Great burrowing baby bottoms, Batman!
Wow. Here's a cake you could never photograph from the backside, eh? (Get it, "backside"?) Seriously, let's count the ways in which this cake is oh-so-wrong, shall we?
1) There is a baby butt on it
2) There is no corresponding baby head to the baby butt
3) To be in this position, the baby would have to be buried alive inside the cake (aw, what a cute concept!)
4) Two lucky individuals are going to get to play "These Little Piggies" with their mouths
5) Did I mention there is a baby butt on it?
Karen F., bottom's up!
34 comments | Post a Comment
and it's blue (boy?) baby's butt wearing a dress...or is that a kerchief? And the feet, oh the horror!
The feet... they look like little sausages... so strange.
wonder if there's a little chocolate 'surprise' in the diaper?
That is one creepy ass-cake... o.O
That...is just plain creepy.
Good Lord! It's not the baby butt that bothers me, I can't get past the bloated decomposing dead baby feet. Ewwww.
Wow. So wrong. And yet... our baby annoucements were similar -- showed a baby butt with cute (not sausage-like) baby feet tucked under it... and I thought they were adorable.
'Course, no one was expected to eat them, either.
I'm kind of surprised and grateful that nobody said it yet...
Where do you stick the candle?
Oh my gosh is that a dirty diaper showing through!
Is it just me or does anyone else want to eat a cake that so many hands have been touching...well, one set of hands, A LOT! I can't stand sculpted cakes because I know someone has had their hands all over my food. Watching Ace of Cakes gives me nightmares. Sculpted baby toes? EW! I wouldn't go near this cake with a ten foot pole.
Might I add how disproportionate the feet are to the butt?
Oh wow... this looks like a badly-topped, badly-ripped off version of my own baby shower cake... I'm not even kidding. I designed it myself with my bakery, and even the colors are the same! Mine was in January... http://pics.livejournal.com/thebitingfaery/pic/00b3by8s The horrible, bizarro-world resemblance is uncanny...
I got your site from my aunt and have been exploring ALL these crazy cakes. I started yesterday and now I am back today going through the categories....
OMG....I am laughing so hard I am crying.....who would do this????
I've been looking through your site for an hour, and now I feel like my eyes have been burned out. I may actually have nightmares about this one. BLECH!
LOL...no seriously, I am literally laughing loud enough that it might wake my own baby (who is thankfully NOT burried in cake). I wonder what the poor mother to be said!
What happened? Why did you have to remove the pic? :((((((
Yep, sorry - had to remove the original pic, since it wasn't professionally made. Fortunately I found a replacement, though. And the sad thing is, it wasn't hard to find a replacement.... ;)
dibs on the feet!
First, kudos on the blog. I've been cracking up as I look through your posts!
Second, is it just me, or does the "body" look like a turkey under a kitchen towel?
MY 7 year old just asked "what if it's chocolate inside?????" EWWWWWWWW - Dirty diaper anyone?
Okay-- so the picture's gone. I did what every self-respecting blog reader did and googled "baby butt cake".
I haven't found the original photo, but did come up with some equally creepy ones:
and http://rexrayrantings.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html
(Scroll down to barium boy in March)
After seeing those two, I just stopped. Even inquiring minds don't always want to know...
And since you so kindly point the improper use of possessives, I thought I would point out that the bakers apparently belong to something. I love you, though. This blog is amazing. :)
Oops... you might want to erase that apostrophe in "baker's"...
Your site is very amusing. However, I found it ironic that, for as much as you harp on proper punctuation for cakes, your post has a mistake of its own (no apostrophe in "bakers").
Not trying to be overly critical. Your site is still very good.
The apostrophe is in fact correct. The possessive indicates that the request belongs to the baker. For those that don't believe see "Forming possessives of nouns" at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_apost.html
I think I found the original, based on some of the comments here.
I have to say, if that cake was indeed chocolate beneath the diaper, it would have been truly sublime, not just genius...
PS: *LOVE* the blog.
The first apostrophe - "at the baker's request" - is correct; however, the second one - "all baker's" is not. The first usage is possessive and the second is plural...no apostrophe needed.
P.S. I love your blog so much that I've been reading every single entry and working my way back to the start, with frequent side trips to other sites you've mentioned. Thanks for all of the giggles!!
Wow - now that's sure to have Dewey McKinley Wilton rolling in his grave - his cake decorating company turned 80 this year!!!
Oh...so sorry you had to remove the original photo. This is (or was) the cake that got me hooked on cake wrecks...and I went searching for it to send to my friend who is expecting a baby.
Noticed you removed the part about being buried alive in the cake too...(too disturbing? or didn't fit the new cake?).
What disturbs me is that it's *not* a baby butt--it's a diaper, with all that that entails (ouch!) Somehow that's way more gross than an actual butt!
For a moment I was speechless. Why o Why would you ever make this cake?! The world if full of interesting people :| x
I think the worm cake on the New Years Hangover post was much worse. But this was a while ago, so I won't hold it against you. ^.^
I agree, though. Baby butts on cake = uneatable.