We arrived at the La Jolla Festival of the Arts not really knowing
what to expect. Fortunately, people actually showed up - and some of them even knew who we were! (For the rest, the words "free cake" were more than enough incentive to cram into the tent. Heh.) Whatever the reasons, we had a hefty, happy crowd - so much so that our hosts ran out of books.
(Oops. Sorry, guys.)We neglected to get a shot of the crowd, but here's a cutie in a custom CW shirt:

John & I were touched by how many Wreckies chose to pay their own admission rather than allow us to pay for them. In the end, we only owed the Festival admission for 51 of the more than 150 people at the show. Several folks told me they paid their own way despite financial hardships and even unemployment. That's super humbling stuff, guys.
Thank you.And now...the cake!

Get a load of this jungle goodness! Lisa of
Cake Dreams and Cookie Wishes pulled out all the stops in crafting this sweet treat - especially considering she only had a week's notice when our first baker had to cancel.
Lisa putting the final details in place.A few close-ups:

And my favorite bits:
Awww. My name's on the Disney hat! Plus, the little book was perfect - and edible.
Oh, and Lisa's carrot cake? Phenomenal.
I was thrilled that there were
any wreckplicas entered in the contest - and even more so when they turned out to be this amazing:

She even included the tiny penguin! Ha!

A photo of the WoW cake on a cupcake. Perfect.

Our "winners!"
I love that two of our three winners were wearing Disney shirts. :)
And their cakes:

This was our grand prize winner - because "Pink Cat Gives You Wings!"
And that's it for our third "world" tour! Thanks so much to all of you who came out, to our volunteer bakers, and to our host stores for making John and me feel like wrecky royalty. It's been a great week, thanks to all of you!
Note from john: Special thanks to Sean Boston for finding us a sushi knife/full on sword to cut the cake. You rock absolutely!
27 comments | Post a Comment
Lisa did an AMAZING job! That's beautiful! Do I sense a theme for a Sunday Sweets?
Ohhhhmygosh, I want that penguin. The entire cake is gorgeous, but my heart belongs to the penguin!
It looks like we caught the pandas in a private moment. LOL
I have crowd shots! I'll get them to you. Had a great time. Thanks a lot!
I met my fiance two summers ago while working at Kilimanjaro Safaris at the Animal Kingdom in Orlando, and I wish I would have seen that safari cake earlier! We're getting married in 10 days, and that would be the perfect grooms cake!
What a lovely cake! :D
And that girl in the custom Wrecks shirt looks like a tiny little Kaylee Frye. x3
Anyone know the reference to the "Demented Tweety"? I cannot find it, for the life of me!
My shoulder is famous!
Hmm... I think those pandas shouldn't be doing that on something people have to eat. Haha! But the cake is so adorable anyways!!
The picture of the WoW cake on the cupcake is brilliant. Love it.
The little girl with the t-shirt is too cute! Being from Alabama and a die-hard Crimson Tide fan, I must say that the people from Auburn probably wouldn't notice the misspelling. :)
I agree with sunlizzard that the penguin is heartbreakingly cute - from the front. But looking at it from the side, in the first picture, I couldn't figure out what it was ...
wv: flubrist: the hubris that causes wreckerators believe they can decorate a cake without flubbing it up.
Peaches, the demented Tweety is here, in about the middle of the post:
Search took me in the wrong direction at first (Halloween posts) but I finally just opened up the 'creepy cakes' category and there it was.
Jean, who should be studying rather than searching CW...
Jen, I think Lisa got you. Her cake is gorgeous, but the Disney hat clearly says 'Jer'. Too funny!
hiya! i was kinda wondering if you ever came to Canada for your tours? if you don't PLEASE consider comming next year, me & my mommy love looking at these things and it'd be so fun to make a version of the cake wrecks :) THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!
Serena ♥
Jen and John - I think Warwick's owes you an apology! You endured cake cancellations, botched logistics, running out of books and no cake knife! Unacceptable! It was a Book Wreck .. but so glad you came here anyway .. we love you!
I think Warwick's owes you an apology for being a Bookstore Wreck. Botched logistics including changing locations, canceled cakemaker, no cake knife .. and running out of books!! Totally wrecked. Glad you made it to San Diego anyway - we love you!
Ohemgee! Pink Cat gives you wiiings... Actually pink cat helps to temporarily restore mental wha-?ness and LOLness when experiencing fatigue or depression... ness.
OMG, I'm stupid. This whole time, I've been wondering about the name of this tour - why would the west coast be considered "Third World?"
Ahem... 3rd "World" Tour, not "Third-world" Tour. Going back to my hole now.
Very yummy cakes. These all cakes brining water in my mouth. So I want to taste tem now ori am going to order now.
LOOOOOVE the big-footed little penguin! I wanna squeeze him and say "SO FLUFFY!" like the little girl in Dispicable Me!
Please please please can you come to Australia on your next world tour? We'll love you forever!!
Sarah, devoted CW fan and Mum to my two furbabies.
Quite proud to see my good friend Susan Edgington's creation featured among the wreckplicas! :D
I'm trying to figure out what that Star Trek CCC was supposed to represent. I'm fairly certain that it had nothing to do with Star Trek whatsoever.
I was actually there for this. It was absolutely hilarious, even though I had seen many of the cake wrecks before. I actually met and talked to Jen with my mom before the show, and I was thrilled!
Cynthias Bridal Shaven - lol Thats a party with a difference. Brazilian anyone?! ha xx