It's Hungry from those Weight Watcher's commercials! You know, this guy?

Now, Weight Watcher's wants you to banish Hungry (who I must say is the most adorable junk-food-pusher since my hubby John) by joining some program of theirs. However, the decorator of the above CCC and I have an even better idea: eat cupcakes.
See, eating cupcakes is ALSO an effective way to banish Hungry. Right? Seriously, you can't argue with this kind of logic.
And in case this is the first you've seen of the adorable orange monster, here's one of his commercials airing approximately every 20 minutes 'round these parts:
Colee, is it wrong that this makes me hungry?
95 comments | Post a Comment
Ok, I can look past the swirly poo frosting and missing eyes and eyebrows but what's with the 6?
That was my first thought too. My second thought was "The Thing" from Fantastic Four.
I love this fuzzy orange dude, too! And he's on our TV every other minute, too, so that's a good thing.
Now I just want to cuddle up with mr hungry and eat some cupcakes.....it's soo wrong!
*stares at the cake* Yep, that's just what our yard looked like when my dog ate a sack of flower bulbs (don't ask me what he was thinking). I found lots of little perfect piles just like that in just that color. Only his arrangement was off...I'll have to mark him down on presentation I guess.
Incidentally, I'd never seen the Hungry commercials but he is awfully cute. I suspect some distant relation to Cooke Monster.
I WANT that Hungry guy in my house!!! Seriously! I wish they would sell him (or a reasonable facsimilie of him in cuddly plush form). He's SO SUPER CUTE!!!
LOL! It's so true! It DOES look like Hungry!
And I love when, in the commercial, the woman opens her laptop, and Hungry opens a pizza box. CLASSIC! LOL!
OMG that is way too funny!!! All that CCC needs is little eyes!!
I think I'm in love with "Hungry". He is freaking adorable! When I see the commercial, I ask the hubby if I can switch the two of them out since hungry will give me the food I want and hubby gives me whole grains. Lol!
The cake, though, is not adorable, it's atrocious. And what kind of Weight Watcher's celebration offers cupcakes?! Shouldn't they be little individual salads or something?
not any more wrong than when i watched "Super size me" and then told my husband i wanted a quarter pounder!
Hungry is teh cutest.
Oh dear, WW have got it so very wrong here! Who would want to banish such a cute junk food monster, not me, that's for sure?! He's too cute, shouldn't 'hungry' be made out to be some ugly fiend, that might actually work!
every time i see that commercial i tell my husband, "i want one of those furry things what throw you doughnuts!!"
All I want to know is...why doesn't hungry ever show up in my living room juggling cupcakes? I might like a cupcake, but hungry makes me fetch my own. dirty bugger!
Ok, I'm just CRACKING UP over that laptop/pizza scene. PRICELESS!!! Wish they'd show this one around me.
And where can I get a "Hungry" stuffed animal? I want one!
I hope they don't expect us to believe those cupcakes are only worth 6 points.....
As a WW lifetime member, I must say I laughed enough for co-workers to stare. I even sent the link to my meeting leader!
Word ver: weedfu - If weedfu(ll) up on CCCs, we'd need to go to Weight Watchers!
Tracy O
Those cupcakes are the exact same shade of orange as the squash and carrot soup I had for dinner last night.
That's not exactly appetitising, as far as desserts go.
I would love a Hungry cake!
Have you noticed that Hungry has no mouth? It's kind of sad how wants us to eat because he can't. It's a dark, vicarious life he leads.
Yah, Hungry IS Really cute, but...
"Weight Watchers’ Hungry Totally Looks Like Gossamer from Looney Tunes"
I'm just sayin~~~ :-D
All I saw was a bunch of pumpkin coloured cupcakes. Never heard of that WW commercial. Cute, though. (the commercial)
~Amy B.
I am on WW and those commercials actually make me hungry....it is wrong somehow. Maybe that is the plan?
Um, I think it's supposed to be a jersey - and they're rooting for player #6....
Which makes it all the more wrecktastic....
I think I like it as Hungry better....
Those ads, btw, make me want to comfort the little guy, not banish him...
I shall assume it is 6 Weight Watcher "points" per cupcake?
Hungry really reminds me of the cup a soup Hug creature, except more humanoid...
we don't get that commercial here (chicago) -- either that, or i just don't watch enough tv. i think "hungry" in the commercial is adorable. "hungry" the ccc is a wreck!
Eight bucks for 12 cupcakes of a headless shirt? No thanks.
Actually it looks like Gossamer, who was original, whom Hungry looks like..
either way - ewww
Dudes, the cake is supposed to be an orange jersey with the #6 on it for some kind of sports team. The resemblance to the Weight Watchers guy is unintentional.
My husband *loves* Mr. Hungry. Thinks he is the cutest thing ever. Me..I just feel bad when those books fall off the table and hit him in his special place. Isn't it bad enough he has no mouth to eat? Now he can't even cry out in pain? Poor Mr. Hungry.
Word Verification: bessinag
You bessinag at me to eat healthier when I see Mr. Hungry cause he makes me want to eat junk food!
I love Hungry! :) He's the cutest thing ever, and I have to say, I'm not interested in getting rid of him in the Weight Watcher's way.
Perhaps this is why I am a bit on the chubby side. ;)
When Hungry shows up I go for chocolate cake. Cause if you are what you eat I want to be a rich hunk.
That monster is the BEST. I love it when he opens the pizza box like a laptop. He's too cute, you just can't refuse temptation when it's so cute!
As always, great blog post!
One look at the "Go Team" cake made me think immediately, "No thanks, we already went". The evidence is in these 12 little piles...(bu-dump!) -tl
And I was thinking that somebody decapitated that poor fellow
I. LOVE. the hungry monster! spesh when he pretends to type on the pizza.
Argh, I am staaaarvin'!!
Yes he looks a little like Gossamer, but Gossamer has a mouth and sneakers
and now I want donuts ;)
wv-hundica...a new Asian carmaker?
Okay I'm sold! I would like to buy the ugly orange CCC.
I must be in the minority, but I hate that commercial. "Show Hungry who's boss." Why not Hunger? At least that would be grammatical.
Wow, that cake does not make me hungry. But you are right, eating cupcakes is a good way to banish Hungry!!!
@dr_igloo - Dude, we totally already knew that. Give us a little credit.
For the last few days I was thinking that making some cupcakes sounded like a good idea....UHMMMM...now...maybe not.
Perhaps I'm the only one here who sees it, but this is clearly the orange "T" from the University of Tennessee Volunteers. I say "clearly" but really I mean a poor attempt at making a "T" out of cupcakes. Not that I like the Vols, but I live where tons of folks do.
Six is the number of pounds you gain from eating the cupcakes.
To Mario: It's not ungrammatical; Hungry is the name of the "monster."
WV: lenting. Isn't that what many Catholics will be doing in a week or so?
Hungry is my fav junk food character...whoever came up with it is brilliant...he appeals to everyone and he's cute and fuzzy too...Love this post !!!
I linked you in a recent post about Cake Wrecks on my blog...everyone needs to come visit here ! Thanks Jen LOL
Hey, on second glance, I think these are cinnamon rolls "duded up" with frosting !
OK, so this is my first sighting of the WW mascot/whatever, so maybe this is old news... but does anyone else find it odd that "hungry" doesn't have a mouth?
I'll go to WW if those are the refreshments!
Yes! That's so Gossamer!
I grew up on Quackbusters, what can I say?
The swirly frosting makes those things look less like cupcakes and more like Cinnabons.
That would be another god way to get rid of Hungry, I suppose.
Dea finally got it right and then so did Dr. Igloo. However, it DOES look like Hungry, whom I LOVE and also want a plushie! Of course, who DOES look like Gossamer, who I've loved for a VERY LONG TIME!
Word Verification: bionve
Bionve-age, have a good trip!
Mm-kay, so I don't have television (sad, sad)...so I've never seen this Hungry monster thingy before. He. Is. Adorable. I had no idea that Hungry was supposed to be so damn cute.
Put the WW Hungry character with the Lamasil toe fungus guy and the Mucinex mucous family. All are cute when they really shouldn't be.
I LOVE Hungry. I think he's adorable and would sit and eat donuts with him all day long.
The 'Hungry' monster that Weight Watchers uses is Gossamer from the Looney Tunes. Did anyone grow up in the late 70's? He looks just like the Hungry monster except he has tennis shoes and claws. It really suprises me that no one at Looney Tunes has caught on to them using pretty much their charachter, with a few changes. I thought when using a copyrighted image, there had to be at least 7 things different from the original image in order to use it without permission. Oh well, Hungry monster/Gossamer is still cute and he has aged well, better than I have.
Did you know that WW is making a "Hungry" to be for sale in the meeting rooms!? I hope they make him look exactly like the commercials!!!
Is it me, or does "Hungry" look a LOT like Gossamer from the old Bugs Bunny cartoons?
Here are some links, just so you can compare Hungry to Gossamer:
Obviously. But if you made the name of the monster "Hunger," the sentences work on two levels. Calling it "Hungry" reduces it back to just one, and it's the worst of the two.
It so cute!! I actually thought that it was "Luna" in orange from Sailor Moon, but that's just me. Everytime those commercials air my sister will run in and say "scary!" LOL!
Hungry makes me hungry for some Cheetos. The fuzzy Hungry, not the cupcakey one...that's just ug-leeee.
Lol - I've never seen a weightwatchers ad (we watch everything on TIVO and the husb skips all ads religiously) and I'm not sure he's a UK thing anyway but I think I'm in love with hungry (especially when he looks crestfallen at getting a lap full of mags). I want one!
I love Hungry! Since he is apparently made of cupcakes, I will eat him. And then I'll never be hungry again. You know, because Hungry will be gone. Is that how that works? I think I have confused myself...
I had never seen the WW ad (which is cute); I just thought it was a woefully misshapen ccc in an ugly color. I guess it still is.
WV: eranutt--When we get too carried away, people tend to say "eranutt".
Hungry looks like Gossamer from the Looney Toons - whom I love, but that ccc has got to go! Or did someone already "go" after a bad virus. Ewww.
I thought it was maybe a poor interpretation of the Texas Longhorn...
omg! I totally want a Hungry plushie now!
Okay, that was creepy. I saw this post just as that commercial came on my television.
Hungry really looks like Ookie from "Cookie Party" on The Sarah Silverman Program. :)
:) Moonbeam
:) It totally took me a second... I saw Hungry first as well. And then I was wondering about the 6. And the "Go Team". Is that really supposed to be a football jersey?!?
Is it me or does Hungry look like Gossamer from the Bugs Bunny cartoons? (minus the shoes..lol)
Mario - I see your point, and now I won't be able to enjoy Hungry's cuteness ever again. Stupid grammar-eyes, ruining my newly-discovered fluffy orange monster...
He does kind of remind me of the Cup-a-Soup Hug in a Mug. I wonder if those Weight Watchers adverts have started showing in the UK while I've been gone..
There is a woman on eBay making hungry toys that look nearly identical- just search "Grumbelly Monster". She will be selling them on Etsy, too. I just got mine and he's darling. WW will be making some for their leaders, but maybe will make some for the rest of the world later on.
I'm SO glad others thought the cake/"Hungry" looks like Gossamer!
And I actually have a stuffed toy of Gossamer that I got from the WB store about 10 years ago. He is still one of my favorites!
No wonder he's hungry...no mouth!!
Poor widdle guy!
its number 9 !!!
upside down !
from the new tim burton movie !
That looks absolutely horrible. I know that is Wl-Mart. That is a shame.
You know what's especially bad about the original? (Besides the obvious: the fact that it's a CCC, and the baby-diarrhea icing color)
Here's what's wrong: There's not even an exclamation point beind "Go Team." It's sort of like: Go. Team. As if, I can't even summon the will to live, much less the energy to exhort my team to victory. Can't move.a.muscle ...Used up...all ...my decorating energy---trying....to...get...the..brown..icing..that..particular...fecal..shade....
Should say GO TEAM!!
If we're going to care about apostrophes and commas here in CakeWorld, I'd like to put in my 2 cents for exclamation points!!!
(Overused in the blogosphere, but underused in bakeries, IMO)
My theory, with the color of the swirly poo icing, is that is possibly a ccc from Texas (Longhorns) and that # is for a player on one of their teams?
I agree that the WW guy is cute though!
As a University of South Carolina Fan, anything Clemson Orange is appalling to my mind and my reflux reflex...
Go Gamecocks!
There's a reason why it was only $2.50
I'm hungry!
And he's SO cute! Why wouldn't you want to fill his needs?
I can't stand Looney Tunes and Heartafire's comment is 100% on target !!!
Maybe it's 6 WW points per cupcake?
I guess Hungry isn't running here or maybe it is because I channel surf during commercials. He is cute!!!! Not as a cupcake so much.....
that orange guy looks cool! Fred Smilek is the acting president of the Society to Save Endangered Species. It was founded two years ago by Fred Smilek along with his two best friends Charles and Jonathan. http://www.fredjsmilek.com
We really like his "twinkle fingers" enticing gesture.
Awww... I want a hungry monster... he's so cute!
Hey, you can sign up to be notified when the dolls are available at Grumbelly.com. Good luck, I hope they release the dolls soon.
ohh my god ever since i first saw that little guy on the weight watchers commercial i've wanted to have one..i'd totally join the program just to get a stuffed animal version of him. i'd quit right after, but i'd still have Hungry :] they should totally sell him. and he's TOTALLY related to cookie monster.
I'm on WW and they actually did sell Hungry stuffed animals and refrigerator magnets - it was before I joined, though. I know they did it because there is a sign announcing a recall of the products on the door to the WW center. I'm not sure why they were recalled, but maybe they'll come out with new versions for all of you that mentioned wanting to buy them!
Something else beyond bizarre: French McDonald's commercial and Silent Hill Magical Girl! Heather clips in the related videos. o_O
LOL! It's so true! It DOES look like Hungry! ha xx