With a little movie magic, though, the end result is - of course - plastic.
It seems this video has quite the disturbing fan base. For example, Jon J. tells me the story behind this next cake is "rather embarrassing":

When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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153 comments | Post a Comment
Oh. My. God.
*is put back together*
You are my HERO.
Okay, this has nothing to do with the pink-haired pupper master, but my son's elementary school had a cake decorating contest yesterday and I was KICKING myself for not having brought my camera. Not that they were professional, but there were some goodies there.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
I have had friends around to laugh and enjoy your blog. They've peed their pants with your brilliance. And then there's this. You don't have pre-school kids do you? This show is mindnumbing. All cakes aside. The show is a wreck, any cakes involved pale into insignificance.
Thank you for your time, and my rant. No-one else in the blogosphere has ever mentioned LazyTown before.
My favorite may be the puppet who tries pouring the batter onto the countertop, not seeming to know that it actually goes into a cake pan until the other puppet slides one in. Teamwork: it makes a difference for us all.
And were they making muffins? That had to be the lumpiest cake batter I've ever seen.
always wandered where that song came from, yes it sadly, sadly too catchy and the puppets seal the deal
That song has got to be one of the worst written songs ever.... and those puppets are disturbing.... the cake afterwards could have been ok - although I think they skipped quite a few steps like leveling, stacking, crumb coating...and it kinda looks like fondant.... great. Now kids will grow up thinking we can just "whip up a cake" in the time of a 3 minute song :) Fully decorated too!
Ooooh - curse you Jen! :P Now that song will be stuck in my head all day...
Truly disturbing - on so many levels.
My kids DIG Lazytown. And to be honest, I find something attractive about the hero character.... but I do NOT want to know what's legal in Iceland, involving the young costar. CRINGE!
I dunno, I like this version of that song better.
Warning: NSFW
Since it is for an 18-year-old's birthday, I find the lollipops even more disturbing than the inscription. Is this person old enough to be on their own?!
Weirdness! This episode is on Noggin right now!
Great! Now I have that song stuck in my head!
Things that make ya go "HMmmmmmm..."! LOL!
Hmmmm. I've seen that video before...can't remember where...
But the (real) cake is so disturbing that I first felt confusion, then amusement, then fear. Yes, fear of a cake.
Still...funny as usual!
I ended up watching that video 3 times. It's oddly addictive. I think I'll ask for a cake like that for my 20th birthday.
That video reminds me of this Japanese one:
The pink haired cartoon character looks very similar, no?
dangit, it's still in my head even after it stopped. MAKE IT STOP!
and the wreck is disturbing.
Oh this is so my new favorite thing. If you liked the normal speed check out the slowmo version:
Also, if you liked the same part as Jen did in the normal speed, the end of the slowmo is HILARIOUS. Perverts.
The lolipop cake and the fact that "it" is legal in Iceland, makes me wonder what the hell is going on over there!
After reading the other comments, I decided I didn't need anymore goofy songs stuck in my head, since now I've got "Lolipop, lolipop, oh, lolly, lolly, lolly, lolipop!" running over and over through my mind. SIGH
Wreck on!
Amy B.
I'm not fooled. Those are not happy, candy loving puppets. Dead eyes. The puppets have dead, blank eyes.
Yeah, you just keep flinging their arms around, puppeteers. You can't move their FACES.
Yes but have you seen the remix???
(warning, not work friendly)
I think I figured out what is legal in Iceland at age 18: smoking marijuana.
The Lazy Town cake for an 18th birthday is a bit puzzling, unless that's another embarrassing secret.
Oh my! That cake does disturb me. I think that the pink haired girl is quite a bit older than the character she plays might suggest. My daughter had a dance video with her in it and she looked like she was in her upper teens. Either way it seems like someone has a sick sick sick sick crush!
Please don't publish my previous post. I was wrong about marijuana and Iceland. :(
That's great...lol!
~Colleen (cyberrblue.wordpress.com)
I've heard that song so many times... I have a 3 year old. I can feel a nervous tic developing. Pleeesse make it go away, sob!
You are a pirate. Google it. You'll be disturbed for life.
This episode was on this morning. My 4 year old is a big LazyTown fan. I already had the song stuck in my head and then coming here just cemented it :P
Uh, Jen ... you need to watch this:
You won't be sorry!
someone obviously did not do the cookin' by the book.
OK...I may be in the minority but thats one of the little kids' shows I don't mind watching.
The video is hysterical and the high speed one is even better.
Haha! I love that episode! I've even left it as a comment on my friend's myspace. Though I do use the guise of "My 4 yr old watches it," but I think I like it more than she does.
You're right...oddly mesmerizing...
drifting off to pink cake hair land...
Well, despite her looks, that teenybopper is turning 18 this year, so she's legal or almost legal pretty much everywhere.
Any "pink-haired teeny bopper" can crack an egg on camera. Let's see some puppet baking!
The caulk gun would explain some of the other wreckalicious posts you've provided us with, if I may offer an explanation for some of the crazy piping jobs we've seen?
I absolutely adore Lazy Town. Having a small child has opened my eyes to the glory of Stephanie, Sportacus, Robbie Rotten... and this fantastic freakin' cake song. This episode was actually on today, and I get it stuck in my head every time.
WHAT'S legal in Iceland? Pedophilia? Pink hair? Photo cakes? Do I even want to know?
I think maaaaybe my kids might've liked that song/nonsense when they were 2 or 3 years old...but I'd forgotten how truly atrocious a lot of kids' programming is! YUCK! I am such a fuddy-duddy; the whole ugly-puppet-people scene makes me want to open a vein.
Now, we LOVED "Sitting Ducks"!
AND "Blue's Clues"...hmmmm...Winnie the Pooh...and some others, now that I think about it...
I'm going to go over and watch TV with my grandson! >^~~^<
OH BOY! lol
Never, ever thought of this use for a caulk gun. Perhaps this should become my latest kitchen tool?
that little girl in Lazy town is turning 18 in May ;)
I actually like the cake, it's funny, someone clearly has a sense of humour, whether it's the birthday boy/girl or some of his/her friends :P
we LOVE lazy town!!! my kids actually watched this episode this morning... strange!
love your blog
My DH said to me: "Promise me you'll NEVER play that again!" (All he could hear was the music).
And, apparently the age of consent in Iceland is 14.
Which makes me really icked out by the birthday boy.
This is entirely wonderful.
I watched this show in first year university. My roommate and I were changing channels and it came on and we couldn't change the channel we were hypnotized by it. We watched it everyday after that.
"Ya gotta have it made... you know that I love cake." It could almost be my theme song, except I rarely use recipe books. Anyway, those muppets were terrifying.
My son LOVES Lazytown!!! (so do I...Robbie Rotten...*sigh* LOL!)
don't worry, the reason it's legal in finland is because she's 17.
Makes me want to go back in bed!!!
whoops, iceland!!
well, probably finland too...
Wow, just... wow...
Those puppets are just disturbing. Too bad Sportacus or Robbie Rotten (in one of his numerous, completely ineffective disguises) didn't show up!
Tell me I'm not the only one who Googled "age of consent in Iceland."
Ironically my favorite part is at 1:47.
OK, I am intrigued. Just what is legal in Iceland? Anyone know the backstory- the suspense is killing me!
I don't know if it makes any difference to understanding this particular wreck, but the producer and hero-star in LazyTown is Magnus Scheving, an Icelandic fitness and marketing icon. Hmm...that just makes it worse.
My kids love this show. I found it horrifying at first, with those puppets and such, but now I can tune it out. It does have some good messages in it.
Oh dear God.
and now that song's in my head for the rest of the day.
I hate Lazy Town. Yo Gabba Gabba on the other hand, may well be the greatest.kid.show.ever.
OMG hahahahahaha wowww
Ok, the remix made me laugh A LOT more than the original
Oh poor Stephanie, even on a cake you can't escape your jailbait label. @_@
My child LOVES Lazytown! We were going to have a lazytown party for his birthday, but decided against it when we thought about a cake...hahaha
4chan, on MY cakewrecks? What?!
I love this one for so many reasons. And hey, I'm over 18 and I still love lollipops.
There honestly is a very very weird stalking fan base for this poor girl. There are websites based just on her & things they want to do to her. Highly disturbing!
I freaking hate that show, makes me want to gauge my eyes out LOL!
Well, the creator of the show is Icelandic (as was already pointed out). Age of consent in Iceland is 15. She was born in May 1991 which would make her about 13 when it was shot, since it came out in 2004. So no, it was not legal in Iceland at the time, but it is now since she's almost 18.
Dammit, I have it stuck in my head again now! The Lil Jon remix will haunt my soul forever.
The worst part is, I understand the writing on the cake... I've spent too much time on message chans.
Lazytown is not to anyone's taste, but is far from mindless -- witness the episode with Robbie Rotten impersonating Sportacus ("I'm Sportacus!" "No, I'm Sportacus!") and the one where Robbie Rotten is replaced by a puppet and all the rest of the cast (human and puppet) scornfully point out that "that's just a puppet".
[tries to drag this back to cakes]
I can't quite hear the lyrics. What sort of recipe should you never use?
This is why I don't have TV and will never allow my children to watch it. Call me a hippie if you will, but that warped my fragile little mind.
The "legal in Iceland" cake is more disturbing than you think. The pink-haired girl is a very popular figure on pedophile sites. I wish I didn't even have to type that and I wish I didn't know that. But there are sites devoted to Lazy Town, which are for adults, on which men discuss things I don't even really want to hint at-- but you can imagine. Actually, I'd take that picture down. It's really really disturbing. I'm sorry to be a killjoy.
I can't believe it. The girl can actually carry a tune, unlike so many "kids" who sing on such shows. Not since Jack Wild did "H.R. Pufnstuf," I'd wager.
Now I have the song stuck in my head, but I kind of don't mind.
The cake, however. Weird. Creepy. Yikes. I don't EVEN want to know. *shudder*
I must be the only one for whom no cake image appears :(
@Lizzie9208: that Lil' Jon remix is HILARIOUS!!
Just found out that this girl is 17 years old. Guess she was a late bloomer, she does look older in some recent photographs.
My two year old is upstairs taking a nap. As soon as I turned on that video she started crying. As soon as it was done, she stopped. This must be a sign.
That cake sure is mysterious. *What* is legal in Iceland? Is it something that is not legal elsewhere? I hope the embarrassing story isn't creepy, as some have alluded to in the comments.
I've never ever heard of Lazytown, but they seem anything but lazy. Rather, they seem hopped up on sugar after eating all that cake.
I don't let my kids watch Lazy Town because it scares me, now it scares me even more. Has anyone ever watched the credits? Those Icelandic names are crazy!
wow.....those puppets ARE creepy. Is that song calypso-techno? I could barely listen to/watch the entire thing...the song is mind-numbing, even though the girl does have a good voice.
Remind me never to move to Iceland...lol!
Julie (from over at www.CakesAndKids.com)
Wonderful! Totally unrealistic, but I loved the cake so much I made a smaller version for my own 31st birthday! (the second cake I ever made!)
Okay, I'll be the one to explain this. (Assuming no one else has.)
The lolipops are actually significant. "Loli" is a slang term for an underage girl. It comes from the term "Lolita Complex".
The pink haired girl from LazyTown is considered a "loli" and she is a bit of a meme and a joke around certain image boards. Apparently a lot of young men find her very attractive, either despite or because of her young age.
There are a lot of jokes about how much these boys lust after this girl. Oh, another ironic twist is that on some image boards, another slang term for "loli" is cake.
The "It's Legal in Iceland" part is is because the pink haired girl is old enough to consent to sex in Iceland.
My guess is that one of the young men from one of these image boards had this cake made as a joke.
Did no one notice the disturbing fingernail that one puppet had when he dipped it in the batter? ewwwwww~
Is it terrible that I knew which song it was just by looking at the image on the video? I have a two year old. I guess its okay...
Backstory! We must have backstory!
Personally I'd have put this in the "Creepy Cakes" section, though. Eww.
Word verification; "snedism". The state of being sneddish?
Hee. Oh my goodness, I love that cake. It's absolutely the kind of ridiculous thing my friends and I would have made. In fact, I wish I'd thought of it first :D (Though I've never actually seen LazyTown; the ads alone give me the major creeps.)
Ok This is my first visit, and boy did I pick a great post to come across your blog! Puppets, cake, pink haired teeny boppers? Legality issues? Hmmmm I think I need a cooking lesson? I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like this. lol! I must check back to see what is in store for tommorrow.
This is disturbing but so is everything about that show. The pink haired girl is Stephanie who plays a 12 year old but was actually 17 at the time of the taping. Sporticus (the main character) is actually the writer/director/producer/creator/star etc. etc. of the show. He dresses everyone human in spandex. I find that highly suspect. I also find it disturbing that he is always dancing with Stephanie. I think he'd have legal troubles in the US!!!
For those who are confused, Wikipedia has the answers.
Ahhh I am one of the millions who sent you the Lazy Town video. I'm hooked. I LOVE that video. I make all my friends watch it, which drives them all bananas :)
I'm SO excited you finally featured it on CakeWrecks! Yay!
hahahaha, I'm actually from Iceland, didn't think of explaining what's supposed to be legal in Iceland earlier when I commented. The age of consent is 14 in Iceland, however a person over the age of 18 can NOT sleep with a person younger then they are, so in fact, the cake is wrong, seeing the birthday boy is 18, and the girl in Lazytown is 17. That is by no means legal in Iceland :) There you go! you can all stop wondering now :P
Okay , seriously , am I the only person kinda creeped out about this cake ?? Not cool.
Even more so, what about the bakery that made it ? *shudders*
Oh man, I've heard the Lil Jon remix so many times... More entertaining, less creepy. Maybe.
the shows creator is icelandic.
Lazy town? I think they meant Crazy Town. Hearing that song just one too many times is liable to send the most sane of us all over the edge.
I...I will never get that song out of my head.
I tried to watch the slow-mo version someone posted, and it made me want to gouge my eyes out and stab myself in the ears.
I loved the video.your blog is of great traffic.i am very surprised by it.you are too lovely.
i believe that its my luck to meet you......
happy day:)
oh my god. i have a [male] friend that sings this song... it all comes together so strangely now...
if i was a kid i would be terrified of this show. that was the creepiest thing i've seen that is aimed at kids. i hope i never hear of this show again.
but lollipops stuck in a cake is kind of fun...and wrecktastic.
Oh Jen. I don't know what you look like, but forevermore I will picture you dancing around all cute and pink-haired.
I adore the finished cake. I was showing someone pictures of your Winter Wonderland Sunday Sweets to try and illustrate what could be done with fondant. Her response? A wrinkled nose and the comment, "Some of those aren't even straight!"
See if she gets any of MY cake.
dear god i hate that show, and i hate the random sing song they do between shows on ABC (australia)
I sing this song all the time! And, I always have to play it while we are baking cakes! As usual, the comments are hilarious! Yay! I've actually only seen this episode of Lazy Town a few times (oddly, three times just this week). I love it, even more than the kids do.
She's 17, and she'll be 18 in late May (I wasn't counting; I just checked on IMDB). So it's not that nasty.
But I'm glad I didn't have to write that on the cake.
I happen to be the one who submitted this. Thanks for posting it, haha. I actually wasn't directly involved in the making of the cake, but my friend's little brother was obsessed with the pink haired chick for the longest time, so my friend commissioned this cake for him.
Cakewrecks is an amazing blog! Thank you for so much entertainment.
If you like cakewrecks, check out my blog, Thrift Store Nightmares:
My daughter loves LazyTown...that girl is kinda coo-ky sometimes in that show.
4 year old driving a moped
Flipping off the roof from the gutter..Ouch!
lol lazytown is awful and that cake is something else...
My husband is oddly obsessed with this song. We have three children, and Lazytown is not a favorite show, but this particular song, for some reason, just sort of worms its way into your head.
Anyhow, hubby and I were talking about it earlier today, and here it is. So must be something in the air today.
The girl that plays Stephanie is actualy 17 years old. Im guessing thats what they are talking about. Still creepy to me since she looks so young. But when she is not dressed as Stephanie she looks her age.
My boyfriend and I like to embed the link to this video in messages to each other. We call it Cakerolling. There is no escape, ever. It is now a ringtone. It never ends.
... well written people, I enjoy a good, interesting blog!
Also, I have to come back and share the Spanish version... because I'm bilingual and get a kick out of the translations... and because I've had just enough red wine to find it horribly amusing ;)
Aside from being totally perverted, I don't understand why this was posted on cake wrecks. How is this a wreck, again??? It fits the "horrible" bill, but not so much the "hilarious"...
am I crazy? Anyone else think this is a true cake "wreck" like the ones we know & love???
My daughter is (regrettably) a fan of Lazytown, so this song comes to mind unbidden just about every time I read cakewrecks.
Scritzy said... I can't believe it. The girl can actually carry a tune, unlike so many "kids" who sing on such shows.
Anybody can carry a tune in a recording studio with pitch bending and heavy editing (and unlimited takes). Of course, considering she has done broadway musicals, I would guess she actually can carry a tune.
I'd hit that like the fist of an angry norse god!
Well. . .no, actually, I wouldn't. But somebody had to say it.
I have come to this conclusion: You hate me. You hate me personally, or else you would not have just subjected me to that.
Excuse me, I have to go implode now.
LOL, never expected to see LazyTown on here, but I have seen that episode plenty of times. SOOOO glad Nick decided to take that off the NickJr line-up!
I ponder what is "legal in Iceland."
I think that the reason that they say about Iceland is that the show is filmed in Iceland, and that's where the actress lives.
And no, I don't think that it's all that creepy that an 18 year old has a crush on an 17 year old, even if this is filmed when she was 13, since he would have been 14 when he saw it for the first time...
Eww! I´m from Iceland and it is legal to have sex with people when they turn 16 years old..that is probably what this means.
Wait, what? Damn, I didn't get the memo that I should have stopped enjoying lolipops when I turned 18!
Seriously, I guess you also think sprinkles and candy are only for kids, right?
What a sad world you must be living in!
That video is disturbingly catchy!
In other news, I came across my very first live cakewrecks! My sister in law got a cake from the store that had that awful airbrushing, complete with a poo coloured road for My Little Pony to get to her castle! Unfortunately I couldn't get pics before it got cut.
my son LOVES lazy town (he's 3 years old). i've seen that cake music video so many times that i can't bear to watch it again. but thanks for the laugh.
you should go here...i bet you would enjoy it. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mentalfloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/435_iphonecake.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/6005&usg=__7HjuDwgKC_qC7XPGnUjzeSvGVZU=&h=652&w=435&sz=70&hl=en&start=54&sig2=QVeH-EdIk9ILVXgdkZcEKQ&um=1&tbnid=OyD2TzXcHaTkFM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=92&ei=3yKPSbcLmeCwA7mE9c8I&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcakes%26start%3D40%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DN
LazyTown is originally from Iceland, which could explain the cake and why the lips don't always sync up with the words being sung or spoken on the show.
my kids love that darn show!
And yes there are a TON of perverts out there drooling over the pink haired Stephanie.
The show is from Iceland.
I never would of guessed that Lazytown would be on Cake Wrecks. Wow.
When I babysat last year, the little girl was OBSESSED with Lazytown, especially this episode. It always drove me nuts watching this cake nonsense.
Thanks Jen! You make me laugh every day.
Lazy Town makes the baby jebus cry. Creepy puppets, arrrrgh, shooting icing onto cake like... like... arrrgh! And a teenager telling me not to be lazy, priceless! ahahahahahahaha
I'm 30 years old, and I LOVE Lazy Town.
NO worries - that 'girl' is an adult.
Dammit I had just gotten Lazytown out of my head after six months of my daughter wanting to watch the "cake song!" Thanks a lot!
Oy I hate LazyTown. My 5yo twins watch it almost every weekend. The cakewreck is the least of the offenses of that awful show.
My retinas are burning!
WV: cation Cation when you look at these cakes. Going blind is a very real possibility!
I love that song insanely much (and the remixes). So catchy!
HOWEVER, I smell hypocrites: check out this cease&desist letter on London Cakes asking them to stop selling Lazy Town cakes as it's not in line with their healthy sporty lifestyle blah blah blah:
Singing dancing cake-makers OR cake = pure evil, Lazy Town. You can't have it both ways!
(am I the only person who thinks the finished plastic cake looks pretty cool? especially the lollipops?)
Actually she's probably younger then 18. The legal limit is 14 in Iceland, which just made that cake even more sick.
Those puppets are creepy. *shudders*
I'm trying really hard to understand why kids would like this show.
An innuendo in a kids show. I wonder if it was deliberate.
Ah yes. Lazy Town. Filmed in Iceland, starring the Icelandic Areobic champion (it's the guy in blue with the bizarre mustache).
And the pink-haired chick is actually 18, which may explain the "legal in Iceland" thing. Because apparently she's a hot ticket for some guys.
To which I just want to say...um...ew.
I've never seen Lazytown, but I kinda like that kid's hair.
Now, you absolutely MUST tell us the story behind that inscription. How can you post that photo and just leave us hanging????
Is it truly a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake?
Evidence shows (this website) apparently not!!
Like so many others, I find those puppets incredibly disturbing. Dead eyes indeed. And bizarre, twitching, masklike mouths. I'm so glad my kid is past the age where I have to watch things that give me nightmares.
As for the cake.... I'm also with the others who said eeewwww.
The horror, the horror...
Disturbing is if you had the proper Video Link. There is an Lil John version that actually has the disturbing yet funny edits. Language and context are NSFW but it would shine the proper light behind the actual cake shown.
Aye, Speaking of lil john.....
Okay, so when I saw this, I got curious and looked up Lazy Town...The pink teenybopper is going to be 18 in May. So maybe 17 is the age of consent in Iceland?
Still creepy, though.
*facepalms self at never thinking to send the LazyTown video to you before*
My kids watch this every morning. And I've got the soundtrack on my iPod (for THEIR benefit!) I actually like that cake with all the lollipops in it--cute! :)
Mommy brain strikes again!! \o/
Hahahahaha! I was reading this during a boring day at work, and I laughed so hard I started crying. Which prompted my boss to come over to see what was going on. Luckily she thought it was as funny as I did. We spent about fifteen more minutes with me showing her my favorite cake wrecks.
I decided to google the age of consent in Iceland and I found this startling post:
It appears that back in January someone posted a thread to find out the age of consent in Iceland. Someone else posted wanting to know where Stephanie from LazyTown lives. Hmmm...could it be the recipient of this cake?!
OMG, I totally LOVE Lazy Town! It's about being healthy and exercising and eating well...
Um, and Sportacus is HOTTT.
That is all. As you were.
So my husband is from Iceland and we were trying to figure out this as well. Of course we googled the girl and found out her age.. The age of consent in Iceland is 15. Sooo... We´re guessing since she's now 17, she's most definately legal for certain things... Which just makes the person getting the cake a little odd for thinking about a children's tv host that way... ew.
I absolutely love lazy town, and I'm grown! I actually havn't seen this episode, but it was cool to find Stephanie and the gang featured on your site... I love everything about your site! My mom just introduced it to me recently, and I have been having a blast browsing the wrecks!
Yeah, the girl from Lazy town, beleive it or not she is actually 18, so she is legal everywhere.
OMG, it's pedocake!
Actually, if you want an explanation of the cake, you can find pretty much all you need to know here:
HOWEVER, I warn you that this is filled with profanity and gross sexual references, as well as a lot of internet lingo that many of you may or may not understand.
the girl that played the character was like 15 or 16 at the time?!
The video is down, for those of us going through the archives. Just FYI. The uploader closed their account, according to the error message.