Ok, I know what you're thinking.
But hey, in some countries, Mr. Bean IS a celebrity.
(No, seriously, that's supposed to be Mr. Bean.)
Ok, try this one:

Here, I'll give you a hint:
it's Zac Efron.
How about a little rock royalty?

Yes, Freddie Mercury: we will Wreck you.
I don't know about you guys, but I like my cakes to have a good head on their shoulders:
Oh, and hey, Mr. Tupac Sugar, keep ya head up!!
(Yeah, I admit it: I had to Wiki him to find that song title.)

'Course, if you think it would be weird to eat a celebrity's effigy, imagine what a weird Situation it is for them:

I would complain about this looking nothing like her, but frankly I think it's worse when the cake is a dead ringer:
Creeepy. Also, I've heard of linebackers being built like refrigerators, but this is ridiculous.
If you really want to bring your "A" game, though, then this next cake will fit you to a "T":

116 comments | Post a Comment
I actually got Zac Efron right! I'm so proud.
Thank you for telling me who they were. Are. Are supposed to be. If that's Zac, I'll eat my hat.
(Shouldn't Tupac be the dead ringer cake?) Yes, I'm warped, sorry. Somehow, though, I seem to fit right in with CakeWrecks and TombWrecks viewers.
I could've sworn that first one was George Hamilton!
I do NOT want to eat a cake that looks like a person! And forget the ear slice --- what about those EYE slices????
Mr. Bean? I would have sworn that was Howard Cosell.
'course that opens up all kinds of new questions....
It's like Lady Gaga, but with Madonna's front teeth.
had fun guessing! that mr. T cake reminds me of the razorback you posted a while ago... odd. love the blog! :)
Zac Efron = Paul McCartney + Late-in-life Michael Jackson? Those are pretty big (and weird) shoes to fill, Zac.
wv: sanedum-- I'll never find my way back to sanedum if the path is filled with cakes like these...
....But you messed up the face,
A big disgrace.
Airbrush lines all over the place.
We will, we will wreck you!
We will, we will wreck you!
Handwriting horrors, what did that say?
Leaning tiers to ruin your wedding day.
Mickey Mouse, flash drive, too much space,
carrot jockeys all over the place.
We will, we will wreck you!
We will, we will wreck you!
Ugly green camo, severed head and feet,
Heavy on the sprinkles, isn't that a treat?
Barbie, poo, and belly, gangsta, meat,
Hide it with flotsam, they'll think that's neat.
We will, we will wreck you!
We will, we will wreck you!
Sharon's Edible Art
Oh man! The Mr. T cake actually made me shudder!
Dear Lord.
I ROFL'ed at the orange icing comment. I nearly screamed at the football player (whoever the heck that is).
But Mr. Bean? That is a disgrace. Rowan Atkinson does NOT look like that. Perhaps the wreckerators should've sent the orange icing to the folks who did the Situation cake.
Oh my. That Mr. T head made me ill. The hair...the jewelry...the hair...the fact that it's a random head sitting on a table...THE HAIR!
The first cake looks like George Hamilton with collagen-injected lips. None of them look like anything that I would want to eat.
I really thought the first one was spock... I would have never guessed Mr. Bean
Shut yo mouth, foo! That Mr. T cake is awesome. :D
I challenge your identification of Zac Efron...I think it looks more like ET crossed with an anime character.
I think I'll have some pie.
I agree with the earlier note on #1, that's a fantastic Howard Cosell.
I could have sworn that the first cake was Adam Sandler!
Maybe it's just me, but Tupac's head looks like it's actually doing its best Linda Blair impersonation. I swear when I saw it, I was like "His head is on backwards!" It's probably just the lack of shoulders though. Still, UGH!
This post reminds me why a lot of bakers refuse to recreate people. I had this conversation the other day when talking about The Next Great Baker and the woman who made a "dog." yeah, I was like "Who wants to eat their pet?"
Unrelated to this post - just got a Cake Wrecks calendar for an early Christmas present. Best present EVER, I am SO EXCITED for next year now.
I thought Freddie Mercury was John Stossel. Now there's a 20/20 expose - name that cake!
Ray Lewis...DEAD ringer...
I honestly thought the first one was a bad Bill Cosby. And the second one looked like an alien with swoopy/emo hair.
I wonder if they made inlay on Mr. T so that when you cut it you see jello brains. I know, gross, but that cake seriously wierds me out.
I thought Freddy Mercury was Omar Sharif.
The Mr. T cake is going to give me nightmares. For a Very. Long. Time.
The first one looks like Howard Cosell.
Sharon's post takes the cake (sorry couldn't resist) it was priceless though - Queen & Cake wrecks - 2 of my favs. Scary cakes tho, were the intended recipients someone the buyers actually liked?
I thought the first one was Howard Cosell!!!!
So I was thinking they were:
Prez Obama
Lead singer of Green Day
Tom Selleck
Kobe Bryant
I thought that first one was George Hamilton too - at least it would have explained the skin color. I think I was most disturbed by exactly how shiny the face of "Mr. Bean" was.
Not sure who that guy with the torso is, but what's with those fingers on the cake?
I got the first one right, I love Mr. Bean! To me it looked exactly like him, in a very Mr. Bean sorta way.
I can just here the conversation in the bakery when they were making the Ravens player cake (I don't remember his name).
"It would look great like this but it's supposed to feed 100. We will just make him a little beefier to add the extra servings."
OK, am I the only one who sees the irony in stabbing Ray Lewis with a knife?
I actually thought Mr. Bean was a big nosed Bond...
And what in all this green earth was on top of Mr. T's head? Ewww
I LOVE Mr. Bean (it's the time of year to watch his Christmas special again. WOOT!!), but I would never guess in a million years that was him. Now that I know however, if I squint really hard and focus on the eyebrows... yeah, I see it. :P
To the first one, are you sure it's meant to be Mr Bean because the writing on the cake is Bahasa (Indonesian or Malaysian), and the person on the cake does look sorta South-East Asian.
Around 10 years ago there was a murder in Phoenix, AZ where they found nothing but a headless, armless, legless, torso. It turned out that I WORKED with the accomplice. Yikes. The Situation cake reminds me of this. *shudder*
About the Ray Lewis "refrigerator" comment: there actually was an NFL player for the Chicago Bears, mainly back in the 80s, named William "The Refrigerator" Perry.
Link to "Refrigerator" Perry page on Wikipedia
Gives a new meaning to head on a platter. Wrecktabulous.
I still can't get over the first one which I thought was either
a) George Lopez
b) Obama
c) Diego (from Go Diego Go!)
Never would have gotten it right. :-D
My first thought was Howard Cosell as well.
Cindi Lauper was the first one I got. And that's only because she was standing there.
And eating Mr. T's earring doesn't bother me as much as eating his BEARD. Hairy Cake.
Did anyone look at the first one and see Spock? No? Just me then? Okay.
Also, I did get the second one. I think I'm proud of that, but I don't know why.
Yay, I recognized Mr. Bean straight away...they can have him, we're fed up with him.
That Mr. T. cake put me in mind of the story of John the Baptist...and that's just not right!
#1 is much more Howard Cosell than Mr. Bean (being a huge Mr. Bean fan, I did not at all see that).
#3 is Omar Sharif, sort of.
Perhaps we should rething our dislike of edible photo paper.
the Mr. Bean one looks like a cross between Saddam Hussien and Adam Sandler...
The first one looks like the love child of Dean Martin and President Obama.
And I agree with the dead ringers being worse - getting a piece with the "hair" would trigger my gag reflex. Hair in food = grossssssss.
That is NOT Freddie Mercury. Anyone can see that that is the love-child of Omar Sharif and Tom Selleck. Duh.
I am proud to say that I have no idea who the orange guy showing his belly button is.
I admit - I actually knew it was Zack Efron before reading the caption. Can I blame that on having a 10 yr old daughter? no? damn!
some of those were UBER scary
Yeah I thought Spock too. And I guessed Justin Bieber instead of Zac Ephron. I think Mr. T's hair is cookie crumbs.
Okay, why is no one worried about the fingers on the torso cake that seem to be getting sucked into the black hole that is the bellybutton!!
How'd they do the hair on Mr T?
I thought Howard Cosell with a really good tan for the first cake.
That Mr T cake... ughhh. I pity the fool(s) who ate it.
I totally got Freddie Mercury. The rest of them... not so much. And Mr. Bean appears to have jumped aboard the fake-tan wagon. Good stuff, as always!
I thought the first one looked like Mark Leonard - He played Sarek, Spock's dad in the original Star Trek
The Mr T cake is scary
Annette M
I actually thought the 2nd one looked a little like Jimmy Fallon.
I'll never understand why people order cakes of other people. It's like some weird form of pseudo cannibalism.
I would have sworn the first one was Walter Matthau
A friend of mine shared a wreck on facebook and I was told I needed to post my comment on here so here it is for you...
"I love Cake Wrecks... the cakes, the sarcasm, the references only a true geek would get! It is everything that makes life worth living all wrapped up in one perfect little bloggy package!"
*please note the proper use of quotation marks
noones - as in "noones" gonna buy those cakes! I know, I know... obvious, right? this is what I had to work with... could also be how a wreckerator spells noon
When did Mr. Bean become African? and is it just me or is the cake for the Jersey shores guy totally flipping us off? Lady Gaga has buckteeth??? And now that you all are mentioning it, yeah having a hairy cake would totally.... ewwww
@ Sharon (Sharon's Edible Art)
LOVE your remix! Made me laugh.
As did the comment about the orange icing for The Situation's cake. Looks like his cake missed the T part of GTL! Haha
Mr. T's head makes me think of John the Baptist. Severed heads are the perfect touch for any birthday celebration.
Human figure cakes are a bad idea. Wreckerators: taking bad ideas and making them worse.
The Situation: "Hey, you wanna a piece of me!?"
I also got Zac Efron corretct...wouldnt eat ANY of the cakes that look like ppl~gross. Mr. T looks esp. nasty..what's the filling, I wonder? lol
And for you Sims 2 Geeks -- doesn't the second cake look like Zac Efron was kidnapped by aliens and this was the offspring?
Oh hmm.. I thought the first one was George Lopez. I love Mr. Bean, but that looks nothing like him!
I guessed the Zac Efron cake just from the hair cause that's the only way I recognize him in human form. I also guessed the Tupac cake based on the bandana.
That Ray Lewis cake looks too real. You almost wonder if he's under the table with his head sticking through.
`I see!' said the Queen, who had meanwhile been examining the roses. `Off with their heads!' and the procession moved on, three of the soldiers remaining behind to execute the unfortunate gardeners, who ran to Alice for protection.
`You shan't be beheaded!' said Alice, and she put them into a large flower-pot that stood near. The three soldiers wandered about for a minute or two, looking for them, and then quietly marched off after the others.
`Are their heads off?' shouted the Queen.
`Their heads are gone, if it please your Majesty!' the soldiers shouted in reply.
Ha! I thought the first one was Dick Van Dyke!
Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said...
Okay, why is no one worried about the fingers on the torso cake that seem to be getting sucked into the black hole that is the bellybutton!!
I am worried. Very worried. And thanks to your description even more creeped out.
I also thought the first cake looked like Howard Cosell. Now go back and read it in his voice...LOL
Had no idea who the 2nd cake represented. Looked almost like some claymation guy I've seen on a commercial.
I did get Freddie right, but it does look like the love child of Omar Sharif and Tom Selleck.
OK, forget Tupac's shoulders...what is up with his chin??? Looks like he's got a huge wad of chewin' tabbacky in his mouth!
At least they spelled her name right. I like Cyndi though, she's soooo unusual!
I think because of the angle of the cake, his hands look goofy pointing at his belly button. They're supposed to be pointing at his infamous abs. *eyeroll*
LOL! Reminds me of the joke my son told me...How do you wake up Lady Gaga? You po-po-poker in the face!
It's not a refrigerator, it looks more like a sweat box to me.
LOL @ sympathize with the inferior! Mr. T's nose looks smooshed.
wv: foome: I pitty the foome!
I got the Freddy Mercury one right! I was only 3 when he died.
Yeah, imma havta go with mildly surprised Cosell on that first one and what is up with torso guy's belly button? I mean, why is the cake pointing at it? Besides the fact that it's a pretty good belly button... for a cake... if you like cakes to have belly buttons... which I don't... but at least it's not hairy...
wv: pnewi What you say when you get frosting hair in your mouth...
EPCOT alert level: orange. As in orange skin tones.
Today on 'Celebrity Celebrity Lookalikes', we have:
#1 Ok, before I scrolled past the 'hair' (or toupe), I also thought Cosell. Brought back to be the new spokesman for Man Tan. Bean? Maybe from the direct-to-dumpster movie, 'Mr. Bean Sticks His Head in an Oven'. Hmm... [strokes chin]
#2 Peter Lorre as 'Zac Efron'.
#3 Saddam Hussein (or Tom Jones) as 'Freddy Mercury'.
#5 Cyndi Lauper as 'Jake' (or maybe 'Elwood'). Featuring The Cake as 'something with way too many quotation marks on it'.
#6 Speaking of Situation orange... The cake is more life-like.
Finally, whoever asked for Mr. T's head on a platter, you got it. What did he ever do to you? What did *we* ever do to you that we have to see that? Do we want to know what the 'hair' is made of?
I thought the first one was Omar Sharif and the second one was one of the Jonas Brothers (but really, Zac Efron could easily pass for one of the Jonas Brothers).
I thought the first one was Howard Cosell.
Those are ALL creepy.
the first one isnt Mr.Bean LOL
the words are written in Malay(or indonesian,its similar languages)
it says
"selamat hari lahir Hud Haikal"
means happy birthday Hud Haikal(whoever he is...)
im malaysian, i understand the language~~
I thought the first one was supposed to be Obama. :X I could never eat Mr. T!!!
"sympathize with the inferior"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Okay, who is the clown with his shirt yanked up?
Oh. Oh my. Some things can never be unseen....
When I saw the first line of the post, I thought, "Yay! I love this game!" But my first three guesses were 1) Leonard Nimoy, 2) I accidentally looked ahead and saw the answer, and 3) Freddie Mercury (right!), and after that I was so stumped by 4) the man with a white bow tied around his head that I kind of gave up.
BTW, to Anonymous @ 11:50 AM "Annette M" -- Fun fact: Mark Lenard continued to play Spock's father Sarek for a couple of appearances in TNG. According to Wikipedia he was only six and a half years older than Leonard Nimoy.
I also thought the first one was Mr. Spock, but ruled this out immediately after checking his ears.
And anyway, Spock never had such a glazed look. [rimshot]
I totally recognized Freddie Mercury, but it's funny, I thought he died of AIDS, not MUMPS.
The first one looks a little like George Hamilton (with the arched eyebrows and overly tanned face). The last one (of Mr. T) is a little like how I'd expect the head of John the Baptist to look. Creepy.
The first one looks like Spock - if he were from India! LOL!
WV: inismuta. 'Inismuta none of these cakes look good enough to eat, I'll just have some pie.'
I'm with Danger Boy @10:02. Friend, pass the pie over here, will you, please? Thanks.
Merry at Annie's Book Stop
@Sharon: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your lyrics!
For #1, my initial guess was George Lopez.
For #2, Ashton Kutcher.
After a few seconds, I guessed John Travolta on cake #3. Never heard of Freddy Mercury.
Cake #4, I thought it looked like a bald Snoop Dog. (Personally, I think SD should shave his head.)
I thought the woman was the cake on #5 for a little while until I looked closer.
Cake #6, I rather have a headless torso cake than one with a head. And also, what is the Situation's appeal? He's really not that cute.
I actually got the Freddy Mercury one right! And I had suspicions on Zac Efron and was fairly certain that was supposed to be Tupac... but the first one?! I thought either Adam Sandler or Barack Obama... never before would I have thought those two could have been mistaken for each other, but never have I seen them rendered in cake form, either.
I thought the first one was Adam Sandler! And that Zach Efron was Edward from Twilight. Shoulda known it wasnt though since he wasnt sparkling.
Also your comedic timing has reached new spectacular heights. Just when I scrolled down to the Freddie Mercury cake "We Will Rock You" came up on my iTunes.
It was astounding!
Hey, I'm not the only one who recognized the Bahasa on the first cake! Nice to see wreckerators have gone international :)
#2. OK, the upright cake is cool. But the guy does look like a cross between Ephron and Michael Jackson and the nose & eyes look like they've undergone far too much surgery.
#3 Freddy Mercury? Seriously? I'm with the Saddam Hussein/Tom Selleck rorschach test group here. And LOVED Sharon's song. I want to hear #1 sing that as the CW official theme song!
#4 I think I prefer my wreckerators to have good heads on their shoulders. Which means no people cakes.
#5 Poor "Cyndi" is only supposed to have "fun". Nice to know that even celebs get wrecked cakes, not just regular folks :)
#6 Is it just me, or does the cake look better than the guy?
#8 Yup, I was thinking of The Refrigerator too! I definitely think the baker has real talent as a sculptor-- and needs to switch to a non-edible medium. And having shared a SMALL turboprop airplane with a pro football team (yes, I asked the flight attendant if they'd taken the extra weight into account), I would NEVER even *think* "Bite me" to anyone that gargantuan!
#9 OK, once again, impressive sculpting skills, wrong medium. Eating the head of a fictional cartoon character (or Barney) is one thing, but an actual person? Ugh, cannibalism does not appeal.
Not gonna lie...I actually liked the Gaga cake. Some braces would've been good, though. Also this:
wow! really amazing. and it's funny. ;-)
The Freddie Mercury cake was easy . They used a pretty well known picture
Does anybody else think that the first cake looks like Mark Lenard, circa late 1960s, as Sarek? Paphipti and prosper, y'all!
I don't think they got Sitch's ab formation quite right, but the skin tone is "dead on" for a dismembered torso.
Cake, anyone?
Funny enough, that first cake to me already screamed Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean). He just had a really slimy dark tan and his face isn't as chisled.
The rest of the cakes... meh. I enjoy these blogs because they do show how decorating a cake isn't easy, but if you don't have the skills, please learn them before you try to get a job decorating.
- Mel
Honestly, I thought that was a life-sized cake of Cyndi Lauper. I had to Google it to make sure it wasn't.
#2 is Zac Efron? I thought it was Gollum, before he lost his hair.
Mr. Bean? I could have sworn it was Howard Cosell!
No, that first one is definitely a Hugo Chavez cake.
That first one reminded me of adam sandler. Other than that, I've got nothing but wtf?
OMG...I read cakewrecks daily to laugh at OTHER people's work...and I find MINE. I guess deep down I Knew it had to happen sooner or later. :)
oh, and the hair is raw chocolate cake, cut into thin slices
I thought the first cake was Dean Martin. I think it's the hair.
I also thought Zac Efron was Justin Bieber. Clearly I'm not up on my Generation Z teen idols because they all look alike to me these days.
I guessed Freddie correct even though he looks like he has a gland problem.
Ol' 52 looks haunted, and probably because the Ravens are quickly blowing their chances to get in the playoffs. Yep, I'm from Maryland.
Ok Jen when I have nightmares tonight over all of those scary cakes (especially that first one) I am going to crawl under my bed and pray that the wreckerators are found and run out of town lol. Man who could eat those???
When I first saw that last one, I thought, "Is that even supposed to be a HEAD? It looks more like..." Eurgh, I don't even want to think about it.
I was sure the first one was Klinger from M.A.S.H.
I thought that first one was Jamie Farr. Lol~Fräulein
Altogether now-
I can just hear a party guest at the torso cake party..... "Oh, I want a nipple! And a thumb..."
I thought the first one was supposed to be Howard Cosell.
But I did get Freddie Mercury right.
That is not so much Freddie Mercury as it is a Robert Z'Dar and Tom Selleck love child. I may have nightmares.
I thought the first on was Leonard Nemoy!
I never noticed the uncanny resemblance between Mr. Bean and President Obama until now. Huh.
"I guess they ran out of orange icing." BEST LINE EVER!!!!
If I would eat the first wreck, I'd be thinking: "Vale homo qui est faba." (That's "Farewell, man who is a bean.") I gotta give Howard Goodall some credit for my thoughts! LOL!!!
Oh, why did they do that to Ray Ray? That Ray Lewis cake hurts my heart a little.