Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flip Flops (Hey, Look, a Built-In Pun!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I once read one of those "You know you're a Floridian when..." lists, and number five was " wear flip-flops to a wedding."

Now, as a long-time Florida resident, I feel I should defend my fellow Sunshine Staters by informing the rest of you that they make some *very* dressy flip-flops. Have you seen the ones with the little rhinestones on the straps? [sing-song voice] Daaar-ling! And totally black-tie appropriate, I might add.

Anyway, during the summer months it quickly becomes obvious which Wreckerators have not only never worn flip-flops, but have probably never even seen a pair, either.

If these look right to you, get thee to a podiatrist! Stat!

What the...?

Good grief, that almost makes the cupcake cake [patooie!] version look decent:

Wait., it doesn't. Never mind.

Aha! Well there's your problem: these aren't flip-flops, they're "flipp flopps."
Must be a Canadian thing.*

It gets worse when Wreckerators introduce a 3D element:

I honestly have no idea what that is jammed into the cake: Ribbon? Plastic? A moldy fruit roll-up? Bottom line: if you have to ask, don't eat it.

Here's one using either a piece of electrical wiring or a radioactive Twizzler:

But the airbrushing is what really sells it.

Of course, jamming a bit of ribbon or "candy" into a cake for the flip-flop strap is awfully complicated. Someone was bound to screw it up eventually:


Shana M., Kelly M., Hannah H., Xiaomi Q, Beth C., D'Anna, & Gins V., thanks for taking a step in the wreck direction

*Yes, actually, I do think that's funny. (Love ya, Canada!)

Note from john - Sorry everybody; I didn't get to comments for fifteen minutes and it appears we have a "bacon" EPCOT. Completely my fault. Sorry and wreck on!

UPDATE: Once again, Google Adsense wins the day! Check out the screen shot Tara G. sent in:

"Flip-Flops in BRIDESMAIDS Colors"

Trevor said...

I think that material on your first 3D is actually bacon! At least, that's what *I'M* going to call it. Because, sadly, that's more appealing than anything else i could think of.

Are you SURE the last one are flip flops? I thought maybe it was Sponge Bob's twin younger brothers.

DB loves her Mac said...

The fourth one looks like fried eggs invading two wave pools.

I heart flip flops!

Rev said...

I don't think that's ribbon, plastic, OR moldy fruit roll-up. Looks like bacon, which is automatically awesome!

Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

Is that bacon on the 5th one from the top?

Anonymous said...

I think the "straps" on the 5th cake are actually bacon... Because we all know how much pig fat and butter cream go together.

Everyone needs a hobby... said...

#1 As a former Floridian, flip flops can be damn classy with the right toe nail polish! And don't all weddings ever take place on the beach anyways?

#2 I think those straps on the fifth cake are made of bacon, which really challenges that "bacon makes everything better" claim.

the cape on the corner said...

i'm afraid that may be bacon!

She said...

Our household agrees: Those unidentified flip flip straps are ... bacon!

julie said...

i honestly think # 5 has bacon for straps. bacon makes everything better...just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I thinks that's bacon on the red ones...hahhha

Tricia L said...

As a former Floridian myself (with the wide gap between my big and second toes to prove it), I am amazed that the shape of a flipflop is so difficult for people to reproduce.

Tutorial --
Step 1: place paper on floor.
Step 2: place foot on paper.
Step 3: draw outline of foot on paper with pencil.
Step 4: remove foot.
Step 5: cut along pencil line.

Anyway, what struck me about these wrecks --
CW#4 - first thought "gunboats"
CW#5 - first thought "strips of bacon"

BTW: The GKTW Pepsi voting has raised it from #11 to #9 as of this morning. Way to go!!!

Classic Steve said...

Mmm, bacon strip straps.

Are we sure the WV is random? I just got "words."

Anonymous said...

Looks like bacon on that one cake near the bottom!

Alison said...

Is that...bacon????

I have seen sandals with that single-loop band they attempted to recreate on the last one. Of course, the sandals were not shaped like boxes.

Laura said...

BACON!!! Those unidentified "toe-straps" are BACON!!! Man, those Wreckerators are out-doing themselves.

Kristin said...

I think the "3D element" on the red ones are actually strips of bacon. Mmmmmm bacon and cake.


Anonymous said...

Could be bacon "ribbon" on those bright pink ones... Nothing makes a cake taste better than bacon! hahahahahahaha!

WoodElves said...

I'm pretty sure that the straps on the one third from the bottom is bacon.

The Heuslein Family said...

Ok, about the first 3-D element picture... It looks like bacon!

Anonymous said...

The cupcake flip flops look like they've incorporated the springs/trampoline style to them. It STILL makes them "flops" in my book.

Sharon's Edible Art

Renee said...

Actually it kind of looks like bacon.....

Anonymous said...

The 3-D straps look like bacon! I suppose for some, that may make the cake more appetizing... [shudder]

Anonymous said...

I believe that actually is a blue twizzler.

That last one makes me believe there is no hope for our species. There are millllions of people who wear flip flops and you can't even get the thongs in the right configuration?!

Andrea said...

That moldy fruit roll up thing looks like bacon to me. mmmm, bacon.

donna said...

Is that BACON I see???? (on the 1st 3D cake)

Karen said...

Is it just me or does that first 3D pair look like they used bacon for the straps?

Jodi said...

The straps in that fifth one look exactly like our dog's treats - I think they're called Beggin' Strips or something like that.

bassgirl said...

Fifth cake down, 3-D, that's not ribbon or plastic, that's BACON!

Unknown said...

I think that was you thought was fruit rollup is actually bacon.

Unknown said...

Oh wow!! That's all I have right now... and a coffee eruption to clean.

The straps on that 5th cake almost look like bacon, which makes about as make sense and the cake itself.

LeftWingLock said...

Another vote for bacon!

And now when people ask me why I *hate* flip flops, I will simply direct them to this post. Thank you for once again simplifying my life with cake, Jen!

Anonymous said...

Cupcakes with bacon seems to be the latest trend. Guess the wreckerator decided to be trendy with their flip flops as well.

Sharon's Edible Art

Janet said...

Canadian thing, my ankle strap. In most places here, they're usually called thongs, though that little word is slipping out of style in favour of flip flops due to the strappy thong being in an entirely different place these days.

Stella said...

gosh, I hate flip flops. Even as classy as they look, you can't get away from the sound. I agree with the bacon bit but what about the one that looks like it was made from twinkies?

Taylor said...

These all look like club feet or moon shoes. Reminds me of elementary school.

Katie said...

That IS a blue Twizzler - there's these tropical flavored ones that come in all sorts of neon colors like that.

I must be the only one who didn't think that was bacon.

Anonymous said...

OK I'm TOTALLY LMAO at the comments now. I know we don't see them until they're verified, but I LOVE that there are like 17 "I think those are bacon" and "bacon makes everything better" comments without those people ever seeing what the other posted! I guess the term "Great minds think alike" comes into mind! LMAO!

Amy Park said...

"Bacon EPCOT" made my day. What a clever husband...

Anonymous said...

Okay The Bacon flip flop cake, At first I thought bacon too. But if you zoom in on it they have wavy lines on them. I don't think bacon has wavy lines. I am going to have to go with fruit by the foot. Here is another cake with fruit by the fruit on it.

See the wavy lines are here too. Fruit by the foot. I am positive!

Marcy W. said...

Ha! The first thing I thought was "bacon", too! Also, random story: We went to a six-year-old's birthday party this past weekend. They had an ice cream cake (that tasted like it had been stored in the freezer since 1976). Chewing politely, I came across something that was not ice cream, nor cake, nor frosting, nor grotesque rice paper with a VERY weird picture on it (that list just reminded me of Augustus Gloop). Any guesses what I discovered? A gummy bear. Frozen solid. Is that normal and I've somehow missed this new trend? I found several more (after digging through other random pieces). Weird, just weird.

Kate F. said...

I was looking at the flip flop with the radioactive blue twizzler when my 2 1/2 year old walked up. She said "Mommy, cake! Why is there an M on it?"

Anonymous said...

Oh these all remind me of the beautiful clogs in the children's book "A Pair of Red Clogs" by Matsako Matsuno. Nice and square and chunky.

Jules AF said...

That second to last one is perfect. I can't even decipher what the airbrushing is!

cyn said...

Cake and bacon? Sounds like the restaurant from an episode of Fairly Odd Parents. "I'm frosting intolerant!"

Hiding in plain sight said...

True story. I have a glorious picture of a flip flop cake. I would submit it, but I'd rather not invoke the wrath of the baker (long story). Suffice to say, it did sorta look like flip flops (the shape was better than the ones on here), but the straps pretty much wilted onto the cake (too heavy, the fondant was). Worst part by far? It tasted like cigarette smoke. So yeah, the bacon straps sound delightful and I would've preferred my "smoked" flavor to come from pig products, not tobacco. It really was a wreck. Best part of all though, was that the recipient of the cake LOVED it. I guess I should be glad he has no sense of smell, eh?

Sandy C/gscout73 said...

When I first saw that 5th pic the first thing that went into my mind was "why is there bacon on cakes???" These are really, really bad!

and the last pair?? WTH?


Melissa said...

oh my! That's terrible!

I made one of these once that was really cute. These are awful!

Anonymous said...

The second one, the blue bulky one does resemble one Asian style of thongs/zoris/flip flops you might find on the West Coast. They are more often worn in the house than on the beach as they are often padded with fabric - not made with rubber. These are not terribly beautiful but aren't so far off to be called a wreck. Really. Norine

Sandy C/gscout73 said...

I do have to say that the subject of this post is exactly the reason I hate flip/flop cakes. They just cannot be done right.

I do not get the appeal: Hey! Lets all have a piece of a shoe... Is that toe jam filling??


mimi said...

I'm going with the bacon theory! Not kosher, and sounds horrible, but that's what it looks like.

Casey said...

It's CAKEON! (That's what it's called when you combine bacon and cake, folks.)

Wreck #3 looks like they used maxi pads for models.

Miss B. Haven said...

yup...totally bacon.

Kat said...

As awesome as the bacon theory is, especially with the new obsession with bacon desserts, it is definitely fruit-by-the-foot.

Anonymous said...

If you ever get bored of bacon cake, there is always:

They have bacon on maple bars and some sprinkles too!

Plus its had to pass up donuts with mustaches!


Anonymous said...

I thought that was bacon, too! YUM-O! as that comedian once said, bacon makes everything better. (yeah, I know. cake shoud be an exemption *gag*) Plastic flotsam between the toes. comfy.

I suspect that last one may be a CCC too (unless the wreckerator sneezed (twice) while trying to cut the back shape). that ribbons is sad--out of scale, clashing color, and belonging on a a paper wrapped gift. not in icing. blech.

That pink airbrushed one--are we sure that's not the rare Pillow Snail, complete with antennae? either that or it's twin blue rainbows in the Land of Happy.

#4--those don't look like secure straps. Those are waves in individual foot pedicure baths full of blue water. definitely. the daisies are the spa's "nice touch."

#2 and #3 are so nice and thick--they must be for extra support. Unless #2 is a beached raft. with sparkles.

*sigh* #1--pink pickles? mating kidneys? female conjoined twins of some strange species? (antennae with flowers). I'm at a loss.

Unknown said...

If you zoom in on the "bacon" image it's quite plain that it isn't bacon, it's Fruit-by-the-Foot candy. It's not a bacon Epcot, John--you didn't screw up, people are just too presumptuous to zoom in! Definitely fruit-by-the-foot, not bacon.

Hiding in plain sight said...

I am also noticing that not a single one of these cakes has soles added to the flip flops. I mean, why not? I guess that tobacco-scented cake wasn't so wrecky, now that I think of it. It did have soles... made of fondant, even. ;)

jo said...

hey, Marcy W. Were there crunchies in that cake? if someone at the party were gluten intolerant, they may have put candy in the cake instead of crunchies. HOWEVER, gummy bears and ice cream do not mix, IMHO. better off with reeses peanut butter cups!

wv: perti. gee, those pink cakes are awfully perti.

Alison said...

I think Anonymous at 9:48 deserves a special award for being the first to NOT use the word "bacon!"

A Paperback Writer said...

The top ones are obviously kidney beans -- although I have no idea what culture decorates kidney beans with flowers. And the ones with the thumb in the pic appear to be decorated with bacon. Hmmmm.... baconcake. I like the sound of the word, but not the idea of the taste.

Fanboy Wife said...

I thought it looked like old bacon the mystery strap cake too!

Andygirl said...

oh my. that second to last one looks like twin beds with roll bars.

when my best friend got married, she and we bridesmaids all wore flip flops.

Caroline B said...

Wouldn't it be fun to actually have flip-flops like these, shuffling about with giant wide Just me then?
(I did zoom in and it still looks like yesterday's rashers...)

babyblue1217 said...

What slays me is the placement of the flip flop strap! Seriously, do all Floridians have big toes that are half the size of the rest of their foot? Maybe it is an environment adaption caused from living in some place that's always warm. Hmm…always warm... That toe *might* be worth the price of admission…

Anna in Ohio

Miss Mindy said...

I feel so special. I've been reading CW long enough to know what you meant when you wrote "bacon" EPCOT! And I must be the ONLY one who didn't think bacon...I thought "very poor strap color choice in gel icing(?)" but then I have been considering that I need to bump up the strength of my reading glasses.

Scraps said...

I'm going to disagree with the crowd and hazard a guess that the flip flop straps are made of Fruit by the Foot, not bacon. Aside from the fact that it's just what it looks like to me, it would also taste better with cake.

Anonymous said...

It's not bacon. It's berry tie-dye fruit by the foot. If you zoom in you can see the little squiggly lines where you rip it apart. Trust me; they're a staple in my diet. :)


Murphy Jacobs said...

As a native born Floridian (I pre-date WWD), I *HATE* flip-flops, and do not consider them necessary to being a Floridian. Tevas, baby!

These cakes only confirm my hatred of that particular pseudo-footwear item. They look like they taste of sweaty feet. Bleach!

However, ghostly pale skin and carrying a sweater to the office in July are true signs. Also, someone who carries oven mitts to the car ...

Morgi said...

I assumed the Bacon Roll-Up was just several colours of frosting (combined into brown) squeezed from a flat tip.

Flip-flops are #1 on my "can't believe people wear those in public" list. Sandals usually don't sound as silly.

WV: "plestorm" Sort of like a plethora, but much, much larger!


Brandy said...

Wow, I think the CCC really is the best of the bunch. How sad.

Dznyjenn said...

I just can't get behind the bacon theory. I *love* bacon. I *adore* bacon. This doesn't look like bacon to me. I mean, straight edges, not a bit of fat on it? *IF* it was bacon, it would have to be those crazy pressed pieces for the microwave that are too perfect. Which is *not* bacon. I tend to agree with the 'fruit by the foot' proponents, and am going to say it could still be ribbon. Ugly ribbon..but ribbon.

Jamie said...

I'm so glad I didn't get a chance to check in on Cake Wrecks until a little later today, because "Bacon Epcot" is pretty epic, as was reading all the bacon comments. There are worse Epcots you could have!

Somebody, quick, call Jim Gaffigan!

LeftWingLock said...

I don't dare "zoom in" on these things anymore. They are scary enough in normal size.

And fruit plastic ism supposedly better than bacon?? Uh huh. I will just eat the real plastic flotsam, thanks.

Kae said...

Bacon, bacon, bacon! (Okay, I have bacon on the brain...we're having a Chocobaconlooza party on Saturday and I'm mulling over the various creative ways of integrating bacon and chocolate.) But I'd say those straps look a bit more like the flat relatives of a Slim-Jim than they do like bacon...bacon should NEVER be that color.

Of course, it's my firm belief that edible objects should never be made in the form of body parts prone to grow fungi, either, so I might be WAAAY off the mark here.

Anonymous said... the one in the plastic box...I totally thought that was strips of BACON at first!! LOL

jengersnap said...

Mmm Bacon Epcot cake.
I wonder if it would be wrecorated in the shape of a flip flop?

Anonymous said...

but WHY??????

why try to make a flip flop cake at all - especially when you have less artistic talent than a a lentil?

John Sperry said...

LOVE the Hamlet reference! What I don't get is that flip flops aren't that difficult of a shape to make. I mean, really, this is pathetic.

Esty said...

I did not think bacon as so many did, however after reading the first 20 or so comments, I have the voice of the dog in the Beggin' Strips (as Jodi mentioned, the straps actually look more Beggin' Strips than bacon) commercial in my head saying: "Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, BACON!"

Thanks, folks.

Rachel said...

The first one looks like pink pickles to me. Why a pink pickle cake? Don't ask.

The bacon consensus made me laugh like a loon because I took one look at that and said, "BACON???" and then came in here and saw all the comments.

Maya from Canada! said...

Hey! Love your blog! My favorite will be the sunday post (duh!)
By the way, why do everything wacko is categorized as 'canadian' in the us? Just for your info, the USA have the weirdest things I ever saw in the world! And I keep being amazed after living for 5 years in your country!

Unknown said...

It's posts like these that reiterate to me that whoever invented CCC's (pwah!) should be dragged out somewhere public and pelted with their own creation.

I know it's easier than cutting a cake and everyone gets the same amount but GAHHH the wreckiness that ensues! What have you wrought, CCC inventor?? Did you THINK about what would happen?? 0_o I suppose not!

Anonymous said...

@Hiding in plain sight: most flip flops DON'T have souls, er, soles. they're cheap foam or plastic and not very thick. uniform "construction," soulless, er, sole-less entities taht they are

wv: bitaptr. a rare bisexual dinosaur. (did i really just say that? *blush*)

Anonymous said...

@ladyrazorsharp: thanks for the image of a CCC baker being pelted with cupcakes! that just made my day! *pictures the white clad baker dodging colorful icing bombs that stain his jacket like paintgun pellets*

Cyril Lucar said...

Bacon, is the fairy-dust of the food world!

Cara said...

Nah, that's not bacon. It's Beggin' Strips. It's a pair of shoes with doggie treats on them--clearly, it's a cake for a puppy's first birthday party.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that is fruit by the foot and not bacon.

Quay W said...

Could be those "Beggin' Strips"...

Just sayin'...

Which ups the grody factor a bit...

Thanks for making me LOL. Literally.

Happy Thursday, y'all ! ;)

Veronica Wald said...

"I honestly have no idea what that is jammed into the cake"

I'm pretty sure it's bacon.

Joanne said...

Cake #5 -- straps are made from BACON!!!!!

Me, Myself, and I said...

There's definite floppiness to these cakes.

Stephanie said...

*chuckles* Bacon Epcot... John, you just made my day. :)

Mella said...

Why would somebody want to eat shoes

Anonymous said...

I wonder how bacon and frosting tastes...probably pretty and chocolate only...reeeeeally greasy.

Jessica said...

I agree...bacon.

Also, I mentioned you in my blog today. My daughter loves ya'll.

The Crafting Pot said...

My 11 yr old was looking over my shoulder and said the Canadian Flipp Flopps looked like maxie pads w/ flowers. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Shame on all the party poopers who think that #5 is fruit by the foot and not gloriously tasty bacon!!!

Mrs. Q. said...

Ribbon? Plastic? A moldy fruit roll-up? I say BACON.

Amy said...

I think the 5th one is supposed to be that ball from Epcot...

Anonymous said...

Bacon epcot! Brilliant!! I love this site!

Also, the CCC flip flops aren't so bad if you imagine someone stomping on cupcakes while wearing flip flops.

Anonymous said...

I am a (relatively new)Floridian...and wore flip flops IN a wedding as a bridesmaid. They were sparkly, so it made it all better.

Oh, and that was bacon, by the way.

-Lauren in Jax

Stephanie said...

Awwww! #1 is so romantic! Two paramecium giving each other flowers...

Ironica said...

I think it is bacon. I've never seen Froot by the Foot that ranges from orangish/pink to brownish/black. Granted, I haven't seen a LOT of Froot by the Foot, but thanks to my six-year-old, I've seen a few pieces.

It's definitely something edible, though... because there's gel squiggles on top of it! and if it is bacon, that's a horrible thing to do to it.

So, I'm thinking it's turkey bacon, cooked on a fairly flat surface, and then decorated with gel squiggles. Eeeewwwww.

Curly-T said...

I maybe should not post my name on this, but I kind of like the cupcake flip flops. I mean, they look like a pair of platform flip flops I saw the other day. People have worn worse on their feet, cupcake cakes have made worse shapes.

angel_kitten said...

I'm actually happy that I wasn't the only person that first saw bacon.

Melinda said...

We called flip flops "thongs" when I was a kid, too. When my SIL got married, she had her bridesmaids buy fancy flip flops--my junior bridesmaid daughter got a pair that were silver with a big mother-of-pearl-looking medallion on them. They were more affordable than strappy silver shoes, especially since she outgrew them within a year. That said, I can't stand to wear them any more, although I lived in them during the summer when I was younger.

LMAO at the Beggin' Strips comments--"Beggin' Strips! Wreckerators don't know it's not bacon!"

wv: lobbil--We should lobbil some flip flops at these Wreckerators for not knowing what they look like.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, y'all...I didn't immediately get bacon (because I am not that imaginative (cake + bacon = *error, cannot compute*) and I, apparently, live under a rock). I assumed Fruit by the Foot, but it actually looked like a used typewriter not a cartridge, an oldschool typewriter ribbon. THEN I enlarged the photo, and it sure does resemble bacon....maybe it's bacon flavored Fruit by the Foot? Or those "bacon" dog treats? Anyway you look at it (heh), it's not appealing to me in the least!

sendingtheclowns said...

Tricia L said...

Tutorial --
Step 1: place paper on floor.
Step 2: place foot on paper.
Step 3: draw outline of foot on paper with pencil.
Step 4: remove foot.
Step 5: cut along pencil line.
I was with you up until the "remove foot" part.
I think that's a bit EXTREME, just to make a cake. You might NEED that foot for other craft projects!

Now, as for the ultra-thick platform cakes, I have to admit that I'm *thrifty* by nature (read: "cheap")and would refuse to pay 20-something bucks for that "flipp flopp" pair of cement shoes....unless I REALLY "needed" them....


The Dream Police Person! said...

I thought the straps on the 5th one looked like bacon too, or maybe BBQ sauce. Either way I'm never touching bacon again... But if it's not on a cake, WELL!

Heather said...

This reminds me of Joey from "Friends." Bacon, good. Cake, good. What's not to like?? :) (Blech!)

Anonymous said...

Bacon? I've just been googling 'american bacon' coz bacon in the UK is a totally different shape.

I feel i've learned something today!

kathleen said...

i apologize for going caps-lock here, but I MUST CORRECT YOUR CORRECTIONS, CORRECTORATORS.
as a kid who grew up in the 90's, i must point out that THOSE STRAPS ARE NOT BACON!!!


i am quite sure of this. i used to eat them.
the "moldy fruit roll-up" theory was closer than the bacon one.
really? bacon on a cake?
only paula deen can do that.

Meg said...

I'm definitely going to go with team fruit-by-the-foot on this one. It's the red and blue tie-dye flavor. If you haven't had fruit by the foot in a while, they've added pressed squiggly lines down the length of it so that you can tear it apart into three thin, squiggly strips. You can see those perfect squiggle lines if you look closely at the picture. It looks kinda similar to bacon because of the lighting, I guess.

Lessa said...

It's not bacon!!! Those are clearly Fruit by the Foots. Multicolored 3 foot long fruit roll ups. Doesn't look a thing like bacon

Anonymous said...

As a Canadian, I would like to inform everyone that we do have toes! Honest!

Anonymous said...

In Hawaii they're called slippers, or more accurately "rubbah slippahz" (rubber slippers in pidgin English). Or my mom will use Japanese and call them "zori".

Deb said...

Good lord, what a diservice to the almight flip-flop. I lived in southern FL for several years and we had 2 kinds of shoes: flip flops and "real shoes". If the occiasion called for "real shoes", I usually sent my regrets!

Oh, I hate to get involved, but have to agee - it looks like bacon...

PeaceLoveMath said...

The Canadian "flipp flopps" look like coffins, side-by-side waiting for twins, or something equally morbid.

Tricia L said...

@ sendingtheclowns

Oh, dear. Thought I wrote those directions so that any wreckerator could follow them. Just shows how impossible it is to spell out instructions so they can't screw them up.

To john and Jen: Hope today's comments don't ruin your enjoyment of bacon. I suspect a tendon twitches in someone's face about now.

Shake-N-Bake said...

I made a flip flop cake for my daughter just last weekend . . . I was thinking they didn't look that great, but after seeing your post, I feel MUCH better about them!


Marcie said...

i know bacon is good.
i know cake is good.

could bacon and cake possibly be the best thing to ever happen?

guessing by the picture, i'm thinking not.

sendingtheclowns said...

Anonymous said...
"Bacon? I've just been googling 'american bacon' coz bacon in the UK is a totally different shape."
Well--I must ask, what shape IS your bacon? And what shape are your pigs in the UK?

It's different in Canada, too. Canadian pigs make Canadian bacon, which is round and flat, like a coin. I don't know what shape Canadian pigs are, though I'm assuming they're neither round nor flat.

Maybe I'd look it up, if I actually cared one whit.


Wolverine Girl said...

Here in Australia they're called thongs, and in New Zealand they're jandals. And the wedgie undies that you guys call thongs we call g-strings.

I've never even heard of Fruit by the Foot but it seems kind of appropriate.

Lori said...

Those are definitely blue Twizzlers. There's a picture of them on Wiki ( They're rainbow I guess they taste like blue. (yes, it is blue raspberry.)

And those "bacon strips" are more likely to be Fruit by the Foot. The red and blue striped kind tends to mix and look like brown for some reason.

Renee said...

sooooo.... i show my friend this site for the first time...

he takes one look at cake #1 and says:

"Is that a uterus cake??"

priceless. :)

Serena said...

I agree with the Bacon comments! Definitely looks like bacon.

As to the Floridians (?) wearing flip flops to a wedding--I'm from Michigan, and I actually did that for a wedding I was IN. It was for my brother's wedding... very laid-back, pretty outdoor wedding, with some pretty fun flip flops! :)

I could spend all summer wearing flip flops!!

Brie said...

Californians love their rhinestone-y flip flops, too. ;)

Even in weddings.

SciFi Mama said...

Definitely bacon like everyone else said.

And may I just say, I wore flip flops to my wedding on the beach. Yep, it was the one with rhinestones on them. I was one bride without sore feet at the end of the night from cramming them n 6 inch heels.

Anonymous said...

Um no! It's not bacon- not even close! It's clearly a fruit snack because it has waves all down it where you can pull it apart. Either everyone is trying to be funny with "bacon" or are really that... that's just leave it at that. ~KM

mystic_eye_cda said...

So there I was, reading my facebook feed, and BLAM
Custom Wedding Flip flops
posted 6/17/2010 , expires 7/8/2010
flip flops: white size :10
With a huge hot pink satin boutique bow about 2-3 inches wide with a silver round rhinestone buckle . Hot pink satin ribbon covering the straps also. They are my wedding shoes. Plain but bold and classy.
Materials: flip flop, hot pink satin rib, round silver rhine
Tags: flip flops, shoes, wedding
Ideal price: $25.00
Deadline: Jun 30, 2010
Quantity: 1
Ship To: Humble, TX 77346
United States

(plus looking up wedding flip flops on etsy gets way too many hits

Anonymous said...

Dear god, what some people will buy and make.

Jill said...

Sorry people, it's not bacon. It's most definitely Fruit by the Foot. Berry Blast flavor. Believe me- my husband loves the stuff, especially it that flavor so I know it when I see it. And if you zoom in and look at it, you can see the twisty preforation down the middle that lets you pull the fruit snack apart. I guarantee it's Fruit by the Foot.

Anonymous said...

No Way. Jen was totally right the first time. It's Fruit by the Foot, NOT BACON! If you zoom way in on the straps, you can see the very non-bacon-y texture of a Fruit by the Foot.

crazycrafter said...

I think that that is bacon, not a moldy fruit roll-up. But, then again, it might be a moldy fruit roll-up. You never know

free nintendo points cards said...

looks good! :O

Amanda said...

The radioactive twizzler, is actually a "Rainbow" twizzler. and they're all creepy colors.

Christina McKinney said...

Hey now, I wore flip flops to my OWN wedding! But they were high heeled, and was a big inside joke....but still, there's nothing wrong with a good ole pair of flip flops. Oh, and I'm from Texas, not Florida :)

Unknown said...

What's a bacon?

Cybrczch said...

If you expand #5 you can clearly see the squiggle on it.

And for a Fruit by the Foot example of the squiggle:

My vote is for FBTF.

Tara said...

I love flip flops! So sad that #1 someone would want to eat a shoe and #2 that they don't know what they look like. At least they weren't Crocs.

Pikkewyn said...

I am so sad that it wasn't bacon! :(
I really hope the next wave in cake wreckoration involves bacon! Lots of bacon!

Erin Lea said...

It doesn't matter if it actually is bacon or not. The fact that it LOOKS like bacon make it a wreck all by itself.

Arlene said...

There are no words I can find to describe any of these cakes.. horrifying just won't cut it lol. If any of those cakes are flip flops I am going to throw mine at the wreckerator and have them see what one looks like. Bacon on cake makes me run and hide.. bleh.

Cracked Pestle said...

I'd like my piece with extra Tinactin, please.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was, "That totally looks like bacon. I'm going to leave that in the comment section...I bet a few other people have said that too." Hahahaha, just a few.

Anonymous said...

That one comment about the Slim Jims gave me an idea. At your next get-together (4th of July coming up), cut some cold cuts into flip flop shapes and insert the Slim Jims as straps! Totally edible footwear. Yeah!

Sharon's Edible Art

Beautiful Nightmare said...

Actually, it's Fruit by the Foot! Which is another pun I might add, but a true one!

Shanti said...

I am highly amused by the bacon/Fruit by the Foot wars. Can a divided Wreck Nation stand?

Me, I hate flip flops with a passion. I can't wear anything on my feet that divides the toes, as it irritates the skin between my toes, and I hate the smacking sound they make when you walk. That said, I can kind of see wearing them to a beach wedding if they were appropriately glitzed up.

Anonymous said...

SendingTheClowns, I recommend looking at for typical British back bacon, compared to streaky bacon, which was presumably what people were comparing the ribbon to.

Compare with the alien jowl bacon I don't know where people eat that.

Maureen said...

My 4 year old says its bacon too :)

Lacey said...

I agree with rev. It's bacon.

Kenkire said...

Found on

Wanted-Wedding day flip-flops!

People actually want things like this. Wow, just wow.

JaneyGrrrl said...

HA HA HA!!! For the record....I have only lived in Florida for a year and four months. I am getting married in September up in Massachusetts, which is where my fiance and I are originally from....Yeah, I may or may not have purchased flip-flops for myself and my bridal party to wear for the wedding...


Does that make me a TRUE Floridian?!

Katie said...

Man, you guys must be eating some screwed up bacon. It's purple and pink/orange with stamped in waves. Click the picture and notice how incredibly correct Jen is!!

Anonymous said...

I have a headache after reading the comments... It really is EPCOT all over again... :p

What actually struck me about these cakes, apart from the ugly, was that some of them only had one flip-flop. Am I really the only one who thinks that's odd...?

Stoich91 said...

What's wrong with wearing rhinestone flip flops to a wedding? :) Serious, FL weddings are on beaches, anywhos, so really, what else are you supposed to wear? Snowshoes?

Greenmare said...

ummmm I don't think that was moldy fruit roll ups, I think it was bacon...............looks like other people thing so to, uh yeah, that would totally make sense right? perhaps the cake is banana in honor of Elvis?

Jen said...

I followed Sharon's link to bacon cupcakes, and saw a picture of a BACON BRA!! What will they come up with next??

Ashley said...

Hhere in Canada we likke to double upp on our consonants every noww and thenn, which expplains the flipp flopp cakke.

Durable Goods said...

I already find flip-flops to be annoying beyond their initial intent as very casual footwear, but now that they've become some sort of "symbol", especially something I'm supposed to want to eat? Blech.

Not to mention poor representations of said footwear...

zbsports said...

Those are delicious cake...Flip Flop cakes are awesome...yummy!!!

1389 said...

I wear flip flops on my FEET. Yes, I keep my feet clean, but still...

Just the thought of eating something that looks like flip flops... bleeeargh!

Anonymous said...

Cake Wreck #2 looks like a bar of soap sitting on a cracker, with a big "V" on it. Is this the soap that the resistance fighters wash with after battling lizard aliens on that old miniseries of that name (V)?

Kaela said...

Not bacon. It. Is. Not. Bacon.

I've seen a lot of fruit by the foots in my time, and that is definitely a tye-dye or tropical flavor FBTF. Just sayin'. No Bacon EPCOT, please. You're all sheep. :P
(Just kidding! D:)