that's made for you and me?
Thanks to the amazing Sweet Designs Kitchen for having a sense of humor matched only by their talent. Wreck on, guys.
*So perky!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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90 comments | Post a Comment
I LOVE it. That's hilarious.
LOL at "so perky!"
Mouse-mutton? I thought that came from sheep!
Minnie's revenge after being jilted, perhaps?
bwahahahahahahahaha *snort* WOOT
-Barbara Anne
I laughed out loud suddenly and hard enough to startle my husband.
This is awesome and really wrong and awesome and wrong.
That is awesome! I love it.
Mickey Mouse Club "sandwich"
This is too funny...and very well executed.
I am torn between feeling upset and cracking up! Darn you Cake Wrecks!:)
That is awesome! Bonus points for the Princess Bride reference--it gave me an extra set of giggles!
Hahaha that's fantastic! Totally made my day better! By the way, whatever happened to you taking Saturdays off? Not that I'm complaining...I love it! Thanks for being awesome!
"Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world. Except for a nice MLT, a Mickey, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the Mickey is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky, I love that."
That's brilliant.
That's so wrong, and yet so funny.
I love Mickey. Poor Mickey. I didn't know he and Minnie were having such marital troubles recently.
I hope they are not having Clarabelle cow pie for dessert!
I love the extra touch of the toothpick spearing him (through the heart?) Made me actually lol!
Too funny! Except...Mickey was the *leader* of the Mickey Mouse club, not the center...
I've heard Mickey can only be killed by a sandwich stick driven through his heart.
Thank you for the wonderful birthday bonus wreck! What a great way to start my day!!
wv: nessag - Looks like Mickey finally got the nessag that Minnie was through with him!
Awesome! I wish I were that witty!
Literally LOL this time. I shared with my hubs, and we both had a good chuckle. Thank you Jen!
Donald Duck finally won!!!!!!!
Annnndddd..... there it is: "Anonymous said...
Too funny! Except...Mickey was the *leader* of the Mickey Mouse club, not the center..."
I'm sure they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mickey was the leader, but in this case, he is the 'center of the club'... get it?
It pains me to see Mickey like that, but I hate to admit, I laughed...
Oh Anon,
I think the other Anon knows.
oh this is brilliant beyond description
@christy - i think i love you.
but he distinctly said, "to blave", and we all know that to blave means to bluff!
oh how i love this movie :)
and nice cake,, really, i mean it!
So funny. I love this cake. Never was a big fan of Mickey Mouse, but I wouldn't mind having this as a birthday cake. It's just the kind of dark humor I like.
Sick, twisted, AND lookin' delicious. LOVE.
It's about time. That damn mouse has been so happy and optimistic and gleeful and squeaky for too damn long. He deserved this.
You know he deserved this.
A different Anonymous
I think the cheese (just out of Mickey's reach) is a nice touch.
Andrew Zimmern would approve!
It reminds me of the joke about Chinese Disneyworld . . . buuuuuut, I won't share it here.
WV: meran
Meran away fast when I saw that sandwich.
But I'll share the punchline: "They were delicious!"
Brilliant! Does it come with Donald Duck sauce?
That's sick!
And also hilarious.
That gives me the steamboat willies.
Deeply satisfying humor. Perfect execution. Fabulous extra Saturday post. Well done!
Here I was having a perfectly crappy day, and you had to go and ruin it by making me laugh until I cried. I <3 Cake Wrecks!
I always get a chuckle out of these, but this brought on a fully blown belly laugh and tears!!
I think it needs to be my new desktop background.
Sick/Fabulous cake = prices vary
Princess Bride DVD = $7.49
Bonus Saturday Cake Wrecks = Priceless
Thanks for slipping me a Mickey this morning...
You should've posted a keyboard spew warning with this. That's fabulous!!!
Looks like Mickey ordered Minnie to "get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich." And she did.
I was feeling sorry for myself about something and decided on a whim to see if there was a Saturday post this week.
Thank you for making me laugh.
wv: ouchal, synonym for "ouchie"; Ooh, Poor Mickey! You have an ouchal.
I so needed that laugh. . . and that is just my sort of sick, twisted humor. :)
I ***LOVE*** it!!!!!
Haha! I think I saw this in a Rubes comic frame once.
ah, nothing in the world better than a nice MLT when the Mickey's nice and lean.
Love the twisted humor and Princess Bride tie in.. great job!
Best Mickey cake ever!
I was hoping you'd see this one!
All those years and all really needed to rid ourselves of the rodent was a few slices of bread, some tomatoes and cheese!
Bahahaha...the Pincess Bride reference. *wipes tears from eyes*
I was at the library this morning, telling a friend about this site, and suggested she type it in to see what I meant. Well, up pops poor old Mickey, and she just lost it. I thought we were both going to get tossed out for making so much noise.
And she's the librarian!
oh, man, that is sooooo wrong.
WV: hasto -- I hasto have that one for my birthday.
haha - although a good MLT for me will always be Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato... when the Mutton is nice and Lean :)
"Oh, Mickey, you're so flat:
Bet you will taste good like that:
Hey, Mickey!"
(Apologies to Toni Basil)
Hurt myself laughing on this one! So sweet, the pain!!
That is fabulous! Thanks for the laugh!
LOL! I'm going to put a link on my blog for this.
WOOHOO! I want this for my birthday this year!
*sniff sniff* :(
I guess I wasn't the only one who sent this photo/link to you?
I know what it was -- there were sooooo many people who sent it, that it was impossible to thank them all in the tiny italics section after the post, because, you know, there's limited space on the blog and there's only so much typing one can do before Fiery Finger Fatigue sets in, so, in order to save precious cakewrecky fingers, as well as the feelings of those whose names couldn't fit, all the names were left off?
Yeah, that must be it. *sniff* *wipes eyes*
Well, at least it got on Cakewrecks, to be seen and enjoyed by all (as well as cause unintentional library laughter and accidental soda spewing.)
You know I love you guys. ;)
Carmen, the Un-Stalker
Love it.
made me laugh, though my 3 year old mickey mouse fanatic daughter looked a little worried, lmao
Oh my goodness! Don't show this to any kindergarten kids!
Craig said...
"That gives me the steamboat willies."
like, like, a million times like!
Freakin' awesome.
I'm a DisGeek and love Mickey, in fact, we're having lunch together in a few weeks!! :-D But come on, that's hilarious!!
What I wouldn't pay for someone to take a good 8x10 or 11x14 of that with them into a meeting with the Mickster himself, just to see what might happen...
HA! Perfection!
This is so awesome--I want that cake. Love the PB reference!
I'm going to try posting this comment anonymousely (ha! That was a typo, but I'm leaving it) to see if it goes through. I've been having major issues with errors for the last few days when I try to log in.
Melinda (one of them anyway--there seem to be at least two of us.)
wv--supgzxz: 'Sup, gzxz, with the weird error messages? (OK, I scrolled down and see that I'm still logged in. Here goes nothing...)
*blink*blink* Haha!
Andrew Zimmern.... Hehehe!
Steamboat willies... HAHAHA!
I love ya all!
Play by play of reading this post - Me: Awwww "::singing along:: M-I-C K-E-Y M....aaaaaahhhhhhh ::Gasp:: ack!!" Husband: "What!?" Me: "Cakewrecks" Husband: "Oh, okay." Me: "No! Look!" Husband: "Ha! Princess Bride joke, cool!"
Yep, that's my honey.
I'm now considering myself a Disney traitor, b/c I did indeed LOL IRL at this. Poor MM
Absolutely funny. Thanks for the PB reference today as well...*so Perky*
That's adorable!
So wrong but so funny!
I love Mickey, but really... this should have earned a Sunday Sweet posting, don't ya think?. It is really a piece of art, and I am considering making a framed poster!
Gotta watch some PB first though. Priorities right?
Oh. Ooooh! Good heavens. That was my laugh for the evening.
"Mickey Mouse Club Sandwich"---that probably wouldn't make the "before and after" category on Wheel of Fortune. (What would Annette say?)
One of your funniest posts ever---and that's really saying something!
That is wrong on so many levels but still soemhow funny
Hey Jen, do you have anything with Pooh Bear executed in it? I think I might like that... drowning in honey, killed by Piglet (we all know it's the quiet shy ones that you have to look out for...), anything???
A visual pun AND a Princess Bride reference in the same post - I thoroughly approve. :)
Bwahahaha! I love it!
Now that's the way to slip someone a Mickey.
My friend's reaction: "That's horrible!"
I loved it, though.
I just have to say, your hidden Princess Bride references make my day whenever I see them. Oh, thank you, Cake Wrecks.
...But that's not what he said---he distinctly said "To blave" and as we all know, to blave means to bluff, heh? So you were probably playing cards, and he cheated--
Liar! Liar! Liar!
Get back, witch!
I'm not a witch, I'm your wife, but after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that anymore.
You never had it so good.
That is possibly the funniest cake. It is truly well done and intentionally and icky mickey!
That is hilarious! An icky micky club sandwich and the detail is awesome! too funny.
Mmm...when the Mickey is nice and lean...
I'm a huge Disney fan and usually hate when anyone "disses" the mouse, but this is totally hysterical... LOVE it.
The creativity is amazing and the work is incredible.