So anyway, let me apologize in advance for the lack of Spongebobian references. I like to think that most of you wouldn't get them anyway.
Spongebob is essentially a big rectangle, right? So naturally, if you want to recreate him in cake you should always go with a bunch of round cupcakes:
It does kind of look like we're peeking into Spo's (Can I call him Spo? Anyone care? No? Good.) casket, though, doesn't it? Plus some prankster has ripped his nose off and turned his tie upside down. [tsking] So disrespectful.
Speaking of which...

This next one is like the Fiji Mermaid of Cupcake Cakes (patooey!*):

Oh, and we're just getting started with the Spongebob Wreckage, so prepare to have gads more sprung at you sometime later this week.**
*I think we should all spit every time the horrific term "cupcake cake" [patooey!] or its abbreviation "CCC" [patooey!] is mentioned. Y'all down with that? Just watch your aim: people and keyboards don't much appreciate being spat upon.
**I just used "gads" and "sprung" in the same sentence. Dude, someone get me a sweater; I am sooo cool.
142 comments | Post a Comment
wait until you see the Burger King ad with squarepants for their kids meal. If I were Spongebob, I would go back to the sea and neve surface again.
maybe they should call him sponge bob ROUND pants. *ba dum ching!*
The last cake reminds me of a virus. They look a tad like this
Poor Spongebob.
I honestly thought I was having acid flashbacks when I saw the BK ad. For those of you without tv, stuff a shoebox down the back of your spandex and look in the mirror. Same effect.
>>never watched Spongebob
>>SquarePants. Well, unless you
>>count those times at CiCi's
This cracked me up. We don't let our kids watch Spongebob, but every single time we go to Cici's, it is on their TV. What is up with that? Last time we went, hubby and I had to make our kids sit on the other side of the table so they couldn't see the TV.
Some characters are best left in cartoons, although Spongebob would look good made out of swiss cheese. Or a square cake.
I think that maybe it's supposed to be half Spongebob and half Homestar Runner. No arms, funny legs, that may be a star on his chest.
The key to creating Wreck Artistry is to DRAW FROM MEMORY, NEVER USE REFERENCE MATERIAL. A work-of-art can only be a work-o-fart when it comes from the heart.
The only thing worse than a CCC is an ICC (ice cream cake). Nothing like a ton of piping gel on top of "ice cream". Also, what is that oily cookie business they put in the middle? ...shudder...
i think you're missing out by not watching SpongeBob (on Nickelodeon, not cartoon network). it's really quite amusing. my dad even liked it back in the day.
The middle one would almost be good, too, if they didn't write across his face. As far as CCC's (patooey) go, the edges are pretty squared off.
Except for the spindly little arms and legs.
And the horrifically swollen feet.
...but the edges are pretty nice.
CCC ptooey reminds me of the tobacco-chewing cupcake from Cabin Boy. Anybody else? Eh, probably not.
Actually, Spongebob is on Nickelodeon - not Cartoon Network...
SERIOUSLY... how HARD could it be to make a Spongebob cake??
The last one looks more like a pocket full of sunshine, not Sponge Bob
On that "mermaid" confection: how about half fluffy cotton cyclopic cyborg?
(Is "cyclopic" a word? Should it be "cyclopian," maybe?)
My 9-yr old daughter's comment about the last one: "They failed to capture SpongeBob in that." :)
For the first one, R.I.P., Spongebob... As for all, they are just horrifying- It's beyond me how anyone would make something like that and put it on display! Poor widdle Spongebob... I HAVE to Google Patrick cakes, there has to be some wrecky Patrick cakes out there...
Yes, Spongebob's figure is generally rectangle, but the edges are all ripply. I am in no way justifying the existence of CCCs *patooey* however I'm just sayin' that if one must create a CCC for some evil reason, it does kind of fit in with the ripple edges of SB.
Here's a coincidence - my word verification is "doodly", which pretty much describes Spongebob! And CCCs!
Quote from all 3:
My whole family loves Spongebob, and we are insulted that decorators, would pass him as...that thing. (#3)
The last one must be SpongeBob in Spanx showing off his feminine side.
Do. Not. Get. Spongebob.
And now I know why.
Angie (from over at
Spongebob is great, with your sense of humor you really should watch a few episodes. I think you will find some of the subtle humor is the best on TV. My son and I have been fans for years now. Funny for kids and adults.
Wow, why would anyone buy the one with the words written across his face (badly)?
I think the mermaid cake is actually half Spongebob and half Squidward. When Squidward stands, his tentacles curl up kind of like the "wheels" under Spo.
#3: Clearly it's Sploogebot Tanktreads
I like these cakes (or CCCs [ptooey!]) every bit as much as I love Sponge Bob himself. (I tried to watch it and make it make sense, but I can only tolerate it for maybe 3 minutes or so...)
PS I love that you brought up the Fiji Mermaid; I found out about that creature back in the days of the X Files... :)
My four year old son saw the last (pedestal) cake and exclaimed, "It's a painted bear on three wheels!"
You called him "Spo"?....
Anyhoo, yeah well DUH! Round things are the best for recreating a rectangle! Who DOESN'T know that? Seriously.
The last one may just have coincedentally been yellow with eyes... it's hard to believe someone did a job THAT BAD in recreating spongebob squarepants... right? (*instant loss of faith in humanity and the cake making industry*)
In the words of Spongebob, "Well, that makes me pretty mad. I might have to beat someone up just to get rid of all this blind fury."
cupcake pants don't look good on ole sponge bob
I don't like Spongebob. I try to avoid him whenever possible. I won't let my kids watch him (I'm pretty sure that laugh just melts brain cells). That all said, the last one looks like Squidword.
Oh my God, you are usually so COOL a sweater wouldn't help, so BLEEDING EDGE of geek chic that just glancing at your blog has been known to make lesser geeks eye's bleed, but dude... SPO!?!?!?
No, you can't call him Spo. SB, sure. S-Bob, ok. Little Bobby, alright, Uncle Blue, but SPO!?
You're talking about the KING of Karate Island! The only fry cook worthy of pulling Neptune's Golden Spatula from the Stone. The Sponge that taught the Flying Dutchman the Power Within. The Goofy Goober whose licks were just TOO RIGHTEOUS!
I'm afraid that no, you're not allowed to call him Spo. And ANYONE who dares to wreck a Sponge Bob cake deserves slow and painful death, being forcefed their own CCC's while watching the latest season's terrible scripts over and over. I swear, the best episodes are from seasons 1-3.
And yes, I am 35.
Is the CCC[patooey!] a reference to Corner Gas? When they always spit after saying "Wullerton"? If so, that is awesome.
We can't STAND SBSP. The children are NOT allowed to watch it and in fact, not allowed to watch Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon. What happened to the good old shows like You Can't do That on Television and Double Dare? Almost all of the Nick cartoons include the most annoying of voices.
Oh no! Spongebob has "the suds" AGAIN!
Orangeboy and the kids love Spongebob. My DH loves him because he has a steady job and a great attitude!- Even if he does tend to be a bit excitable.
Having two boys I know all about Spongebob, and it looks like those wreckerators have sent him to a watery grave. *insert dolphin noise*
Just so ya know, there will be days when mothering gets to be too ridiculous to handle that I will be living my life vicariously through you, if ya don't mind!!
We don't have the Cartoon Network either, all because they have SpongeBob. He's vulgar, just like these cakes.
AAAHHHHH! My eyes can't take the round pegs in the square hole!!!
Oh my...see this is bad, because I made a spongebob cake for my 3 year old's birthday. I am so NOT an artist, but he's a SQUARE! Anybody wants to see a picture, you can email me at twinkylady @ yahoo . com
Just one more reason for my acute dislike of Spongebomb. (Yes, misspelling intended).
Can't stand that show! Ugh!
My daughter watches it when she thinks I'm not looking. I guess it's better than other things she might be watching. No, wait..I take that back. YUCK!
Good wreckage, though..
~Amy B.
Our CiCi's has Cartoon Network on one TV and CNN on the other - guess which way we try to face? And we do have a 2 1/2-year-old who really digs their pasta & pizza & not-fully-baked brownies.
Personally, I kinda like the mac & cheese pizza - strange but good.
Oh yeah - Spongebob. I just don't get it. So glad we've gotten rid of our cable!
That last one looks like a light bulb to me...possibly halogen?
I am ashamed to say I think I know why the third one looks like a robot. Firstly, let me say I would never watch Spongebob on my own accord, but it's all my nieces watch, so I've been obliged to see way more episodes than I would have liked to.
In one of the episodes, Spongebob is transported to the future where he meets a robot version of himself. Though why anyone in their right mind would make him into a CCC [patooey] escapes me, let alone why they would scribble across his face.
well, i must be a bad parent. i love spongebob and let my kids watch it. but i would be a more horrible parent if i let them eat a CCC. ( hocking loogie)
Psst Jen, if you really want to be down with the kids, the word on the street is "schizzle" - meaning good in a hot and I suppose, a sizzling kind of way. natch ;-)
Spongebob is awesome! It's one of the few cartoons that I enjoy watching with my kids instead of barely tolerating. The first time I saw the show I thought it was bizarre, but now I'm a big fan.
(And no, you can't call him "Spo". Sorry. We will, however, accept "Sponge".)
I think that it looks like the top half of Spongebob and the bottom half of Squidward his ugly octopus friend.
@Rufus Opus: You are cracking. Me. Up. Also, you are gonna HATE Thursday's post. Just sayin'.
Oh, and "Uncle Blue"? Well, I'll take it under advisement, but I really thought "Spo" had a nice ring to it. Hmm. What about "Spooge?" Would that work? ;)
I'm not a crazy Spongebob fan, but the times I've watched it is pretty funny. I'm 33.
That said, I don't think it's appropriate for little kids, and while I know Grandma lets my daughter watch it, the rules in our house are that she can't watch it here until she's six. For some reason that totally works for my daughter's four-year-old logic.
These cakes are horrendous. #3 looks like it sat out in the sun and got faded.
Do yourself a favor and watch Spongebob. I don't have kids, don't want 'em, but I love Spongebob. It's just funny and strange. And often filled with jokes that kids won't really get. So it's a perfect cartoon.
I can't believe one of the commenters called Spongebob vulgar. Spongebob is like an underwater Winnie the Pooh. He's yellow, innocent, likes to laugh, and his best friend is pink. His favorite past time is blowing bubbles, for pete's sake. Even if I weren't a Spongebob fan, I'd be offended by these cakes.
I've never gotten Spongebob. Granted, I'm not a mom, and haven't watched it much, but the kids I occasionally tend love that little guy. While less tedious than other kids shows, I still find it, well, tedious, and don't enjoy it at all.
That being said, I know what Spongbob should look like, and I don't think I would have recognized any of those cakes as Mr. Squarepants had you not told me it was him. Whatever Spongbob is, he didn't diserve this treatment.
Bwahaha! Patooey! That kills me! Too freakin' funny. I WILL spit at each and every cupcake cake (patooey!) reference, I promise!! Bahaha!!
I LOATHE Spongebob...hate the little yellow dirtbag with a passion. Thank heavens my son doesn't like him either and am therefore spared the pain of watching such an idiotic show.
Once again Jen, your wit amuses!!!
For the record, Spongebob is on Nickelodeon, not Cartoon network :)
So sad that I know this.
The last one looks to me like Spongebob has been sacrificed on a stone altar. See the blood on those top two rocks? That's not a wreck, that's justice.
WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? I understand why you don't like him, but MUST YOU CALL HIM A DIRTBAG, Trish? GAWD! HE'S FRICKIN ANNOYINGLY (by that i mean REALLY annoying) FUNNAY! GAWD!!!
I kind of like the first CCC. I won't lie.
Clearly this is a happy loaf of a bread on some type of argyle cake stand. Obviously!
C'mon SpongeBob has got to be one of the easiest characters to make into a cake! I think even I could make a decent SpongeBob cake.
I also dont get why so many people think the cartoon is 'vulgar'? Annoying sometimes yes, educational, no, but its harmless. Its the only thing my 2 year old will watch. In fact 'SpongeBob' was one of his first words!
You should watch Spongebob, I'm 41 and watch it even when no kids are around. The writers of Spongebob, throw some jokes in that only grown ups will get. It's very funny and very well written. Dont hate it because it's a cartoon.
Actually, I don't mind the CCC in this case -- I think the edges nicely suggest his porous contours.
The brown poopie like swirls on the first one are freaky deaky.
hehe my word verification is GRAIN!
I cannot believe the amount of "Nazi" parents who don't let their kids watch Spongebob Squarepants. One of you even excluded cartoon network and nickelodeon. What kind of childhood are your kids going to look back on, oh I bet your those "structure" parents. Every hour of a kids day has to be planned out with no time for FUN or CARTOONS. I hope your kids grow up and hate you!
I think my favorite part of cake 1- would be the scrubbing it would take to get your face and teeth clean after eating those "shoe" blobs.
That last one is not Spongebob, its his lesser known cousin; Chamois Pete.
Chamois Pete was involved in a factory accident that left him scooter bound, and since he has no arms, he just sort of sits there and doesn't want to be part of the show.
Okay, seriously.
I love Cakewrecks. I know about what time your entries get posted and I have a reader in my phone automatically set up so I always see new ones ASAP. I'm always showing your posts to whoever is around when I read them.
I also love Spongebob. I don't have kids and am not sure I want them, but this is almost irrelevant given how wacky and underlyingly intelligent the show is. I am 99.9% sure you would like it, Jen, knowing your sense of humor, if you gave it a chance. (Note: there *are* a number of episodes that hit below the mark, so I advise seeing maybe three episodes before you make a final judgement call.) I understand being put off at first: he's got an annoying laugh, the show is absurd in many ways, etc. When SB first debuted, I refused to watch it, too. I even hated the name "Spongebob Squarepants" and made fun of it. However, after one of my high school English teachers mentioned it (he even linked it to our then-current study of Existentialist literature), I gave it a shot, and it grew on me.
If you don't at least try...I may stop reading and recommending Cakewrecks. I'm just *that* insulted by your turning your nose up at the little guy. Sniffing at Spongebob without even reviewing the evidence? It's just a dealbreaker, plain as that. Sorry.
downtown (dot) lindsay (dot) brown (at) gmail (dot) com
And here I didn't think it was possible for SpongeBob to look any worse than he already does. Wow.
That cake looks like a slice of bread popping out of a toaster on wheels!
I love SpongeBob -- Sailor Mouth is a classic episode. If I had not had kids -- I would have probably never watched it.
You should watch it.
That second one looks more like the Fry's Electronics "Charlie Chip" character to me.
That last one must be Spongebob on his latest adventure into space. He's crammed into a Mars rover, right? Might also explain the face - he's running out of air. :)
I think the Cakewrecks Community is going to the Dog.....River. (In Corner Gas whenever someone said "Woolerton" the spit alarm would start going off.)
I have never ever ever watched SpongeBob. I never hope to. My cousin really liked the show, but I think it's dumb.
Love Sponge-Bobbett pregnant with future BLUE-square Sponge-Bob baby. I think 'someone' might think a paternity test is in order here!
Just so you know, I nearly spit hot tea all over my keyboard. Twice.
Thank you for the giggle.
I like the napkin tied around his neck.
Spongebob isn't really your style, Jen. But I'm still waiting for some good Napoleon Dynamite zingers.
Will I ever get my wish?
Perhaps if Spo and Rosie, from the Jetsons, had a baby (you, know in the Sealab – because I don't know how it would technically work otherwise) this would be an accurate likeness of the offspring.
The cupcake shoes in the second one are pretty funny. I'd eat one of those shoes. The other cakes, not so much.
I am here to defend Sponge Bob Square Pants. It is absolutely NOT a vulgar cartoon. He's a happy innocent sponge who constantly looks on the bright side of things. I love the little guy and it's a great cartoon. I have no idea why you would ever label it vulgar.
Rufus Opus, Rutaduta, Pokecheck, and "friends of" all are right on. :)) However, these cakes are not. Sad, sad, misrepresentation.
WV: ticke
As in..."I would be "ticke..d" if I had to pay for one of these.
We've gone from Easter... the celebration of Sponge Bob?
My what a leap!!!
Let me guess...the segue was the Moses parting the red sea cake, right? (that water connection, get it?)
I was going to try to make one of these cakes for my niece, but had a feeling it would turn out as bad as the ones in this post, so instead I made her one of these:
Spongebob is 10 years old. It's unbelievable.
Gawd... I am SO GLAD I'm not the only one who's never seen an episode of that show.
Other twenty-somethings look at me weird for not catching the in-jokes. I look at them weird for watching the cartoon equivalent of the special ed day care down the street.
Haha, this post reminded me of the countless Spongebobs I had to put on ice cream cakes.
It's pretty hard to wreck a cake when all of your images are done with a projector :p
Jen Huddleston and I are on the same page. I'm pretty sure that one cake is a cross between Spongebob and Rosie the Robot (from the Jetsons). Thoughts?
Feel free to laugh at me as I display my incredible nerdiness, but here goes. I usually hate CCC's (how about an *ugh* instead of a SPIT?), but I actually think that they suit Spongebob quite well, due to the porous texture of sponges and all that. He's not just a flat square, he has holes and bumps and stuff.
Also, to count myself completely in the minority here, I think that the first two Spongebob cakes are quite good (aside from the huge black writing across his face in the 2nd--seriously, who could possibly think that's a good idea?).
I also think that, while the last cake doesn't look a smidge like SB, it is actually kinda cute in its own right.
These cakes are truly horrifying. What else is horrifying? Parents who will voluntary poison their kids sh*t with processed garbage "food" (CiCi's pizza, brownies, mac & cheese made with god knows how many chemicals and preservatives) but will physically block a TV showing a funny, naive, kind-hearted animated fellow who values his friends above everything else...while allowing the horror show of the news flashes on CNN to burn their children's brains with images of fire, flood, famine, war and celebrity gossip. Go America!
The last Spongebob looks like more like a parfait than anything else.
I never realized that appreciation of Spongebob was so polarized. Clearly, you either love it or hate it. I've never seen it, so I can't judge, but wow, that last cake looks nothing like his picture.
How can bakers be so off and still manage to sell cakes?
Those Spongebob cakes are awful! how hard is it to make a square character..SQUARE?
Jen, you really should watch a few episodes of Spongebob! Give him a chance!! I am 45 and I have seen my fair share of the shows because my kids loved it, and I think I now know most of the WHOLE opening song..."WHOOOOO...lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!!" and it goes on.....:-)
Oh and please don't call him "Spo"!
"Margaret said...
wait until you see the Burger King ad with squarepants for their kids meal. If I were Spongebob, I would go back to the sea and neve surface again."
I love that commercial and LOL every time I see it!!
"Booty is Booty!" LMAO
Spongebob rocks!...but these particular cakes do NOT.
I'm still shaking my head over the commenter who would rather have their young child watch CNN than Spongebob. Apparently they have no problem with kids watching coverage of bombings, murders, kidnappings, rapes, etc., but an innocuous cartoon about a happy, bubble-blowing sponge is inappropriate.
There was a silicone square cupcake pan for sale on QVC a day or 2 ago. In their presentation, they specifically mentioned it's prefect for cupcake cakes, and of course i thought of you. Is that weird that you've infiltrated my everyday life? Nah!
Oh my God, that last one is horrifying.
Also, you gotta watch Spongebob. It's pretty much the only real cartoon out now. (Except Flapjack.)
I used to work at the Ocean Institute, where the idea for Spongebob was hatched... it was apparently an inside joke amongst the boat crew, as the sponge they used to clean up the heads when they got icky was a large square yellow thing. Mmmm. Toilet sponge cake. Fantastic.
Poor Spongebob #2!! I have no idea how he supports his huge body with those 2 millimeter wide spaghetti legs of his? And even if he *could* support himself, how in the would would his spaghetti legs not slip out of those clodhoppers of his?
I know, I know... I usually hate them too, but this Spongebob CCC by Roxie's is too cute.
Jeeey Spongebob! Spongebob totally rocks!!
NO!!! Those were professional?! Having just spent four hours decorating a Spongebob cake for a 6 yr old's birthday (not my child, incidentally!), I can personally attest that it is not THAT hard. I'd like to know where these people work? If they can work there, then surely so can I. I think a paycheck is in my future.
That last one is clearly the love child of Spongebob and Squidward Tentacles. That can be the only reason for Spongebob Jr.'s 3rd foot.
I've never seen this show, either (insert Old Lady Alert here); my older kids grew up with the Pink Panther, Scooby Doo, the Flintstones, Smurfs, Strawberry Shortcake, & Fat Albert; the younger one watched Winnie the Pooh, Dexter's Laboratory, Pinky and the Brain, Reboot, Digimon, Animaniacs, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Sitting Ducks (those last two were MY favorites, although I grew up with Merrie Melodies).
Basically, I don't know anything "current", truth be told! >^!?^<
But if you all hate the word "Spo" so bad, what do you think of "SpoBo"?
I think it's kind of cute.
Awww....sad, they closed the Ci-Ci's in my town about a year ago. I loved the pasta with cheese sauce and bbq pizza, bt I love love LOVE the SPINACH pizza!!! YUM!
As for Spongebob, I used to watch him when my kids were little but haven't since. I never saw anything wrong with the show, though. As far as having your kids watching the news (I prefer FoxNews myself) I see nothing wrong with your kids knowing what's going on in the world. I mean... don't drown them in it, but there's nothing wrong with kids knowing what's going on in the world.
I'd say that last one is totally 1/2 Sponge Bob 1/2 Teletubby.
About as only seeing Spongebob at Cici's-- this quadrilateral sponge airs on Nickelodeon, not Cartoon Network. (;
It's not that bad of a show, to be honest, and I would proudly recognize "Spongebobian references." Better than half the stuff that's on television these days. You should give it a chance before putting it downs, which I'm sure has gotten many comments here.
If you're going to make a Spongebob cake, why not use a sheetcake? They're already square! Most of the work is done for you!
I love that you go to a crazy pizza place to remind yourself why you don't have kids.
My husband and I are also childfree by choice.
I love your blog. Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry.
Thanks for the laughter and tears.
I am shocked to find that someone with a sense of humor advanced enough to write or enjoy cake wrecks would have an elitist attitude toward Spongebob. Kids or no kids, it's just plain funny. You should give it a try!
I'm feeling a little better now about that Spongebob cake I made for my son a few birthdays ago.
1st: Spongebob is highly overrated and one of the most annoying shows I've been forced to watch by kids...
2nd: Basing your decision to read/recommend this awesome blog based on a simple Spongebob mocking post is just plain silly.
3rd: I'm glad these make my attempt at making a Spongebob cake look so good! (Here if you are interested ) That just after taking the Wilton 1&2 classes.
I agree that he really should be referred to as S-Bob or SB... Spo (now is that pronounced spoo? or spaa? either way, not good).
I know there are a ton of parents out there who think SP is bad for kids, but I honestly believe SP is not a kids cartoon, it really is for adults, there is a ton of great humor in there.
But poor Bart Simpson has had to relish the same trash talk of inappropriateness, so we deal with it. I grew up not allowed to watch the Simpsons, but in all actuality, it was not appropriate for me or brothers at a younger age. We watched it when we got older, but by then we were more able to distinguish between good, bad, etc... I am not saying the Simpsons are any more appropriate for a younger age, they are not, each parent needs to determine what is or is not good for heir child(ren). Just don't shove it down my throat and do not be hypocritical about it.
That soapbox speech out of my system, the cakes (or lack thereof--as CCCs --ptooey--are not 'cakes' in my book) really leave a lot to be desired and I love the comment by the 9-year-old--about not capturing SB's 'essence'. I have seen both good SB cakes and bad, but these are some of the worst... Amazing!
BTW, I love reading about others' tormentuous trials at cake decorating, and it causes me to evaluate myself as a decorator... I have to watch myself for my own potential cake wrecks. And throughout my learning and evolving as a decorator, I have had a few... I just hate to admit it.
It looks like sunshine on crack.
These cakes are amazingly bad, i mean really he is a square, its right there in the name lol!
But, wow, i'm so upset that people hate spongebob and ban them from their children.
I'm 22 and i love it, it's a great stress reliever, like cakewrecks, and it makes people happy and makes them laugh. Before i saw it i thought it was dumb, then i watched it and loved it, and laughed so much.
I think everyone who has all this unjustified hate for spongebob has never actually seen the show. I think if you haven't seen it ( a couple times) you've got no right to judge it. I know this is just another spongebob lover defending the show but i really think some people are just too judgemental of things they've never seen.
Wow. How can such a sweetheart like SB evoke such hateful comments.
I have been annoyed by many cartoons and non-cartoon childrens shows. When my daughter was young, I had to endure Barney (patooie!!). And then Elmo came along and ruined classic Seseme Street.
There are cartoons inappropriate for young children, like the Simpsons and South Park.
You people are free to raise your kids how you want, but there is nothing vulgar about SB! He is hilarious, never gives up, and can teach some good lessons. The adult humor is so subtle, kids would never get it.
Is is the best cartoon ever! As a 42 year old, I find it hilarious for all ages, for different reasons.
I much prefer to shelter my daughter from the news and from nasty fast food than from creative imagination stretching humor.
First, I would like to say that Spongebob is alright. I don't know about everyone else, but I personally thought the movie was pretty good. (I mean compared to other kids' movies, e.g. Rugrats in Paris, Ant Bully)
Secondly, what is the deal with CiCi's. I've never been to one, and judging from the images of their "pizza" on the commercials, I never will. How many of you people actually think $5 buffet pizza sounds like a good idea? If you're going to eat cheap pizza, get a freezer one from the market, and then you can watch whatever you want on your TV while you eat it.
There is just one thing- SpongeBob Squarepants is on Nickleodean, not Cartoon Network.
That last one is clearly SpongeBob in a strait jacket. A kind, yet burly orderly has just tucked a blue paper napkin under his chin so he doesn't get Jello on his lap.
That last cake is definitely half Spongebob and half this guy:
I think that last one looks like he's either getting flushed down or coming up a toilet... Or maybe a block of melty cheese on a cake pedestal.
That first one looks like Spongebob Van Gogh style. a little more moody, a littlem more swirly, and even more mentaly unstable
@ Netfreak...
Yes! I must call him a dirtbag. I DONOT like that cartoon at all. Last time I checked I have the right to like or dislike something if I so You can feel free to love him to pieces and I will feel free to hate him! Thanks for asking, though.
Sponge Bob is teh aWEsoMEst!!1!!
It is the one thing my kids can agree on when they watch TV together. Granted, he isn't for everyone, but I love him.
These CCCs(patooy) are truly horrible, as they all are. Poor Sponge Bob.
Cara said: Rufus Opus, Rutaduta, Pokecheck, and "friends of" all are right on.
I totally agree!
While not a prude, I find the BK Squarepants ad hideously tasteless and sexist. And I couldn't pass up this WV: godsh.
Heard in church: "I swear to god-sh!"
It's sacreligious to call him "Spo." You might even like the show. I'm ok with it, but the rest of my geeky family loves it!
I made a spongebob cake and the kids loved it....I'm not a pro baker and it was my first time to use fondant, so there's a little wrinkle going on in the pants, but it's not as bad as some of hte ccc's here **patooey**
What a day on Cake Wrecks! And over a cartoon yet :)
No kids at home
no grandkids
no TV growing up
no TV whilst kids growing up
no TV now by choice
Never seen a Spongebob
What IS a CiCi's?
Shucks. I'm on the wrong freakin plane...........again...............
But whooooeeee those are some ugly cakes!
Play nice!
"Gypsies! *ptooie* We spit on them. We speak of them no more."
Ok, I love Spongebob. And I'm 42. I love 'Sailormouth', I love the chocolate candy sales 'It will make you live forever!' ('NO! NO! NO!' frantically behind grandma). I love Spongebob's harried housewife and mother trying to raise the baby scallop (and Patrick's staggering home with lampshade on head father). It's not kiddy humor. I love the images of SB & P when they are landlocked in Sandy's sphere (cue image of RL dried sponge and starfish).
But I don't like these cakes.
wv: culted. As in SB's followers.
...I... just can't stand Spongebob. I can find nothing in it to like whatsoever. Personally, if I had kids, I might ban them form watching it... in my hearing. The laugh puts me in physical pain.
That said, I'm 21 and don't like the Simpsons or Family Guy or American Dad or South Park or anything along any of those lines and I never have, so. Maybe I don't have the correct sense of humor required for enduring something that horribly annoying and finding it funny.
Also, the Burger King commercials kill a little bit of my soul every time they air. *drowns it out with some good ol' Bugs Bunny.*
Spongebob's cousin Chamois Pete!!! ROFLMA. Love it!
Reason #1 to watch Spongebob. Actor Clancy Brown voices Mr Krabs, Spongebob's boss. That's the kurgan from Highlander. Allow it to turn your brain inside out just this once. Pretty sure it's also him singing the opening credits.
Reason #2 - there is no reason #2. My boyfriend's son likes the show, and I enjoy about 1/2 of one episode at a time and then I can't take it anymore.
Clinging to the weirdness of Clancy Brown's creative oeuvre is really the only thing that gets me by.
That last spongebob cake looks like an H.R. Puff & Stuff creation.
MidnightVoyager said it all -- except that one more reason to hate Spongebob (ptooey!) is the glut of merchandising associated with that absolutely repulsive character. Try going into any grocery store, convenience store, etc. that doesn't have that horrible yellow mutant in nearly every aisle -- it can't be done!
Spo deserves a lot WORSE than merely inspiring a bunch of wrecky cakes (that are only maybe half as ugly as he is, and are at least twice as funny)!
My three year old just said...
I don't want that Spongebob cake.. it's too scary..
I didn't think the first one looked so bad, except for the nose, lol! The second one . . . I can't make sense of. The third one just looks like Baby Bobbie in a straining wine glass . . . I think SpoBo is cute ^.^ or even SpoBob, and it certainly is easier to say than Spongebob, but I'm picky.
Now, to other posters . . .
Parents are not nazis or awful for not raising their own children by everyone else's standards. If they think SB is bad for their kids, it's their decision. I don't see how watching SB is a neccesity of a child's life <.<
I haven't seen the show and I don't want to, by the way. No, insistence will not pursuade me, and the next paragraph explains why.
I think that kids' shows that cater to adults through adult humor instead of paying attention to the child are being rude to kids. Honestly, leave the adult humor for the adult cartoons, please, and pay attention to my child. If you wanna call it a "family" show, that's a different story, but I personally find adult humor distasteful.
That's my opinion on the matter, and I've yet to see a tv show that would interest me enough to sit through commercials. I just buy the box DVD set ^.^
I read your column faithfully, but I think today is the first time I'm writing in. I absolutely love Spongebob and cannot for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to brutalize him with cakes like those ...nor with some of the comments here. I mean REALLY, he's the nicest cartoon character. And at 40 years old, I have been around to see plenty, lemme tell ya!
For any sponge bob watchers the bottom half is squidward.
The girly looking Spongebob cake/cupcakes with very light yellow frosting looks like R2D2's little sister R3B2 !
I'm a relative newbie here (so you don't know me, sadly, since I suspect you'd make decent conversation) spending my entire day surfing your site backward from the end of June (since light scrolling is about all my hands are capable of right now, well, at least without pain but I'm willing to suffer some pain in order to post this comment), so I am *just* now giggling over your April SpongeBob SillyPants entry and it strikes me as odd that you, based on who you seem to be (which is in turn based entirely on my reading of your blog entries), do not partake of the silly, spongy goodness which is SpongeBob. It's actually a pretty darn decent timewaster, at least in this ancient woman's opinion. :-) Do I win a prize for writing almost my entire comment in one sentance?
Spongebob is on Nickelodean, not Cartoon Network :c
Ohhh my..I didn't think the CCC(insert correct spelling of patooy here) could get any more horrifying! Spongebob does not seem to translate well into cake!
I can't believe some of the comments say that they don't let their children watch SpongeBob! What, are you Communists?
And another innocent post goes to the dogs.
Just enjoy the wrecks, people. Get your undies in a bunch over something that will actually do some good instead of attacking each other's parenting skills and character based on opinions of a cartoon. Take the energy and help the homeless or send care packages to soldiers or something constructive.
Gag, you guys. Taking a perfectly fun blog and using it for a platform to attack each other? Really? That's not what CakeWrecks is about in the least.
These are not bad, and definitely better than I could do :)