Woohoo! It's Thanksgiving! And in honor of the occasion, our trusty turkey cakes have prepared a little message for us:

Well. That's...depressing.
(Oh, and btw, parents, making little screaming sounds when you cut the head off may seem hilarious now, but those therapy bills later are a total buzzkill.)
Let's see if we can't find some more chipper birds, shall we?

Let's see if we can't find some more chipper birds, shall we?

The sign says, "Eat beef."
Beyond that, I have no answers.
Take away the giant piece of plastic, and this next one is just a big hand...

...giving us the bird.
[Ba-dum bump!]But seriously, are there no cheerful turkey cakes in here?

"I am far too consternated by my Groucho eyebrows and gaping body cavern to be cheerful."

"Yeah, I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps, too."

"I am terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought."

"And I have no head."
[sing-song] "But
I do-ooo!"
You doo-doo indeed, mon. Thanks to Lacee H., Vicky J., Mike T., Julie M., Jimmy, Aaron, Cristina, & Kelli E., who think those dread logs are Rastafar-Out!
42 comments | Post a Comment
I've never seen a turkey cake before. I must say it's quite amusing :) Happy Thanksgiving!
frapburcThis makes me so happy we are having pie for Thanksgving! Nice undecorated pie.
Happy Thanksgiving you guys! Although with those birds it would be hard to choke down.
These cakes make me thankful that we don't celebrate thanksgiving in Australia.
I hope that I can wipe the images from my mind before Turkey O'Clock on Christmas day.
Ghostbusters quotes FTW!
The Groucho turkey is my favourite. "How he got into my pajamas I will never know."
The cupcakes with the white things on top? I saw Snoopy on the left and Shari Lewis' Lamb Chop on the right.
Next to last turkey. Wreckerators were afraid to make an obscene head, so they made the backside of the turkey squatting in grass instead? Brilliant strategy!
Wreck on! That is all...
Sharon's Edible Art
Heh, nice GhostBusters reference :D
Hahaha dread logs...YOU are rastafar-out! Thanks for making my day.
ALSO. Haven't you heard?
The bird, bird, bird is the word!
I especially like the Ghostbuster reference...
too bad the headless turkey had no head. It would have been a pretty decent turkey cake if it had.
How are those turkey cakes ??? HOW???
Happy Thanksgiving Jen and John!
I'm with Sharon on this. The cupcakes are Shari Lewis' Lambchop puppet. However, that is even more disturbing than being turkeys.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. May your turkey be free of icing and your cake wreckless.
Thanks for the stress relief through laughing!! I'll try to remember these and smile as I deal with the family all day.
Now, I must get our PIE out of the oven!
There is smoke in the house, the stove won't light, and there's a blizzard outside. Thank you for once again, making me laugh!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I am thankful that (a) Canadian bakers don't seem to make turkey cakes, and (b) that Cake Wrecks exists to provide me with a daily chuckle :)
I don't blame those cakes for asking for help! I wonder who at the wreckery stuck the sign on the first one? It was almost a cute cake design, too
#3 is amusing concept horribly executed.
#4 "a hand flipping the bird", oh, that was funny!
Headless turkey... after spending all that time piping the tail, the forgot the head? Or this was a personal protest against poo logs?
I burst out laughing at the "down in the dumps." You'd think by now stores would have come up with a non-terrifying standard turkey cake design.
LOL buzzkill...if you can't scar your kids, who can you scar??? Find 'em a therapist like the drill sergeant commercial...."off to namby pamby land" LOL
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
All of these cakes terrify me beyond the capacity for rational thought. Aheh.
WV - diterm: The Wreckerators of DOOOOOOOMMMMM are diterm-ined to creepify every holiday. So far, their evil plan is working... O_o
Why is turkey #6 wearing a hula skirt?
Ghostbusters quote FTW!
My 3-year-old and I enjoy looking at cake wrecks together. At the sight of the last turkey here, she cried out, "That's DISGUSTING! Mommy, it has POOP on it!"
"Let's see if we can find some more chipper birds, shall we?" CCCs (spooy!) belong in the chipper.
@Nisrine, Dinners and Dreams, you've never seen a turkey cake before? That's ok -- these wreckerators obviously have never seen a turkey before! ;-)
Happy wreck-free Thanksgiving to all!
That first one with the crooked "wing" (or is it flaming?), squashed legs and panic stricken face just kills me!
#2: are those sheep? dogs? or something-which-must-not-be-named? pretty sure they're not albino turkeys with orange demi-tutus.
#3: yeah, Mr. Poo-in-a-mudslide giving me nightmares about loose bowels. That's good advice. as if I'd have any appetite left.
#4: ooh, a monster hand with poo fingers giving us the bird! in two ways! classic
I don't understand #5 and the waves of rainbow caterpillars. This is another Rorschach cake. What do YOU see?
same with #6. *squinting* scared poo reclining on a bed of red fish roe on a salad with expressive stink squiggles? that's what the baker must think of caviar.
#7 looks like a startled woman in a mud mask with her hair in rollers. do I win?
#8--after piping all those rainbow blobs the wreckerator either a) got tired and forgot to do a face or b) ran out of icing. or it's Tom Turkey, post-decapitation, "tastefully" missing the blood.
#9: why is a poo worm hanging out under a rainbow?
My daughter thinks #6 looks like a turkey in a hula dress. maybe it's Hawaiian??
The best thing I can say about these cakes is at least they are more animated style turkeys and not more of those horrifing just out of the oven style turkeys. Either way, turkey cakes are just wrong!
Does anyone but me notice that the head on that first turkey looks like a leftover Halloween skull?
Irriabbe -- what Wreckinators make me
I have to admit that I'm amazed at finding not one, but two posts I missed.
Must have been while I was baking pies, thank goodness, instead of ordering turkey cakes.
As to bird-flipping... I have a friend who swears to me that the breast meat is moister when the turkey is roasted breast down, back up.
Must be what they were thinking on that headless bird cake. Butt up!
Yow. Heading back to my PIE!!
See, here I was thinking I was the only person who made the screaming noises when I cut into cake with a face - glad to know there are other warped people like me around!
WV: gamin - As in, "I'm not gamin'uff to eat those turkey cakes"
Happy Thanksgiving! Those cakes will now give me nightmares especially the zombie turkey cupcakes.. sheesh. Scary. As for the poo turkeys are they trying to turn me off anything turkey? Lol..it could work.
I think the headless turkey cake just might be the back end of the bird!
These are funny....for cakes. Some of them look more like blobs. I imagine they would be embarrassing to take back to the office. So much frosting - which is essentially highly refined sugar, butter, egg whites, and then cream and an ambulance straight to Casualty. Probably not a good look at the office, either. Er, Sweetie.
Does the first one look like it's decorated with ground beef? yuck.
I admit, the "Eat Beef" one made me laugh - I believe it's a take on the Chick-Fil-A cows' "Eat More Chicken" campaign... XD but of course I would notice that, seeing as I work at Chick-Fil-A...
these are so colorful and pretty unusual combinations and baby blanket
Is it just me, or does that one cupcake look like Lambchop?????
Am I the only one that thinks that cake 7 looks just like Edward Munch's "The Scream"? Seriously, look closely!
Don't take this wrong, because I LOVE cakewrecks and always find it amusing. I, however, am not much of a laugh-out-loud kind of person when I'm reading things, even the daily hilarity here at cakewrecks. However, with this post, I literally about cried I was laughing so much!! Oh, my, gosh. These cakes are SO freakin' hilarious! And the commentary. Jen, you never cease to amuse. Thanks for the much-needed laugh.
Oh! That poor, poor turkey! It almost made me cry!
Word verification: spook - Very appropriate. Except for the first one, my main reaction was to be spooked out.