After yesterday's doggone post, I figured this was only appropriate.
(And yes, the pics are from two different sources.)
Thanks to Kristin F., & Michelle B.!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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60 comments | Post a Comment
We have a kitty birthday coming up. Can I have the name of the store that has the mouse cakes?
Oh, those are mousse cakes? Dang. Kitty doesn't like mousse.
Looking at cake # 2: "My eyes, they burn!" Argggghhhhh!
ack spit gag MOUSE filled LOL too FUNNY!
I wonder how long it took someone to correct them on their sign though ;)
and that doesn't even remotely resemble a cat. It's just...creepy.
Ewww...I was going to go eat breakfast, but I just lost my appetite.
I feel like the second one is an optical illusion-every time I look at it I think it's something different.
So uh, what is it?
Mmmm, mouse filled party cakes.
Rat filled?
I don't even want to know.
way to go albertsons!
So gross. What is wrong with the people who thought they should make and seel things like that??? LOL
So, 1- that cat has no ears... and 2- did it get in a fight with a squid? Yikes!
FINALLY - someone who makes mouse-filled cakes, just like my grandma used to make....
Oh, and is it just me who thinks the yarn frosting was born of a screw up???
Mouse filled? bwahaha! I wonder if they ever realized that they made a typo and if any customers actually ordered a mouse filled cake.
It's as if Bagpuss had been impregnated by shrimp. But it's the half-heartedly purple thing that meanders over the poor thing's corpse that makes me the most depressed.
Mouse cake....I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
The purple line on the "cat" (I guess it's a cat) cake signifies the exact moment when the designer gave up.
OK, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Well, filling a cake with a mouse has to be easier than filling it with a moose.
My cat perked up at the idea of delicious, mouse-filled cake.
Then he saw the 'cat' cake.
I haven't seen him for half an hour now. I hope he forgives me for showing him that.
I've looked at that cake from different angles..still don't quite see exactly what it's supposed to be. If they say it's a cat cake, then okaaay. I want some of whatever it is they're smoking! LOL
~Amy B.
y'know, in a way it would've been even better if the "kitty" cake had been labelled mouse filled.
I love this blog!! :-)
That is the funniest! Mouse cakes...LOL...I bet they never even figured it out.
too cute, love the cat playing with the yarn and of course - making a huge mess! thanks for posting!
LOL that is awesome...make sure you stab your slice with the fork really quick though. We all know how fast mouse cake goes.
It took me forever to figure out what that was! I thought "what is that? a mouse? but the ears are on the wrong side of the eyes. Is that purple thing a tail? that's so weird. it can't be a tail. it's coming out of its head. wait, the tail starts at the bottom of the head in a big purple lump? What else could look like a tail but isn't? (pause) OHHHHHH!"
That has got to be one of the funniest signs I have ever seen!
Our cats would go for this though. Hey, their birthday is in January (they are from the same litter), I'll make a note.
Ooooh! It's a cat with a ball of yarn!
I had to look at it for a *long* time to figure it out.
That sign just sends shivers down my spine. Don't they read these signs before posting them?
I wonder if they also make "moose" filled cakes for the larger breeds?
Next to Tom Selleck's chest hair, mouse filling is my favorite cake accessory. mmmm, mmmm, good!
I never thought about making party cakes with the presents I get from my cats!
Too too good! Love this site, I'm so glad I found it!
Wait. Doesn't everyone fill their cakes with mice? Nicely toasted, yummy, crunchy mice? Tsk.
Ha Ha! Is that price sign right above the kitty cake? Too funny!
You gotta wonder if the person making the sign noticed it at all?
"Mouse filled? that seems strange, oh well, la dee dah!"
Cake wreck is my new daily addiction. Thank you!
I really hoped that when you cut it open, chocolate mice fell out.
After recent posts, I suggest you make a "cruelty to animals" tag for future use.
Nice! Question is did they figure it out on their own or were they eventually informed. The cake is something else all together, yikes.
Assuming that the purple stuff all over the second cake, which I assume is a kittycat, symbolizes wool, is there any reason that the wool seems to have many, many ends and beginnings?
Ah - the sign is blurred so we don't know where it's from, but I know that that sign has got to be from Albertson's!
I'm still trying to figure out what 2 is!
Having hygiene audited many a food place I say they were probably just being honest about the state of their kitchens
I haven't been able to eat out in years!
anon for obvious reasons lol
Ok, I was really concerned for a minute. Last month someone sent me the link to freeze-dried mouse dog and cat treats and then to read about mouse filled cakes - blech! My poor pregnant stomach couldn't take that.
Now I have to go make some cream cheese frosting to take the visions of that out of my head...
Maybe they meant "moose-filled"?
Ew, mousecakes! I bet those went flying off the shelves lol
Mmmm creamy mouse filling ~ delish!
Yum yum!
the cat looks vaguely sushi-like to me...
KLZ - what if it was mouse mousse?
The cat is facing you, paws wrapped around a ball of yarn. That's yarn trailing over the cat. And I think it's kinda cute.
oh jeez.... i love mousse
In honor of Gov. Sarah Palin, we need MOOSE filled party cakes ! (I had to explain mouse-filled to my dear husband, who did not know what mousse was, either, as my hair is naturally curly.)
That was my 'mouse-filled' photo - thanks for posting it, Jen! (And yes, Albertsons, now SaveMart - you guys are good!) It took me TEN MINUTES to get someone's attention to tell them about the sign (after I snatched the photo). The only person available was stocking the cheese shelves... I thought it was really funny, but the guy didn't even crack a smile when I told him what the problem was. Glad you guys got it though - LOL. Next time I won't bother telling anyone - heh.
I work at an albertsons, the sign computer there has no spell check or grammar check. Some don't have common phrases inserted in the forms like Shaped Cakes. Last year, they printed "Hamburger and Fries w/Ketchup Cake" for one of the Labor Day offerings. I pointed it out - they didn't listen.
Ooh! Mouse filled cake...Yum!
I love it when I see those typos... hilarity ensues~
And the fact that I work for that particular company makes it even more hilarious. I want to know which store this was taken at. ^___^ *can't stop laughing*
*looks at photo #2"
Is that supposed to be a CAT?
I saw a cake today that was very similar to the second one. It was a blue dog.
i hope the "mouse filled party cakes" are for pet partys.
OK so the signs get screwed up all the time I know this cause sadly enough I work at the Albertson's bakery. I no cause the chocolate chip cookies were a dead give away. But I will say we have one decorator that has been doing this for 10 years an she still screws up cakes royally. Like we ordered a Hannah Montana cake with pink and orange airbrush and she just globed hot pink frosting on it it was bad.
it took me about five minutes to realize that the second cake actually had a face o.o
I have to...it's Monty Python...
"I'll have a bit of rat tart without so much rat in it..."