigantic red labels for the filing cabinet, they said, "CUM FILE, PRIVATE!" Gross!
You are always brilliant, but this post had me in tears, literally.
Thank you for the laugh todayl!!
This has got to be one of my favourite commentary days EVER.
The best part was when I read *head tilt* just after I had done exactly that. Bravo as usual, Jen.
I'm sorry, but "cum tru" poo cakes (donuts, cookies, what ever) are too much... I cannot stay silent any longer! :-D
My son (7 yrs) looked over my shoulder as I was looking at the last photo. First he said, "What is that?" Then he said, "Is that glue on there or icing?" Made me laugh...
The tubes are lampreys, which are basically living nightmare fuel. They do, apparently, sometimes attack people.
WV: tyrselo, a kind of colourful lamprey. Obviously.
"This is definitely the most unfortunate alternate spelling/icing color combo I have ever seen."
*disgusted groan*
Love your analogy of drowning a puppy while trying to be a certified SCUBA diver. Funny.
As always, thanks, guys! I laughed until I cried. :)
The 'most unfortunate spelling / icing color combination ' comment was probably the funniest thing you've ever written!!!!! I thought the choice of spelling was tragic enough, and then I read your comment and looked at the cookies again; Oh My God!!!! Thanks so much for the laugh!!!!
wv "excles" I dont' thinque eny of thes dekoraturs excles in spellink.
Regarding the shot beaver-tailed cow... I see a mama cow who just delivered and has yet to pass the afterbirth...a little trailing placenta for your graduation cake?
Or perhaps it's simply projectile menstruation?