From a distance,
How could I eeeeaaaeeever choose,
A sleeping jughead tot?
From a distance,
We've all had enough,
And there is no way - no how
That you cannot seeeee!
Big frosted tracts of land.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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82 comments | Post a Comment
HA!! That's so funny - I really did see boobs when I saw the cake.
Thanks for keeping me laughing!
Even if they didn't look like boobs, they are still super creepy!
What??? No jokes about "the twins"? Seriously, I spit coffee from just seeing this cake!!
They have HUGE tracts of land.
Bette Midler and boob/baby cakes. I love this day already.
WV: enduf
I have had enduf of having a stubbed up nose.
I need brain bleach.
Even when you said they weren't breasts, that's still all I could see. Until I noticed the eyelashes.
I had too look back before I noticed they were babies. LOL
CRAP! Now I have that darn song in my head!
Thanks Jen! :P
Oh my, what a gaudy spectacle!
I nipple, oops, I mean *notice* that the boobies, oops again, *babies* look like they came from the pregnant torso cake pan, minus the belly. I see they found a clever use of the "nose".
wv: plerses: One baby plerses one baby equals twins.
okay, that's SO wrong. Just SO wrong. That's all I could say when I looked at this.
Mixed emotions:
I adore a good song parody -- thank you!
I will never be able to see a pacifier without thinking of nipples again -- darn you!
And it's even the wrong end of the pacifier to bring that image to mine!
I'm so confused now.
Monty lives on! HUGE tracts of land indeed! Bwhahahaha!
wv:senso. Nice to realize that others share my odd? senso humour.heh.
Okay, so before I scrolled down to the commentary I thought - good heavens! Why isn't this cake being censored like the other topless cakes she's posted??
Oh my... really? They really took a torso cake and make "babies" out of it? Those nipple-noses are just so wrong!
The first thing I thought was, "WHAT THE -what is on those boobs??!!
Then... I saw eyes.. Metalic, shiny hair? And infant hair bands--REAL infant hair bands?
OMG it's supposed to be twins! Well, they got the twins right, but not twin babies...
Thank you, this was exactly what I needed on my break this am.
Um, that does not look like a torso pan to me. Looks like a sheet/rectangle, with 2 half balls and a smaller sheet/rectangle.. this was deliberately constructed... poorly..
This is... I don't even know what. I think I'm going to go with creepy.
>>And it's even the wrong end of the pacifier to bring that image to mine!<<
Oops. Meant "mind," of course.
Typo, not Freudian slip, really!
I am just imagining everyone at this shower (I am hoping it was a baby shower cake...) ooohing and aaaahing over this creation out loud. And wondering if they were able to control their hidden terror or laughter when the person who made or ordered this cake was in the room.
Or sleep that night.
Babies,'s a natural mistake, I suppose.
Nine months after she opened her erotic cake business, Tina started to get numerous requests for a different kind of cake. She did not have the capital to invest in new pans, so she had to get creative.
WV: cableduc. I have no idea what it is, but it sounds like a great product name! Even the way the letters came out made a cool-looking logo!
Oh! Is this what is meant when one refers to them as "The Girls"?
HUUUUUUUUGE traaahcts oov laaahnd!
WV - Conses: Do I even have to explain? Aheh.
Calling Otto Titsling! Those girls need the influence of his Over-the-Shoulder Boulder Holder.
This is nice also loved the lyrics :)
That's almost scary, especially since I have twin girls. *shudders*
Interesting nip...errr... pacifiers...yeah, that's what my hubby would call them too...LOL
wv: eneblum - what you do when you help someone along
It took me a while to see what the cake was *supposed* to be as well.
Then I started thinking of ways they could have very easily made the cake less "questionable" in appearance.
A simple brush of food coloring on the cheeks would have gone a LONG way. NOT putting a scalloped border around the bottom that looks like a lace under-bust bustier would have been a good call too.
Word verification:
Haz yoo been 'pying on meee?
Huge... tracts of land! Love it!
Haha! "Huge, huge... tracts of land!"
It took me a good 5 minutes to see something other than boobs on this cake. I was trying to figure out why they had pacifier pasties on.
Yeah...all I was seeing were boobs. And since I'm at work, I was scrolling quickly so that the detention kids wouldn't be looking at the picture wondering what I was doing!!
Can't...comprehend...logic behind this. O_o
GAH! Song... In head... Bleach! Bleach!
Donna said...
Interesting nip...errr... pacifiers...yeah, that's what my hubby would call them too...LOL
Ok, I guess everyone else will think I'm strange . . . but, if you remove the 'twins' I think it's actually a nice cake. IF YOU REMOVE THE TWINS.
wv: tifiders - ok, this was a lot funnier when, at first glance, I thought the f was a t.
As a twin...this cake TERRIFIES ME!!!!
Aahhh! (scream of delight) Monty Python reference! Jen, once again you have gone up another notch in my admiration. :-) (I saw boobs too)
Those look like boobs to me. Don't babies and boobs go together?
This obviously started out life as a lovely pregnancy cake. I suppose that the mother-to-be became a mother before the cake was delivered so they had to re-tool a bit.
I, too, saw boobies at first glance. You should put a note that it might not be SFW.
But it did make me snort after figuring it out.
Wee Bubby Boobies - priceless.
Manager: "Bevis, you got away with it the first time, but we can't keep doing this! I think I can save it -- get me some baby flotsam, stat! And put that coffee down!"
That's just wrong. I thought those boobs had weird nipples, and then I read that it was babies. lol
It looks like (besides the obvious) it should be the babyshower cake for Mr. Mackey..Mmm'kay.
I actually had to look for a few mins to see what it was SUPPOSE to be. WOW!!
Ah, I'm hearing Kathy Mattea in my head now - greeeaat. (I like her version of that song much, much better than Bette Middler. Must be the bagpipes.)
The cake? Um, er, ah, arrrrrRRRRggghhh!
Holy what the heck! After I realized those weren't suppose to be giant boobs all I was trying to figure out is why the kids were sticking their tongues out at me. And then I realized those were pacifiers. Not to mention the children then look like their heads were severed off their bodies or something because there is no definition to anything under that blanket, either that or they are Siamese twins. No matter how you bake it, this cake is scary.
That's what I totally thought they were too when I first saw this cake!
Oh, my.
Thanks for a week of nightmares about talking you-know-whats.
This is why you shouldn't order cakes over the phone. Some bakery worker wasn't sure if the customer wanted "two babies" or "two boobies" on the cake, so they split the difference.
Excuse me while I go wash my eyes out with soap in an attempt to erase this one from my mind.
Is this old news, or do you guys know that Graham Norton just featured your book on his talk show. He's a Brit but the show is aired here on BBC America. Congrats!
omg i actually thought it was another prego belly cake that just really failed and instead of nipples the wreckerator used pacifiers.... then i realized it was supposed to be two baby heads in a bed........
Oh, bounce your [babies]
Get into the swing.
Bounce your [babies]
The swing is everthing.
Makes no difference if they're big
or small
Long as you -- ooh --
Give it your all!
Dr. Demento collection, 1960s
by Rusty Warren
Somehow, the idea that it's really two decapitated babies' heads doesn't comfort me all that much.
What makes this even funnier is last night's Glee...
"...full visitation rights to the set of rambunctious twins that live on my ribcage..."
It wouldn't be nearly so bad if the soothers weren't all pink and perky...
Um I'm pretty sure this cake might have looked better if it had burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp. :0)
Before I scrolled down to read the post... the first thought that came into my head was that it was one of those pregnant-belly-with-boobs cakes.
Somebody PAID for this? Really? I mean it looks like sunken baby heads or really, really creepy boobs??? Hope it tasted better than it looked! Thanks Jen! I have a crappy job and you make me laugh!
Awesome! That song always makes me laugh. I used to sing it around the house, til the kids got old enough to sing along...
Where is the video of the singing?
wow. that is the only response I can think!
Nipple pacifiers, ack! I always love a Python reference. Just wanted to say I love, love, love your site, makes me laugh every time (and we all need more laughter in this world)! Thanks!!!
- Diane
be intresting if those tongues were balloons :P
good grief.. where have the duckies and teddies gone.
Lol!! Who on earth thought that was a great idea for a cake? Wow..super scary things that are supposed to be babies but look like super large..boobies lol. I fear for the sanity of whoever received this cake.
For some reason once I got past the "boob" impression I thought this looks like the baby Evelyn Evelyn ... (Eva and Lyn Neville, fictional conjoined twins.)
As an owner of a boob cake pan, I never ONCE thought of using said cake pan to make baby heads. Now, I'm suddenly feeling the need to make a variety of boob cakes and decorate them as other things... snowmen, babies, bowties...oh the possibilities are endless.
Hee! Monty Python references never get old.
That obscure Monty Python quote just made my day.
I've stared and stared, and they still look like boobs.
Nothing says, "EAT ME!" like a pair of giant boobs with pacifiers sticking out of them... Yeah... That's appetizing...!
@Mags wins the 'let me rephrase that' award for 2011. [innocent whistling...]
Just yikes.
@Anon at Fri 8:42am:
If you do, submit them so we can see!
I've decided I have an interesting husband. He saw twin girl babies. (he says it's because he saw the baby bottles on the lower half of the cake)
I think he just didn't want to admit anything.
Chuckling at 'the twins' and Python reference. You make my day.
My reaction was hysterical laughter. My husband's was better:
I think it was the eyes that creeped him out.
wv: boutfu "Aw, what boutfu boubies!"
I really thought they were boobs. Why do people do stuff like this?
These are seriously supposed to look like babies?????