Today, on behalf of Ireland, the Irish, and people who like Guinness, allow me to say:
Sam is gonna be thrilled, I just know it.
So will Pabrick.
And wait'll he hears about his promotion!
I'm not sure if I should salute or cross myself.
Now, there's a stereotype floating around that we Irish like to drink.
I don't know where this comes from.
And frankly, if I were able to see straight or type this without developing motion sickness, I'd be extremely offended. [hic]
Hey, look! A green golf bag! How appropriate!
[head tilt]
Wait, no. That's Scotland. Sorry. I always get Craig Ferguson and Colin Farrell mixed up.
There's also a common misconception that we Irish have nasty tempers. I don't know who started this rumor, but if I ever find out I WILL CUT OFF THEIR BANGERS AND MASH AND FEED THEM TO THE LOCH NESS MONSTER. [blinking]
That's Scotland again, isn't it?
So, in conclusion, this is a terrible four-leaf clover:
That, or this Guinness is making me see triple.
Oh, and also: Be careful when doling out kissing commands today. There's a big difference between telling an attractive stranger, "Kiss me, I'm Irish" and telling just anyone Irish to kiss you:
Don't believe me? Well, consider this: all of these guys are Irish:
"Aye, yore a pritty one, ar'ntcha?"
"Heh aheh hehehe."
"Forget those lucky charms, lass, I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
Yep, we Irish can be a bit creepy. It's part of our charm.
Rock on, Colin. Rock. On.
Thanks to Stacey T., Liz C., Jodee R., Cristina, Claire P., Emily C., Jen F., Rebecca M., Leslie C., Jenaro P., & Heather H., who are all honorary Irishmen today. So wear those red beards with pride, ladies.
I was really enjoying these in a normal way until I go to the last one. I lost it. Between the picture, Jen's commentary, and my own mind, it was more than I could take. Bravo!
As someone descended long long ago from Scottish people (so long ago that it's not worth counting up all the greats), I'm officially offended that you get Scotland and Ireland confused., no I'm not. Actually, I laughed out loud all the way through that post. :-)
I've known for a long time that the best way to end the day is with a Craig Ferguson musical extravaganza. I had no idea it was such a great way to start the day!! Thank you so much!
As far as the cakes go, I believe the first example is a St. Patricks day cake from sunny Spain.
Kiss me Irish? Maybe the person saying this was sloshed and was asking Iris to kiss him? Got to get back to decorating some St. Patrick's Day cupcakes and cookie bouquet. Love the post.
Ellen: I don't know about St. Andrew's day, but in New York they celebrate Tartan Day in April with a parade. All the bagpipes and kilts you can handle!
Maybe we could find some horrible plaid cakes for Tartan Day...
"Forget those lucky charms, lass, I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
LMPOGO (As in Laughing My Pot O' Gold Off)
Love those cakes, but do people really eat cake on St. Patrick's Day? I thought St. Patrick's Day was all about drinking shamrock shakes and green beer. But I guess you can have some cake and Guinness too!
Hey, I discovered via the Internets today that my family may be Irish (or British or Scottish)so as a possible Irish (or Scottish) descendant I'm offended that you got the two mixed up and say that they drink a lot and have bad tempers. How VERY dare you! LOL. Don't worry, I'm not Epcot-ing you.
But in all seriousness, that leering leprechaun and the gingerbread men will probably haunt me the rest of the day.
Oh this is awesome! Craig in the morning is awesome! CakeWrecks is awesome! Thanks for delivering classic snarky non-PC goodness on this very lovely St Patrick's day!
As someone who is Irish (and helped write this post), I'm offended that you're offended! And ANGRY!!! And a little zhrunk! *hic*
Seriously, at one point, I wrote an intro for it that praised the majestic Irish culture. And then I was like, "Nah." An Irishman without a sense of humor is as rare as a rude Canadian. There's just not enough of them to worry about.
#2: is it St. Palrick or Pabick? (thank goodness that looks like an a and not a u! though that would be appropriate for the rainbow twins down below...)
#3: Lt.! *salute*
#4: nice pretzel handle on the green beer with the fur muff. classy. cheating wreckerator! at least it's edible.
#5: I'm confused. is that beer or lemonade? Or did someone get a little confused about the expression "pissing in your beer"?
#6: ooh. the golf bag is spewing silly string or shaving cream or something...more sinister...with tentacles....
of course, that's what the average Irish mom of a toddler's purse probably looks like...
the rainbow twins are hilarious. they look like they should be in a Rainbow Pride parade with sashes and codpieces (or crashing the St. Pat's parade as "natives")
I thought #1 said "Happy San Patrick Day", making it an attempt at a cross-cultural cake :-) The gingerbread man on the left looks quite lascivious while his friend on the right just looks PO'd, possibly because his pot of gold isn't as big as Mr Sexy's ... And the cakes just above the gingerbread men- clearly the grocery had some leftover Valentine's Day cakes taking up freezer space so someone got creative. Only question is, Valentine's Day which year? WV decestri- some wreckerators should be served with a cease and decestri order
The theme of this St. Patrick's Day is diversity. Or something. Nothing says St. Patrick's Day like a video of a Scotsman with various random people and objects cavorting to a song by Modern English! Love the Mythbusters, BTW.
Alas for the out, loud, and proud gingerbread men, their kind are often not allowed to participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade, but at least with Don't Ask Don't Tell out of the way, one of them can fulfil his dream of becoming Lt. Patrick!
I'm both Irish and Scottish so I feel doubly lioved. Of course I'm terribly offended that you didn't speak lovingly about my French ancestry--because, after all is about ME--right??? ("Please pass the single malt. Not the whiskey. And WHAT do you mean I'm being difficult....Am not!")
Anyway, justed wanted to say that the first cake looked like "Jam Patrick" so I'm thinkin': "Either there are layers of fruity goodness in this baked item OR it is an exhortation to the Irish musicians among us to play louder, harder, etc"
The team name of the high school that my two younger children attended/attend is called the "Fighting Irish" or just Irish as in "Go Irish" so I was especially amused by the Kiss Me Irish cookie cake.I imagined someone wanting kisses from the whole school! Happy Patrick's Day!
Oh, I forgot. Can't see the video or even a link for it on the itouch. could you do a link? After all, it sounds like it might be C-o-l-i-n!! (yes, youngsters, even older people can have wholly inappropriate crushes on peolple they'll never meet...)
WV:Umish. As an Umish person I am distantly related to the Amish. But, their furniture kicks my furniture's butt.
I cannot tell if "Kiss me Irish!" should be used as a come-hither come-on or a belligerent brush-off. I guess it depends upon how many of those beer cakes you've had!
And old family joke based on my family being half Irish and half German (and half English, but my math skills aren't the best so forget about the English for the sake of this joke)
half Irish/half German: Every family get-together is spent getting drunk and plotting to take over the world.
Laughed my head off!! This is such a fun blog. I have never commented before but I so enjoy it. By the way, in my bookmarks, this place falls in line just after the Bake it Pretty site. Cracks me up,Bake it Pretty then Cake Wrecks. I smile every time. Enjoy a pint and a shot Happy ST. Patrick's Day!
oh dear ghost of the St Patrick... that pot of gold comment on the cookies sent me over the edge laughing. Bravo Bravo Bravo Still laughing and choking LOL
Wow. Very poor placement of those pots of gold. Yikes! I do see one point of hope on this post, though. For all the bad clovers you showed us yesterday, that "I *clover* beer" ccc actually has a nice clover on it! Shocking! Hilarious post as usual. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Jen and crew!
...OR that cookie implies you're a different nationality & you're desperate to become Irish by being kissed by everyone today. That's how I read that one, at least.
What on Earth are the Mythbusters doing in that music video? (Wait, why am I asking? Who cares? IT'S THE MYTHBUSTERS! THEY MAKE EVERYTHING AT LEAST 20% MORE AWESOME!) <3
#1 First vowel is an 'o'; first letter on second line could be a fancy 'G' (think General Mills logo), third letter on second line is an 'n'. Thus, being fully decoded: 'Hoppy Gan Patrick Day'. *Now* it makes sense.
#2 'Happy *St. Palrick's Day' indeed. Oh, the irony of the long-lost apostrophe, and properly placed, at that. I know food prices are going up, but $22.99 for a cookie? With spelling issues, at that. Kiss me Irish, dude.
#3 Lt. Patricks must feel honored.
#4 Q: "What are we going to do with those watermelon cakes from last summer?" A: "Bring me those pretzels we've been trying to unload -- I have an idea."
#5 Yes, nothing says 'par-tay' like blue cinnamon rolls* and a tall, foamy mug of...lemon pudding.
*I think they're cinnamon rolls. Though they might be something else altogether. No, I have no opinion on how they were cooked, if in fact they were.
#6 Are we implying that Scotland and Ireland are the same? Because that just won't do. You see, for one thing, they're spelled and pronounced differently. (My ancestors are Scottish, and I approved this statement. Just don't mention 'haggis', whatever you do.)
#8 As I said earlier...
#9 This could be the official logo of those anonymous trolls, er, *wonderful folks* who visit CW when we're all in need of correction. Whatever would we do without them.
#10 The shape says 'Valentine's Day', the red / green color scheme says 'Christmas' -- we're talking a minimum three months that these things have been around. Ah, the power of preservatives.
#11 Love the official comment -- snark it up! Uh, wait -- there's something coming over the intercom: "Roy G. Biv to the bakery, please, Roy G. Biv to the bakery."
There seem to be a number of Anonymouses (Anonymice?) who completely missed the running Irish/Scottish gag. Or who were with you right up until the video.
I think even I was blinded by Pabrick. It doesn't say Pabrick. It's either Pabick or Palrick. The small part of the 'b' is the (alleged) 'r.' It can't be used twice, as that would be against some ordinance somewhere. ;o)
Modern English did "I Melt With You," NOT a Flock of Seagulls... unless he's trying to look like the guitar player for M.E., in which case he needs to put the microphone down. That having been said, Happy Celtic Heritage Awareness Day! (I don't salute anybody who is mean to snakes.)
am I the only one who realizes that they obviously had extra heart shape packaging (and possibly pan)from valentines day to make those lepracauns?????? talk about recycling!!!! LOL Jenny
Guessing the Wrecker's train of thought on the fourth cake was an unreasonable amount of fun. "Let's start out with half a watermelon ... then put a crescent of marshmallow fluff at the top ... then, hey, why not, I'll just shove this pretzel in the side. That should do it."
And I seriously thought that other cake said "Kiss me Trish."
And is it surprising that the wreckerators couldn't even get the order of the colors on the rainbows correctly on those strange gingerbread men? Well, maybe that's the least of their problems....
Is it an EPCOT if the EPCOT-iness is about an EPCOT? So, in Austin at SXSW, sitting on the second story balcony at a bar, having a Guinness, listening to a Scottish bagpipe band...covered my cultural and ancestral bases for today.
"...your pot o' gold right here..." So glad I wasn't having the Guinness now - a nasal rinse with Guinness just doesn't seem right.
Is it bad that I thought the second cake was trying to wish "Sam" a "Happy Patrick Day" and that the only thing I thought was wrong with it (aside from the arrangement) was that the apostrophe s was missing? Anyone else?? No Just me... ok...
w.v. nottis
Did ya' nottis that bonnie wee cayke overr dere? The one wit' da little leprechaun on et? It's ugly ain't it?
(Sorry, That was my best try at a typed scottish accent, no offense meant)
What better way to celebrate then with cakes about beer and gingerbread men that look like creepy clowns? I was reading today that St. Patrick was actually officially British, which makes you wonder with the feud the countries have over bragging rights how confusing this holiday must be for them.
Oh my freaking gosh! This post was hilarious, and it was all I could do not to laugh out loud at the "pot o' gold" comment - way too good!
@MissNay 11:15 am - major win with the "Step 1: Cut a hole in the pot" joke. After John's comment, now I have to re-trace the past few months and find Jen's original line about that SNL skit. Anyone have a clue when that would have been posted?
WV: harma - Your mind will be totally blown by these wrecks, but no physical harma will come to you - hopefully.
What's up with the guy with the tambourine?? He doesn't even make it rattle, not even once? But I totally agree, everything goes better with Mythbusters!! Possible even Guinness and green icing.
Ok, I might be hallucinating, but on the big green beer stein, was that handle a PRETZEL!? seriously, did they shove a pretzel into the cake as a handle?
As someone who is from Irish (hic) decedents (hic)..wait or is it Scottish (hic)Anyway I'm deeply offended (hic) that you think (hic) that all we do (hic) is drink. Where did you get (hic) your information from? Wikipedia? (hic hic)
LOL!!! J/K Thanks for the laugh, now back to my green beer. Happy Lt. Patrick's Day!
Ok why are gingerbread men apparently used for just about every holiday? And they end up being either pervy or covered in poo. Wreckerators must have a hate filled rage with them or something. That or they think that's cute. I fear this bakery.
I laughed so hard I cried and cried!!!!!!! If that's what those Irish men look like, then I'm doubly grateful for my white chicken legged English one :p
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
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123 comments | Post a Comment
I think the lieutenant one was my favorite.
I was really enjoying these in a normal way until I go to the last one. I lost it. Between the picture, Jen's commentary, and my own mind, it was more than I could take. Bravo!
I am Irish and I am SOOOOOO offended!!!
Nah just kidding, Love these posts Lt. Jen and Lt.John
As someone descended long long ago from Scottish people (so long ago that it's not worth counting up all the greats), I'm officially offended that you get Scotland and Ireland confused., no I'm not. Actually, I laughed out loud all the way through that post. :-)
Thanks for the laughs!!
I can't believe that after last week's debacle that you would go ahead and trash the Irish culture like this...
(snicker, snicker!)
This post had me rolling! What's up with the fuzzy pumpkin? "I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
Oh my!!
Beautiful work!
Laughing heartily at the whole post, but especially at the "got your pot o' gold right here" line!
Maybe the wreckerator who made the "golf bag" can try it again for St. Andrew's Day.
If, in fact, anyone celebrates St. Andrew's Day . . .
I've known for a long time that the best way to end the day is with a Craig Ferguson musical extravaganza. I had no idea it was such a great way to start the day!!
Thank you so much!
As far as the cakes go, I believe the first example is a St. Patricks day cake from sunny Spain.
Can someone please help me wipe the tea off my computer screen? =_) I full lost it with the 'pot 'o gold'.
Erinn go Brach!
Those "rainbows" made me giggle aloud. Almost got into trouble at work.
I really did laugh out loud. Really. Thanks for the smile, although those gingerbread men are going to lurk around my subconscious all day.
Kiss me Irish?
Maybe the person saying this was sloshed and was asking Iris to kiss him?
Got to get back to decorating some St. Patrick's Day cupcakes and cookie bouquet.
Love the post.
Sharon's Edible Art
I'm married to a Scotsman, and I quite literally could not stop laughing at this post. Thanks, and here's hoping nobody gets offended.
(Also, is it weird that I kind of like the first leprechaun cake? It's cute in a scary, shaggy kind of way.)
WV: Rednerod, which I am stealing for a fantasy character name.
Ellen: I don't know about St. Andrew's day, but in New York they celebrate Tartan Day in April with a parade. All the bagpipes and kilts you can handle!
Maybe we could find some horrible plaid cakes for Tartan Day...
"Forget those lucky charms, lass, I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
LMPOGO (As in Laughing My Pot O' Gold Off)
Love those cakes, but do people really eat cake on St. Patrick's Day? I thought St. Patrick's Day was all about drinking shamrock shakes and green beer. But I guess you can have some cake and Guinness too!
Now see, I thought "Kiss Me Irish" was the St. Patrick's Day version of "kiss my grits."
Great way to start the morning! Thanks, Jen!
Hey, I discovered via the Internets today that my family may be Irish (or British or Scottish)so as a possible Irish (or Scottish) descendant I'm offended that you got the two mixed up and say that they drink a lot and have bad tempers. How VERY dare you! LOL. Don't worry, I'm not Epcot-ing you.
But in all seriousness, that leering leprechaun and the gingerbread men will probably haunt me the rest of the day.
You just have to love how the wreckorators find such creative ways to re-use those special molds...such as the heart, and gingerbread man! :P
wv - logize : I totally think he has logize for you!
Oh this is awesome! Craig in the morning is awesome! CakeWrecks is awesome! Thanks for delivering classic snarky non-PC goodness on this very lovely St Patrick's day!
You do realize Colin Ferguson's Scottish, right? -Aine
As a second generation Scottish-American who had the crazy desire to marry an Irishman, I salute you. No matter what the rank!
And to think Craig Ferguson does that stuff without any booze!
And the guy in the white shorts has some nice moves.
BWA, hAHAHhahahahahHAhahahahahahahah, etc.
That is all.
My mantra for today: "Yes, I'm wearing green. No, you can't see it. Pinch me and you'll swallow some teeth."
I just officially determined that I have NOT yet had enough coffee to process that video.
I feel... odd. Off to the coffee machine.
As someone who is Irish (and helped write this post), I'm offended that you're offended! And ANGRY!!! And a little zhrunk! *hic*
Seriously, at one point, I wrote an intro for it that praised the majestic Irish culture. And then I was like, "Nah." An Irishman without a sense of humor is as rare as a rude Canadian. There's just not enough of them to worry about.
John Matthew Mangan Yates
*Snort* lolol
I'm offended that Craig Ferguson is assumed to be Irish; he's not. He's Scottish. Just like me!
*stomps off in a huff*
Love your blog!!
That really is a terrible four-leaf clover.
For one thing it only has three leaves.
There's a saying that everyone's a wee bit Irish on St. Patrick's Day...these wreckerators aren't. Not. Even. Close.
BUT hey! That makes it all the more funny for us! LOL!
Cake 1, I see "San", not "Sam", like San Andreas, San Francisco, San Patrick....What? You've never heard of it? ;-D
Cake 2, what's funny is they got the white lettering underneath right!
Cake 3, They forgot the "'"!
Cake 4, Mmmmmmm beeeeeer!
Cake 5A, *Sigh*, again they forgot the "'".
Cake 5B, I club beer? I shamrock beer? I clover beer? Sorry, I'd rather drink it, thank you.
Cake 6, beer or golf bags are considered "critters"?
Cake 7, I have words other than "terrible" that can be used to describe that shamrock. I cannot say them here.
Cake 8, The Irish have a way to kiss? I thought that was the French?
I like that other holiday shapes such as hearts or gingerbread men can be used instead of, oh, maybe actually using a shamrock-shaped pan.
"Forget those lucky charms, lass, I've got yore pot o' gold right here!" I'll take the one on the left...his pot o' gold is bigger! ;-D
Love the bonus Craig and Mythbusters clip LOL!
wv: duckcoi: a. A decoy that is a duck. or b. a goldfish that looks like a duck.
aw, what a shame. Sam's cake is kinda pretty!
#2: is it St. Palrick or Pabick? (thank goodness that looks like an a and not a u! though that would be appropriate for the rainbow twins down below...)
#3: Lt.! *salute*
#4: nice pretzel handle on the green beer with the fur muff. classy. cheating wreckerator! at least it's edible.
#5: I'm confused. is that beer or lemonade? Or did someone get a little confused about the expression "pissing in your beer"?
#6: ooh. the golf bag is spewing silly string or shaving cream or something...more sinister...with tentacles....
of course, that's what the average Irish mom of a toddler's purse probably looks like...
the rainbow twins are hilarious. they look like they should be in a Rainbow Pride parade with sashes and codpieces (or crashing the St. Pat's parade as "natives")
Ahahahahaha! Between the cakes and Mythbusters Gone Wild, consider my gut busted! Happy St. Patty's Day!
Kiss me Irish could mean either
1) Kiss me until I am Irish or
2) Kiss me in the Irish fashion (i.e. Kiss me French would be completely understood).
Since looking at the pictures and the video I have been infected with LOLing spontaneously and for no apparent reason. Gotta love Jamie.
craig ferguson - not colin
and he's scottish-
it's still damn funny. but wrong country.
I thought #1 said "Happy San Patrick Day", making it an attempt at a cross-cultural cake :-)
The gingerbread man on the left looks quite lascivious while his friend on the right just looks PO'd, possibly because his pot of gold isn't as big as Mr Sexy's ...
And the cakes just above the gingerbread men- clearly the grocery had some leftover Valentine's Day cakes taking up freezer space so someone got creative. Only question is, Valentine's Day which year?
WV decestri- some wreckerators should be served with a cease and decestri order
The theme of this St. Patrick's Day is diversity. Or something. Nothing says St. Patrick's Day like a video of a Scotsman with various random people and objects cavorting to a song by Modern English! Love the Mythbusters, BTW.
Alas for the out, loud, and proud gingerbread men, their kind are often not allowed to participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade, but at least with Don't Ask Don't Tell out of the way, one of them can fulfil his dream of becoming Lt. Patrick!
I'm both Irish and Scottish so I feel doubly lioved. Of course I'm terribly offended that you didn't speak lovingly about my French ancestry--because, after all is about ME--right??? ("Please pass the single malt. Not the whiskey. And WHAT do you mean I'm being difficult....Am not!")
Anyway, justed wanted to say that the first cake looked like "Jam Patrick" so I'm thinkin': "Either there are layers of fruity goodness in this baked item OR it is an exhortation to the Irish musicians among us to play louder, harder, etc"
Just saying....
(" Non, pas stupide. Imbécile.oops. Pass that bottle.")
WV: dissneum. "In the olden days, the Romans got all up in each others' business at the Dissneum."
My son particularly liked the video at the end with the "dancing bunny and Sharptooth dinosaur".
Also, I would like a Guinness as large as the second to last cake.
The team name of the high school that my two younger children
attended/attend is called the "Fighting Irish" or just Irish as in "Go Irish" so I was especially amused
by the Kiss Me Irish cookie cake.I imagined someone wanting kisses from the whole school! Happy Patrick's Day!
Oh, I forgot. Can't see the video or even a link for it on the itouch. could you do a link? After all, it sounds like it might be C-o-l-i-n!! (yes, youngsters, even older people can have wholly inappropriate crushes on peolple they'll never meet...)
WV:Umish. As an Umish person I am distantly related to the Amish. But, their furniture kicks my furniture's butt.
Step one
-Cut a hole in the pot
1.The bunny and the crocodile are on Craigie Ferg all the time!
2. Don't let your son see them until he's well into his twenties.
wv: florder- Aye! I wanted to bake a wee cake, but I didn't have enough florder.
I cannot tell if "Kiss me Irish!" should be used as a come-hither come-on or a belligerent brush-off. I guess it depends upon how many of those beer cakes you've had!
LOL the video, the cakes, you just made my day. Tanks
I think #2 just didn't get it's t crossed. Looks like "Palrick" to me. Cross that "l" and it's Patrick.
I LOVE the Sam Patrick day cake.
Mostly because the thumbnail of a shamrock and a yellow daisy are so much nicer in my RSS feed than the green poo from yesterday.
Yes, MissNay, that was my first thought too.
And old family joke based on my family being half Irish and half German (and half English, but my math skills aren't the best so forget about the English for the sake of this joke)
half Irish/half German:
Every family get-together is spent getting drunk and plotting to take over the world.
Knocked it out of the park again! Thanks for the huge laughs. Made my morning.
MissNay said...
Step one
-Cut a hole in the pot
March 17, 2011 11:15 AM
@ MissNay - You WIN for the day!
Laughed my head off!! This is such a fun blog. I have never commented before but I so enjoy it.
By the way, in my bookmarks, this place falls in line just after the Bake it Pretty site. Cracks me up,Bake it Pretty then Cake Wrecks. I smile every time.
Enjoy a pint and a shot Happy ST. Patrick's Day!
LOL. Sadly, we used that line on a post a couple months back so we couldn't use it again. Great minds though.
That one could say "Kiss me Trish"
I love how Adam's ALL into the dancing and Jamie's just standing there being all serious. Awesome!
WV = aphizin. Aphizin. Sounds like some kind of prostate medication, doesn't it?
That first Irish guy looks just like the Ma Na Ma Nah Muppet.
Oi, I hate it when I get Colin and Craig mixed up too!
"I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
I laughed so loud I scared the cat right off the bed.
"Step one
-Cut a hole in the pot"
I love the reference to the Easter Bunny cake. So funny!
Thanks to the little orange haired leprechaun- all day i'm a gonna be all....
doo doo da doo doo..
M'naw M'naw.
oh dear ghost of the St Patrick... that pot of gold comment on the cookies sent me over the edge laughing. Bravo Bravo Bravo Still laughing and choking LOL
Happy Sam Pabrick's Day, everyone!
Wow. Very poor placement of those pots of gold. Yikes! I do see one point of hope on this post, though. For all the bad clovers you showed us yesterday, that "I *clover* beer" ccc actually has a nice clover on it! Shocking! Hilarious post as usual. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Jen and crew!
if you're insinuating that Craig Ferguson is Irish, then you are wrong. He is Scottish, much like your golf bag.
J, I eat cake on St. Patrick's Day. Sure, it's my birthday, but still. :-)
But you can't drink a cucumber...
...wait, green beer? It's not natural!!
"Forget those lucky charms, lass, I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
Classic! I love it!
If Cousin It (from the Addams Family) and a leprechaun "got it on" the result would be that first leprechaun cake! ROFL!
"I've got your pot of gold right here." *LOL*
"Is that a pot of gold, or are you just happy to see me?"
Keep them coming, Jen!
...OR that cookie implies you're a different nationality & you're desperate to become Irish by being kissed by everyone today. That's how I read that one, at least.
I love these posts! Keep it up!
Those were great... especially like the pot o' gold men... just like a man to have the gold right down there.... why must you tease me....
WV: Scull.... I will kick you in the scull if you kiss me Irish!!!!! (there goes that Irish, excuse me Scottish temper again)
Does the price tag on the 2nd one really read $22.99?!?! Madness!
@Shanti - yes, but is there golf? :-)
@Miya - I knew I'd have all kinds of Irish music running through my head today, but never expected Ma Na Ma Na! :::walks off, humming:::
wv - do I hear the dystin sound of bagpipes -- er, uilleann pipes -- and tin whistles, and a bodhran?
(whew, almost messed that one up)
Why is it that the funniest part of the video was Jamie Hyneman?
The pot o' gold picture is burned into my brain and I am afraid I will never be able to look at Lucky Charms the same way again.
The pot of gold gingerbread men & the Lt - let me just say that these 1/4 Irish eyes are smiling! :) Awesome stuff.
for the record, i am extremely thrilled.
What on Earth are the Mythbusters doing in that music video? (Wait, why am I asking? Who cares? IT'S THE MYTHBUSTERS! THEY MAKE EVERYTHING AT LEAST 20% MORE AWESOME!) <3
#1 First vowel is an 'o'; first letter on second line could be a fancy 'G' (think General Mills logo), third letter on second line is an 'n'. Thus, being fully decoded: 'Hoppy Gan Patrick Day'. *Now* it makes sense.
#2 'Happy *St. Palrick's Day' indeed. Oh, the irony of the long-lost apostrophe, and properly placed, at that. I know food prices are going up, but $22.99 for a cookie? With spelling issues, at that. Kiss me Irish, dude.
#3 Lt. Patricks must feel honored.
#4 Q: "What are we going to do with those watermelon cakes from last summer?" A: "Bring me those pretzels we've been trying to unload -- I have an idea."
#5 Yes, nothing says 'par-tay' like blue cinnamon rolls* and a tall, foamy mug of...lemon pudding.
*I think they're cinnamon rolls. Though they might be something else altogether. No, I have no opinion on how they were cooked, if in fact they were.
#6 Are we implying that Scotland and Ireland are the same? Because that just won't do. You see, for one thing, they're spelled and pronounced differently. (My ancestors are Scottish, and I approved this statement. Just don't mention 'haggis', whatever you do.)
#8 As I said earlier...
#9 This could be the official logo of those anonymous trolls, er, *wonderful folks* who visit CW when we're all in need of correction. Whatever would we do without them.
#10 The shape says 'Valentine's Day', the red / green color scheme says 'Christmas' -- we're talking a minimum three months that these things have been around. Ah, the power of preservatives.
#11 Love the official comment -- snark it up! Uh, wait -- there's something coming over the intercom: "Roy G. Biv to the bakery, please, Roy G. Biv to the bakery."
-Craig (not Ferguson)
There seem to be a number of Anonymouses (Anonymice?) who completely missed the running Irish/Scottish gag. Or who were with you right up until the video.
For you Anons: *It was intentional!*
What Trevor said! ROFL!!!!
I think even I was blinded by Pabrick. It doesn't say Pabrick. It's either Pabick or Palrick. The small part of the 'b' is the (alleged) 'r.' It can't be used twice, as that would be against some ordinance somewhere. ;o)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
(hope I got that right!)
MissNay -
I was doing a wonderful job NOT frightening co-workers, just barely holding it together, until I read your comment.
::GUFFAWS, DIES, hides under desk::
WV: Bentromp. Actually, I'm going to just let that stand on it's own.
LOVED this post!!! I was LOLing all the way thru and nearly lost it with the pot of gold crack. You make my day!!!
Craig Ferguson ...on Cakewrecks?
*dies a happy death*
Modern English did "I Melt With You," NOT a Flock of Seagulls... unless he's trying to look like the guitar player for M.E., in which case he needs to put the microphone down. That having been said, Happy Celtic Heritage Awareness Day! (I don't salute anybody who is mean to snakes.)
Holy Schmoly! Did you see the price on those wrecks???? I would need to be drinking me green guiness in order to pay for them!
am I the only one who realizes that they obviously had extra heart shape packaging (and possibly pan)from valentines day to make those lepracauns?????? talk about recycling!!!! LOL
Guessing the Wrecker's train of thought on the fourth cake was an unreasonable amount of fun. "Let's start out with half a watermelon ... then put a crescent of marshmallow fluff at the top ... then, hey, why not, I'll just shove this pretzel in the side. That should do it."
And I seriously thought that other cake said "Kiss me Trish."
So glad I wasn't drinking anything when I got the "got you pot of gold right here." one. My keyboard would not have survived!!!
Pot O Gold! bahahahahaha!
Bwhahaha. Pots of gold. Genious.
Talking of Scotland... can we get a Scottish themed wrecks? Or even a tartan themed wreck? ...Pretty please? ;)
As for Craig Ferguson... well, I can laugh at him 'cause he's a Weegie (:P too any of you out there. heh)
And is it surprising that the wreckerators couldn't even get the order of the colors on the rainbows correctly on those strange gingerbread men? Well, maybe that's the least of their problems....
How could the baker not know that the pot of gold cookies would be taken immediately to the gutter?!
Is it an EPCOT if the EPCOT-iness is about an EPCOT? So, in Austin at SXSW, sitting on the second story balcony at a bar, having a Guinness, listening to a Scottish bagpipe band...covered my cultural and ancestral bases for today.
"...your pot o' gold right here..." So glad I wasn't having the Guinness now - a nasal rinse with Guinness just doesn't seem right.
@KatiMomKat - Hi, Kati!!! (waving vigorously)
Is it bad that I thought the second cake was trying to wish "Sam" a "Happy Patrick Day" and that the only thing I thought was wrong with it (aside from the arrangement) was that the apostrophe s was missing? Anyone else?? No Just me... ok...
w.v. nottis
Did ya' nottis that bonnie wee cayke overr dere? The one wit' da little leprechaun on et? It's ugly ain't it?
(Sorry, That was my best try at a typed scottish accent, no offense meant)
What better way to celebrate then with cakes about beer and gingerbread men that look like creepy clowns? I was reading today that St. Patrick was actually officially British, which makes you wonder with the feud the countries have over bragging rights how confusing this holiday must be for them.
Am I the only one who saw "Happy Dan Patrick Day" on that first one?
The heart shaped things look like the Urdd symbol
Mister Urdd.
like we said St Patrick was Welsh!!
Oh my freaking gosh! This post was hilarious, and it was all I could do not to laugh out loud at the "pot o' gold" comment - way too good!
@MissNay 11:15 am - major win with the "Step 1: Cut a hole in the pot" joke. After John's comment, now I have to re-trace the past few months and find Jen's original line about that SNL skit. Anyone have a clue when that would have been posted?
WV: harma - Your mind will be totally blown by these wrecks, but no physical harma will come to you - hopefully.
What's up with the guy with the tambourine?? He doesn't even make it rattle, not even once? But I totally agree, everything goes better with Mythbusters!! Possible even Guinness and green icing.
Luvya Jen and John Matthew Mangan Yates, och aye!
MC from NZ
I have red hair so I pretend I'm Irish on this very special day! I love Jamie & the creepy guy dancing on the desk! Thanks for the daily laughs!!!
As I'm recovering from a St. Patrick's week cold, that Pot 'O' Gold line threw me into a coughing/choking fit of laughter. I need one of those pots.
I have no idea what that video was about but it totally made my birthday!
Whoa Whoa WHoa, stop the commentary!!! Is that the Mythbusters?! Yes! Yes it is!!!!
Ok, I might be hallucinating, but on the big green beer stein, was that handle a PRETZEL!? seriously, did they shove a pretzel into the cake as a handle?
As someone who is from Irish (hic) decedents (hic)..wait or is it Scottish (hic)Anyway I'm deeply offended (hic) that you think (hic) that all we do (hic) is drink. Where did you get (hic) your information from? Wikipedia? (hic hic)
LOL!!! J/K Thanks for the laugh, now back to my green beer. Happy Lt. Patrick's Day!
Raise your glass, Wreckies:
Here's to good St. Patrick,
Who through strategy and stealth,
Drove all the snakes from Ireland-
Here's toasting to his health!
But not too many toastings
Less we lose ourselves, and then,
Forget the good St. Patrick
And see all those snakes again!
-Barbara Anne
Love the pretzel as the beer mug handle
At first I thought the orange leprechaun cake was one of the McDonald's Fry Guys. (Whatever happened to them?)
'Anonymice' is the ideal plural of 'anonymous'. I'll try to remember to use it. Of course, it might offend them, but that's hardly news.
Are those....silly bands on the first cake?!
My family has some Irish descent among other nationalities, and some of them lived up to the stereotype.
I laughed even though it made my already pained stomach hurt more.
Ok why are gingerbread men apparently used for just about every holiday? And they end up being either pervy or covered in poo. Wreckerators must have a hate filled rage with them or something. That or they think that's cute. I fear this bakery.
Loved the Kiss Me Irish :p
Oh I think Craig would be SO PROUD of the rainbows and the pot and the gold on the gingerbread men!!!
And to all you snarky "he's scottish!" people, his grandmother was Irish and he totally claims her.
I'm not sure if he would claim the hairy little orange guys though...
AWESOME post Jen and Co!
OK...i'm still laughing from yesterday's viewing of the pot o' gold gingerbread men. HA HA HA HA snort! Man, I love this site!
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Myth Busters...:D
Did you see the price of the second cake?
LMAO at the Pot O'Gold!
Any one else notice those rainbows had an incorrect color sequence?
Is it an Irish thing to get picky over how you draw a rainbow?...
Craig Ferguson AND CakeWrecks?
I love this site. :)
Good Lordy! "Pot of Gold" indeed. Thank goodness fo Craig Ferguson and the Mythbusters cause I needed something to scrub my inner eye with.
wv: "Cominalt" - Those little Irish fellows want to you cominalt o'the rain with'em.
Love Cake Wrecks & the Cheeky Monkey!
My dear ol' Da used to call me Ma "Irish," so I appreciated the cookie...
Eileen (eil)
I laughed so hard I cried and cried!!!!!!! If that's what those Irish men look like, then I'm doubly grateful for my white chicken legged English one :p
wv dettl: Just a little trip to the dentist.