A groom's cake is the curious wedding tradition by which the husband-to-be celebrates his inner geek/jock/die-hard fill-in-the-blank fanatic in cake and icing form. This often involves sports logos, hunting paraphernalia, x-box consoles, or my personal favorite: the giant snickers bar.
This groom's cake, however, has taken a cake genre already known for its ridiculousness and lowered the bar even further. Here we have what appears to be a cut raw mid-section of rainbow trout - which, while disgusting, I guess makes sense if the guy is a fisherman, grocery clerk in the seafood section, or sushi enthusiast. What defies the imagination, however, are the daisies scattered across the trout slab. I mean, daisies? Really? Like, I dunno, the raw trout torso just needed that extra feminine touch? Why not slap the whole thing on a doily and be done with it?
The bakery responsible lays the blame squarely on the groom, explaining that the guy had a dog named Daisy and so wanted daisies on the cake. Yeeeeah. Fellas, stick with cool Star Wars grooms' cakes, will you?
19 comments | Post a Comment
My husband once asked me to make a cake for his office which showed a man hitting a fish with a golf club over a flock of sheep.
see, and at first glance, i thought this was a 'coffin cake', which i guess would be funny for the groom.
that is erffin hilarious...i also like that the snickers cake sports a wrapper sized such that it couldn't possibly spell out the whole word SNICKERS....
ok, honestly????? are the jelly beans around the bottom supposed to be... river rock????
WHAT ON EARTH??? I've seen a LOT of river rock, and never ONCE seen that lovely hue of blue in a stream bed.... *sigh*
I am so glad that you explaine dthat cake!! I was trying to figure it out by picture alone and because on my non puter talents couldn't get the photo much bigger I really had no idea!!
Can you splain the sign more??
It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes.
I thought that it was a weird looking grave, thanks for explaining it! (the flowers were what threw me off)
the flowers make no sense. if the fish were instead decorated with green onions, chives, lemon and olive slices -all made of fondant and whatnot- this actually would have been a pretty decent looking cake.
-of course, perhaps there might have been an inside joke regarding the flowers. i can't help thinking the wife said 'YOU'RE designing the cake? well, ok, but it MUST have flowers!'
OK...I read the words, "raw slab of rainbow trout, covered with daisies"
and I lost it at my computer screen!!
I'm laughing so hard that my dogs are looking at me funny, and my eyes are filling with tears!! Thanks for giving me such a great laugh very early in the morning. I LOVE this site, and will be a faithful reader!
(just found you today...what the heck took me so long!)
omg, that is just hilarious!
at first i thought it looked like a coffin. and when i read the description about the daisies and how he had a dog named daisy, i thiught it was kinda adorable, even if the cake looked hideous. His taste in cake decor is icky but from the sound of it, he seems to be a sentimental guy. :D
Well, I'll give them extra points for putting daisies on the cake and not actually writing the word 'Daisy' on it...
I love sushi. I love cake. But this cake, of all the cakes on your blog (and I've gone through them all since yesterday, laughing myself sick) this is the one that makes my stomach sick. So... Words fail me. Fish odor. Icing odor. Not copacetic, so just the thought of this cake gets me.
Okay, so someone said the things around the bottom are jelly beans, but I totally think they look like a string of glass beads. What's up with that? Does the groom also frequent his local bead shop as another hobby?
I thought those things at the bottom were wods of ABC gum. And you thought this cake couldnt get any more icky!!!
I thought those things at the bottom were wods of ABC gum. And you thought this cake couldnt get any more icky!!!
Sushi enthusiast! Ha ha ha ha ha!
"This groom's cake, however, has taken a cake genre already known for its ridiculousness..."
Well, isn't it lucky for you that this is a SOUTHERN tradition that your kind has been ripping off for years?! If y'all dislike it so much, y'all can stop and just stay on your side of the Mason-Dixon, and we'll stay on ours. Mmk? Mmk. Luh-vly. Kiss kiss hug hug!
I thought that it was a weird looking grave too. I sometimes think its better to not attempt something. This is the perfect example. x