For all you football lovers out there, I *think* today's cakes all have football team names on them.
(That's my keen deductive reasoning at work again. That, and the teensy plastic footballs.)
PRO TIP: Sometimes "sounding it out" doesn't always work out.
'Course, neither does this:

I especially like the dash. Go -

Zoot-a-lo! 'E' is missing!"
(Now try to read that aloud without sounding French. Go on. Eh? Am I right?)
Chorger is apparently made up of a single player.
Aw. Sad.
This next one isn't so much a spelling error as it is a "Hey-o!
Lunchtime!" error:

If the Patriots were from Detroit, this would be perfectly excusable:

What's worse than misspelling your team's name?
How about misspelling the name of your
Hey, is there an echo in here?

NYJ's Jets? Isn't that like saying the ATM machine?
(Oh, see, NOW I'm hitting close to home, huh? Yeah. Don't feel bad; I've said it, too.)This final one doesn't have a name at all, but I like this decorator's style:

It's simple yet effective, in a poetic kind of way. Which team will win? What's it all mean? Why are we decorating a big
chocolate chip cookie with huge gobs of icing? Why?
Michelee U., Robert G., Will H., Rachel B., Lynda B., Molly S., Stacy M., Sarah O., & Elsha H., go! Fight! Win! (And call me when you get back, dahlings; I enjoy our visits.)- Related Wreckage: Introducing a Good Sport
122 comments | Post a Comment
What really cracks me up is thinking of all the non-football people who could bring these home...
The fifth one seems to have more to it. It looks like it says "EAG" and then there's a half-sunken swastika after the "G." If you squint, you can see it.
Maybe, just maybe, the NYJ's was in reference to the fact that the New York Jets really play in Jersey?
So it would read "Go New York/Jersey's Jets!"
Of course, that's a wreck in itself, since those two states are rivals--growing up, the worst insult we could hurl at a fellow New Yorker was that they were acting like they were from Jersey.
I know better now...unless I watch Jersey Shore ;-)
word verification--vocksati..."vock sat i see on that supermarket cake?"
That first one has opened my eyes! I never realized "viking" is a verb! "Vhere are t'e menvolk? Tey are viking in t'e voods."
The last one says to me, "Do you really think I care?" The answer is, of course, self evident.
I think that last cake is supposed to be celebrating a specific game between two teams. Hence the large globs of icing in two sets of colors on either side of the cookie cake. The grocery store I used to work for in my hometown made baked goods like that all the time for the Browns vs. Steelers parties because there were lots of fans of both teams in the area.
All that is not to say that decorating a sports cake with a giant question mark is not hilariously weird.
LOL, Love the incredibles quote at the end!
Oh my gosh! I might be the first post today (or one of them anyway). As a professional proofreader, these cakes make me kRazee.
But the last one is often my own reaction to some of the pieces I read at work..."HUH? Someone got PAID to write this?"
(Jen, don't forget your PIN number at the ATM machine!)
P.S. I live in "Texes" and really want to send in a wreck...but here's irony: I, the proofer, was deeply distressed when I discovered that my local grocery store cake decorators can spell and write well...bummer! But I shall search elsewhere....
Haha nice spelling of the French, zut alors! It definitely threw me off for a minute, but then of course, made me giggle.
My word verification is suctuff. That sounds more than vaguely dirty.
She's my favorite part of that movie!
Zoot-a-lo! Ahahaha! My favorite Disney movie line. Quick, what's it from??? :)
NYJ Jets-- It's totally like PIN Number too- that and ATM Maching used to drive me crazy (I'm a former bank employee)
This reminds me of a commercial for Snickers bars (I think) where a man was painting the team logo in the endzone while, presumably, distracted by hunger. One of the football players walks by and says something to the effect of, "Looks good, but who are the Chefs?" (For you non-football fans, it should have been Chiefs.)
"GO EAGLC" looks like the wreckorator just ran out of green icing.
At first, I thought the blue-and-gold on white one said, "Go Chorizo" (chorizo is a Mexican sausage). That kind of makes sense.
Maybe the "TEXES" one was trying to condense "Texas Exes," which is the name of the alumni club at the University of Texas at Austin. Naaah, it's just misspelled.
Why put huge gobs of frosting on a cookie cake you ask? Because frosting makes everything taste better! And a sugar rush really takes the edge off the losing team blues.
Today's blog and comments (so far) are so hilarious I could not contain my laughter. (More like muffled snorts because I'm supposed to be listening to the teacher... it's a computer-based class so we all have our computers on.) Well, I am now in trouble. Oh well, it was SO worth it!
I also think NYJ is referring to NY/NJ Jets.
And PS: The majority of the Jersey Shore cast is NOT from NJ (They're from NY). I grew up in both NY/NJ at various times in my childhood and I can say that the Jersey hate is completely unwarranted.
Love the Edna quote from The Incredibles. I love her character.
WV: aureful ... These wrecks are aureful as usual. Wreck on!
@Casey: I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that line and thought instantly of Chef Louie from The Little Mermaid. Quick, look and see if there's a crab hiding under the cake.
Yay Edna!
I'm currently living in a football-freak state and I can't STAND it this time of year.
I don't care much about sports, but I do love a good dumb misspelling. Who buys these monstrosities??
And you made me think of Edna Mode. That's always a good way to start the day, dahling.
Proof that typos are contagious:
"I *think* today's cake all have football team names on them."
It's just a teensy typo, but it amused me nonetheless.
All your cake are belong to us.
Funny misspellings, fake French and an Incredibles quote... my day has been made. :)
Ha! "The Incredibles" reference at the end is a "wiNner!"
If the Patriots were a Detroit football team, they would have no reason to celebrate with a cake... even a misspelled one.
In Wisconsin, people call ATMs TYME machines. No redundancy there, just a lot fo fun hearing people ask where the nearest tiome machine was.
I snickered until I came to the Texes cake then I snorted Diet Dr. Pepper out my nose. I could totally see that cake in a bakery here, misspelled on purpose.
word verification: Heatio, Coolio's lesser known brother
I love the 2 random Disney references!
blahahahaha! Redundancies! ATM machine makes me laugh :-)
@Anony 9:40-
I thought it was a dig at that other NY-Jersey "situation" (football, that is) too! *ahem*
Coming from the Philly Area, the EAGLS may have just been someone trying to spell it how it's said in city - "IGGLES"
But seriously, the Eagles have enough trouble without that sort of help.
"Zut alors!" is said by Sebastian in Disney's version of The Little Mermaid (which was set in Random Seagoing European Country?).
Yeah, but AT Machine just sounds dumb. And ATM sounds like you're waaaaaaaaaaaaay to well acquainted with a need for fast cash.
Neither is good. I'm going to keep saying ATM Machine.
Said with various US regional accents, it doesn't sound French at all. (It sounds extra ridiculous, instead...) :D
Haha, NYJ's Jets...I'm a member of the TAT at work. What does TAT stand for you ask? Why, we're the Team Activities Team! -That's fancy talk for "party planning committee." People call us the TAT Team -Team Activities Team Team. I work at a science center. Sigh.
oh dear lord. where to begin?!
these seem particularly funny to me since i've been a non-fan of football from waaaay back.
also, misspells are my favorite kind o' wreck.
the NYJ's Jets made me think of redundancy as well. my pet peeve (being a medical type) is HIV virus. v is for virus. don't say virus. HIV sufficeth.
try saying that 3 times fast.
Oh dang, time to find the person responsible for the "Texes" cake and kick 'em out of the state.
Casey~ Beauty and the Beast, wonderful movie, doesn't get enough credit. Belle is the forgotten princess most of the time.
Not a football person (haha, I almost typed "foodball"'s that for a wreck?), but I went to college in Delaware and met enough people from NJ to learn that everyone from North Jersey seems to think they're from NY anyway. So maybe it's not all that inaccurate. ;)
Really , REALLY sad is that Eagles fans are known for chanting "E-A-G-L-E-S". I cannot believe that anyone in the area could possibly misspell that word. I don't even like football and that chant has been ingrained in my head since childhood...
I can't. I can't even comment. Laughing too hard. Don't know where to start.
I am very sad that our Cardnials...I mean Cardenals...are not represented this year. =(
However, I believe this explains why each of these teams eventually lost in the playoffs: they wanted these cakes to stop.
For the Texas one--are you sure they were trying to say Texas? They might have been trying to remind people that, despite all the football hype, they should still be trying to get their taxes done. Perhaps they were trying to combine "Texas" and "Taxes"
As a huge football fan (NY or NJ Giants - whichever you prefer), I love these.
One point though..the eagle with the NY Giants helmet in it's might be that they were trying to say the Eagles were going to eat the Giants? Since we are huge rivals and play each other at least twice a year.
Love the NYJ's though...that was good.
The fact that so many other people got the "Zoot-a-lo! (or zut alors, I suppose) thing from The Little Mermaid makes me happy! :D :D :D
I particularly like that the "EAGLS" football cake is apparently made from a Easter Egg pan!
yay! for random Disney references!! yay!!!!
"Great Googly Moogly!"
(LOVE that commercial)
Okay, the question mark made me laugh out loud. Brilliant!
"Beauty and the Beast, wonderful movie, doesn't get enough credit. Belle is the forgotten princess most of the time."
Belle MUST be the forgotten princess, because although living in France, "Zut alors!" made the cut over at The Little Mermaid. Go figure!
And B and the B did get a LOT of credit: first animated feature to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar (and still the only one until Up was announced this week), plus three nominated songs, a nomination for sound, and a Broadway musical that ran for well over a decade!
Random Edna quote, misspelled football cakes, icing globs, can today's Cakewrecks be any better?
BTW, I especially like the unfinished Eagles cake. Did the decorator just get distracted, forget to to take her meds, nod off......
Go Saints!
As a New Orleans resident, I can't help but be pleased at the Vikings wrecks...
I don't usually read through the comments section, but these are cracking me up! Apparently I missed every Disney reference. Shame, shame. (And then there was the heatio comment - snort!)
I happen to be a tremendous football fan. And how you one be against something that contributes so much to the mirth that is cake wrecks? Love football. Love cake wrecks.
The mystery cake wins!
The phrase is spelled zut alors, fyi.
You are killing me, Jen! The cakes are great, but as always, your commentary knocks it out of the park...or should I say...makes a touchdown! hee hee
Great wrecks! Great quotes! Great comments!
Great googley-moogley, what a great day!
and here I thought I was a bad speller...
#2--How do we know we're not cheering on Vicki? Maybe she's the first girl on a football team somewhere....Especially with lavender icing.
#3: LOVE the effect of the egg-shaped pan. so non-football like. And with the dirtbrown and the careful "stitching"--it looks like an archaeological dig with an exhumed skeleton of...something. Hammerhead shark, perhaps?
4: Poor Chorger. And someone put silly string on his cake.
6: Why are there 90 Patroits? Doesn't that seem a little excessive?
7: the Texes football is looking a little droopy. deflated. something. but not like a decent football. The egg pan would probably have been a better choice than a half round on its side.
9: is the kind of cake that is so all purpose! Who will win the superbowl? who will win the world series? will the baby be born a boy or a girl? will so and so survive surgery? etc. It also seems so philosophical, in an existentialist sort of way. "If I don't have an inscription, am I really here?" "If I am a giant cookie, should I still be in the cake case?" "?"
wv: inscr--the kind of inscription that leaves you hanging, like #9, or better, like #5 where they just stopped writing. presumbably to go to lunch or the bathroom in a HURRY. at least it's not poo brown. what a fun way to decorate a cake. "Happy Birt--" "Good luck, Ja--" Maybe it could be combined with the question mark. "So long ?" "Happy Anniversary Mark and ?" someone just doesn't finish their thoug--
THAT's "inscr"
Stephanie, you may be on to something. It's a very neutral cake to celebrate whomever wins so you can buy it before the party. But the team colors are there to "celebrate" the fact they're both playing. Good way for the cake not to go to waste, either. Who wants to buy a cake for the losing team?
All my exes live in Texes...
@Gary--Texas Exes? sounds like a divorce person's support group. I wonder if they tote guns to the meetings.
wv: fouga. "Who can fouga out what the wreckerators were trying to spell here?"
@ Anon 11:11
sounds tit for tat to me. science geeks have parties?
My favorite in this set is the Go Eagls cake that's made from a mold that appears to be intended as an Easter egg.
hippity hop, hippity hop
Great post!
At my college, the swipe cards were called "JAC" - an acronym within an acronym already, it stood for "JMU Access Card", but of course everyone says "JAC Card", so you've got the redundancy going on, too! haha
The "Texes" Cake decorator was listening to "All My Exes are In Texas" and just blurred the spelling.
that last one might like... a stadium of sorts! With the icing supposed to be seating of two different groups of fans...
Okay, yeah, I'm just guessing in the dark here.
Barre - You remember correctly. It was a Snickers commercial. GREAT GOOGLY-MOOGLIES!!!
The only thing funnier than adults obsessed with the American version of Gladiatorial Combat is the cake wrecks which descend from it. I'm just sayin'...
I saw a similar one about a year ago that was a CCC with a weird blob shape that was trying to look like a football player's helmeted head that said "I'm Ray #52"
Now I just want to try and find one of these cakes so my friends and I can laugh at them on Sunday.
Yay an "Incredibles" reference!! I heart this site!
To Casey- it's from the Little Mermaid (the French chef says it). It's actually "zut alors".
All my exes live in Texes.
'Anonymous' sez:
"@Gary--Texas Exes? sounds like a divorce person's support group."
Hey, I didn't name it. My own alma mater calls its former students' club the "Alumni Association." How's that for orginality?
"I wonder if they tote guns to the meetings."
No, that's for the annual UT vs. Texas A&M grudge match.
The worst part of the "Eagls" cake? If you live anywhere near the city of Philadelphia, you know the Eagles fight song by heart. And the final line of it (meant to be sung in a loud and obnoxious manner) is "E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!" clearly, this wreckerator is not from around here.
Ohio! Fonix tapsis werking A-OK. Dunker shine.
@ Anon 1:12 -- By Zeus! Thanks for the spelling rule. Now we can break 'em.
WV: Honym -- Oh, pass out the dictionaries? I'll get honym right away.
What is sad about these cakes is not just that they were created, but I bet someone actually paid the bakery for their destruction of a sub-par "Grand Football Event" party.
It seems you know more about football than you think. Most people don't even know Detroit has a football team, but know!
And the "Patroits" are the closest we will ever get to a Super Bowl.
Mmmmm...big chocolate chip cookie with huge globs of icing....
Looks like it's Sing-Along Time again! :D
(Zut alors, I have missed one!)
Sacre bleu
What is this?
How on earth could I miss
Such a sweet little succulent crab?
Quel dommage
What a loss
Here we go in the sauce
Now some flour, I think
Just a dab
Now I stuff you with bread
It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
And you're certainly lucky you are
'Cause it's gonna be hot
In that big silver pot
Toodle-loo, mon poisson
Au revoir!
"Team Chorger"
Hey, looks like Coach Z got a job as a Cake Wreckerator!
Horrible (and hilarious) as these cakes are, I can honestly say I would gladly eat a piece from any of them (perhaps while everyone else was in the other room watching the "game"). Yesterday's cakes . . . not so much. (Retch)
Liz in Seattle
i liked the choclate chip cookie it looked yummuy.
The "?" was probably who will the winner be...
I actually like the last cake---it would save you money trying to figure out which team cake to buy!
The "Go Vickings" cake...I think the wreckorator has some unresolved issues about Michael Vick.
My favorite repeat is DSW Shoe Warehouse. Designer Shoe Warehouse Shoe Warehouse. Cat
Hooray for the Incredibles reference Jen!!!
All these redundant phrases have me singing a little song to myself, which goes something like: "Que será, será…será, será, será, será…" I just can’t seem to stop… :O
"ATM Machine" is still not as good as "GCO Georgia Carpet Outlets" I'm just sayin'.
I want the ? cookie frosting melange!! Gimme!!
I love the question mark one! That decorator must not know anything about football.
At least none of the cakes referred to the "Super Bowel".
"Team Chorger is apparently made up of a single player." I feel even worse that he has TWO footballs and no one else to play with.
"Somebody come and plaayyy..."
I didn't read all of the posts but did anyone else notice that the Eagle is holding a NY Giants helmet rather than an Eagles helmet??!?! Rachael B-S
That reminds me - I used to work at an art supply store directly across from the Kimmel Center (a big music hall in Philadelphia). I happened to glance out of the window of my store the day after they finished building the Center, only to see a homeless fellow spray painting "FLY EAGLES, FLY" on the side of the building. Only..he got to "FLY EAG" and then he just sort of...stopped. And looked at it for a full minute. As he started to paint an "E", a police officer nabbed him. So, for a week, the side of the Kimmel Center said "FLY EAGE", which is just so...charming.
My wife made me "Carinals" cake. Clearly they lost because their "D" was missing.
What- not Saints cakes?
Didn't you pay attention in grammar class? One Texas, two Texes. It's a simple plural, what do they teach people in school these days?
There was a good ad in Australia for our football. A man is doing painting on the field for the 'Crows'. He finishes and looks at his work. A footballer comes up and says 'That's great mate, but who are the cows?' This was a beer ad, by the by. And it was a football field being painted, not a cake. At least with the cake you can remove the evidence... unless photographed.
Perhaps if the Chargers had more than one player they would have won that last game.
My personal favourite is PIN number.
Phillip sez:
"Didn't you pay attention in grammar class? One Texas, two Texes. It's a simple plural, what do they teach people in school these days?"
I beg to differ, Phillip. There can only be one Lone Star State. This country couldn't handle two Texes.
Do people actually wait, better question. Do people actually PAY for these? I mean if it comes down to this, I will buy a plain frosted sheet cake and a squirt can of frosting and do it myself. I mean there is mistakes and then there are FAILS. These are definitely the latter.
methinks the Texes person has this year's returns on his/her mind....
Ha - I saw half-moon cookies at my grocery store that all said "Go Vickings" but I didn't have my phone on me to take a picture.
LeftWongLock: We sorta got Cards love (wrecks?) with that last pic. It's pretty obvious that cookie was for last year's Super Bowl.
Tho Argh!! This makes me wish I had my camera on my last year! The Wal-Mart down the street from me had a ton of Super Bowl cakes with the team colors reversed. All their Steelers cakes were Red and White, and the Cards were Black and Yellow.
Which is very, very sad considering that this bakery is in Mesa, Az...or maybe not, because this bakery is in Mesa, Arizona's answer to Fresno.
How 'bout, "3am in the morning" ? Oh, that makes me nuts!
To go "a viking" - to leave one's village to go on a trade journey and/or raid. Thus vikings. Or so I recall from a couple of history/archaeology books I read a while ago.
I live in MA, and I wish my Patroits were going to be in the Superbowl this year!
Yay!! A banking reference amidst all the wreckery. Following closely behind ATM machine is PIN number....or DDA account...and on a completely different note, making a Super Bowl cake for the Eagles is just an unfortunate waste of cake and frosting............not to mention time...
Hey O, it's lunchtime. Hilarious.
The NYJ's is actually the person simply trying to make the acronym plural. NYJ= New York Jets. While you could argue that this was not the preferred method, it isn't so completely boneheaded as the post makes it seem.
Am I the only one who sees 'Huffy' spelled out in the French-like football cake's lacing?
I had a university lecturer who used the phrase "ATM machine machine". It was peppered throughout our notes. I think he made his point though...
ATM Machines -- yay! Thanks for pointing that out! I work at a bank and it drives me CRAZY! Also, don't say "VIN number" "SSN number" or "PIN number"--the N stands for "number", people! You don't have to say it again!
. . . I should probably be living in a room with white padded walls, huh?
Strange as it may seem the Vicking one makes sense if you pronounce Viking as I heard it pronounced when in Scandinavia, and indeed it can be a verb which I believe it was long before it became a noun.
That said, I am so glad I don't follow modern gladiator sports.
Have you noticed that the Patroits cake is no tin the Patriots' colors?
Love "zoot-a-loo"!
i'm sorry, i just can't help correcting that it's "zut alors." now you have french AND german phrases to spit out at random!
Maresee Bocoo.
French is funnier when it's spelled wonky.
I work at a college bookstore. Our mascot is the Vikings. It never fails to amaze me how many people ask how to spell that when they write a check.
About the "ATM machine".
Isn't that also like saying "PIN number?" And yes, I have said that on occasion. Like once.
NYJ Jets...that's like Vanilla Ice VIP Posse!! Anyone remember that? (Vanilla Ice Posse Posse haha!)
Thanks for the laughs :)
Thank a Teacher's Union.
Why do I always read your blogs while I'm eating my cereal? Why? The other day I got muesli all over my clean shirt coz' I was laughing so hard!!!!
Funny as always, thanx!
Scarlett Robyn
The bottom cake might actually be correct though. The Cloncurry football team is called the ?.
Presumably they couldn't decide on a name and it just stuck...
I was just diagnosed with cancer. This has made me laugh out loud! Keep it up, I'll be back! anonymous in Tennessee