Her cake business, I mean.
That is, her shoe cake business.
Um...er... Yeah.
So, how 'bout them camera angles?
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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73 comments | Post a Comment
I seriously thought that was a vajazzled vagina. "Thanks" for the clarification.
That's disturbing.
*goes back to vomiting* :D
Yeah, way to easy... just going to keep my "lips" closed... *snickering*
Is that really a professional cake? Hmmm.....
That's a lot of piercings!
It looks like a deflated twinkie
I thought what DarkPrincess thought. LOL
WV: clinic TOO PERFECT!!
Six weeks after giving birth your llady business on that cake should be examined at your clinic.
Dear god, what is that thing?
I thought it was a Barbie Flying Saucer,
but like "vajazzled vagina" better.
In fact, I'm going to try to work the phrase "vajazzled vagina" into a conversation today. Wish me luck.
Wow, that's vajazzling!
get your minds out of the gutter! :D i thought it was a horribly bedazzled ballet slipper! swear ta gawd!
I thought it was a blood cell infected by some weird virus.
i didn't realize that "Tajazzle" added a cake as part of their ad campaign!
"Bling Your Fling" was bad enough, but now we're supposed to eat it, too?!?
I thought it was an attempt to be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...with a vajayjay...
What's worse is it looks like all the "21"s are written in... um... red... well... runny... er... nevermind.
Wow. I mean... Just... Wow.
Note to self: Be sure to check cakes from ALL angles before delivering.
This made me think of dinner for shmucks when he was talking about not being able to find his wife's clitoris. XD
wv: dindsia: I dindsia shoe, I saw something else!
Camera angle...riiiiiiiggggghhhhht. Like that would help.
Reminds me of the "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode where Marie takes up art/sculpture. Without realizing it, she creates a huge statue that looks like..well...this "shoe". :-D
what, no one sees a girly kayak with blingy bubbles?
vajazzled vagina and Barbie flying saucer--LOL
and thanks for introducing us to Tajazzle. life just isn't complete without body bling, apparently.
Cake Wrecks I love you.
This cake needs stirrups. To put the shoes in.
Anonymous 9:39 am -
Perfect! You made me laugh.
That shoe needs to see a doctor!
I know shoes are supposed to me a woman's best friend but.,. wow xD
I saw a tongue with a lot of piercings first...then I realized that tongues don't have indents like that. D:
Hi five for DarkPrincess.
Rex Ryan would LOVE this cake!!
At least the shoe is a nice, healthy-looking color?
NOT gonna say it.
wv - thfiryst -- seriously, I doubt I'm thfiryst to think of it.
I was so confused about this at first. You said mouth so I thought, is that a tongue? Like..a pierced tongue? Which is weird enough as it is. And then there was talk of shoes...and other things...
I'm just weirded out. It makes you wonder what these people were thinking when they made the cake (oh duh...they weren't.)
I'm sorry to say that my mind was firmly in the gutter on that cake.
A shoe, you say? I thought it was part of the Body Piercing Spock costume.
Someone needs to keep the bedazzler away from their whoo-ha!
Oh dear Lord...
That's unfortunate...and hilarious!
O...k. That's just wrong. lol
That's really discussing little bit confused from it but it's really aewsome.
Ouch! Those piercings look like they would hurt. Jen, as always, your commentary takes the cake.
WV: quablype
Quablype! That's one disturbing cake!
I really hope that this was for the "friends only" birthday party, because my first thought (okay- top three) was how disturbing it would be to share this cake with a grandparent. I'm afraid to ask about the blowing-out-the-candles photo.
WV : crento. Uhh, Lucy? We can totally c ur ento.
Aww.. I can't see anything that is hosted at photobucket!!
Hahaha! I totally didn't see a shoe, either.
at first i thought flying saucer, then i thought it looked like.....well that.
There's no angle in the world that would make this vision less horrifying...oh, not true...the underneath view might be betetr!
I'll have the broccoli today.
I'll have the broccoli today.
That many piercings would smart a bit, I should think... O_o
Oh gosh... Seriously? If I were the cake maker, I would have asked for a second opinion on the looks of that thing!
DK @ http://sweetsbyd.blogspot.com/
I was thinking the same thing what DarkPrincess had said!
Wow. I need to wash my eyes out now. You guys never cease to amaze me and make me laugh! Where do you get your wit from?! I need me some of that!
Lovely ballet slipper. :)
There's a joke about the movie Black Swan here, somewhere, but I can't come up with it.
It's a sparkly canoe. The sparkly stuff attracts fish. You don't even need a rod and reel and hooks and stuff... just sweep up the fishies with a net. It's a very humane way to fish.
Look, I'm trying. At least give me that.
DarkPrincess...bravo! I am also deep in the gutter! Except that im concerned..are those "12"s or "21"s? Im not even sure which would be worse!
The only "shoe" that even remotely resembles is a beat up ballet slipper-and even that's a stretch. Who did this and what were they thinking?? D:
blink blink
-Barbara Anne
wv: nocak
Nocak should ever look like that!!
No matter what angle you look at that from.. I would still run away laughing hysterically. Sorry but if that is what a "shoe" looks like I will walk barefoot from now on. Evil wreckerators sneaking body parts on cakes again.
Old enough to get genital piercings?
HAha! The code for posting my comment was "calit"...
Anonymous at 10:42 PM said:
>>The only "shoe" that even remotely resembles is a beat up ballet slipper-and even that's a stretch.<<
Don't say stretch.
wv - boons.
Set-ups like that are boons to cheesy jokers like me.
Ever hear the phrase "Glitter is the herpes of crafting supplies"?
wanna eat that cake out?
outSIDE i mean, on the porch, really! i swear!
I'm having flashbacks of giving birth...and expecting to see a little head pop out of that "shoe."
I thought it was Van Gogh's ear if he'd been to a piercing salon.
Oh God.
Oddly enough, I just read advice yesterday saying not to bedazzle that area. Not that I was looking for advice on that, but apparently someone was.
I guess that advice doesn't apply if 'that area' is made of cake.
I asked a coworker, she said Mexican hat...
It's va-jazzled!
There were 69 comments when I read this post. *snicker*
... (Wheels in mind turning and smoking)... Mermermer... What the heck is it!? And why is it covered in gray pearl thingies? Sigh. No more sprinkles after 8pm for me.
Someone said it looked like a canoe. Well, not sure about that, but I can definately see the man in the boat.
Sorry, I couldn't resist!
Jacobi, I know you won't see this, but I laughed SO hard at your comment!
i thought it was a tongue at first...with at lot of piercings. 0.0 no way i would guess that was a shoe.
w/o the pink thing it would have been a cute cake.