Thanks to twoboysmomma, with 3 exclamation points.
UPDATE: For those of you looking for some hidden meaning to this cake: There is none. I believe it was ordered by Yahoo for a company function.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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71 comments | Post a Comment
Lol!! Oh, wow, I can't even think of an explaination for this one!
Oh! Holy bad cake! This one's just...blah.
Wow....it's good to stay away from easy grammar mistakes when writing with icing, I always say. LOL
And the purpose of this cake is.....????
wow, this is perhaps the most boring cake I've ever seen.
what's it about?!!
I am trying to picture anyone looking at a cake order that says "Art will be broght" and thinking that is what they wanted written in frosting.... boggles the mind and makes you say Yahoo!!!
Oh dear.
That's embarassing.
Brother vowels certain
That "U" is lost, with art,
That off-balanced yahoo!!!
This makes me hurt inside.
I think this cake's very existence is fail even IF it had "brought" spelt correctly on it... I fail to see... WHY this cake was made AT ALL. Huh? It... doesn't make sense! Someone eat this atrocity of fail! Why is art being "broght" to Yahoo in such a plain and bland way? (Is blank the new art?)
Maybe the decorator thought it was part of a prophecy. "Art will be brought a craptacular cake....and Art will rain down his vengeance upon the wreckerators."
No, I'm really stretching...there's just no excuse for this. Anyway the only guy named Art I know collects Star Wars figures and has no friends apart from them, so he's hardly set for world domination.
It took me a few minutes to process that they wrote on there "Art will be broght" meaning that the artwork that should be placed on the cake would be brought in by the client.
What I don't get is:
A) Who would be so dumb as to see that written by the cake as a note, and think it is supposed to be written ON the cake.
B) What in the world does Yahoo! have to do with that?
Oh for shame. As you say, the enthusiasm holds it's own.
Sadly, I think the purple circle with the Y in it *was* the art that was brought and the note was never removed. How sad.
Tcha . . . I get the feeling the art (the purple Y and !) was brought, and they had to put it at the bottom left to make room for the "message."
I'm still searching for the meaning of this one...
My interpretation was that the cake was simply to have the Yahoo logo on it and the note said "Art will be brought" at the bottom of the order. As usual, phone orders are very difficult to fill!
WV: Undert--No one should care what the icing looks like at long as the cake undert tastes good.
Ewwww....the "!" is *dripping*!!
Remind me to never call in a cake order- EVER!!! (was that enohgt exclamation points?)
Beats the heck out of me. I have no idea what this means. Icing looks good though. maybe if you just scrape the writing off.
Wow, that is super boring. And weird.
I agree it’s very enthusiastic; as can easily be recognized by the many, many exclamation marks in different colors and positions.
At first glance I thought it was the Y from BYU. Glad you labeled this post "Yahoo!" :)
Wow, this is the second time this morning I've looked at this cake, and I just now got what "Art will be bro[u]ght" meant.
In my defense, the first time I spent all of my effort figuring out that the purple squiggles off to the right side spelled "Yahoo."
Word verification: mouoh, perhaps the buyer's response when picking up this botched order
Do these people *think* before they destroy, I mean create, a cake?
ew. the grammar/spelling just makes me cringe.
I have the answer.
It was an email. The email client was "yahoo."
The person read the details, and at the end of the email, it said "Art will be brought", and then, of course...
The Yahoo icon was at the bottom of the email. The email was printed out for the decorator, who wasn't too internet savvy, and didn't have Yahoo email.
I don't know if I'd ever want to email instructions to a baker, let alone phone them. Too risky.
I see this as your next t-shirt!
Uhmmmm...what is that supposed to mean, exactly?
wv: woodge "Woodge ya really buy this cake?"
~Amy B
Given the season, I'm going to go with this being a congratulatory cake for a kid who just got into either Yale or Brigham Young - both use the white "Y" on the blue background. Poor kid. That kind of accomplishment deserves so much better!
this almost makes more sense as the BYU logo. (You can see it here)Those of us living in Utah, especally the Provo area have had to put up with awful slogans for the past few years. "Art will be broght" might actually be an improvement.
wv: insolv. The mystery of what this cake was supposed to be is insolv-able.
knitorpurl said I am trying to picture anyone looking at a cake order that says "Art will be broght" and thinking that is what they wanted written in frosting
Thanks knitorpurl, I get it now! I was at a loss to understand what they had meant to write on there, and why they would write it on a cake.
This is what you get for not getting your art "broght" to the decorator before they start making the cake.
Why would you want Yahoo! on a cake anyway? Unless you work there! maybe it was a cake for someone at Google!!
but, the YAHOO logo needs all caps...
if I can google it, then surely, the bakers and cake decorators can too.
that it does!
here's the original:
the cake was made for yahoo! for some event, hence the yahoo logo.
Lol, very nice.
S2BArt :-\
Gosh, I guess I'm beyond words. Yuck? Or maybe rather... Yuck!!!
I'm seriously on "slow" today; I had to read the comments before I got it.
WV: abilingu
Abilingu-al person would probably spell more words on this cake correctly than the original wreckerator did.
Well, at least the ruffles look tasty.
(Note to self: Never fax or e-mail a cake request to a bakery. Always go in person, even if the bakery is 100 miles away.)
I'm so confused...
They really should have had five exclamation points, the sure sign of an insane mind.
I like the two different shades of purple...one for the circle, one for the exclamation mark.
Wow. Just wow.
Perhaps "Art" is a person, and he was going to be "brought" to the party and the note on the cake was like a memo from Art's executive assistant....who couldn't spell.
I meant to brong the art, but forgot.
I always like my food to be enthusiastic! Just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.
It's always nice when the bakery realizes the difference between the instructions and the copy, don't you think!?!
I can't even READ the cake, which makes it more hilarius, seeing as I have a degree in reading illegible handwriting. It's a wonder that Yahoo! would order a cake for themselves.
I just assumed it was from a Provo bakery, where the bYu is located and the decorator was a product of our fine Utah public school system. But Yahoo, it's from another part of the country where they have bad spelling and density issues too.
Bring it, Yahoo, bring it!
It's not the Yale or BYU 'Y' It's Yahoo 'Y' see how the right side is shorter.. At least they got that 'y' correct. As for the rest...
The point of this cake eludes me.
Oh my. I am with Regina today. I so did not get this at first (sorry, it's been a long day!) Before you judge, I knew it was wrong. Then I read the comments and it was like, duh, now I know WHY it is wrong!
*walking away, hanging my head in shame ...*
This reminds me of a very depressing engraving mistake I saw on a friend's gift. The brought in the name and date of birth of their baby on a sheet of paper to be engraved on two silver cups. Rather than writing the information down on a designated work order a worker just wrote "see sheet" on the order and put the paper in the bag with the cups. Guess what they engraved...
The "Y" on this cake resembles the symbol of Brigham Young University, which is a "Y". But that is the only explanation I can come with.
I now have in mind the scene from "Not Another Teen Movie," which mocks a scene from "Bring It On" -- "Bring it!" "It has already been broughted!"
wv: supen = I'll have supen salad after this cake.
DUH! What happened is the person who ordered the cake couldn't spell. They 1/2 assed the order, NOT bringing the artwork for the cake and made a note to the equally stupid cake-making person. Instead of the frosting-putter-onner CALLING about the missing artwork, they just figured to go with what they felt. Not only was it SUPER poor spelling, it was also HORRID customer service!
joyce said but, the YAHOO logo needs all caps...
if I can google it, then surely, the bakers and cake decorators can too.
I find a certain amount of irony in the idea of googling the YAHOO logo. Was that intentional?
I actually know the story behind this cake!
The publishing company that I work for has a new marketing partnership with Yahoo, and this cake was ordered to celebrate it. It was supposed to have the Yahoo logo and we were supposed to supply the Publisher's logo!
The news never made it to the decorator, and this is the outcome!
It was a joke around here for WEEKS.
I love that the cake today is about spelling and your very first blogger misspelled "explaination" in their response. LOL
I hope yahoo hires a better cake decorator for future celebrations.... or else we better sell some yahoo stock...
So, the person who claims to have been at this event is lying, as I actually was at the event.
Yahoo was sponsoring a university event (not BYU, that Y was supposed to be a Yahoo! logo...) I don't think they actually ordered the cake even; that's normally handled by us. However, the mix-up was basically as described, the person taking the order didn't understand that "Art will be brought" means that someone is dropping off a graphic later.
Luckily, none of us cared; we were just happy Yahoo! gave us cake. :)
I'm sorry, I've never said this before with any real conviction but: my mind boggles.
What does it mean??
The brief story behind this cake is described where I originally posted this photo I took on my cell phone: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drashid/3298752279
Basically, it was a Carnegie Mellon University event Sponsored by Yahoo! for a "Smiley" anniversary celebration I believe (Scott Fahlman, a professor at CMU is credited with the first smiley emoticon). They didn't say what the art that was to be brought would have been, I assume a smiley face as there were small smiley faces on all the other desserts at the event.
I'm not sure what cake service CMU uses, but they had another cake botched a couple weeks later...though not as amazingly as this one. But hey, it tasted fine...not that graduate students are picky about free food...
My, oh my....this is just the lamest excuse I have ever read....I actually know the story behind this cake!
The publishing company that I work for has a new marketing partnership with Yahoo, and this cake was ordered to celebrate it. It was supposed to have the Yahoo logo and we were supposed to supply the Publisher's logo!
The news never made it to the decorator, and this is the outcome!
It was a joke around here for WEEKS.
I think that--because Yahoo! is such a huge company and a decorator who can't even spell the word "brought" had to decorate a cake is assigned to do the task is ridiculous! It maybe a big joke in your place but that's a big slap on the face of Yahoo! if your Publishing Company indeed have a new Marketing partnership with Yahoo!
It makes me wonder , why did that cake even make it out of the baking/decorating area..into the display counter?
BYU football.... hahahahahahahahahaha
I got it!
The order read:
Art will be broght
(a pickture from Yahoo)