Saturday, April 18, 2009
Magic Eye
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Helen P., I get the feeling that "mum" really minds her 'c's and 'u's.
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” —
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- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
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48 comments | Post a Comment
amature night at the bakery.....
It's like word search for dummies!!
Wow-you're right!
I stared at it long enough, and a message DID appear!
It read:
"For headache: 2 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed."
I like it.
Whoa son!
That can't possibly be professional?! It makes me seasick.
Looks like it said Happy Birth and then they smashed in Day allll teeny tiny.
Not to mention the mold and mildew color scheme. Oh, look, the termites seem to be sending us a message in code.
What an odd cake. Poor mother... lol
Cool! The Message appeared! It says "Happy Mum Birth dye! or maybe not....
Is it just me or did they turn one of their "c"s into a D for birthday??
sadly, this is what a lot of my doodles look like...
Here's a fun Activity to try:
Copy the picture, and then flip it upside-down.
NOW look at it.
Whole different ball game, that.
I see one of those flourescent ceiling light fixtures...and there are numerous dead bugs, and oddly, some pieces of green Twizzlers, or moldy Cheetos, stuck in it.
What do YOU see?
Ironically, the happy is nicely done... too bad they wrecked everything else on the cake.
Optical illusion on a cake? That would be cool, actually...
I think it's cool.
Oy. Headache city with that one! Poor Mum.
Seriously, my first thought was
"WTF??" and Green Icing?? I thought that only happened in peter pan....
In initials, of course, there are children present.
Fortunately, the herd of green caterpillars are on the job, herding those pesky wild c's and u's onto the top of cake, lest they escape and take over the entire bakery.
Mum must be on a diet. Hence the green cutworms forming the border. Yuck.
I can actually see, sort of, what they were going for here. I could, had it been done in a way that looked more profess, actually have liked it. Hmm....
To the decorator's credit, this actually isn't a wreck.
This cake, quite unfortunately, contracted a nasty case of ringworm during its time roaming the forest the night before.
C? There's an explanation for everything.
Poor Mum is apparently colorblind too as those colors are pretty fugly together.
Tragic for mum...
That makes me dizzy.
Wow. Just, wow.
~Amy B.
I love how the message starts out fun and pretty:
"Happy B..."
then after realizing there was not enough room, had an obvious struggle with
By then it was too hell with the "MUM" part, which was scrawled carelessly. Then the whole mess had to be covered with camouflage. it's sorta Op Art without the vibrant color, or clever design, or...well, maybe not not
it's weird but i don't hate it :)
Wait, does that object in the background read "Dud"? Best to avoid any bakery that actively promotes its wares as such, ya know.
I don't know why, but looking at all that green icing, I kind of expect it to taste like spinach.
Just had to add my WV:
ratinis: this season's trendy cocktail (you don't want to know the ingredients).
Even after a few ratinis, this cake doesn't look edible.
It looks like a "word verification" threw up on the cake.
It allll could have been avoided had they simply turned the cake.
Perhaps she is an editor and its a slew of punctuation marks...wishing her happy birthday?
I think the wreckorator was studying ancient cultures:
It's very Byzantine with all those stars and crescents on the border.
Cernonnus, the horned god, perhaps? I'm sure I can pick that name out. Very earthy colors too, very celticy. Except for those crescents and stars.
And the mad hoof-prints/worm castings all over the surface are just puzzling. I keep straining to see words there...ununun my head hurts!
The border design looks kinda like a bunch of fermatas to me, but that's all I've got. Kind of a shame the middle bit's so bad, the edging's pretty nice!
I'm glad I am not the only one with green twizzlers on the mind. but, do they make green twizzlers?
wv: askical: I'll ask and Jen and John's brilliant commenters will tell me.
Are they horseshoes? Is that what it is? And it's green because of grass, or something? Maybe that's it. Otherwise, I really wanna know what they were trying to accomplish because they sure as heck didn't manage it!
Whoa. This reminds me of the time my sister caught a whole jarful of wee black tadpoles, and overnight a raccoon tipped them over onto the front steps. We woke up to find sad little commas all over the concrete.
Another vote of confidence for the cake [waves hand]. I think it's cool. Yeah, the spacing on the words could be better, but who says every cake has to have 3.5 roses and be in only pastel colors with frou-frou patterns.
joyce said...
" they make green twizzlers?"
Yes, in fact, they do! They are "sour green apple" in flavor. I haven't eaten any, though, as I prefer the black ones.
I've also seen orange, purple, and yellow ones, as well as the standard reds.
One could weave them all together and come up with plaid-ish, edible potholders.
Something to keep in mind when summer vacation things-to-do-with-the-kiddies ideas are running low...=^ee^=
I actually think that cake is really cute. Look at the green border, it matches the "comma" markings on the white part of the cake-- I think this was an inside-joke more than a wreck! I will admit the border and color scheme is a little rough, but I like the effect. :)
Eyebrow piercings!
Perhaps it's an attempt at cornelli work? Although pepole who do that badly usually do squiggles or Ms rather than Us.
Cute idea, despite the eyestrain, even (I guess Mum is a fan of wordsearch puzzles?). I'd say it's about a six out of ten.
But I agree--if this is a professional job, 0_o
WV: Relyosed: to have little hope of a good outcome. "Someone relyosed this cake up."
I think it is fun. Cool cake.
its like a fiddleheads birthday cake!!!
This cake looks actually nice, in an interestingly odd, almost artistic way. It has a certain Calligraffiti-esque je-ne-sais-quoi-lity, if you know what I mean.
I don't know what they must've been thinking, other than that I think they were slightly inspired by the "Falker Satherhood" video: "It's like a word journey!" XD
wv retstor: We need to retstor this cake, it's gotten moldy. XD